Stand up to them now and don’t share anything with them
I read this and thought of your status on what you did with the boys at golden corral Chelsie Adreona Sherrill. their heads would probably blow off. But i thought it was hilarious when i read it lol.
I’ve had to block people who are toxic from my life, my husband’s life, and my children’s life. You might want to consider doing the same. And also make sure that they don’t have any access to your information on social media. This also meant that I had to block some flying monkeys who would’ve gone straight to the toxic people. I’ll tell you though, there is a huge sense of relief in knowing I can live my life honestly and with integrity and not have to worry about these people injecting poison into it.
I smell a very TOXIC family
Wow…I have friends as well as myself that let their kids do grilling deep frying and broil things under supervision of adults. One even has her boys the day after their 6th birthday learn to do their own laundry. Yep at six and she never touches it again. Life lessons is a great thing.
CPS would probably give the in laws a lecture instead on teaching kids life skills.
You are doing a good job as a parent.
People like that should not be on your social media. Thats a very toxic family. They need to mind their business.
Im not sure the age of your kids but as long as you or both parents are right there and they aren’t in any harm i wouldn’t worry about it. Just keep teaching your kids the right from wrongs and dangers of somethings just in case they try to light something on their own.
Let it go, was a joke
Don’t listen to them. Keep being yourself and having fun with your kids! What a load of crap! Don’t stop playing and engaging with your kids. Not enough parents invest enough time with their kids to have fun these days. They spend more time worried about feeding them a certain way, dressing then a certain way, and spending more time worrying about what their parenting may look like to outsiders. Some parents give their kids things/items/gifts instead of time. Time spent with kids creates memories and they are only kids for a short amount of time.
In all seriousness if this actually happened… and heaven forbid, someone calls the end harm phone number in your state. To report a photo that somehow appeared like a situation of child endangerment. The end result, if it is actually taken seriously, would be having an investigator sent to your home for evidence of the accusation of child endangerment. They’d interview your kids and find out the truth. That it was all just pretend and they were having fun taking funny pictures with mom and dad! The case would instantly be closed.
Keep doing what you’re doing! It’s awesome and enjoy your time with the kids! That is what matters the absolute most!
They do say not to let a child handle lighters and that would be the only thing ‘wrong’ with the picture. But if he was supervised the whole time then it is not too bad. CPS would not waste their time on a simple picture.
No it’s not realistic. CPS won’t come to your house for your kids pretending. Tell the other family members to lighten up or you’ll block them from seeing anything posted.
I think my dad took a pic of us like that too. I would just breathe. Some family members are just over the top and will start drama just bc they can. Block them if you need to. If your dont want to block them then you can silence their account and they wont even know
Cps has bigger things to worry about it. They’ll answer it but I doubt it would go further. Your family is wasting cps time.
Then more than likely it’s gonna be your family to call them on you
In South Africa a barbecue is called a braai, absolutely normal for boys to be around the braai. It is part of growing up.
Make more!!! Do it again!!! People can call and make reports all day long!!! They have to prove ur kids are in imenant danger to be able to remove them from u…
I feel your frustration
Yes , the taco shells
I’d say something, actually I’d say a lot! Especially that if they continue to make passive aggressive comments and veiled threats than they’re cut off! You don’t need that negatively looming over your family
#nocontact I went NC with my family for that very reason, and things are much better without their judgmental a$$es.
Tell them all to shove it, it was done in fun. If cps shows up, tell them it was fun, and a huge joke. People can be so uptight
Teaching your children life skills gets reported to child protective services? I guess we’ll just let the kids starve when they’re older?
I’d cut ties with all of those people for good. Who would want family like that?
I should dig out the picture my dad took of me when I was 6 with all his large knifes stuck in the table top around me and I’m pointing his black powder 45 caliber revolver at the camera lmao.
I have three boys extremely close in age around Christmas my oldest painted his baby brother completely green. I swear I turned my back for a minute an he got into the Christmas paint an painted a whole baby an Bassinet:rofl:. Instead of getting mad their dad an I just decided to enjoy this was the crazy life we chose with 3 boys ages 3 an under an posted the picture as a Christmas post. Omg did my dads side blow up my phone with the CPS is gonna get called cause it’s looks like I’m not watching them an pain is dangerous. Of course it upsets me when something like this happens like for one it was a happy moment that just got spit on an two what do you really think about my parenting
I try to remember some of them are the older generation before social media an others are just uptight opinions. I’m this case I resurrected them that is was non toxic paint for it was paint we used for the kids Christmas crafts an god for bid something like CPS being called did happen yes it would be an inconvenience but our family had nothing to hide. Just remember hun make your families memories an be happy because if you do something like this someone is afraid CPS will be called an if you don’t do stuff like this with your children their will be someone’s opinion that you don’t do enough. Wishing you an your fan nothing but the best!!
Let them call CPS. They will come out if they even spend the time to do so and they’ll see that your family is perfectly fine. They have way worse matters to deal with than a silly photo. Sounds like you need to tell the family to shove it up there you know what
Simple!!! Cut the family members off that are causing that drama. It’s called ‘Blocked!’