My husband wants a 3 some: Advice?

Tell him you’ll do it and he can pick the guy. Guarantee he wont continue asking for a threesome. Idk I guess it just depends on you as a person and how into it you are yourself. I’ve been with my husband 13 years… and 3 children. I just couldnt get past him being intimate with another female. And your husband saying he would put “most of the attention on you” That right there boils my blood. I’m too protective of what’s mine. And my husband has joked around about having one… but only with another female, guarantee he wouldnt allow me to bring another man into it. My advice, is dont do it… you’re already not fond of the idea.


No! He should have done his sexual fantasies before he got married and created a family!


Sounds like you have the answer you want considering you have all of those concerns. Also your 22 so it makes since that he would want to explore and have fun but at the end of the day yall are married and you have kids. That shipped sailed when you became grown ass adults with children. Do what makes you comfortable and always think about the kids.

No it’s cheating!!!


Don’t do it!!! He married you not other women. Him saying it would be okay if it was a man is also weird. If he cheats on you because he don’t get his way, he’d of cheated on you anyways. The three some is just a way for him to cheat on you in front of your face. Y’all need to get in church and put God first in your marriage. Then you’ll really be getting somewhere


I’d leave if it were me. But good luck :crossed_fingers:t3:


That’s sick tell him no but hell no.

I get it…I would feel the same way as you. I’d probably be pissed. It would be different if it’s a discussion you both were on board with. You know…a LOT is to be said that he keeps bringing it up when he knows where u stand. How would he feel if you did that to him. Tell him it’s been a fantasy of yours for your husband to wear buttless chaps while doing the dishes. See if he does that.


AS A JOKE but also somewhat serious, see how he would feel if it were another man instead of another woman for the threesome. This kind of helps determine what his motives are in the long run IMO


I’d be beyond pissed. Hard HELL NO!

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You need to discuss all the insecurities this is bringing up with him if you havent already communication is key. Period.


Find you a good looking man you want… There you go… A threesome… If he wants 2 women explain you want 2 men…


He don’t respect u or your marriage.marriage is between o e man and one woman. Anything else is adultry o. Both of u.where are your morals.would u mind if your kids knew maybe follow on your footsteps.its a sin if u care


Nothing is the same after and trying to get the images alone out of your head is horrible!! Don’t do it if your already not comfortable

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Every relationship is different, and it’s wrong of him to overstep your boundaries by trying to open yours up like his friend. An absolute hard no. You are clearly uncomfortable and if he steps out on your marriage then that is on HIM and not you. He sounds like an asshat

I get that some couples enjoy it…but the fact that your first response wasn’t hell yeah…I’d say dont do it. I have a friend’s whose husband started seeing the other woman behind her back…and they got divorced soon after.

Do not do it!!! If he loves you… he will respect you by only wanting you

Bad idea…3ways dont solve ANYTHING

If you are not comfortable with it than hard no. If it happens once and doesn’t go well he will say try again if it does go well he will want to continue. Bringing someone into your marriage is a bad idea

Hes sick get a divorce…


It will take a toll on your marriage. Ive witnessed first hand 2 different relationships that did this. One is completely fine no issues between them the other one led to emotional and mental abuse from him and a divorce is happening now. Personally id address my feelings in a way to not upset him and talk him to about why he feels its necessary. Dont let your mind cause you to leave. And dont just throw away a marriage bc he suggested it more than once. Communication

Don’t do it. Your mind is not a playground. don’t let this troll your thoughts. You are enough, sexual desires can be talked about in bed and spice up your love life BUT DO NOT ACT ON THEM. Unless you want a world of issues in your marriage.

Communication is key. He is your husband and he needs to know about your insecurities. Sit him down and remind him why y’all are married and how he needs to consider your feelings.


Negative… Cause the next thing you know that threesome turns into a twosome minus YOU! seen it happen to many times


Follow your heart and gut and just sit down again and just tell him u don’t want that

My ex wanted a threesome. Went as far as signing up for a hookup site and pretended to be me. I didn’t want it. But he said I owed it to him. That was a piece of information that the judge easily granted my restraining order under. And because he lied about it. And because he was physically and emotionally abusive. If he doesn’t leave you alone about it after you Express you’re not comfortable with it, it can be considered mental abuse.

Excuse my (vulgar) language but HELL FUCKING NO! If my husband were to ask me anything like that, I’d be a widow.

So we did this, and things got messy and complicated because we did it with someone we were too close to. If you do it I suggest it not be any if your or his friends… find someone you don’t have to see everyday after.


Here’s my opinion. Every single couple is different. Your self confidence plays a huuuuge role in this situation. And not having a steep self confidence is nothing to be embarrassed about, but you need to communicate with your husband if you are not 100% confident in yourself and have embraced your insecurities. If you go into it feeling like he wants something else, that’s when it will leave you feeling all kinds of ways. He does not want someone else. He wants YOU and he wants to have experiences WITH YOU. It sounds like you have a really good man that is trying to open a door with his bride to see what’s behind. Bring excitement to both of your lives. If you do not want to do it, he has expressed that he’s okay with that. Take a few weeks and think about it. Tell him your thinking about it. If your on the fence, start becoming aware of the beaty of a female. This is where you really need to let go of insecurities because you don’t look at them and think “I wish my hair looked like that. I wish my waist was like that. Blah blah blah.” You look at them and think “I love the size of their waste and how thick her hips are.” Maybe this could be good for y’alls relationship. But you both have to want to do it. I have yet to do this, but I’ve brought it up to my boyfriend. We’ve been talking about trying it for the last few years lol. Best of luck! Message me if you’d like!

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Pick a really hot buff guy friend and have him get in on the trick - tell him you found someone, tell him who it is, have him come over to “talk about threesome and have him tell your husband all the gross things he wants to do with you and have him get handsy touchy feely, sit on his lap in front of husband - give guy friend lots of attention and see how he reacts after friend leaves


Sickening, Sickening.:face_vomiting::woman_facepalming:


This will blow up in your face

Some acquaintances of mine had a three way this summer. The dude ended up cheating on his gf with the other girl for months. Once the gf found out she gave him another chance. He ended up leaving her like a month or two later for the other girl.
I’m not saying that would happen or even happens most of the time. But the bedroom is a sacred space. If you are not both totally on board to try a new thing whether that be a threesome, toys, or even role play then its not fair for the other one to push it.
If just the thought is messing with your relationship, its a safe bet the actual act will destroy some part if not all of your relationship.


I have known others who have done this and even the ones who were cool with it at first it later became an issue .you don’t seem sure about it and if it you don’t think that you will be able to see another person touching your man then I don’t think that it is a good idea you should tell him how you feel . Does he feel comfortable seeing another person touching you? I have found that it’s better to talk about everything with your significant other


Been married 20 years and my husband has never mentioned anything like that. Cause he knows better. If I wanted to bang other people, I wouldn’t be married


I did one with my ex husband and I would totally suggest not doing it… It makes it so uncomfortable…

Bringing a third person into your marriage bed will fuck up your marriage. Whether it’s by a threesome or cheating.

If a threesome isn’t your thing DON’T DO IT! He needs to respect your answer and he needs to drop it. If he cheats, well he obviously doesn’t love you as much as you love him and you deserve better. Ask him if there are other things he’s interested in doing in the bedroom to get him off the threesome idea.

I declined the 3 some with my kids father we were engaged. I don’t like to share my man. We broke up shortly after I declined


Well you put your bisexual and he lets you have them while he’s out of town… and he wants a three some?? Is it fair for you to be with others while he’s out?? And if he doesn’t say anything about your bisexual Fun… than tell him you’ll pick who you’d like, or get a call girl with a health Certificate!!! Or take him to church, God for sure will give you a sign. Prayers for your relationship to last for many many many many many more years to come!!Remember it’s not all about the sex it’s about the companionship that your building for the future:pray::butterfly:

I am not comfortable sharing the whole story publicly but if OP wants to message me I have a success story of going through with the threesum.


Tbh if I were in your shoes I would just tell him no. if u don’t want to do it tell him no n tell him why. N stay firm no means NO. Don’t let him pull that crap about giving u the most attention in a threesome he is going to sleep with her too just remember that. My bf asked me once I said no he asked why I said it makes me uncomfortable and he understood. No means no like I said be firm. If u want to do it then do it if not DONT


Dont do the threesome it will ruin ur marriage if he wasnt ready to settle n still wants to fuck other woman he should’ve did all that before he got married not the other way around. Take him to the strip club n I bet he wont like it when the girls are all over u n not him. My husband got mad cuz I went with him I didn’t get jealous but he sure did lmfaooo

You live in a society that leads you to believe you have to be someone’s “only” in every situation. Its simply not true and it doesn’t make you inadequate to have a threesome. Im glad he’s communicating instead of just being deceitful. However, don’t let your insecurities kill the experience if you do go forward with it. Don’t go through with it if you’re not comfortable.


I would not do it especially if you already feel this way. you need to be upfront and honest with him how it makes you feel. you both are very young and haven’t had a lot of experiences so I get where he’s coming from and his friends that are not married pushing the idea but you gotta do what you feel is right bc this sort of thing can ruin a marriage/relationship if it’s not something you want or just don’t know if you would feel comfortable. I’ve seen this break up many relationships through the years. many times its because after it happens the man keeps wanting it to happen and either the woman flips out eventually or the man just starts going behind your back. but if it’s something you do plan on doing make sure it’s someone you don’t know well. not a close friend or even a friend bc thats a good way to ruin a friendship. good luck.

My hubby knows I am bisexual… he mentioned about a threesome, or even just watch and I told him that no to both. I simply just said, I dont want anyone sloppy seconds and I wont be a sloppy second. I can change personalities and that can be your threesome, other then that, no one is going to be sexual with you(hubby)or myself as long as we are together. I would tell him again that you dont feel comfortable with it, you dont want to as you dont want it to affect your marriage, tell him it has made you think now you are not good enough.


No way. I am a 1 woman man and my wife is a 1 man woman. We satisfy each other that’s all we need


Keep things simple… the more you fall into shitty things the more complicated things will be for you. Dont consult to stupid wishes of him and tell him this is downright sickening. He should keep himself away from those perv men

Marriage tuff enough with out a third party. I would think hard whether or not u want to stay married or not.


I personally think you shouldn’t do it. Only because you’re definitely not comfortable with it. The only way it will work is if you both want it. Communication and honesty is key. My husband had a few with his ex and I’ve always wanted to have one I just don’t want to choose the wrong person to do it with. But with that being said, it takes two willing parties for this to work. You are not comfortable with it and he needs to respect that. If he cheats? He does not deserve you and trash will take itself out of your life

My ex husband wanted this too. Only with another woman, no other men.
I said no. He ended up cheating. We tried to work it out. He ended up leaving. Eventually he wanted to try being together again, if we could have an open relationship. I said no. :woman_shrugging:t2:
Most likely, he does feel that he was too young to settle down and feels he’s missing out and they tend to do stupid shit when they feel that way.
I hope it goes differently for you. Never agree to something you arent 100% comfortable with.

If you have doubts they WILL cause issues, even if they’re not at all what you feared at first. He sounds like he’s really trying to help you feel at ease but you can’t force yourself to be comfortable with it

Its a no brainier you aren’t comfortable with it don’t do it. As for the feelings its brought up those are more complicated. Sounds like there needs to be a serious talk about why he wants this. Whether it just be a fantasy or if there is something else going on. He came to you openly about what he wanted now it your turns.


If you aren’t 100% all for it, I guarantee it will ruin your marriage.

Maybe go to counseling together.


I stopped reading at “been married 8 months”. Tell him he can have a three way with both his hands


Nothing good will happen.


Say sure I’d love to see you get done by another guy. Then wait for his response


Bringing another person into your marriage bed is unfaithfulness even if you both agree. Please don’t do this. Even the idea of it has caused problems. I’m sorry to hear that there’s questions about your husband’s faithfulness. Keep being the best wife you can be. If your husband is unfaithful, it is in no way you’re fault. Stay strong.


I would not do it bucse wen I let my man do that I said one time well they went behind my back and kept it from me far months and I break it off bucse he wanted her if you doint want to tell him no and he caint ethere put your foot down

That never works an don’t try it. Ur marriage may not make it thru it…

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Once you let the devil in it will be hard to get him out. Think about it. It’s a no for me.


If you’re not comfortable with it, don’t do it. If you are wondering if there’s more to it, you’ll need to have a serious conversation about why your husband wants this… with your husband.

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Dont do it. Ull regret it.


No not if you dont want !!

Find a woman who’s primarily into women and will focus on you. Basically steal his fantasy lol


You’re about to make a deadly mistake that will change the course of your marriage.


Ita a bad idea just like the old professional woman who talks about sex said 3 ways are a bad idea in any relationship. She told 1 guy its Because someone is always going to be better and the woman are going to notice bc you will give nore attention to the 1 . .


Not a good idea at all, especially if you are married.


Bring in another man. Bet his ass won’t feel the same then.

I’m sorry hun I’d think about it dont do something your not comfortable with period

This may end up in divorce court but if he don’t let it go and its a must you have 2 options walk away and end the marriage or find a lesbain thats into you only

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If this said " my husband and I want to have a threesome because we are in a very healthy commited relationship but that’s just our kink" I would say choose wisely none of my business but you said NONE of that. Seek couples counseling, something isnt right. :frowning:


Nope bad don’t do this it’s not worth it stay away

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i agreed and apparently i called my husband’s bluff and he got scared when i found someone

I have had a 3some with both my husband and my ex husband. If you are a jealous or self conscious person do NOT do it! With my exhusband it ended up being a huge issue. But my husband it was a smaller issue and I will not do it again. And I am bisexual but I don’t want to share my husband he is mine damn it! Though the fantasy still turns me on itself! I would be more into buying my husband a lap dance at a stripclub lol

Nope, I might even reconsider being with him. Anyone would feel insecure.

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Don’t do it its not worth it it will ruin your relationship


You will regret it. Its overrated anyways

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Yea I can see how it would mess with your selfesteem no matter any reassurance he says it would feel like a lie to smooth things over. I suggest you dont do it because it would never be the same between you both. And I can see how youd start to feel different to him especially if you dont feel enough . Maybe suggest couples counseling .


I would just no way it aint happening.

No matter how you start this: you’ll end up feeling like either a slut or a side piece in the end.

Dont do this, I wouldve been super offended at the question, and I’m sexually attracted to women. Its gonna break the bond of your marriage, yes he just wants to have sex with another woman, hes trying to involve you so it’s not technically an affair but that’s what it will lead to. Tell him the truth you’re not comfortable with it and you need to know why he really wants it


If you don’t want one say no🤷‍♀️

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Do it! Have fun! Only live once! Always find a new husband if it doesn’t work out! Ask for another guy- please video or take pics and pm me… I will rate it!

Y’all are 2fuckin2. Of course he’s curious. Way too young to be tied down sexually to just one person

Not a good ideal, yrs down the road its gonna flash back and the hate will begin. Your opening doors for total destruction if you do this and those children deserve better .


You need to be confident in your self and in your relationship to even consider it because trust me it will eat at you

Don’t do it that don’t sound right

Pick a guy I bet he won’t wanna do it again​:joy::joy::woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:


God,are you crazy,I would be so offended

If you do… you need to set boundaries and understand the importance of respecfing those boundaries; treat them like its life or death.
Otherwise you could do some serious damage to the relationship/ trust.

Because you are already having the feeling you do about him just inquiring about the idea of it say no. You are probably not going to like seeing him with another woman right in front of your eyes. I feel it works out fine for some, for others it doesn’t. For those it works out for great but it can cause a lot of problems if you are not completely secure with yourself and your relationship which no offense it sounds like your not. See for me I am way too possessive and jealous to ever share my husband with other woman in bed, luckily he has had a threesome and said it wasn’t for him. You can say no, tell him how it makes you feel and that you do not think at this point in your relationship and so early into your marriage that it is a good idea. Don’t be afraid to Express how he is making you feel by asking or the thoughts you are having because of this.

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If you’re having all these bad feelings about it then you should never give in to it cause it will cause huge problems later. Most guys seem to have that same fantasy but that does not mean it has to happen. every relationship I’ve known that this has happened in has gone bad so unless you are interested in women then don’t do it

8 months in n your sex life is already fizzled? Yikes

I don’t know who’s more sick, him for asking or you for thinking about it and thinking he will only want it one time.


His mates wife is bisexual. Your husband is now asking you to be bisexual… if he asked you to be a dolphin would you do that? His friends relationship is not your relationship. His fantasy is not your fantasy. Dont do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. If you let him past this boundary he will not respect any other boundaries you set. Set your standard and stick to it.


Good Way To Ruin Your Marriage


Tell him only if it’s 2 dudes and u lol


If you do…marriage is over.

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Pick a guy youd like, ask your hubby what he thinks??