My husband took a picture of our kids as a joke and his family says CPS could be called: Advice?

So recently, my husband posted a picture of our sons pretending to barbecue. One of them had a long lighter like he was lighting in the barbecue, and the other had tongs I was pretending like he was gonna stick them in my husband‘s family started messaging him I’ll kinds of stuff saying that we were going to get CPS called on us my question is, is that realistic? And I don’t understand why we always have to go through this like our parenting is not good enough. It was just a joke. I’m actually very irritated about it. I want to say something, but I’m not for the sake of peace. Should I just let, it go mind you, this hasn’t been the first and probably won’t be the last time something like this happens.


Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband took a picture of our kids as a joke and his family says CPS could be called: Advice?

I mean they can call but doesn’t necessarily mean they’ll do anything


That’s a ridiculous reason to call CPS. The grill was off, there was no fire. Simply holding a lighter isn’t a crime or child abuse.


Really sounds like husbands family been looking for a reason to call and want it to appear that they didn’t do it by warning you.


People are idiots :roll_eyes: just do you as long as your kids are happy and healthy you have nothing to worry about…tell them to mind their own damn business

Cps wouldn’t do anything about it

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Time to take them all off facebook


Because people can’t take jokes these days


Definitely block every one of them and their friend’s


Keep posting pictures! You have nothing to hide…and if they are called they will do a home inspection if the conditions are poor they’ll have questions if not you have nothing to worry about! Sounds like they have nothing better to do


Do what i do when people try n threaten me call them urself lol and ask them and fyi no u cant because 1 someone was with him and 2 im assuming another adult took a pic :roll_eyes:

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Lmao I have pics if my daughter with an empty Tequila bottle. She was chewing on the lid cuz she was teething. We got the same threats.

Don’t listen. Cps has better things to do.


That’s insane. Sure cos could be called on anything anytime, don’t mean they would do anything. Lol. I think you will be ok.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Let them call and look stupid. My kids have been around fires, roasting marshmallows hot dogs etc, with supervision as young as 1. I’ll be damned if someone said that was a reason to get CPS involved. There’s kids that actually need CPS, tell them to mind their own damn business.

Don’t give them any ammunition. Dont joke around on social media. It’s stupid!


Uh yeah, not realistic at all and they are dumb. Simple.

Of your husband I OK with it cut them all out they obviously want to start problems


If they are monitored. There is no reason cps should be called. That’s silly. It’s not like they are actually lighting anything

I swear… some family just belong out of the picture. Sorry


Wow with all the unspeakable child abuse out there the thought of these people doing this to you is absurd! Good grief sorry you are dealing with this!!

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I wouldn’t worry about it at all. Obviously they were being very closely supervised, which is why you were able to snap a pic of the cuteness! Just tell them that you will worry about that if it happens and it’s all in good fun! And screw them :wink:

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Tell them to mind their own business.

I’d block them and never allow them around again!! CPS is nothing to joke around with!!! That’s nonsense!!


Wow! Sounds like a cute picture. People are overly dramatic

Block them all. And everyone connected to them.


There’s literally shows on tv with kids competing in cooking competitions. They’re just trying to start unnecessary drama. Don’t pay them any mind.


Somebody threatens to call CPS on me and my husband and you bet your backside I’d say something. I’m all for keeping peace but if you threaten my family peace goes out the window.
Block them and wash your hands of it


Cps would laugh at them

Omg it was a joke, I think CPS would have better things to do than bother you about that.


CPS would throw it out and probably laugh… my ex called the cops to do a welfare check.and search my house a year ago because we run a salvage yard and let the kids play in the “dangerous” salvage yard and because I have knives displayed on my walls… the cops came because they had to but they laughed and thought it was ridiculous…
If I were you I’d tell them to get a life and get their panties out of a bunch… Jesus christ… if they think that’s abuse they are insane


Cut them out of your life completely!

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Cps will likely call but not make a visit. Believe it or not, they usually use pretty good judgement on BS cases and serious shit. Tell them to Fuck off and call!!!

Kinda sounds to me as if they’re looking for excuses to get the kids. I had dhs called on me because I posted a picture of my 3 kids shooting guns. My daughter (7) had a rifle, my boys (8) and (12) was firing pistols. We was at a shooting range, and their step dad was teaching them ALL proper gun safety, etc. The minute I posted it, my phone flooded with the same comments. Sure enough, they showed up at the house asking stupid questions. Woman slipped and told me who called. A family member. What people don’t know, is family members get a nice monthly check form the state for fostering family children. So the hotlines get flooded with accusations from members trying to cash in on anything they can.
Not saying THIS is the case, but I see it everyday

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They broke the peace threatening to call cps


Block them on all social media. Don’t be walking on egg shells


You might be surprised at the crap that gets reported to do’s- don’t take it lightly , children have been removed from a home over less!!!

Obviously people don’t know what REAL child abuse looks like. My 11 year old boys have been grilling with my husband for a few years! I mean, actually helping out, supervised. People are ridiculous.

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Actually u should encourage ur children to cook and use kitchen tools, BBQ tools and camp fire tools. There is nothing dangerous about it given supervision, proper guidance and safety precautions.


In most states of CPS is called they have to come out and do an investigation but in a lot of cases once it’s proven a vendetta they close it out almost immediately

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Long as they know don’t touch without supervision

Kids can’t learn how to safely use a grill now? Sure the pics were a joke and probably adorably silly but I’d rather see parents teaching their kids how to use a grill than see the kids blowing stuff up or hurting each other from never learning. Sounds to me like you’re doing a great job and your inlaws are missing some screws

Wow… I let my kids help cook (grill included). They light candles and feed themselves often. Your husbands family would be mortified if I were his wife/mother to hear s children.

Never to young to learn life skills!

Cps here, we would not bother to screen that in lol


Families are stupid. Jealous and just want to tear you down
Pay close attention to them or bring up bd they have done and remind them “ok then shut up”
Bottom line people are mean evil creatures.

All I’m gone say is a closed mouth is basically condoning their actions, speak your peace and be done with it


Block them from seeing future posts.


It’s ur kids don’t let anyone else tell you what’s right or wrong …. All parenting is different and nobody is perfect. If someone does call cps on you. They will come and do a investigation make sure ur kids are safe and fed. That’s pretty much it. They probably might wanna see the photo on question. But they ain’t gonna do shizz

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Only 1 comment was completely irrelevant. Everybody else is right, if they’re not in actual danger and fully supervised, you’re fine.

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Omg that is absolutely ridiculous!!!


If the Bbq wasn’t on then there’s no problem

Block them and move along.

Peace? Family peace? After theyre threatening you with CPS? :rofl: fu*k the peace.

Your kids, as long as they arent being harmed and are healthy then they need to BUTT OUT. go tell them. :roll_eyes:

No for the love of god what is wrong with people

I’d let it go…
I wouldn’t respond.
If CPS investigated, they’d see for themselves it was foolish.

No sissy. Put them in they’re place. They have no right to act like that when you’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t stand down for the sake of peace when it comes to your kids. They want to give you hell, give it right back.


Block the family so they can’t see your kids or pictures or posts


Even if they showed cps the picture I’d bet cps would laugh at them. I was a foster parent in the past and I’m pretty sure that’s ok lol

It would be the last time FOR ME. I promise you nobody is going to threaten me on a consistent basis with CPS when my children are safe. His family would be cutoff from everything


I had CPS called on me over some BS. They can see through the lies. But the family sounds toxic. It’s important to keep toxic people way from your children and for your relationship with your partner.


I wish they would not clog up the cps system with that bullshit. They would waste their time investigating you when there are real children in danger and in need.

They broke the peace, I’d say something

Just let it go. Cut off the notifications. It will be ok. They know jokes on internet compared to abuse! Trust me just post your explanation on it. Your husband posted it so go through his post it will show on all of them. .God bless you and your family!

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Ignore them & enjoy your family.


Block them sounds like unnecessary drama . And there looking for a reason to call themselves. Or cause drama. They aren’t worth it . Block them and move on .


Some people need to get a life seriously and they are so bored with their own lives they got to stir shit it’s sad :disappointed:

No more pics for them to see. Block them all


This is inaccurate I was in foster care and they would more than likely be upset someone wasted their time on such an idiotic situation and if they do call they will have to come but I’m pretty sure nothing will happen unless it’s an unsafe situation or the children admit to being hurt . At least in California they have to make a home visit to close it

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Unhappy people always have something to complain or nag about. You did nothing wrong. Like others have said, block their naggy behinds and move along!

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You’re fine, she’s over exaggerating … its not like the lighter was lit and he was dancing around in a blaze of fire… stop responding I don’t entertain petty bs

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I would set boundaries and that is an unhealthy relationship for your family so they probably need to be cut out of your life

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Don’t let it go because they’ll just secretly call next time. Make it known that if they keep being ridiculous and actually call CPS, they’re just leaving a paper trail of how idiotic they are and they’re dead to your family.


CPS should never be a threat.


The fact that they would chance those kids going to Foster care says what they feel about them. What would they get out of calling cps? Furthermore, it’s a silly picture. I’d cut them off and wouldn’t allow them to see anything else involving the children.


Lmao CPS doesn’t care about that stupid shit.

Speak your mind…Dont let people walk all over you for peace


I understand in laws being over bearing or even overly concerned. But to go to an extreme like child protection… that would have me rethinking their involvement in my life at all. I wouldn’t allow them access to my social media if that’s how they were acting over you guys fooling around!!

Cut them off. That is the worst. I would be petty and set a bunch of photos just to do it. The kids will have great memories doing those photos. Christmas card photo. Lol


Block them on social media

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Edit the privacy on your page. Make it so they can only see certain posts or just block them altogether.

Family doesn’t mean anything, if they are causing stress or negativity over silly things, just cut them out. Family doesn’t have the right to disturb your peace.

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Deny them visitation and block. They’ll regret it


They sound dangerous to your little family! Cut them off! What would they get out of that? Kids being ripped from there mum and dad and put into foster care!!!


I am equal parts “they are over stepping” and "ya’ll really should think twice before posting on social media "


U can block them from seeing certain post…also I have a similar pic of my son and his dad bbq it’s harmless…apparently these people are just miserable and need something to complain about…pay them no mind at all!!!

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Wait, what?! I’m so confused. Why would this be CPS worthy?!

My 3 year old helps us cook using a gas stove and helps my husband with the grill/smoker. How else do they learn if you don’t let them help?


I think you should recreate it every year! now that would be hilarious!!


Realistically there not gonna do shit. But if they do call cut that family off cause that’s BEYOND fucked up

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Do they realize they get those kids taken they won’t see them either? Block them


Some people just don’t know how to mind their own business. They were pretend playing and they were supervised while doing so. It’s not like you were letting them actually play with fire or play near a hot grill.

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Don’t let it bother you. I went through the same with my older kids and continue to do so with my younger kids. I get them their own small grill to make hot dogs and s’mores to get them interested in learning about cooking.

Al the years I’ve been doing this (my oldest is 20 youngest 9 months). We’ve had one small burn incident that turned into a cooking lesson about having the correct tools for the job.

If your little ones are interested then teach them. How you raise your babies is your business. I am sure that as a mother you won’t let anyone hurt them. Not even their dad. So all is good. I applaud you!!! :clap:t6: :clap:t6: :clap:t6:


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CPS is overloaded with bullshit claims and real cases of abuse end up falling through the cracks because of nosy assholes who think they know better.

Wow! That’s taking it just a little bit too far. We have a picture of my husband standing at a barbecue grill when he was about 3 years old. No one has ever said a word about it. He even used it as his profile picture for a while. They need to mind their own business.

Girl tell them to kick rocks. I would block them from FB and from my lives. That’s toxic and I ain’t about having to watch what I post, etc.


Tell them to kick rocks n deny them seeing the kids

I just want to put it out there that even if you get cps called on you for dumb shit like that, it’s still a headache to go through it. And it’ll be on file, the accusations aren’t going to disappear into thin air.
Even if you’re not doing anything wrong. I would block all of them and cut them off, it’s not worth the headache.

I use to roll my mothers cigarettes :rofl: i know its a different time now. Delete them. Not worth your worry you know your kids were safe!


This is why CPS can’t do their job because there’s over dramatic people who want to call on families that don’t deserve it. The amount of unnecessary cases they have to go through is another minute another child has to suffer, another moment closer to their end :pensive:


Id delete the person who says that. Unless its child porn or endangerment which photo props aren’t, not even helping cooking is cause for that bs.

Dont take it lightly, slowly distance your family from those particular ones…CPS doesn’t always alert the parents for every report but every report made will get documented (even if you never hear about them) I didnt find out until years later how many secret reports were made against me until they all added up…I wouldnt trust them or take that lightly by someone that wishes the worst for my family…I hear stories all the time how “people falsely reported them” and they are still fighting today to get their children back.