His choice don’t like it tough shit
How about you go hunting and he stays home to cook the turkey? That may change his perspective a bit
Marriage is about compromise. He needs to suck it up and go every other year or find a different time. Why is right before or after not ok?
Do it a different time with him let him have the time he wants with his friends and you go a different time with him😁
It sounds like you are legit making him choose. In my state thanksgiving weekend is opening day of firearm season and my husband his dad, uncle, friends, etc. always go hunting. Every year that’s the big weekend.
If I want to go hunting I simply go with him. Or we plan another trip for us when it’s not the weekend all the other guys are there. I wouldn’t make him do a separate hunt away from where his friends/family are that particular weekend.
Now if he’s not planning another trip with you aside from the special weekend, then yes I would be mad. Go have guy time but you gotta take your woman some time too. I shouldn’t have to sit home and not enjoy the hobby too.
Wow my dude would do anything for me to go with him !!
Who can’t everyone go?
We want Salomon fishing as a family last year and it was amazing!
Are the other guys taking their wives?
They just might want some guy time.
I’d say let him go this once but take a vacation and say the same don’t make me choose friends over family and you are going . Bet you he’ll shape right the he’ll up
Why can’t you do both?
So what would you do with your 7 year old twins on Thanksgiving day if you go off hunting with him? Are they not family too?
Its only one day a year let him and his friends be just my opinion just cause y’all are married doesn’t mean you get to control and invade every aspect of his life
I’ll go with you! Need to get an all woman’s hunting group together
Find a different hunting spot and go without him
Can you let him go hunting this time with his friends and set up another time it’s just you two ?
Find childcare for the kids and take yourself on a hunting trip without him
I totally get it. We have 6 kids, been together 20 years. We used to go fishing every opening day of trout. One of our children were actually conceived on that day lol. But we haven’t went in years. If he were to go without me I would be heartbroken, tremendously jealous, upset, angry that he got to go and I was stuck home with the children and responsibilities while he got out of the house away from stress without me. I also understand that’s his time away from life, stress, you and the kids. See if you can come to a compromise. I believe you said he goes for a week. Find someone to watch the kids for 2-3 days and go half of the week with him and his friends and then go home the other half of the week so he has guy time. Do any of the other guys bring their wives? That may also be an issue, the other guys may not want you there. I think being able to communicate is key here. I have learned over the years that sometimes texting or leaving a note for hubby is better then talking face to face. Or talking in the car so your not looking directly at each other. For some reason my hubby sometimes turns into a darn brick wall if I talk to him while looking directly at him, same as my kids too. Talking to them in the car after getting an ice cream usually gets a better response then sitting face to face with out something to occupy them. Hope you can come to some sort of compromise.
Make it a family event…the kids are old enough to start going for short spurts and getting the gist of it. He has 2 new bffs they are 7 and a super cool lady who wants to hunt
We are avid hunters as well. Since our daughter was born 4-5 years ago, he has always hunted thanksgiving without me (sometimes with friends) but it’s never bothered me cause it is something that is very important to him. As long as he comes home, gets to spend time with you and your family, that’s all that matters! I do understand your point of view 100%, but as a wife of an avid hunter as well, I know how important it is to my husband. Sometimes you have to compromise! Not just that, but the happiness, and pride my husband has when he calls me about the “big boy down” talk, is SO worth it.
Sounds like a vaca to hunt or whatever is in order for momma.
But no reason why he can’t go early and be home for dinner.
Thats how every other hunter I’ve ever known has done it.
Are you the only gf/wife that goes?
Why not let him have 1 weekend a year?
If you’re having to take vacation time to be with the kids while he hunts that’s bs. Your vacation time is for you to unwind too. Sounds like he’s entitled. If he wants guy time he can make his own arrangements to get help for you with the kids while you keep your vacation time for yourself at another date. Sounds a bit narcissistic too. I wouldn’t put up with that, the only time my guy goes alone is when we absolutely need to fill the freezer and he helps make arrangements not put everything on me. Any other time even little babe comes with us all. Sorry you’re having to deal with someone like that
Take the family. Pack up the kids and just go with him. Holidays are spent with FAMILY❤
Maybe you get to go on your own hunting holiday. But also I’d be reevaluating the whole relationship. Is this his only friend outing the whole year? Or does he regularly go out with friends and disregards his family relationships? I’m confused on the fact that he feels he has to choose. This is not that hard he can hunt with friends and the wife. But does he want to spend that time with you and friends is the issue. Find some people to hunt with you. If you haven’t in awhile get to range and practice. Have fun and I hope you get one bigger than him!
You go hunting and leave him with the kids
When married and have children the freedom to do as you plz is nonexistent.
Its not invasion or controlling. Its called responsibilities.
Let him go find a group of friends you can go with
It’s just one day a year, big deal.
It would be nice if you & he could ask family to take care of your kids while you go hunting together … but that kind of leaves your kids in the lurch.
I don’t know the answer for you. Once you have kids, life changes … & becomes more about family choices instead of individual ones.
If he hunts for sport, that’s one thing … but If he hunts to put food on the table and in your freezer, then let him. I’d say the kids will be old enough to go along & learn to hunt in the coming years, and it can become a family tradition.
These folks are clearly not reading to understand.
- She has begged him to go with her since the kids were born 7 years ago
- They used to hunt together before the kids
- It’s Thanksgiving and he’s excluding his wife and two kids to hang with friends
- He has to find his own childcare and that’s why he’s salty.
NTA I am sorry he’s being an ass hat. He took something y’all use to do together and is now leaving you behind with the kids.
If you’re not welcome, then you’re not welcome. No amount of badgering will change that in a positive manner.
Easy make your own plans and find someone to watch the kids !!
Hide his guns lol
I would wonder why he goes on Thanksgiving day? Why you don’t get someone to watch the children and go with him and his friends?
i understand why you would be upset if it was something that you both enjoyed together before the kids. some people i know bring their kids with sometimes? maybe you could suggest making it a family trip? even though i know 7 year olds might not be the ideal hunting partners lol but it could be a good bonding experience and cool new tradition
Be more upset the fact he wants to hunt tf wrong with people
For those saying get someone to watch the kids & go with him, WTH. Just dump your kids on a holiday. Priorities are really screwed up here
Let him go and next year you plan a hunting trip on thanksgiving and he can stay home with kids and family festivities
What the hell is fun about killing animals your sick
You both need to be going to pass on that knowledge to your children
Get yourself a group together on the next holiday and go hunting with them ! His turn to stay home with family.
I’d find a sitter and fly to a warm Oceanside destination without him. See how he likes it lol
If he refuses to take you, disappear in the morning and make sure he has to stay home with the kids that day. Volunteer to work or something. Soup kitchens always need people on thanksgiving.
I dated a guy that hunted all the time and I hated it. It was one of the reason we broke up and I regret it everyday.
Not to be rude, but as a born and raised hunter (I’m a mountain kid), if that man doesn’t want you to hunt with him there’s something wrong with him. Any real man would jump at the chance for his partner to go hunting with them, hell, half of them will drag their partner along anyway knowing they don’t like it. You’ve got more questions to be answered there.
Well take YOUR vacation somewhere HOT . Somewhere FUN . Somewhere WITHOUT HIM OR KIDS .
Let him go on this day with his friends and find another weekend where you two can go together.
Get babysitter and go hunting by yourself
Nope. He’s lost his mind. Thanksgiving is a family holiday
Time to hunt was couple days before.
First world problems
Looks like he’s already chosen his friends. Later dude
Does he hunt all day??? My dad usually would go in the morning.
I’d take the kids and go fishin just you and them they’re old enough so you don’t have to stay home and if he gets home with nothin you make sure you rub a big ol catfish in his face
This is why I am single
Mine always goes the morning of Thanksgiving. However I would be upset if he wasn’t going to be home for the dinner.
Let him know he has his kids this thanksgiving and you and a few of your girl hunters go and have fun doing y’all’s own hunting
Maybe he should alternate years. Marriage is a give and take but if he’s just disregarding your feelings completely, that’s not cool. If he’s just needing a break, then you get one too!
I may be the odd one out if plan a little get away with the twins have fun hunting
Girl, go hunting by yourself and bring home all the turkeys!!!
So if you go with your ok with him hunting on thanksgiving?! Is the issue he is going with friends and not you? Or is it cause it’s on thanksgiving?!
My husband goes hunting after we are done with our thanksgiving stuff. He also goes ice fishing on Christmas. Edit- I have 5 kids at home,
Use your vacation to go on vacation with one of your friends. Let the grandparents babysit for you for a few days.
Marriage is about 2 people that make a life together. That doesn’t mean there will not be times where each of you want times to do something with friends. You and twins go be with friends or family for Thanksgiving and have your family Thanksgiving another weekend. It works out great for your kids. 2 times to get excited about celebrating a holiday. Give him the space he wants for this and you make the best of it. Your turn next for a girl’s trip to get away. It adds a refresh to the marriage too. He will love you even more.
Book your own hunting trip. Seriously.
I honestly do see the big deal really maybe his friends don’t want you to go with them because it’s their time with him and you just are getting in the way with them
If my husband said he wanted to go hunting without me I’d say go for it and I’d find babysitter or drop kids off with grandparents and have mini vacation for me some alone time
It’s Thanksgiving not Christmas or a birthday soooooo …
Guys need bro time . Let him have fun without making a fuss
Sounds like his friend is female
It’s Thanksgiving. You sure he’s hunting? Regardless of what others have said, you’re not being selfish. Thanksgiving is a FAMILY holiday and sure can even include friends but hunting could be done any other day. I’m willing to bet this isn’t the only time he disregards you as a person and spouse. If he can’t come to a compromise WITHOUT RESENTMENT with the woman he married, that gave him children, makes his house a home and put together the holiday meal he comes home to after he’s had HIS fun then he doesn’t respect you at all. But you probably already know that. He’s the selfish one. Being a man doesn’t entitle him to being an ass and doing whatever he wants.
He may see it as his guy time. Maybe you can ask him if you guys can go on a separate occasion just the two of you
HAPPY HUNTING WIDOW HERE! Got a question for you. Are the friends on this Thanksgiving trip men only? If wives are going and he’s refusing you then that’s unreasonable. One spouse laying down the law in a marriage never ends well. He did that and I understand why it made you angry. Marriage is a trade off. Both parties must be flexible for it to be a success. However if this is a guy’s trip I do understand him not wanting you to go. There’s no doubt the way he handled it was wrong. It’s been a running joke in our family that my husband married me for the hunting. I grew up on a large family farm and live there now. Prime hunting property that my husband (and I) love. Have never stopped my husband from hunting whenever he wanted be it our farm, trips in the states or other countries. Knew he loved it when we started dating. He
enjoys hunting AND the time with his friends. Never looked at his time away as disregard for me. I used to hunt and we always went separately from his friends. Since I don’t hunt anymore (too tender hearted) I’m glad he’s got someone to go do his thing with. I’m a HUGE believer in separate guy time and girl time. It makes for a healthy marriage. We’ve had lots of it. He was an army officer and gone all the time. There have been years where D spent a WHOLE lot of time and $ hunting. Never bothered me. Guy time is more important than women think and I trust him. He’s never given me a reason not to in 40 years of marriage. When he’s hunting I do my own thing. That even included boarding up a house and evacuating for a hurricane while he was on a mountaintop in Idaho! Fun times and an adventure for me and my boys! You DON’T have to just stay home and keep the kids. Definitely don’t use your vacation time. Take a trip and do something you want to do.
If you want to hunt book a trip for you. He’ll see that it’s something you really want to do and something y’all can do together. Ask him to make time to do it with you. You enjoy it and want to share it with him. You’ve both drawn your line in the sand and that can only end badly. Ultimatums are always a negative and they have negative repercussions. Calmly try and talk to him about it. Have the talk when y’all aren’t tired and with no kids around to interrupt. There are 2 sides to this story and NEITHER of you is listening to the other.
7 yr old kids are old enough to hunt. Yall should each take 1 of them in the woods with you
Take the kids and do something special and when he comes home and nobody is home and he asks where you are tell him you are having time without him. Obviously if he wanted to spend time with you guys he shouldn’t have went without you. You let him go without you 7 years. All you were asking was for one time. You take care of you sweety. He Obviously didn’t even take the time to consider having you go with him so that’s on him. Take the kids and do something fun without him.
You should just let your man go do man things and enjoy your time doing something else. Pawn your kids off and go hunt elsewhere LOL and be like look what I f****** got
How about when he come back you leave the twins and you go hunting … find a nice hotel with a spa etc. And enjoy the moment…live life … worry about him hunting with friends another time. You have any girlfriends invite them .
Oh, just let him do what he wants. Cannot control people. Do what you want to do. Don’t control each other.
I can’t relate completely as I choose not to hunt with my fiance, however on holidays of any kind our time is spent as a family with our son, or with family members outside our home. Hunting to him is a leisure, therefore it comes second to family during holidays, any other day I’m pretty sure it and fishing comes first (totally kidding he misses if need be is just obsessed) however if I’d repeatedly asked to go with him and he chose not to bring me a long time and time again I’d get offended too. I 100% get it is usually his “guy time” but one time of choosing to make it a kind of date would be perfectly acceptable and right to me. I’m sure my fiance would kill for me to ask to go out hunting with him, he has tried getting me to I choose not to because I’m not fond of guns enough to go out hunting.
Go do something with your friends let tye guys do there things every oct to nov men would go hunting
theres more than one day to hunt go with him on another day enjoy family time w relatives i used to go Christmas shopping when he went hunting
I’d be mad as !!! I’m petty enough I’d tell him I wasn’t cooking his
dinner and no dessert either (and I’m not talking
My husband goes hunting every year thanksgiving morning with a friend and his dad (if his dad is up for it) and is home in time for festivities… No problem with me… My oldest wants to start going and he said she could and eventually she will hunt also… Let him go as long as he is home for thanksgiving dinner… Maybe pick a different time to go with him…?
I hope he is spending time with you and your kids on the other holidays.
Don’t go–it’s a man thing he enjoys.
If he wants to go without this year - say to him he must take one kid this year and the other kid next year - problem if he still says no the leave a day early take a mini vacation without him and the kids
Now take a day leave him with the kids and you go do something you want to do
First of all, holidays are for the family. When he married you, you became his family. It sounds like the problems started when your children were born. It also sounds like he’s a selfish bastard who doesn’t care about anyone but himself. If he’s been going off for a week, during the Thanksgiving holiday no less, leaving you home to care for the children so his life could go on as if he has no responsibility, he cares nothing for you and the children. Kick his ass to the curb and stop wasting your life on someone so selfish. If this has been going on for 7 years, he’s never going to change, and I suspect this is not the only thing that’s going on in your marriage where he exhibits this kind of behavior. People with so little regard for their spouse and children rarely confine acts like this to one week a year.
Sounds like he needs time away from you. My late husband’s annual hunting trip was for him and guy friends.
Go on your own trip without him . You can either take your 7 year old or leave them with their dad
Yes you are absolutely overreacting
Nothing wrong with him wanting to go hunting with his friends, a couple doesn’t have to do EVERYTHING together, both should have a little time to do something with theirs friends.
Go hunting without him and leave the kids for him.
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Let him go and tell him he better have gotten some game animal because that is what you are having for your dinner me and the kids are not cooking this year for are extended family that will not be there
Offering thanks for good things helps people feel positive emotions, enjoy experiences, improve their health, deal with adversity and build strong relationships especially with your kids. … creating an attitude of gratitude in your family can be the beginning of many good things in years to come.
I dont think you’re overreacting at all. Especially if it was something you always did prior to kids and now that he’s gotten used to you being home with them, he’s replaced you with his buddies. I’d be pissed too. And I know, when my husband goes hunting with his buddies, they’re gone til dark. It’s not just til noon when dinner is ready and then they spend time with the family. Id tell him if he wants to go with his buddies then he makes time to hunt with you prior to Thanksgiving and takes care of the arrangements for the kids on his own. Or…get up earlier than he does and be gone before he wakes up and take yourself hunting. He can stay home for once. It won’t kill him. He’s been going the last 7 years with his buddies while you’re doing the work at home. Let him have a taste of his own medicine.
Let that man have his man time and make some other plans w him smh
Im the kinda mom that due to my kids ages… You show proper gratitude. Don’t be a dick. He can easily go the day after.
Tell him to go and not come back. He doesn’t get free time/me time without a cost when he stiffs you to have it.
Why would you even want to go if he doesn’t even want you there. You make plans with your friends sometime and tell him he is staying home with the kids.
Your husband sounds like the worst… leave his sorry butt!
Im shocked by how many people say shes overreacting. He is literally going during their holiday break every year and leaving her with the kids at home during her vaccation time off work! How do any of you justify that as fair?! They chose to have kids and he is spending his vaccation kid free having fun (doing something the both enjoy without her) while leaving her at home with their kids, plus he is missing spending the actual holiday with his kids. Yall there is no way yo justify that he chose to have a family just as much as her and she also deserves a break. Why does his guys trip have to be the holiday week? Cant they do it a different time? Or why cant wife and kids go? Or he help find a sitter so she can. Or maybe consider he isnt the only one who needs a break? Imo I would be pissed if my husband left the entire holiday week every year and was that inconsiderate to both me and the kids
Grab your gun and go yourself. Take the kids with you