You are over reacting. Let him hang out with his brother, not hang on his phone. He texted you twice a day. That’s more than my husband would do.
You’re being irrational. He was with his brother probably reminiscing about his parents… Way to make him feel bad about it when he gets home… if it bothered you that bad you should have asked him to call you. OR maybe he was giving you a break from having to talk to him on the phone. No good calling the divorce card on something so petty.
Grow up
Wouldn’t you like a weekend away on your own
You asking for a divorce is a favor to him you’re selfish he texted you he needed that time with his brother and dead parents.
Seriously??? You told him you wanted a divorce? Isn’t that like a tad extreme? He did text you twice a day. He wasn’t gone a month.
Wtf this gota be a Fukn joke
Divorce him, he needs to get rid of the toxic shit in his life, and yes that means you.
If you don’t put yourself in his shoes and wonder what’s his current state of mind, you should stay single for the rest of your miserable life.
If y’all didn’t plan together to have little to no communication while apart then he’s in the wrong for that… in my opinion.
Communicate and trust are very important in a relationship.
If this is how you deal with troubles in relationships, it sounds like you’re better of single.
He texted you twice a day to stay in touch didn’t he…. Grow up! You think getting a divorce is gonna help with the dogs or the kid on a daily basis. Yeah when he got home maybe needed a shoulder but yours was hard as a brick because he did talk to you on the phone…….
Wtf? Kids dad went fishing this weekend with the boys. I am home with kids. I went to the Farmers market with my toddler and friend and then to brunch. Had espresso and a boujee biscuit along with a brunch cocktail. Then proceeded to do things around the house then went to dinner and a school play with 18 other people. He called and I ignored the call. lol.
You are obviously using this as a means to end it which tells me you already mentally left the relationship and trying to be the victim
You are nothing short of a manipulative bitch, every bloke is entitled to a trip away without having to check in every 5 mins but now you will be looking after the toddler on your from now on after he leaves with his dog
Um. What. You’re not serious right?
What I’d do for mine to go out and do something and be home. If we’re not home, there is no contact and I thorough enjoy that
You are in the wrong, he contacted you 2 times a day while gone. You knew where he was at and you knew who he was with and you knew the reason behind where he was at and who he was with. And to top it all it was just a weekend. I can guarantee that if you ask for a weekend with friends he would have been happy to oblige since he was able to do this but instead you are being a selfish brat. Yes divorce him do him the favor of having joint custody and only dealing with you with child support and nothing else
OMG you can’t be serious right now. Ok 1st let me ask a few questions. 1. Does he treat you right? 2. Has he ever cheated on you? 3. Does he give you any reason to not trust him? If you answer no to these questions then I believe you are over reacting. 1. You said he text you twice a day , so you know he was still thinking about you. 2. This was about his brother and himself. His parents are gone and they were creating memories together. Just because he sis not call you Does not mean you need a divorce. You must have been having the feeling of divorce for quite some time now or you would not been so quick to recommend it. Do you love him? Does he love you? Are yall great together? I do not think that this warrants a divorce. Maybe some hirt feelings but geeez
Please tell me you’re joking!!! That man atleast texted you. May have not been as often as you wanted but he did. There are men gone for weeks at a time and their wives MIGHT get a text or call every other day if that and you are throwing a fit like a toddler over only 2 texts a day??? Please get over yourself.
Very immature of you to act like that, maybe it was very emotional for him being that was the last place his parents were he needed to not talk to process some stuff grief brings up a lot of emotions
Kinda childish if you ask me…
You’re being ridiculous.
first my husband would never vacation without me even if I pushed him to… and if it’s a family vacation why did he not take you and the baby? Not OK. And then not call or pickup throughout the day that’s fishy. My husband would never be so disrespectful even if I wanted him too.
If you both mutually agreed to a getaway apart that’s different but it sounds like you’d rather have gone too
Wait. Divorce? Why?? Thats like a worst case scenario.
Get over yourself perhaps… Sorry perhaps you’ve never lost a parent. It takes a toll. Being supportive of that may be more helpful to your relationship.
Lol. My husband gets deployed to overseas countries and can be gone for a year. We do not always talk on the phone. Hell, we can even go a week with little contact and you want a divorce for the weekend? haha
Your irrational get a grip
Also this isn’t a vacation this is bereavement
Yes divorce him he doesn’t need such a whiney wife he’d be better off and you wouldn’t have to worry about not getting a phone call
A divorce because he didn’t text you for a couple days while he was away with his sibling remembering his parents that passed away? Yikes, you’re a trip. This is literally child’s play compared to the issues me, and countless other women have endured with our partners. Yes it’s upsetting to not hear from him, but divorcing him? I’d hate to see your reaction if this has been an ACTUAL MARITAL ISSUE. This is just you being upset because you weren’t getting the attention you wanted. And, don’t get me wrong- there’s nothing wrong with you wanting attention. However, there IS something wrong with you putting divorce on the table because he went away with his family and did something that was important to him/them and didn’t stop what he was doing every 60-90 minutes to check in on you. If his feelings were even a quarter as important to you as your own feelings are, you would understand he needed this time to grieve/remember his parents and you would fully support whatever it entailed. He wasn’t out cheating on you, girl. The guy lost two completely irreplaceable parts of his life. Get a grip.
Not a vacation, they are grieving and trying to cope. He did contact you. Yes!!! You are very wrong.
You’re being extremely irrational. He texted you twice a day. He was with his brother. He was gone “an entire weekend”? So that’s 2-3 days. It’s not like he was gone a month and didn’t call you. I think you’re more upset that he went than you are that he didn’t call just by your comment about “I sat at home dealing with our dogs and toddler”. Like how dare he think you can handle your child and dogs for “an entire weekend”. Sounds like you need to grow up.
Aww shit, let her ass go man… Save yourself
Support him! Omg or left him find some who will. Shame on you
You need to grow up.
Are you for real? They went to visit the last place they had with their parents. Losing a parent is hard enough and than to come home to you acting childish. Wow
He did contact u. Phone goes both ways. U obviously didn’t call him either
When did the parents pass. Leave that man alone. It was a weekend.
Overreacting much? Jesus no wonder he didn’t contact you, you’re a bitch!
You want a divorce because he didn’t call while he was on vacation with his brother?! Sounds like he’s better off without you. Not the other way around.
Wow possessive much you sound like such spoilt brats
You are being a little childish. He texted twice a day. He was gone 2-3 days. Get over it. Not grounds for a divorce
You’re wrong… And inconsiderate and selfish.
Depends if he gave you something not to trust him about
Wow… Wtf that is WAY to extreme! He was with his brother, probably reminiscing about their childhood. You sound like such an entitled brat! Seriously, you are doing your hubby a favor by making him leave… You are VERY in the wrong!
No disrespect, but I think you’re being childish, ridiculous, and attention seeking, I know what it’s like to lose a parent and I went AWOL for a while, until I was able to get myself together because losing a parent is no joke, let him be with his family if you want to divorce I guess you should learn how to be by yourself before you try to get in another relationship if you do that at all, get over yourself lady.
Yes you’re very wrong
Whew lawd. Girl lemme tell you. You would not survive being a military spouse if him not contacting you a whole weekend is grounds for divorce
I’ve gone weeks without my SO and they say no news is good news lol. But um, best of luck girl!
You are definitely overreacting, it sounds like you might be jealous that you didn’t get to go and you had to stay home with the dogs and the kiddo. Pretty weird you would want a divorce just because he didn’t call you over the weekend, yeah it might be irritating but it’s not like you weren’t hearing from him at all… he was texting you.
Did he just dodge a life time of misery …
Is there missing context??? I feel like it’s a little over reactive, and your feelings may be come from insecurity and jealousy? He was probably just trying to make the most out of the trip and not be so glued to his phone… and it was just a weekend? My husband tells me to stop texting him and enjoy my time away
Speaking from experience, it’s not a big deal for my husband to be away and only text a couples times per day. If you think you should be above anyone else, that’s on you, but he doesn’t owe you that. He was with his brother, guys should be allowed to be who they are outside of your relationship every once in a while.
Wow. It appears to me that you are selfish. Are your parents still alive? If so, you should consider yourself fortunate that you don’t understand.
Wow controlling much?! Maybe put surveillance on him if ur that insecure smh
I went away for an entire week and didn’t call my hubby during that time. You are WAY over reacting.
Mine went away for a weekend didnt hear from him until he boarded the plane to come back and may I just say it was bloody beautiful not hearing his voice for 2 days Lol
You maybe shouldn’t have asked for a divorce unless you really honestly feel like most of your guys this time is not special at least a little bit but seems like he would want to call you yes
My husband is a farmer and there’s time we don’t even talk all day he’s busy I’m busy. It’s mostly those checking in texts to make sure he is till alive your being dramatic
Um yeah you are being extreme you are indeed wrong he reached out at both the beginning and end of each day and it was just a weekend and you want a divorce I’d leave too if I were him
You’re wrong. I understand where you’re coming from since yall have a kid. Buttttt at the same time, they were probably doing some bonding and having some much needed time healing over the loss of their parents. Losing a parent is hard as hell. I couldn’t imagine losing both
Yeah you were way out of line.
I don’t call my husband when away and I wouldn’t expect him to call me.
Um he was with his brother in the last place their parents lived…. Maybe he needed time to accept this. Little insecure?
You had me in the first half not gonna lie
Wow, just wow… ummm this vacation would have held a lot of memories or him and his brother. They would have spent time talking about their parents. I mean have you lost your parents?? If you still have them consider yourself fortunate indeed. I have my mother and my father is entering hospice. I took my parents on the last vacation they will have had together. You are incredibly insensitive. I mean nothing in the post indicated that he did anything wrong… a few texts let you know that he was still ok and was thinking about you. I think that you should apologize for way overreacting.
Yes you are being irrational. It’s not like he left out of the blue and you didn’t know where he went. Divorce isn’t something you threaten over someone’s head when you’re mad. So yeah I would say get a divorce, he deserves better
Your reaction is crazy. People are allowed to take time for themselves. He should want a divorce for that reaction, I would. He was spending time with his brother which is a good thing. How is he ever going to have time to miss you if you can’t even let him breathe for a weekend without being reactive and lashing out? Would he do the same to you if the scenario was flipped? You seem to have anxious attachment issues you have to work on.
Yes way out of line! Should be thankful he text you in morning and bedtime, he was at least thinking about you! Sounds like you need to grow up and stop being selfish and jealous! Looks to me you’re looking for a reason to get a divorce! Grow up and if that’s the worse thing you have to whine about consider yourself Blessed!
This can’t be serious.
Wow I would have left too
I don’t call my husband on a girls’ trip and expect the same from him when he’s with his buddies… I WANT him to have the time to unwind, recollect and let loose. I just tell him to text me letting me know when he’s there and when he’ll be home due to ICE situations. This is pretty insane, considering this was a trip with his brother for their deceased parents… I’m sure that he’s fully aware of your behavior and expected you to call if there was an emergency. Highly doubt he would want to be put in the doghouse after something so sentimental. Maybe be empathetic and unserstanding rather than worry about your own insecurities. Chill dude.
Omg! Once in the morning and once before bed sounds like a really devoted guy. If it was my husband and I expect maybe one text in a week. I think you’re being ridiculous.
No message is a message lol
You’re being irrational and a little crazy. I’d say you owe him an apology.
I can see how it would be upsetting if you are extremely selfish and not thinking about him and why he has gone on the trip.
Don,t let jealousy ruin your relationship.Just pray about it,and you will find the irritation will go away.
Um wow! That went from 0 to 100 in no time flat. My husband left for the weekend as well, only 2 text a day of I am lucky, I know he has service but I also know he is in training and a very big job of keeping the rest of his team safe. Ya gotta think outside of the box… maybe his brother and him wear enjoying the last place their parents went and just wanted to be alone time to cherish those special moments that was shared there
I sometimes think that people really post stupid stuff on this page just for the fun of it, while there are mommas with real problems out there. I cannot, for the life out me, think that people can actually post these rediculous things and be serious about it
Did he know that this would upset you? Or did he assume you would be okay with him up and leaving? Every relationship is different. If you have separation anxiety and he knows and does this, then I would at least communicate with him about how it made you feel, but not threaten it with divorce. Take a deep breath and try to just let him know. But to me, given a guys mentality and how they don’t have the emotions like a woman, still sounds like you were the first person he thought of when he woke up and the last person he thought of before he went to bed. That speaks volumes too. I’ve got bent out of shape for stupid stuff with my husband too. No one’s perfect. But now that it’s already kinda bad now, try to see it as a foundation to create forgiveness and trust in y’all’s relationship. Good luck and I hope that it all works out.
Wait, what? You asked him for a divorce because he didn’t call you? He was with his brother mourning the loss of his parents. I need to know more, are you insecure? Instead of being there for him, you shoot him in the face as he walks in the door! Do you think he was unfaithful? I mean it sounds very shitty of you to push him away when he needed you to understand and maybe just maybe support him in his time of need! I mean he did think about you first thing in the morning and before he went to bed! Geez, needy much? My god woman, get ahold of yourself! Maybe divorce is not a bad thing. You seem very entitled!!!
Girl you are wrong. He did contact you
My late husband got addicted to drugs and pretty much wrecked our family and now 7 years after his death my children abs I are still dealing with the trauma and devastation his addiction caused our family. You got two texts a day. I’ve taken care of three kids and dogs alone their whole lives because my husband was messed up on pills. You’re very lucky to have a good husband. Don’t destroy it because if petty selfishness.
If you want a divorce than you suspect he was up to no good. You need to trust your spouse.
You want a divorce because he didn’t call you? Are you nuts?
Please tell me this is a joke. If my hubby treated me this way because I only called two times a day for 2 days yeah I would have walked out too and had a mouth full to say on my way out. You really need to apologize to your husband
To each there own. Everyone has diff relationship communication. I’d be suspect if its not ordinary of him. If yall talk alot any other time that is. If not though then maybe he didn’t think it upset you…did you try calling him? Or ask him to call you so he knew you wanted more communication from him? Idk in my relationship we talk and text alot when not with each other sooo if he didn’t communicate while away I’d be upset. BUT I wouldn’t immediately jump ship to a divorce. I’d just tell him my feelings n if per say another trip happened and he had no communication after knowing how you feel about it then there would b a problem
I just left my husband at home for five days and didn’t call him once. I got a big ol’ welcome home. Just sayin.
How old are you - 12??
Don’t be irrational he just wanted a weekend with his side chick in peace.
Did you try to call him?
Well I surely didn’t hear you say that you had to work so hopefully your ready for that and taking care of the dog(s) and toddler. Idk call me crazy but if you already knew who he was with what the trip was for?? Was there an emergency or do you just have literally no one else to occupy your time. Dude you fucked up lol and if I was him I probably wouldn’t even accept your apology and slam the door in your face. You were irrational and now you get to pay the consequences and also so does your toddler bc your selfish and jealous. good job!
A whole real divorce though??? Smh communicate how you feel to him but not divorce him!
Are u ok? Like really ? Your throwing your whole marriage away because he was spending some quality time with his brother reminiscing about his parents and just unwinding for the weekend. Dads need a break jus as much as moms do . Grow up or maybe he’s lucky getting out of this marriage I dunno u sound like someone I would never wanna be married to if it’s that easy to jus walk away ….
Pretty reason for s divorce lol…did u even try n call him???Or its a must he calls u?
Ummm you sound childish and rediculous
Dealing with losing your parents is hard . It sounds like he needed this time. At least he text you which is understandable when people are dealing with grief.
I personally think your over reacting but if your that insecure maybe you need to set him free.
He may have been upset if a memorial for his parents or busy with his brother I personally feel he was letting you know he cared by messaging you
Sadly I think you are over reacting. He texted you twice a day while he was gone. I would probably not have heard anything but a text to let me know my husband had arrived safely. I would have responded with a have a fun time and stay safe. He was only gone for a weekend with his brother. Hope he had a good time with his brother reminiscing about times they shared with their parents. It may be time for you to do a little growing up. If you can’t handle the dogs and toddler for a weekend without your husband to help I feel for your husband, toddler and of course the dogs. Maybe you should keep the dogs and let your husband have the toddler.
Communication is the key… is divorcing him the last option you have?
He should run away and never look back
He checked in morning and night. This was a vacation. Maybe he really needed it. His state of mind is just as important as mama’s. Maybe show him just how much you missed him. Instead of lashing out. Cling to him like a tiny lovable leech and say you’ve missed him too much lol
No wonder he needed a vacation. Grow up