My husband told me its gross to give my 4 year old breastmilk: Advice?

How dare he be so ignorant!!!


He needs to stfu. As a society we have been conditioned to drink cows milk. We are the only mamal on the planet that drinks milk from another mamal. Its healthier for her to drink your milk than cows milk

Honestly…cows milk aint tht good for u …and its people like this who i seriously question there IQ


Its healthier than cows milk :smile:


He won’t let you? You’re her mother, you can do what you feel is best for your child. And have a long talk with him about his wording because that’s not okay.


Tell him it’s so much healthier than whole milk


Wow. Girl… don’t give him head nor his cm. Lol tell him it’s gross to accept fluids from another person


Umm major red flag :triangular_flag_on_post: :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:

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Wow! A lot of truly nasty unnecessarily mean comments on here. Not very helpful in terms of education and resolving this man’s concerns… just snarky, disrespectful, demeaning comments.
Not helpful at all!! It doesn’t answer mom’s question, and doesn’t address how mom can educate, just really low


With the prices of groceries right now he should grab a cup too :joy:


I bet he has no problem Cumming in your mouth though. Ish.

Give your 4 yld your milk. There’s nothing gross about it.

Nothing wrong at all. Actually he could benefit from it as well!


I have give a little of mine to my 7 yo kid too :rofl: Nothing bad with that. Your husband is ignorant


I don’t see anything wrong with it,I mean what’s the difference between u feeding you baby it vs. Your toddler, it’s not like your toddler Is sucking on your boobs for the milk. Its probably alot more healthy than giving them cows milk, my son uses almond milk instead of cows milk

Honestly I think anyone who has a problem with you feeding your child needs mental health help. :weary:


Not gross at all! It’s your milk, better then whole milk, it’s healthy and gives amazing benefits and if she is drinking it from a cup I don’t see an issue. My son drank mine not all the time but he would occasionally when I was pumping for my daughter, geez even my boyfriend would throw some in his milkshakes :joy::woman_shrugging: to the people who thinks it’s gross, grow up, it’s 2022 people need to STOP assuming breast milk and breastfeeding is the nastiest thing. Who cares. It’s her milk she can do what she wants, not like your forcing her to drink it, she wants some give her some. :heart:


Nothing wrong with it at all!


Let the child drink whatever milk they want- why is breast milk a problem? Give children almond milk, cows milk, cashew milk nobody has a problem but the second it comes from the human body its gross? If i was able to produce when I had my son I was planning on breastfeeding him until I couldnt anymore. Its your body producing it, its your choice if your comfortable giving him some…its milk whos it going to hurt? Nobody. For all we know it could bring the kid some comfort🤷‍♀️

He wouldn’t be saying that if he knew how amazing it is healing and benefiting her body. Maybe show him the facts.


Children in other countries still nurse up to age 7… I don’t see the problem with it. And people who do should educate themselves.


It’s like loaded with good stuff! If they will drink it then why the heck not :joy: I can’t wait to have my baby so I can use my breast milk on my 3 year olds rashes and stuff lol. It comes from a breast just like cows & goats milk. Just do it :sweat_smile:

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I bf my daughter until she was 2. I had her little sister 7 weeks ago and she asked if she could hav some of my breast milk (pumped) and i gave her a little! Lol she drank it with some choco syrup :rofl: i thought it was harmless. But my partner said it was gross as well lol oh well :woman_shrugging:


My 12 year old wants to use mine for his cereal when I have this baby. I have no problem with it. It’s healthy!


It’s not gross, your milk your child


He won’t “let” you??? Not his choice to make…


He just mad cause he want it


I mean it would be super weird if the 4 year old were still getting it direct from the tap but out of a cup isn’t all that weirs

Get a new husband I guess. Obviously this one is broken.


It’s not gross and it’s the perfect way to include her in the mommy-baby bonding time. What’s gross is giving humans the milk from a cow. Cows milk is not made for people. :face_vomiting:


Just a few sips I’d giving her a great immune boost out here in this GROSS world. Just have him google the benefits. Plus how would your daughter feel if you denied it to her? And drinking milk from a cow isn’t gross? Or eating a dead animal isn’t gross? Idk.


Tell him to gtfo!!! He doesn’t decide what you do!!! He’s not your keeper!!! If he thinks it’s gross I’m sorry for him. Sorry he was never educated that the primary function of female breasts is to produce milk for breastfeeding!!! He finds it less weird to drink milk from an animals breasts?? Because like you said, he brings you a cup! Absolutely beautiful!!! The connection children have with their mothers is like no other! You grow them in your body, and you feed them through your body. When men don’t understand somthing, they automatically assume things. Tell him to read a book on birthing a child, and that you’ll be waiting for an apology, and definitely a gift of sorts. Dumb Ass!

Your husband can go F himself.


Soooooo drinking another animals milk isn’t gross but drinking our own is? Lol okay.


I see nothing wrong with that at all. Seems he is a bit jealous. Maybe give him a cup. Your milk should be the preferred over any for your kiddos considering it’s tailored just for them. He may need to do some research and be schooled a bit on benefits of breastmilk.
You keep up the good work momma and feeding your new baby and if your toddler wants a cup every so often I’d definitely obliged them.
#happyParenting breastfeeding #newmomstruggles


That was her comfort for so long :pleading_face: it probably reminds her of her younger days as a baby all snuggled up close to mama.

Give that baby that milk! :white_heart:


Eff what he thinks, you do what you want! If babe is asking for it it’s obviously not gross.


Who cares like a lot off you have said it’s Mike it may be gross but if that’s the only way they want to drink milk or eat their cereal I’ll be fine with it I have no kids but heck it’s a lot healthier than what they put in the gallons of milk

It’s better for her than cows milk


“He won’t let me…” :eyes: only way he would stop me is if I sloshed it in his face when he tried to prevent it. Then I would get her a whole big glass


But drinking cow milk from a cup is normal?? :joy:


Absolutely nothing wrong with it! He needs to grow up.


It’s healthier than cows milk and you’re putting it in a cup for her. Proceed mama :+1:


He’s a dummy. Do it anyways :joy:


What? He is being ridiculous


You’re husband is wrong :woman_shrugging:t3: there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it - in fact it’s very very VERY healthy for your 4 yo !!


He won’t let you?! Excuse me you can do whatever you want it isn’t hurting anyone especially your daughter


Oh no no no ! This “he won’t let me give it to her” is ABSOLUTELY WRONG !!! HE’S WRONG!!! Tell him to shove it & go suck a cow udder !! Give those kids ALL the milk you can !!! He’s a dang fool !! Tell him to cram it & that you’ll feed your children your milk as long as you damn well please !!!

“He won’t let me” :triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post::triangular_flag_on_post:


I’d tell him to kick rocks. My babies come before anyone and that would include my husband.


But drinking milk from a cow is more normal?? :joy:


But adults drink breast milk form a cow and think that’s normal… absolutely give it to her! I wish my toddlers would ask for a glass too.

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Better then cow’s milk :woman_shrugging:

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My 4 year old still drinks from the tap :heart::woman_shrugging:t2: give that kid some milkies, it’s good for her. Maybe he could use some to smarten up :slightly_smiling_face:


I would like to pick his brain? To “dig a little deeper”? As too exactly why? He doesn’t like it?

Slip it into his cereal :shushing_face:nah but for real, he should know that breast milk is great for anything. Especially skin. I’d continue to do it but it would probably cause a rift. Do what you think is best

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If he won’t let you give it to her in a cup…pick her up and let her nurse…end of his argument period.


I mean is it in dry form of like expired?? That’s kinda weird?

Oh ok so not expired. I don’t think it’s weird

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Tell him if she can’t have any neither can he :joy:


Tell him he’s gross. :joy:


Your husband needs to grow up. When I was nursing both my 4.5 year old as well as my husband were getting breast milk not a ton but enough that they weren’t sick for 2 dam years while I nursed my 2nd and last baby. Only reason I pumped was to help boost my oldest immune system since she had started school and I was worried about all the germs and sickness she would bring home.


Tell him to stop being an ass

Its good for the child but I was told its not good for the mother breast feeding for long periods of time. It depletes the mother of your own nutrients. Not sure if true. Do your reasearch. Heres a good link to share with your husband on the benefits of breast feeding your child…Wondering how long to keep breastfeeding? | Australian Breastfeeding Association

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You’re providing her with mass amounts of vitamins and immunities you’re doing nothing wrong at all. Men are gross lol


I have to agree with your spouse. She’s a little old


In my opinion of she was getting it straight from the tap would be weird and I’d agree, but from a cup? Meh.

Tell him he likes cow breast milk and your daughter likes human breast milk.

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You’re not forcing it onto you 4 year old so I don’t really get what’s the issue? If seen ppl breast feeding their child FROM THE BOOB well passed 4or even 5 , now that’s weird lol what your doing is fine tell her hubby to get over it it’s good for your babies!!heck even he could drink it

He won’t let you? Wtf :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: he is not the boss of you & it’s good for her, who died and made him boss… so irritating how men think they have the right to boss their partner around


The best milk a child can have . The child likes it oh well.

Me personally I think it’s nothing wrong with it. It’s good for her and she is drinking from a cup plus maybe with a new sibling and having to share parents she feels like she’s involved in her own way. Jmt


Tell him he’s weird for thinking a cows nipple is ok to get milk out of to put in her cup but not milk from her mothers own breast. He should talk to a therapist about it :woman_facepalming:

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First of all no man should be telling you anything that has to do with your body. Seeing as you gave birth to her and your milk is what kept her alive for those first 2 years I’d be telling my husband where to go and yell him ill give him the extra ass kick on the way.

Personally, I couldn’t. But I was molested when young so have some sensitivity issues.

I’ll never understand why people are ok to drink the milk from a cow, an actual animal but yet are skeeved out to drink from an actual human, The same species

Perfectly acceptable. It’s literally Taylor made for her kids

So she brings you a cup for milk she knows is good… and that’s wrong? Yea I don’t get it. I see zero issue with that. It’s Milk for goodness sake.

Besides that she’s not really getting all that much from it nutritionally anymore, I don’t see a problem with it. It’s milk. Your husband has hangups about where it comes from and that’s his issue.