My husband was complaining when I was in the hospital...advice?

I’m a stay at home mom of 6 and I was admitted into the hospital from 4pm Friday to 7pm Saturday… all my husband did was complain that I wasn’t getting answers right away and kept bugging me about when I was coming home that he was going to call the hospital to get them to hurry up so I can come home because he didn’t want to “single” parent anymore… not a single worry in his body… now that I’m home he’s falling asleep on the couch and says that he’s going to leave and be alone like I had a freaking break. I was in so much pain the entire time I was there along with other stuff, I kept getting poked and woken up throughout the night… the fact that he’s acting like this just makes me want to cry and just want to leave him… I ALWAYS have the kids by myself and never get breaks… anytime I want to do something by myself he gets mad so I never do things… the doctor found a small white matter lesion in my brain but couldn’t tell me what it was and said it could be the start of something!? But yet they still discharged me… and what does he do!? Complains… never asked me how I was feeling nothing…. Do I have the right to be upset???


That is heartbreaking & thinking a hospital stay is a break give me a freaking break :joy:, Kick him out, your better off without him but tell him he’s still responsible for expenses for you and the kids, change the locks & tell him he has to call/messege u 1st before just showing up when he wants to visit the kids.

You have every right to be upset. This should have been an eye opener. Not only should he have been concerned for you but he should be thanking you after realizing how hard your job at home is. He sounds selfish. I don’t often feel there’s enough information to say “leave” and I think people jump to that too quickly. But I’d definitely express how you feel and require him to go to therapy with you. If he refuses and nothing changes, I’d consider leaving. I’m so sorry and I hope you feel better.


He would be enjoying single parenthood listen this is something to think about when it’s your parent and you got to go do you wanna listen to that? No these are warning for the bigger things and this was big to me darlin. He’s selfish and manipulating you weren’t on the beach enjoying yourself

I wouldn’t leave. I would kick him out. I wouldn’t be left without a house!

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Yes ma’am u have every right to be upset. Sounds like he is toxic and don’t care about anyone but him self… I would totally pack my babies n things n get a Divorce! U need someone to love u and ur babies.


Run!!! He doesn’t love or respect you!!


That’s heart breaking :broken_heart:
I hope it’d nothing and that you are okay.
I couldn’t imagine treating someone I love so disrespectfully and heartless! The hospital isn’t the Hilton and it’s disgusting he could compare a hospital stay to a break. You deserve so much more, to feel loved and appreciated. Imagine, a taste of your daily life and ge cannot do it for 24 hours, you must be a Rockstar!!! :heart: you are under valued and I truly hope things go up from here because you deserve all the good things life has to offer, including a real day away to enjoy yourself !!!

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You have every right to be upset darling.

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I think you know…its time to go…let him try the single life…alone.


Yes , hope you have a speedy recovery

Yes, of course you should be upset! That is not a partner, that is not a husband, that is not even a parent…
He is not even an empathetic human being. You don’t seem to be getting anything positive out of this relationship. Throw the whole man away!


Yes - sounds like my husband- :joy:selfish

He is not holding up his end of the vows. You have every right to be mad!

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I’d be a single mother of 6 without a doubt. I hope you feel better soon. :white_heart:


I am so sorry you are having to deal with such a poor excuse of a man. A real man steps up to the plate in times of need. He should have been more concerned about you having health issues than anything else. Taking care of your children is a given and should have given him a greater appreciation of all you do. I hate to say this honey but I would be weighing all my options and making some decisions. Do you have a minister or a family member that can give you some helpful advice? I am so sorry you are having to deal with this on top of feeling bad and being concerned about yourself.

You’ve got a real winner there

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yes every right to be upset. he should been stepping up with u in hospital.and appreciate u taking care of the kids by yourself even after he had by himself while you were in the hospital.

The way I would pack my sh!t and check into a hotel and turn my phone off. Those are his kids too.

I’m sorry but he needs to do his part if he doesn’t want to or can’t be bothered then I wouldn’t wait for him to leave I’d just leave him why should you be miserable also yes you have the right to be upset

Yes you have every right to be mad,angry, upset, you have every right to feel anyway you like to feel. I wouldn’t give it a second thought and leave. If it what I think it is like a rumor the more stress you are under the more it will grow. I have had 3 surgeries on my head from brain tumors. They are no fun. The best thing to do is leave. He acts like a selfish child. Who needs to grow up! He don’t care about nothing except for himself.


He wouldn’t be my husband anymore :thinking:

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Yes you have every right to be upset. This wasn’t about him and he selfishly made it that way instead. What is he going to do if your health declines and you can’t be much help even if you are home? You need to put yourself first. I’m sorry you are going through this. It’s not only scary but you have no support and that’s not ok.


Leave. That’s unacceptable.


You need a part time grocery job or something from the minute he gets home and stay out until after bed time. Yeah it’s a job but it’s adult interaction at the very least and he’ll learn real quick what it’s like to be a dad because clearly you have 7 children not a partner and husband.
My husband almost lost me, he didn’t do what I did daily but he tried, told me how stressful my job with 5 kids at the time and he didn’t understand how I did it but didn’t complain and nag when I was coming home but rather cried to me and asked/ called multiple times to check on me and make sure I was ok. It was over a week stay.


Seems almost as if he expects you to be the only caretaker, like it’s a burden to take care of his own kids. That’s unfortunate and the case for many of us. You deserve better. Keep your head up and stand strong in your beliefs and feelings.


He totally selfish and disrespecting you in every way he should of been up the hospital with you if a friend could of had the kids or if not he should of been waiting patiently for you to get home then telling you to go to bed and rest til you got better etc what a joke… you need to reevaluate your relationship time to out yourself first you dont need another Child to look after to deserve the world and more

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It’s unfortunate that you have such a whiny husband in your time of need but it reminds me of my EX husband. Key word being EX. I had 4 kids with him and he never once grew up, never became the father he should have been. He works, but hes a child and irresponsible and a subpar father. If you feel confident in his ability to take care of the kids for a little bit, I’d “take another break” and go stay with someone else for some peace while you figure out what’s wrong with your health at this time. If your husband isn’t propping you up, supporting you, begging for the same answers you want about your health, then hes trash and you should move on before you truly need someone in your corner through your health situation, and he makes it a living hell. This is 100% not ok. I don’t want to assume, but if you truly sat back and looked at your whole relationship, I fear you will realize he has always been like this. Always selfish. Always lacking In the parenting department. Always complaining about helping. I’ve been there. We want our family to be whole so bad we are willing to accept what is unacceptable just to keep it that way. It’s not okay and you deserve better. :pensive: I hope you find it. I also hope your white matter thing on your brain turns out to be nothing. Like a glare from the test or something ridiculous like that. Thoughts and prayers mama. :pray: a bad home situation can actually cause your health to decline both physically and mentally. Sometimes without warning. The body can only hold on to so much trauma before it breaks down. :broken_heart:

You have EVERY right to be PISSED! Your health should come first.


The fact you are wondering if “you should be upset” it’s concerning enough, I think we have all been in a similar situation but he should definitely be acting differently towards all this, he is just wrong. :expressionless:


I would tell him- there’s the door; don’t let it hit you where the good Lord split you.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. This is not okay. Try and come up with a safety plan in case things go further south and a plan to eventually leave.


Throw the whole man away. He obviously doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


Sounds like a narcissist. Just my thought; if I’m going to do it all on my own then I’m definitely not going to stay with someone who brings me down. I’m sorry the person who says they “love you” is treating you that way. I can promise you, that is not LOVE and you deserve so much more. If you need assistance, check out the local resources in your area. I wish you nothing but the best Mama.


Gawd. Leave him. This is so sad and heartbreaking to read. You’re a single married mother. It’s time to move on.


I would leave him. In a heartbeat!!!

Also, I have a lesion on my brain that they’ve been monitoring for three years and as long as it doesn’t grow, they’re not concerned about it .

Sounds to me like your a single parent raising someone else’s adult child. That is child your with. No real man would ever talk like that with his spouse, he should be supporting you and taking care of you.


I am deeply sorry this is what you’re dealing with. Seems like you have some tough conversations to have and decisions to make


Ask him how he’s going to deal with being a true single parent if something happens to you or how you’re going to deal w being a true single parent if something happens to him. Does he not realize car wrecks, strokes, etc., happen all the time with no warning? I’d be sure to start going on lengthy grocery or whatever solo shopping trips and let him deal w all the kids every time until he gets an attitude adjustment about your daily workload.

You actually have 7 children.

Remind him. In sickness and in health. What if the roles were reversed?

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You are better off alone with your kids, leave his sorry ass!! Good luck momma, prayers, for a speedy recovery!! :pray: :pray:


My heart truly hurts for you. Your husband sounds like a very selfish person. You have every right to be angry.

You really need to speak to him about that and tell him how you feel he sounds immature

You need to straight up tell him, “well, luckily for you I have the start of something serious so, you’ll be doing this more often you whiny little child”.

You are raising your kids alone. Get rid of the man, you’re doing it all anyway. He is such a big AH

This is so sad. My heart hurts for you. I will sure pray for you. God bless you. Take it to the father…let him lead you. :heart::pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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I would divorce him, he sounds very selfish and self centred. Hope you are Ok and hope you get better soon


Yes you have every right to be upset. He sounds very selfish and self centered and doesn’t sound like he cares about your well being at all. Your health should be your number one priority for yourself and your children. Sounds like I would start making a plan to leave because he sounds like a real jerk.

Regarding you husband’s actions:
Love is what you do not what you say. You don’t have 6 children, you have 7.


Right to be upset!? Girl you have the right to a divorce. Absolutely no excuse for that behavior!


I would pull him off the couch and be like I’m not a single parent. No, you’re going to help because I didn’t have a walk in the park either. I’m in pain.

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I would be running, very fast, out the door. Since he’s not qt all worried about you then he’s not really worried about the children and he definitely doesn’t value you as a person OR a mother. I’m so sorry you’re going through this!


You already know the answer to this one.


It’s not even a question if you should leave. You should be making plans right now to leave. That’s awful.


Monday morning calls…scheduling lawyer visits. He’s about to have ALL the alone time he wants.


I’m sorry but if I was dealing woth that I wouldn’t be a le to hold back from telling him what a absolute waste of time he has been apparently.

Leave… get out… take the kids and run! Toxic as heck :unamused:! Let him have some “fun” paying child support and alimony!!!


Leave as fast as you can

Yes, you have every right to be upset and no, this is not normal behavior - that is not a husband! Not even worthy to be called a “man”, in my opinion! I want to say to leave him NOW while you still can but sometimes given the circumstances, it’s not that quick nor easy - especially when you’re an SAHM with that many babes… begin the process now of getting your ducks in a row so when it’s time, you can leave comfortably and confidently. Don’t give in to his gaslighting, narcissist manipulations. Keep your head up - you’re strong!

Please leave that BOY. You don’t need or deserve that.

:100::100::100:to be upset! I’d kick him to the curb! Wow, how disrespectful & uncaring a man he is

I hate that you are even questioning yourself. This is NOT okay. And you should take your health seriously regardless of his tantrums


U have the right to be sooo upset!!! I’m sorry you have to go through this :frowning:


So why do you need him again?

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I would be leaving. That is completely selfish and disrespectful of him. He should be concerned and worried and if he’s not he doesn’t value you. I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


Oh HAYLE no!!! I would be LIVID!!! that’s not a husband or a dad ! Sorry but dayum! I would pack up and leave!

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Sending you hugs and comfort mama.

I had a husband just like that. Now 34 years later he is my ex.

Yes you have the right to be upset. I’m so sorry. I hope you sit him down and talk to him.

Just throw the whole man out

But seriously, I also would be very upset too if my husband acted like that.

Leave, you’re already single

Yes you do. Hello you have the kids 24/7. He can’t take care of them just that little bit of time. They are his kids. He should be happy to do it. And he should be very concerned about you. Husband don’t appreciate us until we are gone. Then they realize what they had.

Usually I’m willing to compromise and work things out but I’d file for divorce.

Ummm, he wouldn’t be my husband anymore.

If he can’t handle you being in the hospital overnight without being a “single parent” how is he going to take care of them AND YOU if something really is wrong with? Plus the adding stress to you like it’s somehow your fault or you’re on some sort of vacation. Leave. Truly this is a one sided relationship

leaaave. n yes u have every right to b upset

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He is certainly self centered, isn’t he? He is certainly a very poor excuse for a husband! I would want to get in a position where I would be able to leave him & get on with a better life;not an easy thing to manage but sounds entirely necessary. It’s not going to get any better with him.

There are better men out there girl. Go find ya one

Lmao. Complaining like we chose your dude?

Red flag. He should have stayed home with his momma.

I would have left him, that’s just heartbreaking and not okay!! That’s not love but selfishness

This should show you that you can’t depend on him! Imagine if you had a horrible illness where you needed care. He certainly wouldn’t do it

My ex, father of my 2 kids is like this. He should have been there supporting you, instead he was bitching & complaining because he needed to step up & “father”! You don’t deserve that.
I’d much rather be a single mother then put up with someone like that.
Hope it all works out for you hunni & you get your medical answers xx

Bloody aweful way to act, sounds to me like u be better if on your own as he doesn’t sound like he’s helpful or loving at all, sorry u are going through this but ask yourself this, if your doing it all on ur own atm would it be any diff if u left him, if someone can’t be there emotionally and physically in ur time of need and when your health isn’t the best they don’t deserve you x

Find a new husband. This one clearly is defected if he treats you that way.

Absolutely he is not showing support or compassion

If you’re doing it alone anyway…leave him. This is not how a grown man acts when his wife is in the hospital. You have a man child…run sis run.


I find it troubling that you are asking if you are entitled to feel upset over something that would leave anyone furious.

throw the whole man away.

Throw the man away your already doing it solo. How are you doing? Do you have family or friends to help?

Normally my advice is to communicate, however I really don’t think you need to. If he doesn’t understand how hurtful his actions are, he never will. This breaks my heart you have to deal with this, but it’s better to know you have to plan all this without him, than to plan it with him and still end up doing it all. If you have something serious, you need reliability, not this. Your health and children should be your only priority at this point. If he can’t put you first, he needs to go.

You already know the answer to this.
You don’t have 6 children, you have 7.

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Yall need some therapy, you’ve got 6 children. He’s being a jerk for sure but sounds like it’s much deeper than one event. If you both can’t learn how to communicate and cooperate then it might be time to part ways.

Babygirl let a MAN find you. No need for that kind of negativity in your life. Sounds like a bitch to me🥱

Throw the whole man child away.

I would lose my shit on him and then pack up

Definitely look into your options to leave him
Tell him he can be a single parent for 50% of the time from now on

You have the right to feel however you want to feel. He needs to step I and be a partner and parent not a babysitter. If he does little more than provide a paycheck and doesn’t support you and make sure you and your kids are thriving mentally and emotionally than he isn’t the partner you need. You didn’t create this family alone and you needed support and rest. What is his game plan if you really need a break? I would try talking to him and if that doesn’t work work try counseling. This is. It a good system of support for you.