Pathetic, spoiled whiner. Grow up!
Wow divorce is a bit extreme coz he didn’t call u or txt
You’re serious aren’t you…
If this is all it takes for you to get a divorce, your marriage is doomed anyway.
Get a grip. He is on a trip with his brother. Time to grow up and be an adult
A reminiscent get away with his Brother surrounding the memory and in honor of their parents is about them and their departed parents. Why ruin that for him by making it more about you in his absence and upon his return. Seems a bit selfish and self centered to make it more about you especially since he did make contact with you on occasion. It was their time, but he still thought of you. And if you asked for a divorce over something this minor, then it seems you may have been looking for a reason or contemplating it all along. JS
I ThInK hE sHoUlD cOnTaCT mE. He did girl!!! Twice a day. You are being irrational, yes your the wife, but your not the center of the world, let him have some with his brother in a place that is special to them without him having to constantly worry about you like a child. You sound like a child and a drama magnet
Maybe he needed a break from you!
Yea a little dramatic if you ask me it really isn’t divorce worth, my opinion!
Yes, you are in the wrong.
Omg seriously? A divorce over something as small as that?? Yes, you are being irrational!poor guy
He was on a trip with his brother
Not a girl
Remembering their parents geeze
No wonder he didn’t call
You are being so irrational…are your parents alive??? Then you cant possibly understand how he feels…i would say maybe next time go with him and see his grief…and see his hurt. But since you are divorcing him, his next wife can console him
I’m sorry, what…? He went on a WEEKEND away with his brother, to the last place their parents were on holiday, he still text you morning and night but you want a DIVORCE because he didn’t call you, for two days?
I hope this is a post!
Um, I understand being upset and feelings being hurt BUT, divorce?? Yeah, you’re being a bit irrational…unless there is more to the story that you’re not sharing.
Did you call him?
He clearly missed you if he was loving on you but you DID hear from him. Twice a day.
Lady you need help! N yeah you divorcing him is the best for him. You are irrational, immature,and way way to needy for any man. Grow the hell up. I feel for your child also. Children learn what they live. Smdh… this is why good men are hard to find because women like you screw with their heads n hearts. Walk away lil miss I’m self centered biotch!
I’m sorry but you are the problem in this situation
He must have went to meet another woman…
He was mourning his parents……
Needy much🤣 he was away with his brother to go to a place to remember their parents. How rude would it be if he was on his phone to you the entire time.
He texted u at least. He was with his brother about their parents. Did you call him? Why not? Works both ways. Divorce is not something that should be on the table. Also botching you have to take care of the dog and child. Didn’t you do that before his time away? I mean think about it. You’re the mom. I know i do everything compared to my husband. And i wouldn’t bitch about taking care of my loved ones. Good luck to both of you
You gonna walk away then you dont know what marriage is about. Sounds like he married the wrong one. Not you. I would tell him to find someone who would walk through life together through good and bad , ups and downs sickness and health. Someone who thinks and does for each other not for themselfs. Support and understanding. That builds each other up. To me this post is all about insurcurity, and selfishness. Not good marriage material… idk all info only the post.
You’re insensitive and rude. My mom died and if I left with my sisters to be at the last place my mom was and my husband was complaining and crying I didn’t call I would leave. Grow up.
A divorce ?!?!Well ,that escalated quickly !
You are being irrational and immature.
R u serious? Divorce over this?
You’re a fucking nut job!! He’s prolly looking forward to it!!
And if she had gone on vacation without him, would she have called everyday? If not, would it have been a marriage breaker for him?
He did contact you. That’s more than I did when I was mourning. Having lost both parents is hard and it sounds like this trip was a joint grief/family trip with his brother. Take a step back, have a conversation with him, tell him how it made you feel but don’t negate his feelings and talk about how y’all can communicate in the future to meet both of your needs
Girrrrrll you izzzz tripping!
Yep your right! I went through the same. Home with two youngsters and him out at night having a great dinner?? At a bar of course Women are too trusting I love when a woman says not my husband. Ha ya right.
Is this even a real question?? If so, I hope he finds someone who loves HIM!!
His parents…
You are fixing to divorce a good man.
I promise, there ain’t none out here.
You need to check your self.
I mean Jeez, it was a guy’s weekend ! Plan a Girls weekend and go have a great time. Couples need some time apart for goodness sake. Grow up. Unless you suspect something is going on let the man have his time.
Yeah… I agree with ur husband. If THIS is what’s going to break you then you have no business being married…
I think a text twice a day was great. If he’d phoned it would be a case of “how’s things at home, we’re OK, see you soon, bye now”
When I go on vacations without my husband, which is often, I don’t talk to him much. We might tx but not really talk unless something needs to be discussed.
You’re absolutely being irrational if this is the soul reason why you’re asking for a divorce. He did contact you. Twice a day. And YOU didn’t call him either. Take some accountability, if you needed to talk the phone works both ways.
This has to be made up…
I barely text my husband on the daily, I damn sure am not worried about him like that when one of us is away for a weekend. I will catch up with him when we’re together again.
It seems there is no trust in this relationship. Did he ever do anything for you to not trust him, if not then the problem lies by you, not him.
Is there more to this story? A while back, I decided to use the 5 rule and it’s changed everything. If it’s going to matter in 5 minutes, it’s worth a mention. If it’s going to matter to you in 5 months, it’s worth a conversation. If it’s going to matter to you in 5 years, it’s worth a decision. If this is the only thing you’re hinging your whole marriage on… I suggest you think about the 5 rule. My guess is it’s not going to be something that’s going to bother you in 5 months, let alone 5 years. Deciding to throw away a whole marriage on that is pretty hasty.
I just love you to death
I mean, every relationship is different. But… divorce?? Wow. Honey you have no business being married.
I think you went to the extreme. You immediately went to divorce instead of telling him you wanted to discuss your feelings. If you feel divorce over something trivial like this or any other small inconvenience, please let that man go so he can be happy. Clearly him and his brother went to a place that meant something to them. They were probably reminiscing and laughing and crying and making memories. They lost their parents and this place they went to was important to them. You need to grow up.
I agree with the hubby.
If you’re willing to divorce him over something so trivial… Both of you are probably better off
You could have called him if you needed to talk. Hints and secret expectations hoping he will read your mind and call ruin relationships. You should have made it clear you want phone calls. Did you just sit and wait by the phone? What if he was the one hurt cuz you didnt call him and he wanted a divorce? Hes the one mourning. Why didnt you check on him? Kinda rediculous. Goes both ways. You are being clingy and unreasonable. Also, dont make him feel.guilty for holding things down while hes gone. Its not that hard and i hope someone would do the same for you if you took time away. Single moms do it alone every day.
Lordy, you’re gonna make him stay away. !!!
If you asked him for a divorce over that, then you guys must have other problems, or you were just looking for an excuse. The phone works both ways. And men are dumb. They see a text or 2, being good enough. If you wanted to actually talk to him you should have said something to him.
His brother and him were probably bonding over their loss and mourning their parents. I would have called my spouse, at least to check on him and his sibling.
Texting is contact. If he was with his brother somewhere where his parents were before passing he may have just been emotionally spent. Seems like an overreaction to ask for a divorce but that’s just my opinion. I hope it all works out.
Texting is contact. Unless there is more to this story, he& his brother were using that trip to mourn, reminisce & bond. If your trust issues are this deep, a counselor would help. You need to have a chat with him about the fact that u needed actual conversation verses text before he went on this trip, but here u are. Your husband isn’t a mind reader.
My husband left Wednesday and calls me at least one time a day but will text me only a few times I know he is busy and having fun so I try not to bother him. It sounds like you don’t trust him or feel the need for him to be in constant contact. Sometimes people need a little space or alone time. I agree I think you jumped the gun saying you want a divorce over this
Okay i get wanting him to call at least once or twice but divorce?
Sounds like you had already made up your mind and just wanted an excuse to be the final straw. Thats a pretty strong and rash choice to make over just going out with his bro. There has to be more going on
This is ridiculous‼️
First of all I would have taken my wife with me on vacation, why would you not take her.
If he text you in the morning and at night that is more than reasonable. You’re being a brat lol
um yeah you’re way over the top lady cut that man some slack
Hmmmm …maybe she should have called him
I think you need to take a chill pill and give him some type of free time/time to himself. Especially when spending time with his brother/family making memories of remembering his parents. What you did is just selfish. The world doesn’t revolve around you sweetheart. Sometimes the happiest/strongest marriages or relationships are those who spend some time apart. You have to learn to be alone and be happy alone before you could ever be happy with someone else. Otherwise you’re making both of you miserable
I mean did he let you know he was going on trip? If not , that’s kinda weird of a husband to just leave on a trip and not let you know. If you feel disrespected about it, then those are your feelings. You can’t change the past but figure out how to move forward with cautiousness .
That’s a pretty extreme reaction over someone not calling you. A phone works both ways, you could have called him as well.
Out of all the important things in a relationship and life, no reason to be mad or divorce him. IMO
He was dealing with a lot and just needed peace texting should of been enough says a lot about trust ,caring in your part
Very insecure,he texted,that’s more then some would do.Grow up.
It sounds like he needed time away from his every day life. It doesn’t matter how much you love someone, if you see them day in and day out, there will be times where you need a break from that someone. It sounds like he’s been having a rough time. He was with his brother in the place his parents loved to be after they passed away. He needed to do him and that should very much be okay…
Too early for this
Totally wrong in MY option. But my option is always wrong. Call me or msg me.
A bit of an overreaction
He texted you TWICE a day! Whaddya want??
Wtf did I just read? Selfish!
You need to divorce him. He deserves someone more mature and emotionally stable than you.
You knew he was going away and what the reason was, at least he texted you. Maybe you’d be doing him a favour with the divorce.
To me sound like she needs to be up his azz .come on if you don’t trust him .you have a big problem. To me sound like you need a LIFE
A normal guys trip away I’d say yes he should have called at least before bed or something, but this seemed very emotional and sentimental and he was probably feeling all of those waves of emotions come over him. You’re definitely in the wrong for asking for a divorce. Did you ever ask him when he’d text you to call you? Husband’s aren’t mind readers either.
Omg really !!! Do the guy a favour give him a divorce poor sod deserves one !!!
He texted twice a day…him and his brother wanted to bond. You are being irrational and selfish.
Drama much?? Phone works BOTH ways
Totally overreacted. That is selfish, I’m sorry.
Guys trip. You’re lucky you got texts at all. Sometimes I’ll check in to make sure he’s still alive but that’s it. He lets me have my uninterrupted girl weekends and he gets his guys. And to put it in perspective, I have three kids and 5 pets at home plus everyone does sports. It’s one weekend. Let him have it.
WHAT In The TOXIC Insecurity Is Going On Here💀
I feel like if he messaged you in the morning and at night you got more contact then most people, not even just women. People need time to clear the head. If you expect his phone attached to his side, or hourly messages, that’s bordering controlling and selfish.
Damn girl you need a vacation lmaooo
When my husband goes away for a guys trip, I let him be. I might not hear from him for 2 or 3 days other than a text now and then. My husband has his own life and I have mine. We do not have to be together 24/7, nor do we have to be in contact with each other constantly because we both understand that we are our own people.
While you have the right to be upset that he had minimal contact, the fact that you asked for a divorce over that is way overboard.
Ok i can get being a bit upset and butt hurt. A divorce though? Sounds like shes either nuts or theres stuff we dont know about that has led up to this.
I would be upset, but divorce is a little much
He needed to grieve, and remember with his brother. This was their time, for you to make this about you is unsympathetic, dramatic and childish. For you to ask for a divorce shows the level of drama that you were willing to take this to. You owe him an apology. A supportive wife would ask him how the trip was, if he and his brother made any discoveries or felt peace. I hope they had a chance to bond over shared memories and escape the drama that he obviously has to deal with on the daily.
Look at it from the other side. I know I am guilty of getting caught up doing things and seeing people that I forget to call when I go somewhere w/o my husband. He did text you twice a day so he was thinking of you. I think you need to show some maturity here.
He didn’t call you while you were dealing with dogs and kids…. What is he supposed to do about? Talk to the dogs? He was on vacation and you probably wanted a phone call every two hours. That has to be annoying. You want a divorce. That’s ridiculous. Now your asking total strangers if you did the wrong thing. What are you going to do now if you want to be with him? Tell him “I asked a mom group on fb and they said I shouldn’t have done that” stupid! He went on vacation and you wanted his full attention while you are home. That’s just dumb and selfish of you
Maybe you should be happy with less and compromise more. Marriage is a twet half way and maybe you cannoto way affair. He can me
I dont think divorce should be your first choice unless you don’t love him…
I’m sorry to say, but you messed up. Your hubby needed some quality time with his sibling to bond, remember their parents and you ruined it with your insecurity.
And when he comes home happy to see you, in spite of your toxic behavior, you tell him you want a divorce! Damn…
Therapy needed urgently if you want to save your marriage
Why wouldn’t he take his wife and kids? That’s super weird to me.
my ex went on a hunting trip came home and he said i did not pack him underwear i told him if he opened his gun case he would of found them some hunting trip huh???
The number of ppl that would be okay with his disconnect is mind blowing. No one remembers the Vows, or holds them to the standard set (infront of god, friends and family made promises) *if he was grieving why Completely exclude his wife? They were her family too. And wanting to speak with him during the day is normal. In this circumstance, a memorial weekend. Worry for him is normal.
But, a divorce is extreme. Unless there is more to this than a weekend away with minimal contact.
I suggest counseling, individual and couples. Seems to be needed for both.
I wouldn’t be upset knowing why he went in the first place❤️
Just have one question, why didn’t you phone him??