My husband took a picture of our kids as a joke and his family says CPS could be called: Advice?

Better to keep anything off FB. They are coming after normal good people.

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When you post things make it so they can’t see it or just block them.


Sounds to me like you need to get those people out of your life :flushed::confounded: that’s just horrible. I’m sorry mamas but a)it’s just a picture! And b) for people to say that cps could be involved is disgusting!


Do they have beds with sheets on them? Food in the fridge? And some in the cabinets?
You can hit your kids also (just not above the neck).

If they call CPS for a harmless photo just to be spiteful then 9/10 times CPS knows it. They see what kids are taken care of and which kids aren’t. Like for real. They just gonna look petty


I let my toddlers play with cold beer cans. And took pictures.


I have a picture of my daughter licking the condensation off a CLOSED can of beer bc it was funny…she was 3. I didn’t post to FB for this very reason. People are assholes…it’s a joke JFC…:woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:

Cut them off if they’re willing to call over a joke they’re gonna find any other reason to call that’s a huge red flag


My five year old lights candles…of course I help, but she pretty much does it herself with my supervision…there’s pictures and videos posted…
They seem petty and immature. Block them!

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Tell them to mind their damn business. It’s your kids they were never in any danger.

My suggestion… edit your audience and privacy on your post. What they cant see, they cant karen.


Cut them out. You don’t need that toxic crap. Block them and move on as if they never existed. :100:

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Make sure you remove them from your social media! Unfriend/block. Problem solved.

My mother-in-law and father-in-law threatened to call cops once because my house was messy. (My mother-in-law is a neat freak and never stops cleaning. My house wasn’t even that messy. Just a little cluttered) they haven’t been allowed to step foot in my house for over 2 years now and we told them that if they ever threatened us again that they would never see us or their grandchildren again. :woman_shrugging: they’ve been pretty good since

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Don’t let it go!!! Let them know that now they messing with your family and show them what a mama bear can do. It seriously sounded like a joke. And it seems really cute that the fam got together and spend some time even if it’s silly pictures.

Block their dumbasses. While their claims are dumb and unfounded, given enuf complaints, someone at cps may decide with so many complaints/accusations (regardless how erroneous) there has to be something and they’ll keep bothering you.

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Kids should learn to cook :woman_shrugging: I let my kids use a gas stove with supervision of course . They sound crazy tell them to mind there business

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Delete them, and cut them off completely. They are toxic


Ever watch chopped junior ir kids baking championship. Kids as young as 5 and 6 r cooking. All cps is going to do is laugh


They need to go away. Because apparently they have some thing towards you or just ignorant.

I would block all family on social media :raised_hands:t2:walla no more problem :rofl: seriously they are your problem

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Wait so they’re mad the kids were pretending to cook on a BBQ? The kids weren’t in the bbq on fire right??? I’m struggling to see why this is an issue…


Tell them to go pound salt. The post is harmless anyone with a brain will see that.

Time to cut some family ties. Toxic family is still toxic.


Block em and tell them that you’re more than willing to “block em” in real life too. Good grief. People have nerve.


They sound stupid af block them and be done with them.

A couple years back someone called because my brother, on his fb posted a picture with him and my son with a fake kids BB gun. Cops did come but we showed them it was a little dollar store fake BB gun and they left.

Tell the to PLEASE call CPS, those case workers could use the laugh.
Which is all that would happen. :woman_facepalming:

Block them all. Cut them out and stick up for Your family. It’s one thing to say something like “honey, that doesn’t look very safe” it’s a completely over the top to threaten cps after you explained it was just a photo shoot and they weren’t actually BBQing.


Block those assholes and b done with. Itll be the best thing u ever did if they’re the make a report type there’s no endangerment but they’d come investigating anyway which is a royal pain In the ass

Block them from seeing your posts!

Deleted them out of social media and your life :woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:


Sounds like the threat I got of “If you bring your children to the races one more time without ear protection (they had them, but would not keep them in), I’m reporting you. Don’t show up again.” Called their office myself to warn them of the threat and ascertain if it was illegal and she laughed and said they’ll vet it if they get a call.

I’d delete them, no one would be threatening to have my kids taken away over a fun staged picture. That’s uncalled for and cps has enough true cases to deal with.


Thought- thank them for having concerns- but let them know it was in humor and not factual. And appreciate them for loving your children… even though you know their actions were over the top.

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people are such assholes!!

For me there’s no In between when it comes to my children, words are the vehicle travel, saying once is enough for me.
Me and my children are gone.


You can do it without help I promise

That is an automatic cut off for good. Anyone who threatens to have my child taken away over something so petty, would be out of our lives for good. They treat you like this because you allow it. Stop allowing it!


I am so sorry that you are going through this. I can definitely relate. I posted a comment about masks on a school bus and I am almost got fired from my job as as a school bus driver. You have to be careful about what you post even though it is your freedom of speech (now a days we all lost that privilege). Love you and if you can (without getting fired post your thoughts). :hugs:

Just ignore them have fun made memory the kids will laugh later. I take a picture of my kids with a post for sale and every one of my family laugh a it

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There noisy poeple they need to mind there own business and they won’t be minding there own. We had a better would when poeple do that. Now you stupid poeple with phone filming frights and crimes and not lift a hand to help.

I have heard so much crap from just a toddler holding a hammer or a drill. My three year old knows how to operate a front end loader (minus actually powering it up and the pedals) I would LOVE someone to call CPS on us for teaching our kids valuable lessons while taking funny photos.


Cut off toxic people

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They don’t need the peace. Your need to put them in their place.ask them what time they watch their on kids if they are worried bout yours?

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Tell them too they wouldn’t even show up I’ve had family call for dumb shit cas came too my home & I told them too go away & shut the door they said I’ll come back with a warrant I said go away I know why you’re here & come back with a warrant I’ve done that twice & they never came back

(The family member who called on me was my husband’s dad because we kicked him out of our home
Another time was a neighbor who called on everyone for absolutely nothing)

I have my 4 year old help me cook. He can crack an egg perfectly at his age and make scrambled eggs on the stove, yes it’s hot, yes I am supervising him. No accidents. If someone threatened me I’d block them out!


They can’t do anything. There was no harm done. And calling CPS because a family member did something they didn’t approve of can cause more problems for them than for you.


I’m sorry but that’s hilarious. Your in laws would go insane if they saw some of the pictures of my kids!!!
And honestly…as long as your house and kids are clean, they all have their own beds. Food in the fridge, and there isn’t any abuse…you have nothing to worry about.
And like others have said…block them or at least limit their access to what they can see on your page.


CPS isn’t goin to do anything about that. Your fam sounds childish and petty. Just block them.


Yes delete them from eveything this is ridiculous


Block them so they can’t see anything anymore


There toxic… if the lighter wasn’t lit or the grill wasn’t on… then they weren’t in danger. I know there’s parents who don’t take care of there children… but if you know you are then delete or block them. I deleted my mil because I got tired of her comments n snide remarks… I actually meant to block her but push the wrong button… lol oops I’m actually happier with her unfriended… Do what makes you happy and not them.


Looking back I made mistakes too ( mug brand rootbeer came in brown bottles our children loved them)needless to say we took pictures :camera::notes::heart:

If they wanna act like that maybe u could air out their dirty laundry and tell them if they talk ull talk.


Let cps come and see how dangerous teaching your kods to cook is


All of y’all saying cps won’t do anything make me laugh because yes they will.

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Live your lives, love your kids, let your kids have fun, be safe and keep this kind of drama out of sight and mind.

People are just insane these days. There’s no peace anymore :crazy_face:


What kinda toxic shit, I’d cut them outttt. CPS will not do anything. that’s a hilarious and I’m sure and adorable photo!

They sound like Republicans. Run!


I would be pissed they mentioned that!!! An I would start blocking them alll from seeing posts and pictures on social media!! Such a stupid reason an a waste of cps time if they did go thru with the call…. Like really the picture was probably cute an obviously staged with your guys right there. Wow unbelievable


Honestly just remove those family members from all social media and let them be in the dark. They don’t deserve to be in the ‘know.’ About anything. Psh I wouldn’t even allow them to see the kids for the sake of my own peace. They sound toxic and just horrible people in general.


Tell them stay in their lane. You are the parent and their approval is not needed.

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They are just being controlling and toxic. It’s fine

I would delete them of your social media, if they can’t see it, they can’t start drama over it

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Encourage them to call. After CPS laughs at them, you can tell them to mind their own business.


You need to stay the hell away from people like that. Family or not! No family should ever threaten to call CPS on anyone just out of spite or mad at the time, NEVER!!!


Tell them to mind their damned business, then block them.

I would either delete them off of social media or start blocking them from seeing stuff/pictures you post


My 2 year old cooks full meals with me and does the fire cooking while camping. No this is actually NOT realistic.

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If anything cps would applaud you for involving your kids where most people don’t.

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Bruh lmao if pictures like this caused cps to take kids I’d have lost my kids a long time ago. People literally take newborn pics of their baby in a pot for the stove dressed as a turkey. But fake bbq your sibling is crossing the line? Looool. Tell them to shove it or go ahead and try calling cps. They gonna laugh at them too after they visit and realize it was a total waste of their time and resources


I don’t see why this is bad?

All it takes is that ONE PHONE CALL :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:

Once u mention CPS and my kids that’s the last chance u would see a pic of my kids must less be around them nor would I have contact with them again I dont play games with that shit cps is nothing to take lightly my kids my rules …

Wow how old are the kids was the BBQ on and if u guys were standing right there why is this a issue? Cps is not something to threaten

You need to remove those people from your life immediately. Anyone who threatens your children’s well being like that should not be a part of your life. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the picture you described.


What the heck is going on in here on this day?

I bet the Mona Lisa’s don’t have kids and look at it like this they don’t have an exciting life like you and your family they gotta destroy everyone else’s fun

Tell them to have at it. I would just block them and be done with it


His family is right. I agree with his family. That is never okay to do. What is wrong with you and your husband?


Cut them out of your lives

Also the amount of yall thinking cps cares about the children they take make me holler lol


They’re not keeping the peace so why the hell should you? If they wanna act that stupid that they gonna call cps just block them all. Problem solved.


Block his family on social media and quit defending your parenting choices to anybody. If they call cps over something like that they deserve to be cut off from your little family. Very toxic for your kids, them not you.


Tell them call them. You know if you have anything to hide so let them make cps come out and see the false report. My kids got into paint once and I posted a picture. A few said I don’t watch my kids well enough and CPS should be called. I told them to make the call and I’ll happily invite them in for dinner, maybe even a sleep over. Then I’ll be sure to give them all their info for false reporting you know, just to pay back the sweet gesture of concern.

Ugh people are so sensitive I wanna smack some humor into them.


Erase them peeps of your social media ! And just see them at gatherings I don’t have none on mines the ones I don’t like

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Remove them from ur fb. Simple as that. I’ve had same thing said to me about a video of my youngest I posted and I laughed and said yeah no I’m not worried about it. Then removed them.


Most these people who say they would call cps or ur not watching your kid I feel don’t have kids if they do they are helicopter parents


Control who is and isn’t in your life like a adult. Or don’t and deal with this petty bullshit. Let em call, and once they have cleared you of any wrongdoing (as so you claim) cut them out of your life, with good cause.

Block them from being able to see your pictures…make your pictures to where only your friends can see, or whomever you want to see.


Going to preface this by saying I have four children (5/M, 3/F, 2/M, 1/M). My 5yo and 3yo and 2yo use knives (real knives like steak knives and such). They cook at the stove and on the griddle. They also do their own laundry and help mow the lawn :woman_shrugging:t3: my one year old mainly makes the messes but he does help with trash and dirty laundry. Don’t let them get to you and remind them every step of the way that YOU will parent YOUR children how you see fit.

Chile unfriend, unfollow, block, AND delete them! I post funny crap all of the time my MIL had one time to call meddling with us.


Let me just say if ANYONE but especially family ever threatened to call CPS on me, they better call the cops first, cause I’m coming for their ass. Don’t threaten my children’s well being and their lives EVER!

Limit your post to them

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I’d stop taking to them


Kids are allowed to cook. Barbecue is cooking. Also if you were there taking pics then yeah they’re supervised. So tell them anyone could call cps any day of the week and you’ll let them in and show them around and discuss life. No sweat off anyone’s back.


Block the person saying this and cut ties completely. They shouldn’t have access to your social media if they are gonna make threats over a picture that wasn’t even real.


My son helps me grill and he helps me cook :woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:

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Well if that’s the case I would definitely not associate with them. My son cooks with me and plenty other things. Not all people may agree with what I intend to teach my son but I want him to learn certain things


These people obviously never roasted marshmallows around a campfire :roll_eyes: I wouldn’t give it another thought.