Family can be the worst. Cut them out of your life. You don’t need that drama
Family seems incredibly stuck up. I really wouldn’t worry
Tell them to mind their business and stay away from them
Let them. They’ll be looking stupid in the end.
They are insane. I have a picture of our son helping my husband add water to the car and learning how to check oil when he was about 7. If they were in Cub Scouts they would have to learn to BBQ and help in the kitchen to earn badges. People have lost their freaking minds
Sounds to be like They are fishing tbh. People take funny pictures of their children like this all the time. Unless they truly believe you guys aren’t good parents I doubt they would go through the trouble.
Post another!!! Let them call on u!! Have fun w ur kids and enjoy ur days
Sounds like that family is anal or is planning in calling CPS anonymously and wanting you to think it was somebody else over the picture. But it sounds like a innocent silly picture to me
That family sounds toxic and needs to sod off
It’s not realistic and get as fucking far away from them as you can. Stand up for yourself.
I’d tell them to shove those tongs and lighter right up their ass and tell them F off!! Life sucking vultures…
Toxic family members are the worst. I took a picture of my son when he was like 5 climbing a tree. My family did call cps on me for “Inadequate supervision”. I was taking the picture so obviously I was there. So stupid.
Tell them to go ahead… call them! Then make sure they know how pathetic they are!
So they want to risk throwing these kids into a broken foster care system where far more trauma would be possible than learning/joking about a basic life skill such as cooking, could ever cause?
They sound like trash.
Well if cps comes knocking on your door, you know who made that call… which even if they did come out for a call about that, they aren’t gonna do anything I doubt… 1 had a lighter, but if they were being supervised by their parents then I don’t see the issue other than your husband’s family sounds like they need to mind their own…
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband took a picture of our kids as a joke and his family says CPS could be called: Advice?
Every call cps for no good reason noway I let my kids around them period
Sheesh. Tell those people to go to hell and move on with your life. They’re toxic.
What does the picture look like? I’m curious
You have a unit of no fun in your extended family, eradicate them immediately, as they are now a great danger to your immediate family, block them bi¿che§ now
That’s the problem with social platforms.
Not me here looking for the adorable BBQ picture . I don’t think you have anything to worry about.
I’m gonna need that picture ma’am.
I wouldnt be mute. FuUuk that. I would tell them they need to get a life & make more funny/goofy memories & if they dont like it tell them take tylenol & call u in morning, tell them give their head a shake, eat a snickers & grow a sense of humor or stay tf away from my family since ur DHS callers. I wouldnt allow them near my kids if they’re gonna say some BS like that. Thats ur family, u know they are fine, sorry ur panties are in a bunch but ur toxic ases can go somewhere else with ur threats & bs… They would never see them again.
Sounds like a cute picture
Nah, they can kick rocks…
And when CPS shows up you talk to them. They are not as bad as you think they are. They were called on me by a neighbor because my girls used to scream alot. CPS came we talked more like laughed CPS talked to my girls they said you guys are totally fine here. and they left the meet took less than 20 minutes and they closed my case. It was a little inconvenient but it was fine. Good luck momma.
If it was done as a JOKE and there are a series of pics … it’s OBVIOUS you all where RIGHT there. This is no more dangerous than someone having a candle around a kid you can explain you were using this as a teaching moment for the kid(s) and thought teaching them about safety AGAIN it would be cute to see the kids in photos pretending to be their daddy at the grill.
Secondly it’s obvious the kids aren’t infants. Let them call CPS… show any officials that show up the threats of them over a photo shoot with the kids. It’s ridiculous!!
And from now on I’d just take them off my social media accounts so they can’t see those images.
You don’t need that in your life. You could make a separate account for the “fun” stuff and only have people NOT associated with them on it. Only share school pics on the account they have access too that way they can’t say you cut them off completely
DCF/CPS will eye roll on these allegations … you aren’t beating them or starving them… they have access to food and water and clean clothes and a place to sleep. You are fine
We had the same issue with one of our friends. My kid was attached to one specific unopened beer can when he was outside. He liked watching it float in his pool and he’d carry it around like it was a doll
It’s unopened. It’s literally not hurting anyone. He wasn’t even 2, he surely didn’t have the strength to open it and it was always supervised, so if he dropped it, my husband or I were always close so nothing could happen.
I cut her off, they never came. She’s since tried to apologize and I told her I simply don’t want a friendship where I need to walk on eggshells. My child is my life and she threatened that with some ridiculousness. I have no time for her.
Laugh. Let them call cps if they want, you aren’t doing anything wrong! They are trying to start something! Cut off all contact of you can
Some people just need to take a joke!!
Well if pretending to BBQ is going to get CPS called, my husband’s aunt said the same thing to me years ago when my 6yr old son was a baby. We were staying with my husband’s grandmother and the room we stayed in wasn’t big enough for a crib so we had a basinet when he started to climb out of it, I became afraid to let him sleep in it and my husband wouldn’t let him sleep with us in the bed so the next best thing at the time that fit in the room was his car seat. And I actually think he slept better in it than the basinet. So I just let her say what she wants and try to keep peace because I know what I am doing is for the best of my child.
For you, y’all are pretending and having fun but they are still learning at the same time so just try to hold your tongue as long as they are around if you can’t then so be it your their mom you have the right to defend them
This is totally ridiculous cps can’t inform you who called at least not in GA
CPS would laugh in their face
Cps would laugh then I would report them for harassment
Simple: you have the option that if you rather not have your in-law see what you post without blocking facebook under settings…
If you smoke, I recommend you shop in this store. I love their e-cigarettes
Is there more to the story? If not, post the picture! Good grief you can’t even have fun with your kids without your family acting like that? Let them call CPS. What are they going to do take your kids away for having fun?! Sounds like you all need to distance yourself from his family. Seems they just want to start some trouble.
What in the world? I’ve seen people put their sleeping newborn on a sleeping calf for the sake of a cute picture. I’ve seen babies in gallons of chocolate sauce for the sake of a cute picture…and they are making threats over something so stupid??? I’m not saying your photo was stupid…I’m saying the way their thinking is…is stupid…cut them off!!!’ Block them!!! You don’t need that kind of negativity around your family because guess what, one day cps really will show up, and all because they are controlling and petty
Easy bake oven can burn then heck out of you but… it is ok to give them to kids . PEOPLE!!
yeah anything is possible,cps is crazy at times
Speak up . Tell them your done with the none sense
I would look into changing the setting on your pictures so maybe they can’t see them?
CPS can be called, yes but 9/10 they will not take it seriously - you and father were there with the kids supervising them; they were not in danger in any way. As you said it was a joke - it was done for fun. Post what you want to post, and if they continue their BS, say something! It’s not their Facebook, it’s not their children - they need to back off.
Delete them paranoid people lol
They sound ridiculous and have no sense of humor. Absolutely no reason CPS needs to be involved. They’d literally close the case right away anyway lol block them, they sound toxic.
Don’t let them see any more photos of your kids and don’t post your kids on Facebook problem solved
Tell them to F off and cut ties with them.
Block them off your posts so they can’t see…its easy…lol
My daughters teacher called cps on me because she was shaking her butt in class and assumed there was sexual abuse going on in our home. At the time, she was 5 and very into Teen Titans, who always shake their butts. I was pissed at all the shit we had to go through. They don’t care if it’s valid or not, they will come if a report is made. I’d keep my distance from his family and block their ass. I don’t play about that type of stuff.
And this is why I don’t post pics of my kids are hardly share them, something cute or funny can be taken the wrong way and cps.
Lots of sensitive ppl now a days, I wouldn’t share pics with them anymore.
Well time to quit talking to them and allowing them in ur childrens lives
We my 6 and 8 yr old really cook on the grill and the stove so it’s real common here. Kids learn to cook super early. Have they never seen master chef jr?!? Their favorite part is lighting the fire. Daddy is always right there helping, but they do it. I honestly can’t for the life of me think of something that could be wrong on a picture like that
it’s crazy people think that way.
Since you said that this isn’t the first time that something like this has happened, it sounds like you need to keep your distance from his family. At the very least block/unfriend them on social media accounts. Nothing would probably come of the CPS case if they called, but you certainly do not want to have to deal with the hassle and stress of the investigation process which can sometimes take months.
I’m honestly amazed you have and still allow them in your life and your children’s life. You try to pull something stupid like that with me and I’m cutting you off. Never speaking to you again. I honestly wouldn’t speak to them anymore because that’s ridiculous and unnecessary drama.
I’d post a picture of one with a lighter and the other with an empty gas can captioned, “Now you have something to bitch about”
Keep your distance cut them out before they call cps
Take them off your Facebook. Block them. That simple. I hate ignorant family members. Bio and in-laws. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve done it. Won’t be the last!
I would block them! I mean really I was born in 83 and literally my parents have a picture of me, like a year old pulling a playboy out of my dad’s living room chair reading material holder. Oh and their is a huge beer can next to me, and whoever is taking the picture obviously is smoking because there is a cloud of smoke still in the air, I survived… My parents were amazing parents, not alcoholics, or perverts which by today’s standards is exactly what that picture would have said to people, I think at the time they just thought it was a funny moment and took the photo. Everyone needs to calm down and stop telling people how to parent. If your children are clothed, feed, have a roof over their heads and are happy than you are doing your job correctly momma!
I didn’t consider it funny. Are you trying to irritate them?
Block them. Sound like complete nuisances
So you can only make jokes on their terms? Photoshop some pics and post those. Really freak them out.
I couldn’t deal with that crap.
Honestly think its time to distance yourself from these family members if all they want to do is cause trouble.
Ah no CPS might contact you to clarify but they won’t pursue matters further
Honestly cps would probably laugh at the call but if they do get called it is their job to come out and ask questions for every report so don’t worry if they do come its just routine but they will NOT take your kids away for a photo opp
Say something… if u don’t it will continue… dont need to be an essay… just tell them to get a life and get a grip…
My mom did something similar when my oldest daughters (now 18) were about 5/6 years old. Their dad is a hunter, we had pictures of them holding hunting rifles, in full camouflage. They weren’t loaded, of course, but my mom went ballistic and said someone was gonna call CPS and blah blah blah. Nothing ever came of it. It sounds like they’re just asshats! If you want to avoid the drama, you don’t need to delete/block them on social media. You can simply select the audience when you post stuff like that. You can literally show the entire FB world, except for them. When posting something, there is an option on the post for PUBLIC, PRIVATE or EVERYONE EXCEPT… you can literally post the picture, status, whatever, and choose the audience as everyone except them. That’ll prevent them from seeing what you post, but when they look at your profile, you’ll still be “friends” on FB. On a side note though, speak up to them. If you don’t, it will never stop. You and your husband need to speak up together, stand your ground and show that the two of you are united.
Ur husband needs to put down his foot to his family…they sounds toxic and should be blocked and left to their own devices
I would like to see this picture…
this is crazy…
Yeah that seems a little bit insane! Yuck I wouldn’t want people around like that. Is definitely say something… Like “there are actually kids being hurt and neglected and you’re going to say I’m going to get CPS called on me for a pretend cute funny photo? Get a life! And stay out of ours!”
Huh? Makes no sense ? Why?
Right, because caseworkers are going to be so concerned over a JOKE when they are overwhelmed with finding placement for kids of addicts. Someone needs a reality check. Cut them way out of your life. Don’t make room for that level of drama queens. Life gets so much better when you evict
I’d like to see the photo because this doesn’t make any sense, if the children weren’t in any danger then cps won’t do anything more then ask questions because that’s their job! If this is a reoccurring thing with his family I’d distance you and your kids from them…… tell them to get a life and leave u guys alone!
Block them what waste of air they are . Anyone threatens my family they out blood or not !!!
Tell them to eat a dick and block them
Tell your hubby to put his foot down & block them
I don’t see anything wrong with the photo that you described. I don’t cater how old the kids are literally there are 5 years old kids coming for real on tv like Americans child top chefs. Your family needs to calm the f down and chill
Your grammer sucks so it’s possible you didn’t read the message properly.
They’re idiots. Keep being good & fun parents!!
Cps will likely be the ones pissed off for getting such a ridiculous call. Waste of their time🙄 your husband needs to put his foot down and tell them if they EVER threaten your family like this again it’ll be the absolute end of the relationship. This is toxic as f#$k and mind boggling to me😳
Tell them to mind their own business
Start cutting off toxic family. You don’t need unnecessary drama. And calling cps over something as minor as that is reason to cut people off!!! Trying to seriously have your kids taken away is where bridges are burned in my book.
It’s very ok to remove toxic family members from your lives and that of your children. Any family member who threatened to call a nightmare with the likely unpleasant outcomes from that call, is a terrible person. Probably abusive in their own right.
Lay down some serious boundaries, skip certain events where they are present and let people know why. You may want look into power of attorneys for specific people you would like in your children’s lives for emergencies.
Block them off social media and refuse to let them see your kids! Put an end to that shit ASAP
I would block them from seeing what you and your husband posts. They sound horrible and honestly I wouldn’t trust them at all.
What’s really dangerous for the kids is having people like them around.Please change your privacy settings on social media or use the block option.Peace of mind for parents and children is the most important, especially in these times.All the best.
Id block all of them on social media
They literally sound like babies. CPS won’t do anything about it. They were being supervised with the lighter so I don’t even understand what the problem is. I would definitely block them from your posts.
Wow that’s so ridiculous of them
I’d tell them to f@#$ off!
Seems your husband is a joker and full of want to joke around, nothing wrong with that!! I bet the 4 of you had a good laugh until the text. Sometimes those that can’t laugh with you and say horrible things just need to be cut from the fun stuff!! Good luck with the crazy in-laws
Block whoever said they’d make the call. I’d tell the to fuck all the way off. And I doubt cps is gonna give two fucks.
All communication with them. They sound toxic and at some point your kids will be hurt by this.
I think I would be deleting all of them off social media … They are ridiculous
It is so okay to cut off toxic family members for the sake of your mental health and your children’s well being. You will be so much happier when life isn’t a battlefield with the in-laws. I recently went through something similar, and once children are threatened by CPS in attempt to hurt the parents out of their lack of knowledge to control their anger, that’s when you start cutting people off and don’t let a damn soul make you feel bad for it either
Cps will not do anything about this picture. Sorry they sound like horrible people.
They don’t have grounds but that doesn’t mean Cps won’t open a case and most likely have nothing of it. But still have to investigate. Honestly if this isn’t the first time, I’d cut that part of the family off that has a problem with you guys. Best choice I ever made. They need to know your done with the games ans the kids are safe. I’d take them off of your Facebook accounts and change your settings so o my friends can see what you post. I wouldn’t call them or see them. Need a complete cut off until they can stay in there lane.
Sounds like they are either jealous or controlling. Run!!!
Dude the family is over reacting people do that stuff with their kids all the time as long as your kids arent babies and are like around 5 and up there is zero reason for them to freak out
I would block them from being able to see the posts. They can have updates on the children when they can act right.
Let I go and don’t post anymore pictures