My husband was talking to his ex: Thoughts?

It’s forsure super insensitive of him to do that to you as you’re bearing his & your child, and just all around in general insensitive especially at such an emotional and vulnerable time in your life :frowning: I know how I felt when mine did the same while I was pregnant, even asking him multiple times not to. Try to communicate your feelings about it without it sounding like you are yelling (bitching) at him, because I know sometimes men think we always are even when we’re just trying to get them to understand our perspective of the situation. Keep your head up hun, but also be sure to express your feelings about it before you let it eat you up & lose trust.

It depends what he’s doing and what he’s talking about…if it’s “I’m with someone else now” there’s nothing wrong there. If it’s a genuine conversation I would want to know why.

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Why not just ask him whats up tell him how it bother you…if he continues you have your answer

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I hate exs.

I am NOT friends with any of mine, they are an ex for a reason and if one tried to reach out id block them to avoid allowing them to think I am giving them attention.

Your husband is wrong and his ex needs to take a long walk off a short Pier.


Exes are off limits unless to communicate with mutual children… If she is a deal breaker for you, tell him. And he needs to stop. My husband knows I’m not okay with exes and he is the same with me. And I wouldn’t just out of respect…he needs to check his priorities.


I am friends with all my exes and have never cheated. It is a sign he was a good partner and as long as their friendship is shared openly with you and you make your boundaries clear it should only bring you closer. Be secure in yourself and your value. Nothing worse than an insecure partner.

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Not okay! You need to tell him to stop. Any man with nothing to hide should be okay with you going through his phone. If he gets mad then he has something to hide most likely

I talk to my ex a lot. He is one of my good friends. I love his gf, and we get along really well.
we’ve been friends for 23 years.

Honestly if there was no “remember when” or anything sexual I don’t think there is anything wrong with them talking. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being friendly with exes as long as you can be friends and stay loyal. It’s just a conversation amd the fact that they dated was a lifetime ago. You’re having a kid and starting a new life and that alone is a very emotional time. They have no kids together and you are starting a family. She may have been obsessed in the past but clearly he moved on or the messages you read would have been sexual in nature or talking about how much he misses back when they dated. If you trust his loyalty I see no reason to bring it up, and if not you need to find someone you can trust instead of telling them who they can or can’t be friends with. A good part of these emotions are probably hormones with everything changing you’re anxious about him leaving. I had the same problem but at the end of the day it boils down to this. Do you love him? And if so do you trust him? It’s very common to find one without theother but finding both is harder and harder to do.

Talk to him about it and just be honest, how it makes you feel. You have a right to know why he was talking to her even if it was to catch up on life. everyone has insecurities and the only way to work through it is if you approach the problem with him. Insecurities can go away the more trust you give. If he loves you he will hear you out.

You should talk to him about it.

I would talk to him about it and tell him how it makes you feel. Some guys can be oblivious.

One of my exes spent the last two weeks of his life in my home. Of course with my husband and two children. We dated years ago and we’re better off friends. A year after we parted my son was born, he’s know him his whole life. My husband quickly became great friends with him and until he took his last breath he was my absolute best friend. My husband never once minded

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