My husband took a picture of our kids as a joke and his family says CPS could be called: Advice?

I would literally go through every one of their posts with any children in them and see anything you think that would either even be questionable people take pictures of their kids in the pool in the bathtub all the time and post all kinds of weird stuff I don’t see how what you did is any wrongdoing and I would tell them to stick it up their ass

Block them on all social media


If someone EVER THREATENED to call cps on my son, I would never talk to them again.

My son’s dad’s mom (so my son’s grandma) is a very toxic person. She threatened to take me to court to try to take custody of my son because she wasn’t getting enough time to see him and said she has a right to see him as much as she wants… no one should ever threaten your kids, do not take that.


What’s cps gonna do? Tell the family to go find some of their own business

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This is an example of society today…you can’t joke around or goof off with your kids without society thinking your bad parents…I mean really people!!!


This isn’t cps worthy lmao… tell your family members to grow up


Id be recreating even better and more often. Let them call. If that’s all they have they’ll get laughed at and you have no worries.


Use that pic as the family Christmas cards :joy: F them


If they do call them, nothing will be done. If you’s were just pretending you’ll see in the photo that there is intact nothing hot or any flames.
I wouldn’t let it worry you, worst case they’ll come around and check on you’s and see you’s are doing a great job, close the case and leave. Xx


You’re letting them get you all worked up over nothing. If anyone turns that in to CPS they should get fined for false reporting. How petty and stupid. I’d block them out of my life if I were you. I honestly don’t think it’s a big deal. Ugh. Family dynamics suck sometimes! I’m sorry.

Cut them off out of sight out of mind and cps has much more important issues.


Keep doing you and don’t worry about them. It’s a harmless picture not like the grill was going. My 4 year old likes to try to help me cook. I got certain things I let him help with like mixing a salad nothing that can actually harm him

Tell them to stay in there own lane. And warn them. Not to mess with mama bear

CPS should be a last resort situation. With what I heard and know through the years… you don’t want to deal with that. Maybe be more private in your family pranks or weed out some nosy family members.

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Wow. That’s an enormous stretch. They’re being dramatic alarmists. Definitely would distance from them.


Block all them. That’s sucks bs! Unless kids are in real danger I think it’s so wrong for family to call cps on family! I mean even if they were really bbq if the parents are present I don’t see anything wrong with it! I would block every family member on that side so they can’t see your pics/post anymore!!


No CPS won’t be called on you for that. Unless they call them themselves and lie on you to get them there.


Husband needs to block them all and so do you.


Add me and I’ll tell them how everything they said is ridiculous… they need to take a chill pill and mind their own business.


Haha don’t let it get to you… it’s harmless, they’re probably just jealous people, …

Years ago I posted a father and son (son was about 3) with the same white tank top and pj bottoms sitting on the couch holding beer bottles. People told me not to post just in case. It was a mock! Some people get their panties in a bunch. Geez. We were just having fun :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s ridiculous! I’ve seen parents let their TWO YEAR OLD cook on the stove. Which is completely fine because there was an adult supervising and the adult made sure the child knew all the safety precautions and that they were working on a HOT and dangerous surface. I say if there’s supervision from a responsible adult,let them exsperience life and be cautious and careful,teach them to be cautious and careful so they don’t harm themselves. And I’m sure that was an ADORABLE Photo, people need to learn to butt the hell out of parents trying to parent in their own way. If they are fed, happy,healthy, supervised and we’ll protected your doing your best and CPS resources need to be saved for children who are actually in danger.

Heaven forbid we teach our kids any new skills and cps gets involved…


Make sure you keep every message and record them everytime they say it!

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Save the family threat text of calling CPS for if and when they show up and the 1s that threatened block on media


Anyone else want to see the pic in question??? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Block. Them. All. They just lost the rights to see them grow up. Period
Make your profile private with your kids photos


Cps likely wouldn’t do anything about it. Personally I would block them on social media.


Years again my then toddler aged kid was playing in a dog kennel having a blast, I recorded it cause it was funny, posted it online and people came after me because they thought I was caging them (it was unlocked and open, they kept pulling it shut). Someone wrote me and told me they did call CPS on me. Never had a visit or call from CPS.

Needless to say, that person was removed from my FB. I use restricted posting regularly now for some other people in my family.


Huh, sounds like my family members that I don’t associate with anymore. I don’t have family on my Facebook page for similar reasons.


I would block every one of them from my social media

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Sound like your family members need to remove the sticks out their arses and chill. People are so uptight. Let DHS come they are going think that is ridiculous.

Omg! Block them! Sounds like a cousin I hate!

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They sound ridiculous, I’m sorry you’re dealing with that

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There’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.

Block them and move on lol

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Cps wouldn’t do anything about it. Fam needs to chill out


Don’t let dss in your home they are not a law enforcement agency and to get a judge order for them would be hard!!Playing nice will get you nowhere!!


Keep on having fun with your family and block them…:cry:

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That is just ridiculous. If they did cps probably wouldn’t do much. They really need to start pressing charges on people who make bogus claims like that.


Cut out that entire family. No one needs that constant negativity in their life. Bye :wave:


Wtf, are you serious… people are freaking ridiculous. 2 of my 5 kids love to cook, especially grill, since they were like 8. Of Course with adults around… CPS will not be doing anything.

I don’t understand the post, what was being done ??

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Rid them from your life and let cps come they are toxic family members


Block them on social media. There isn’t a requirement saying you have to have to have family on your social media. You can share the bland school pictures with them, and even that is only a curtesy.


Toxic family should be cut off. People are ridiculous


Heck I feel bad now cause my youngst was 9 or 10 when he learned how to make a camp fire and he was learning how to grill

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IT IS A POOSEEDDD PHOTO! lmaooo. Block them and move on. Cps won’t do shit.

They won’t do anything. But tell them to mind their own business

Block them all when it comes to posting somethings they won’t know that you did… I have some of my family like that

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Cps would probably help u get a restraining order on them :rofl:


Wow…… they need to relax…

Block them on social media and IF the report it just tell the social worker the truth

I can just imagine the fucking Intake call lol! And they did what to their kids… hmmm staged a BBQ picture why yes we’ll immediately get on that. And then they don’t do shit Bc it’s a waste of resources.

tell them to heck off and block them. they’re no good threatening to make false accusations

So sorry you have such stuck up relatives. We have taken funny pics of the kids all the time but don’t post them because of this type of stupidity. Unfortunately there all people that call the authorities over something that innocent and funny. I remember my mom taking a picture of me (I was in 2nd grade) standing in the living room naked with pink dots of calamine lotion on me for chicken pox. I still have the picture to this day because I thought it was funny that I had polka dots.

Tell those ppl to mind their own damn business there is no basis for their judgemental bullshit

Block them. They wanna say that over a fun family photo. They no longer have the right to see said fun family photos.


Who did they think was taking the picture?? CPS doesn’t want your kids left unsupervised with a lighter. Obviously they were being supervised. Plus it’s a freaking lighter, not a shotgun! lol :woman_facepalming:t3:

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Cut those toxic mf’s off. THEY are the kind of people who will call cps over nothing. And although cps will drop the case when they determine nothing is wrong, it’s still a cps case and it will ALWAYS be there. I’d be livid.


I learned to cook on a gas stove at 8 and I was grilling at 10. :woman_shrugging:t4:

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Wow! People need learn how to take a joke!!! Sure, be in a bit.

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CPS does not have a goal of separating families. Don’t stress on it.


You haven’t said anything :exploding_head: these are your kids if you want to film them riding a lion it’s fuckall to do with anyone else
I’d cut these toxic people out completely block on social media and don’t allow the negativity in your life


:woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2: I would just block them from seeing anything I post :woman_shrugging:t2: no need to address anything they say, they don’t deserve a word from you.


Omg!! The world is so soft anymore and people are offended by everything!!!
That’s ridiculous… as long as your children weren’t hurt or in immediate danger, then there is nothing wrong with it!
Tell them to go piss up a rope…

You can b sure that if someone does call, it’s one of them.

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They need to mind their business , a joke is a joke ! They should know y’all enough to know that you and your husband would never let them actually do that

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If CPS comes, look at everyone who messaged you about CPS. One of them did it. CPS won’t do anything since the children weren’t in any danger and were clearly being supervised. But if they call, they’re disgusting and don’t deserve to be in you or your child’s lives. PERIOD


… why are these morons even on your friends lists? Block them all :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I have seen pictures of a relative about 4years old taking a sip of beer for the first time…this was obviously years ago but there is no harm in a picture like that obviously someone was there supervising the kids…its too bad they dont have a sense of humor I’d be upset too

They’ve already disrupted the peace. I would be saying something and cutting them off. Like others have said people need to learn how to take a joke!

Get them out of your life

Cut them off… make ur page private and block them.


There are children in the world who actually need CPS involvement. It makes me so mad , how is this child abuse or neglect? Fucking stupid if you ask me. STUPID!

Just block her an others that will tell her from the post when you post it.


CPS has actual abuse to attend to. Tell them that and move on with your day. This is annoying and uncalled for. Also tell them that you and your husband are in fact the parents so you guys get to decide what’s best. Ask them to please call CPS on you so that CPS can be explained the “issue” and they can be laughed at for their idiocracy. There are actual abusuve situations that are endangering children on a daily basis! CPS does not have time for it. Ridiculous


Wow. What a bunch of uptight assholes

Block them.
That actually sounds like a cute picture. Wish I had thought about doing that. Lol :heart::heart:


I had cash called on me for allowing my children to shoot a 22. My husband held the barrel and I held the butt. They literally pulled the trigger.

Tell them how it is. Idk why people allows people to have a say on how you build relationships with your children unless it’s in harm ways and they are in danger.

Dude that’s gotta be the cutest pic ever.
Tell em to get the sticks out their asses and learn to enjoy a joke

Tag me on the post so I can cuss them out.


Are these real questions or are people really so ignorant that they need to ask these questions? I’m thinking some of the questions in this group are spoofs to get a reaction ? If not, our society is in big trouble :joy::weary::rofl:


My grandson wanted his own grill he is 6 here. So does that make us bad.


Block them from all posts

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They sound Crazy to me…

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Lmfao… I’m gonna burn in hell cuz I just wana see the pics now :laughing::rofl::joy: Tell um to get a life!.. A fun photo shoot is not what anyone should worry about…Sadly its the things people don’t see or say or post that will make people’s skin crawl for real…

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Fuck them!! Know if anyone ever calls, chances are it was them… block them! They clearly only intend to point out any “wrongs” they find and they’re already reaching pretty far it seems.

Yeah. I’d remove them all.

CPS isn’t a joke. Whoever is threatening you, block them. Because if they don’t do it this time they may do it next time.


That’s the stupidest thing

Cut them all out your life now and you can’t get in trouble even if he lit the pit it’s never to young to teAch your kids how to cook as long as you are there and they are careful

Make another post and write " Minding your own business is the only business that doesn’t require capital"


Lighters have a safety switch. I let my grandson light candles. Tell them to FO and go on your merry way

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They sound crazy. I have pictures of my seven month old pretending to drive. People always wanna be relevant and threaten people with cps


Sounds like they need to be told to stay on their lane.

Tell them to that they got some Karen stuff to do somewhere else and paranoid intrusion causes STD’s

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Lol thats definitely not going to hold up enough for anyone to be concerned


Husband should talk to his parents

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