My husband went away for the weekend and didn't call me

Tell me you’re needy, without telling me you’re needy.


You’re kidding yourself right? Maybe he didn’t call because he was spending quality time with his brother and reminiscing the good times they had as a family. You sound bitter and selfish. Atleast he sent you messages, like come on woman give the guy a break.


These stories can’t be real.

Divorce the dude. That’s inconsiderate!


She is being selfish in my opinion


Omg lady, you are way over high maintenance. He’s better off without you. Hope he goes for full or joint custody of that baby you just threw in the middle of chaos


And when he leaves don’t be crying poor u cuz u made this a problem :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:


You’re being irrational, imo :person_shrugging:


You acting like he was gone a whole week. One weekend with his brother and you asked him for a divorce when he got home :sweat_smile: I hope you both do split so he can be supported :pensive: soz not soz


You are being totally irrational


I think you over reacted, he was with his brother for the weekend at a place we’re their family visited and not their parents have passed, they were having the brotherly time they needed and I’m sure it brought back lots of memories of them growing up with their parents that they NO LONGER have. The phone works both ways you could have called. Divorce over this is ridiculous, he should leave your ass because you are only thinking of yourself and not him at all. I feel sorry for this dude having to deal with your ass

He’s cheating. The end


Divorce?? Really?? A good relationship is about trust, respect, and communication. You have to trust him, respect his space, and communicate when you feel some type of way. People still need their own time to themselves or with family outside of their partner otherwise you’re a toxic codependent mess.


Arent there enough warlords in the world right now? you might have tried some diplomacy before you launched a nuke


It was a family trip that you knew was going to happen. Why must he constantly be in touch with you? Its his life, not your his life. Cause that a just not practical.

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Uh did you try calling him? Please tell me you’re not serious about divorcing over that. You’re being irrational for sure.


I flew home for 5 days (Florida to WA) and I only called once and texted when I could.

I’d feel he was probably just trying to remember his parents.


If that happened with my hubby, I’d assume it was because he was spending time with his brother & reminiscing or that he was coping with some sadness from the loss of his parents and needed alone time. We typically only talk in the morning and at night if we’re separate for whatever reason. It seems that maybe there are some unresolved issues that are causing doubt if you’re automatically going for divorce. This seems like there’s a bigger issue at hand.


I think he dodged a bullet if you ask him for a divorce.


You must not have loved him very much and it sounds like you don’t trust him

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have some compassion and get out of your own head. You may need the favor returned at another time. Thought it was awesome you were behind him going, unil the complaining started.


Yes, you should divorce him…
To set the poor man free!!

Far out it must be so exhausting being THAT insecure nd tightly wound, you really do need to relax girl seriously. Im gunna go out on a limb and say ypur husband needed frikking break from the constant badgering perhaps, thats why he didn’t call.
Check yourself love before its too late and perhaps just let things be


You are childish, he text you twice a day, it was only a weekend. I can’t believe you are divorcing him, he’s better off!!! You need to grow up!!!


You are joking .,“Right”?


I’m single you can send him my way, I’ll treat him like a king


I don’t think divorce is a fair!! And is absolutely ridiculous

It’s like the death penalty for a marijuana charge :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3:

My husband would at least call me before bed and talk for a bit and I would be upset if he didn’t but not to the point I want a divorce

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Divorce is extreme. Geezus. He messaged you twice a day while away. He was probably busy. Did you even ask him to call? Are you always this needy?


I mean while he should have called, and texted way more than twice daily, asking for a divorce after one weekend is irrational. Yes. You’re both not the best. Unless you have a good reason to believe it wasn’t with his brother, that’s a bit far

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Maybe he’s cheated in the past ? Maybe she has a reason to be insecure… some of you people screaming insecure must have really good experience at being insecure. I completely agree divorcing without letting him explain is ridiculous but you just never know the history on why she is feeling this way.


What??? I could understand if he left for the weekend all the time and only text twice a day. But if this was the only time, you need to consider counseling. Because you definitely have insecurity issues. Marriage is supposed to be sacred. Till death do us part! What ever happened to that??? Not divorce because you weren’t the center of his attention for one weekend.

Dude. Please be kidding. Sometimes we just need our siblings. It was 2 days. He still communicated, even if it was not your preferred method.


You are being irrational.


My husband goes on golf trips. I don’t expect to get a call unless there is an emergency. I go on trips with friends and I would hate to feel obligated to call (rather than wanting to call ) or else. We text just to make sure everyone is still breathing but other than that go have a good time. We still have to come home to each other and if you trust your partner than not calling should not be an issue! Now if you don’t trust each other that’s a different can of worms!


I think you’re majorly irrational… he was on VACATION. A very personal one with his brother at that… i wouldn’t be on my phone either… it’s very selfish of you to not appreciate the morning and evening texts. It was a flipping weekend away… 2-3 days! Poor guy probably needed the break because it sounds like you ride his ass non stop

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Sounds like your way to dependent on him. I raised two toddlers while my husband did a 18 month deployment only talking to him maybe 3 times a week. One weekend isn’t shit. I go on girls weekends all the time and don’t spend the whole time texting or calling my husband.

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I cannot believe she even posted this. The poor man was with his brother. If you cannot trust him. Then he should not be with you.


I swear half of the crap in these post has to be made up… :woman_facepalming:t3::woman_facepalming:t3:


He texted you twice a day. Yes, you are being irrational.


2 days that’s it. Don’t ever get involved with a truck driver. Mine is gone weeks on end and while the communication is not always what I would like its no reason tell him I want a divorce. Put your big girl panties on it was only two days.


And I think she’s bumped her head and done lost her mind

That’s a lot harsh for not calling it was only a weekend!!!

You do know a phone works both ways right? Why couldn’t you call him? :woman_shrugging:


I’m happy I’m not married to you. You sound like the life of the party.


Are you kidding? It was only a week end

He did contact you though. I’ve gone days without contact. I get it. I get upset too. But we also have to make sure we aren’t being petty. In this case I think you need to take a deep breath, look inside yourself and figure out why you distrust him so much and so easily sent him away. And then address the rest.

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If you are considering divorce over something so small, probably shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place. You don’t just throw it all away over something so trivial. If it upset you then you should tell him, and explain that you expect more. Maybe he genuinely didn’t think it was a big deal, because it was only for a weekend, and he did text you. Did you try to call him, or was it just his responsibility to call you. Sounds ridiculous to me. If this is something you’d throw the whole marriage away over, I don’t know how you’d make it through all the other times marriage gets hard, uncomfortable or up to your standards. Cut him some slack.

Him texting you was him contacting you. He was spending time with his brother and because he texted instead of calling you want a divorce? You knew where he was going with who maybe he doesn’t see his brother all the time and wanted that time with him. You are being irrational


I text my husband once a day when we’re apart and we also have a toddler.

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Omg…. Grow up! A divorce over lack of communication while he was gone for just a weekend?! Seriously?

There has to be more to this story. Is he a rotten husband the rest of the time? If you are married you took vows. You must not have taken them seriously. Even if he isn’t the best husband maybe you two need to get counseling. Breaking up a family shouldn’t be a threat or not taken seriously. Ask yourself are you going to be ok with splitting up your children 50% of the time. Are you going to be ok with any women he introduces to your children. With no say who they are or what they do? This isn’t just about you.

Bottom line you don’t trust him. How did you get to that point. How do you fix that. (Gets good counselor) You owe that to your family.


Do you believe he is cheating or something? Or maybe you need a weekend away too!


Seriously he was gone for a weekend not a year.
He text you so he did contact you.
Have your thought that maybe he was feeling a bit sad and wanted time on his own.
I think you are overreacting


That escalated quickly…


What in the actual fuck?


Oh grow up! At least he texted you!


One weekend you want to divorce him thats not love you need to grow up your.a mother and.a wife


What did just read wow

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At least he text you common grow up


You’re overreacting! :person_facepalming:

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A text is contacting you…


Girl, if you want a divorce after 1 weekend of no phone calls there is something else going on then this.


Seriously!? Over something so small. If you can throw it all away over that then you shouldn’t be married in the first place. While my husband was deployed or on TDY I didn’t hear from him all the time and we’re celebrating 21 years together with 3 kids. On a vacation with his brother is something he needs at times and should be allowed to enjoy it in peace. The texts should be enough. He could have just not text you either so be happy but honestly if you threaten divorce over that then he deserves someone more trusting and understanding.


Umm… you seriously need to chill. He text you I the morning and before bed? He’s with his siblings and mourning? Your an ass.
Your wrong.

Um. He went with his brother to grieve his parents where they last went. He made contact with you morning and night. Those big and terrible feelings don’t come from his actions. They come from a deep fear or wound. See a counselor to explore why it was so deeply hurtful to you. Because his actions were completely appropriate. Don’t punish him. Help yourself heal.


Wow, you’re selfish as hell :grimacing: yeah, he should leave and find someone who isn’t petty and ignorant lmao


Wow you are very lucky I’m actually shocked by reading this. I think maybe there’s some internal issues you have to resolve but I don’t think he did anything wrong.

I think if you are saying you want a divorce that’s a lot going on. It’s one thing to. Discuss how you feel but if you want a divorce over this I suggest counselling


Completely overreacting.


Divorce is not fair he was spending time with his brother remembering their parents,

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Divorce??? Seriously! That’s your first thought! Maybe you need a time out! Over reaction big time!!!


Ladies I know you all are thinking she is sounding crazy but maybe she is always the one stuck home with the dog and toddler? Maybe she doesnt get any time to enjoy her own thing. A call does mean more then a text, just to check in on how things are going. I know when I’m home with both my kids I barley have a chance to shower. It’s the little things that mean the most.


Just remember everyone’s standards differ. Communicate your boundaries and expectations with him. I won’t demean you bc I understand that you may feel like he is having the time of his life while you’re at home with the family that you both wanted. Do you feel like you get the short end of the stick on numerous occasions and situations?


Death is hard.
If ur askung for a divorce dont ask just do it. Your just looking for an excuse to justify it all.
Sounds like you have been unhappy for a while already.
Yup i see all of this from one statement, if i see it how many other see as well.
Thing is you dont need an excuse.


I’d be a little irritated but then I talk to him about it via text or I’d call him to talk about it. I’d especially ask how he is since he’s probably feeling a lot of things and talk about it when he got home. Either you didn’t tell us you talked to him about it and tried to tell him how you felt and he told you to shut up or something, you’re being very irrational.



You are over reacting and wrong. My husband has been gone on trips and didn’t hear from him the whole time. But I’ve gone on trips too w gf and not called him. Not bc we didn’t want to talk but you kinda get in the groove and don’t think about calling. I trust him and he trusts me. Think about how he treats you, if good then give him the benefit of doubt. You will have your chance when babe gets older to go w friends to do fun stuff. And dad stays home to babysit! It’s all in balance.

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:joy::joy: Are you serious??

Why didn’t you just call him??? Xx


I think we see why he didn’t call you while on his vacation :grimacing: You sound a little


Why didn’t you go with him ? I would not have stayed home. You could have called him. But I would have gotten a babysitter and joined him fir a few days instead of staying home alone.

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I bet he feels really unsafe with you. If my husband threatened me with a divorce over something like that I’d probably question our whole relationship. Whats the point of getting married if you’re so quick to walk away?


This comment section is highly disappointing. I cannot imagine my husband nor myself going on a trip, and not communicating. It has nothing to do with trust. It’s about respect for the other. I have been out of town several times with our kids for ball tournaments, without him. I have been out with other football parents, I have had a few drinks, etc but not one of those times did I not think to keep in touch with my husband, let him know what I was up to, etc. not for me. For him. It’s ridiculous that married couples don’t think of the other, and what they may need. However, for my husband and I this is normal and we text literally from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed, so neither of us would never just flat out not communicate. That is very weird to me.


He should leave you, your selfish


It sounds like she is mad that she was not invited to go on the vacation. You are being ridiculous. He did contact you, he texted you. If that wasn’t enough, you should have told him while he was gone. (I bet you told him, he could go on vacation with his brother. ) You are looking for a reason to get divorced.


If you are wanting a divorce over something so small as a not getting a phone call…you don’t need to be married!


You asked for a divorce because he didn’t contact you all day like a teenager with nothing better to do? What’s the point of going on a trip if you stay glued to your phone. Grow up


You certainly seem selfish. Your husband texted you twice a day! Perhaps he was grieving his parents death with his brother. Maybe his day got busy. Have you ever thought about how controlling you are?


I don’t think you’re being irrational at all. If he loves and respects you he would’ve called.


Are you swrious? Oh poor baby your hubby went away with his sibling and probably mourni g his parents…you are selfish and need to mature a bit


Take your own vacation, see if you can get busy enoughto not call

Hang in there. A little more maturity under your belt and you’ll look back on this and see how foolish you were being.


Wut. If you wanted to talk, why didn’t you call? Is commutation not a 2 way street? DIVORCE?! Sis, you can’t throw that word around all nilly willy because he didn’t read your mind. That’s incredibly childish.


You are correct you are being completely irrational!


I get it if you are the one staying home with the dog and toddler all the time as being a mom 24/7/365 can be exhausting ,however, asking for a divorce because your husband was spending time with his brother and remembering their parents is irrational. If you are unhappy and frustrated because your husband is having time away then put your big girl panties on and communicate your needs and wants with your husband. You were definitely being insensitive as I’m sure it was an emotional time for your husband and brother -in- law ,it’s not like they went bar hopping and were out with other woman.


He texted you twice, to me that is same as calling. Don’t get a divorce over this.

Wow and wow you knew where he was going and why what about his feelings about the situation? Did you even ask if he was ok? I would be happy with a text in the morning and a good night text. Divorce… where do I sign?

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Ok… is he a good husband to you other than this? Or is this the icing on the cake…like he doesn’t consider your feelings often and you’re hurt?

Do him the favour love…
Your completely irrational :woman_facepalming:


If he texted I think that is good!

Phones work two ways, you could have called him. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I’m sorry but he should be asking for the divorce. Your acting like a teenager who just got her first boyfriend :rofl::joy::rofl: grow up and. Learn to enjoy your own company