My husband wants to hunt without me on Thanksgiving: Advice?

I wouldnt be happy of it was something we use to do together and then it stopped! And who said its a man thing women like to hunt too! I personally dont like it but each to their own


TIME OUT!! these ladies saying let him go is absurd… do you get free time for you!!! Seriously take my advice and do not settle for bs!!


Some of you people need a life with these dumb questions


Plan your own trip. He’s allowed his free time just as you are. He doesn’t have to take you lmao.


I’d say let him go and let him have that free time of hunting if that’s what he really wants but he should also be including you on some of his hunting Adventures and if not then I wouldn’t be begging him for more time with him that should just be a given. I would also after this make sure you go on a vacation without your kiddos and without him


Omg, let the man go hunting with his buddies! He was doing it before you came into his life, and then you went till kids came. He still deserves to have his time. If you don’t have friends to hunt with, or that hunt. Then find something for you to take your vacation on and leave him with the kids for a few days. Couples don’t have to stop their joys because of a wife and kids package. The question I have is, did you even hunt? Or did he take you along and you just sat there?


Let him go. Then make your own plans to hunt or do something with your friends. He can stay home with the kids during the time.
Since he insists on going hunting during family vacation, I’d do something super fun with the kids during that time. Not sure where you live, but maybe an indoor water park? Have a freaking BLAST without him. Then put the pictures all over the house and social media. All the pictures of you and the kids making memories together and having fun. Do this every year that he goes hunting during Thanksgiving week. When the kids grow up and wonder where Dad was during an awesome vacation, he can explain that he chose hunting with his friends.


Let him have his time with friends. It’s just one day. Hopefully when children are older he takes them. My husband takes our son, who is 7.

You & the Kids make plans & go away without him ,go & enjoy life " he is a selfish nob👍


He needs to compromise at least like every other year you two go together or something like that.


Pay for a sitter and go by yourself or go do something for yourself

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You’re a drama queen.
Get over it


I haven’t read the rest of the comments. I personally feel everyone is entitled to their alone time. My fiancé goes on an annual guys fishing trip and I’m also free to make my own time away plans. Sometimes I do my own thing and other times we plan to do them together. All about balance.

That said, I can understand why you are disappointed. You want to go hunting, you enjoy that time together, and you did it before children. I would be frustrated and upset if I had expressed my feelings to my spouse (if I was in this position) and he didn’t compromise one of the years to go as a couple again.


Is this his only hunting trip with the guys??? If so then he’s just getting some time with the boys.
If not then I find it interesting he is not involving you seeing as you want to hunt. Most men would be thrilled to have a wife that hunts.
My wife has learned to shoot and about hunting and now hunts, I would never think of going without her. We are empty nesters so it’s easy.
Teach the twins to shoot and get them involved in hunting then it’s a family tradition.


Let him hunt alone with his friends. You do something on your own another day.

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Hubby and I had this same issue after hunting together for years. I ended up staying home that year with the boys and he went on his trip, he ended up coming home 3 days into his trip because he felt guilty and since hasn’t mentioned going away hunting again.


It can’t be 7 years later when you say it’s not acceptable it should of happened on the 1st year so he’s not budging and your not invited id leave 2 hours before his trip he can find childcare and do something for yourself


This is when you turn around and say I’ve made plans with my friends this year, so you have the twins this year.


Get a new man that wants to spend holidays with you and the kids.


Take a trip with your kids


If he doesnt want you to go. Its obvious he aint going hunting .


I WISH mine would dip for a day. But I can see how it is a pain.
Maybe he feels you should be home now that you a mom.
We’d be throwing hands honestly

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Tell your husband if he hunts without you, he can spend Christmas somewhere else. Answer from a friend.

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He sounds suss. What man wouldn’t want to take his kids hunting.


Let him go and enjoy his time. Everyone needs a break sometimes.


Maybe plan your own trip with some girls for another weekend. Do not beg people to spend time with you…ever.


Take the kids and with. Make it a camping weekend. Cook a Thanksgiving dinner still. Just get creative with what you make.


Typical “I do what I gotta do to get ya but then stop doing that to keep ya”.


So let me get this right you’re not pissed because hes missing a family holiday to spend time with you and the kids you’re pissed because hes going hunting without you?!?!


Get a sitter or ask family to spend time with your twins and you go with the husband

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Am I the only one that thinks something isn’t right here? Yall always hunted together and now all of a sudden your not allowed to go. ?? Yea im sry but if I was you I might be checking into that situation. Like have someone watch the kids while you go do some investigating. Where my husband goes I go. But then again our kids are older. If you trust him and all is good then just talk to him and explain to you that it’s not fair.


Me and the kids go with my hubby! Why can’t you guys take the kids? Make it a family affair!

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Let the husband be. Let him go hunting stop be a nagging wife. Just stop.


The same thing happened with me. I started hunting with him when our relationship was new. He wanted to go by himself with his friends after we had kids but it actually didn’t bother me. I took off Thanksgiving week and wrapped gifts for Christmas while the kids were in school and he was gone. I understood that he needed guy time. Now that we are older, he likes to have me come with but I don’t want to hunt. I go with and stay at the casino hotel and have quiet time while he hunts and then we go out for dinner at night.


Find a group of ur own to go hunting … sod him

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I’d be asking further questions !


Let him go. Get over it.


What, his life hasn’t changed since the kids came? Ditch this loser. Find someone who loves sharing his time with you and maybe even the kids.


Just let him go. Maybe you can take sometime before he goes to spend time together. Also plan a spa day or something you enjoy for yourself either before or afterwards.

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Let him go. My husband and I go together when the kids are in school otherwise we take turns or the kids come out with us.

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Celebrate Thanksgiving on a different day.

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I’m sorry if you guys hunt that’s great you guys have you time. But if this is a tradition of his or he was asked to go on another guys tradition. Let it go. That is the most important time for my husband’s dad, uncles, cousin and him. And now my 6 yr old son is learning.

This comment thread is interesting “he’s not hunting he’s cheating “ . My lord this is why the divorce rate is so high🤦🏼‍♀️


I lived this bs. Let me tell you what you might ought to do. Go down to where your husband checks his deer or what ever in. Look at the wall of pictures. Look for his and see if there is a lady in it with him. I stayed home and did the family holidays too. My husband was hunting with a different lady. They were in a picture together checking in his or her deer. On the wall in a picture. Yes. I was controlling his time too. The hunting and fishing was only time he had besides work time. See how he used it? I was told, he couldn’t even have his own life anymore. Men who want to be men and a dad will do the family thing. Ok? Selfish people go hunting and fishing on holidays and family times.


Go with him. Take your family. Go camping, the kids will love it. Don’t make him choose… LOL !! tell him you’re all coming !!!


Take a girls trip to the Caribbean :v::v::palm_tree::palm_tree:


Let him go…
Go have a mommy night with mom friends with kids.

After bitching and complaining that much would you really wanna go

I say let him go and have fun but get a sitter mid trip and ride down there with a nice surprise dinner for him and his boys so it looks like ur being sweet not crazy lol that’s what I would do

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Have him take the twins and you go to Hawaii! Or Alaska. Or stay home and take naps since he’s going to have the kids!

Fuck that. Hes being ridiculous

Go hunting without him :roll_eyes:


That sounds like a fun time! There will be zero tension. When you insert yourself? Where you are not wanted! Yay hunting!

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My whole family hunts. November is HUNTING month.

It’s probably been a tradition in his family for years and with his buddies. Just let him go hunting. It’s not a big thing. You just make a day with your girlfriends and your family to do something with them and he can stay home with the kids. Problem solved

He’s about to spend thanksgiving with some other chick it sounds like. Why specifically thanksgiving. That’s family time not hunting with the boys time. To leave you completely to go hunt on a family holiday is weird. Sounds like he’s very disconnected. Holidays are always for family. No problem with seeing friends but when you ditch your family completely to be with friends that sounds weird


Maybe he wants to just hang with the guys and relax

It’s not a big deal for if he does something without you. Let it go.

Let him go and go a mom and kid thanksgiving party

IDK why some women just like a man in their backside all the time.
I’d be taking my girls on a mini vaca out of town every thanksgiving bo cooking or nothing.
Why you home mad?!

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Y’all saying let it go but they always used to hunt together. I’d be mad to.


Ladies. If we want this default parent bullshit to change. We need to stop this mind set that it’s okay for the fathers of the kids to bugger off with his mates, while we have find something to do that includes the kids.
I sware, we are our on worst enemies with this bullshit mindset.
News flash, if you don’t expect and demand that the father of your children step up and parent. THEY WON’T.

Just go sleep with his dad


I’d just pull up! Twins and all

Oh no get up before him leave the house leave his ass with the kids and go find somthing to do! Go hunting by yourself or go hunting with his buddies! Me I’d show up and go with his buddies while he is waking up trying to figure out why he’s home alone with the kids calling them like bro I can’t come my girl done left me with the kids idk where she went so they can be like oh she just showed up saying my turn to have the fun while he stays with the kids! Maybe I’m just petty!

You and ur single girlfriends should Go hunting without him :wink::wink:


Sounds to me like he isn’t going with his friends why thanksgiving tho why that time of year for 7 years. Sounds like he has someone else


Thanksgiving is a family holiday. It would be different if they were all meeting up for Football Friday. But a whole Holiday weekend with no family? No Way


All these women saying ‘just let it go it’s a not a big deal’. It’s not a big deal to YOU but it is for her. It’s something she wants to be included in. And she shouldn’t be the fall back parent every year while he does his thing. Organise a girls hunting trip this year (if you have friends that do it) and he can spend it with the kids this time ?


Go hunting without him!


My husband hunted before him and I got together. He as always hunted with his friends/family every thanksgiving so I let him continue. But I’m also not a hunter. But you shouldn’t have to use your vacation days for him. That should be for you guys. And what’s the big deal about you going? Why does he care if you go? These are things I’d be asking him.


Does he get any alone or guy time? Plan a separate hunting trip dont smother him

Get a babysitter if you really feel the desperate need to go out and kill defenceless animals instead of spending quality time together as a family.:rage:


Work with your individual therapist to resolve your codependency and make your own plans like an actual adult


I bet you’ll be invited if you didn’t have to deal with the kids. He uses it has a break now .

I love to hunt, and do so every year. Take your kids and go hunting… I’ve taken both my boys since they were old enough to hold a BB gun, they’re now 20 and 18, and hunt every year.


Get some female friends that hunt and make a weekend of it and leave him with the kids!


I wouldn’t beg! You and the kids plan something and go MIA for a day or two. Post all the fun pics of y’all on Social media and forget him!!


My 1st husband cheated on me while hunting over thanksgiving weekend, so I’m probably not the best person to chime in. However, you asked. So, I wouldn’t tolerate him not being around for Thanksgiving &/or leaving me out of an activity that we shared. It sounds sexist that you are expected to take care of the kids. How would he feel if you planned a several day trip w/ your friends over a family holiday time & left him to take care of the kids?


I wouldn’t beg if you wanna go just do it


Yall, it’s not the point just to go hunting. She wants to go hunting WITH her husband. So saying just go without isn’t helping her.

Lady, you should sit your husband down and have a conversation with him. Don’t talk at him. Ask questions. Suggest alternatives for a babysitter. Or hey, take them with. Make it a family tradition for all of you. Don’t let him dismiss you. Let your feelings be known and heard. I hope you get a Thanksgiving Tradition that you’re hoping for. Best of luck.


Time to get a babysitter and go hunting with a new group of people…your husband is out for himself only.


Simple … make him take the kids. 7 is a good age to start learning


Don’t book your vacation time and tell him he has to figure it out. If he wants to cut you out of his plans, cut him out of yours. They’re his kids too not just yours, he can figure out childcare if he wants to ditch on a holiday no less and leave you in charge of the kids… again… I’d be gutted if my husband pulled this :weary:


What are u actally hunting for???

Guys like their guy time too. My brother always was out in the woods with several of his friends hunting and they would come out in time for Thanksgiving dinner. It’s nothing to blow a gasket about.

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This year, after a 7 year hiatus, IT IS YOUR TURN TO GO HUNTING …He can go next year… Great sales after Thanksgiving…


I would tell him that every other year he can hunt and on the off years you will take a girls trip for your vacation and he can use his time to watch the kids :blush: if not maybe it’s time to make a savings account for a week long sitter so you both can go hunting together every year. It’s pretty fair and even straight forward.

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You both had kids, not just you. You shouldn’t have to give up everything to care for them. He can figure out childcare for the kids. Unfortunately, I think hunting with him is over with (at least for the foreseeable future). He obviously didn’t care to spend your vacation time with you, wanted you to spend it on his to make it easier. So, besides having him figure out childcare while he’s gone, spend your vacation on yourself. Whether it be with friends or family, do what you want to do. What you allow will continue. Maybe giving him a small comparison of what you’ve had to sacrifice and feel the last 7 years will open his eyes. Plus, you’ll have a very well deserved and relaxing vacation on your choice, whether that be a girls trip or a vacation YOU want to do with your family.

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I’m shocked a dude who hunts doesn’t have decency. Wow.

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Nothing says “let’s give thanks for all our blessings and tradition” like getting together and killing a bunch of animals. Jesus.

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Go do something fun. Go hunting yourself.

Plan yourself a trip for you and your friends and tell him he’s gotta watch the kids. Not saying necessarily at Thanksgiving…do yours first. Use your vacation time for you and your friends and tell him he has to figure out his hunting trip for himself since you don’t have vacation time to watch the kids anymore.


Plan yourself a trip without him the same week. Buy non refundable reservations somewhere. :woman_shrugging::joy:

His friends don’t like you. He’s trying to avoid telling you. If you continue to be obnoxious about it either he will A) Cave and take you along, which probably will be zero fun, or B) Confess which friend doesn’t like you and why, which will likely hurt your feelings.

People should be able to do things outside their relationship. Before we had a kid I never missed one of my husband’s shows. In the five years since I’ve missed hundreds. I got over it. You can too. :crazy_face:

Let him have his time and get your own. Seriously. Men need guy time. You’ve been married for 12 yrs. Give each other a break ffs. Don’t compare life w/o kids to now.

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Sounds like he needs guy time. So when he gets home. You have girl time

Leave him alone. Let him hunt. He’s not perched up on a barstool 5 nights a week, is he? Hunt with him on a different day.

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Plan your own hunting trip and have him watch the kids while you go have fun!!

My husband and son go hunting in the morning while me, my 2 daughters and my mom cook then we all eat together when my husband and son get home.