His trip was obviously cathartic, and you want a divorce??? If you are bluffing to get attention then you are the toxic person in this relationship, shame on you, do better.
How long y’all been married you jump straight to divorce because he didn’t call? Jeez …wait till he doesn’t call OR loves on you than you might have a reason to be upset atleast he wanted you when he got back js
I understand how you’re feeling that way especially if this is the first time he’s been away for a full weekend. You wanted him to want to contact you and talk about his day. You’re feeling rejected, it’s definitely an internal U issue and your own insecurity. You’re allowed to have your feelings and discover if they’re healthy feelings or toxic feelings. Instead of facing the sad rejection you felt, you got angry at him because it’s easier to feel angry than sad.
I suggest you have another conversation with him and allow yourself to be vulnerable. I would also suggest some counselling to uncover why that caused you to feel sad because I have a feeling this isn’t a one time occurrence of feeling like you’re on the back burner when you aren’t.
I think asking for a divorce is a little much considering he at least texted you while he was gone. Not like he ignored you the whole time. I get being home with kids and a dog is stressful. But I don’t think you should be mad at him for spending time with his brother.
You need to grow up - he at least sent you a text twice a day.
Needy much, that’s some petty shit to say divorce over. How would you handle your life if he died suddenly? Maybe him and his brother were thinking of their youth, childhood, memories of their parents and a life before cellphones.
Why didn’t you call him?
Your husband is right, you’re nuts.
You’re being over dramatic
You’re not wrong and neither is he. You both have your truths. My husband did the same thing and I divorced him bcz it was inconsiderate and I didn’t want to live that way. You can’t help how you feel nor will he understand if he refused to listen with his heart. Time sure can be a real thief. I’m sorry for the both of you and your toddler too
Wow. You are irrational! What a horrible thing to do. You want a divorce cos he didn’t call yet he txt u twice a day? This took a turn fast poor guy goes away to grieve his parents with his brother and ur worried about this rubbish? Be grateful for your life some people don’t have the luxury
Enjoy a week to yourself without having to text 24/7 and answer your phone.
He wasn’t dead he text you twice a day maybe he was taking some time! I wish sometimes I could take time out, doesn’t mean you don’t love each other though. Why would you want a divorce over that??
Sounds like he should be the one asking for the divorce,
sweetheart you may have trust and issues being alone. Let the man have some time…be thankful he texted when he did…I think it’s great he put his phone down !!!
Wait, you threatened DIVORCE because he didn’t call you?!
Ummm….you sound crazy
…did you realize you could call him?
Yea you are being irrational. The weekend was about him and his brother and their feelings. Have some compassion.
Give him a break, this trip had to have momories of his mom and dad.
You’re in the wrong!! Why would anyon3 want to be on the phone the entire time they’re on vacation
Went to North Carolina last year to pick up 3 kids, and brought 2 with me. My husband was home with no kids. He didn’t call me, I didn’t call him, but we texted. If anything happened that either of us needed to know, we would have called. But he knew I was visiting with family, and I know he hates talking on the phone. If it’s that big of a deal you need to tell him that, but a divorce seems a bit much, unless you’re looking for a reason to leave…
Well damn… why did you get married???
Wait…… he was gone for ONE WEEKEND with his BROTHER because they wanted to go to the place that was special to their parents who PASSED AWAY. And he still texted you twice a day?
Wtf lol. I wouldn’t even expect my man to text me at all. It’s one weekend are you serious?!?
Let him enjoy his time with his brother holy shit. You act like he left you for a month.
I’m not trying to be rude, but this is not something to be upset about. If you wanted to divorce him over this, there HAS to be some underlying resentment or issues you’re feeling towards him that you need to address.
Geezuz ! Lucky escape for him I reckon ! It’s not like you saw him sniffing coke off a strippers butt ! He texted you , and wanted some lovin when he got home (because he missed you ) and you shut shop and want a divorce !!!
Run mate , run !
But did you call him? Works both ways…
It sounds like you’re just looking for an excuse to leave.
Yes you are wrong. He texted you twice a day, good grief. Grow up. If there was an emergency and you needed to talk with him, I’m sure your phone worked & you could have called him.
Wow! You knew where he was and who he was with. I suspect he would have answered his phone if you had called… If you feel deprived, take a weekend for yourself and don’t call him. I have a feeling he won’t be upset, but at least you get to satisfy your apparent need to be vindictive.
Wow. Your behavior and reaction in this situation is horribly wrong. He texted you twice in the day that’s enough. Did you even consider mentally, emotionally what he was going through? You sound cold, rude, spoiled, inconsiderate, selfish, self centered, insecure and a control freak. You really can’t handle your own baby and your home for a WEEKEND that probably half gutted him. You really thing you should take place over his parent right now? You should be mentally supporting him and comforting him. Jesus. I hope you’re serious about requesting that divorce because if I were him I would sign it in a second with that attitude. You need to grow up and apologize. When your parents or someone you really love unconditionally passes away I hope you don’t ask for anything different than how you’re treating him.
Good lord. You’re a mess.
If you want a divorce after 1 weekend of your hubby not calling you then you have bigger problems going on. My hubby takes guy trips and we don’t talk the whole weekend. I also don’t blow him up when I take getaways with friends.
Are you effing KIDDING!?! Let him enjoy his brother while they mourn their parents! It was a weekend…
The weekend wasn’t about YOU. Needy af
So you want a divorce because your husband & his brother went to honor their parents !!! It’s not all about you … He did contact you - he a grown man & doesn’t need to check in every hour with you … Get over it …
ummmmm. You want a divorce? for your husband enjoying his vacation?.. ummmm… I understand you want communication, but bro. Let the man enjoy his vacation.
This is me with my hubby when I go to see my mom in another province with the kids, he gets a text morning sometimes evening, but I have no time to call, maybe a Skype here and there, but he’s lucky if he gets that. Calm down…
He married you to begin with? Yikes sorry for the man… I understand wanting his attention when he’s away but he was probably trying to feel close with his deceased parents one last time… You’re insensitive
Sounds like you did him a favor.
You actually sound stupid
No wonder divorce rate is so high
Yes totally irrational. You picked a fight and threw out the D word. You’re wrong
Well to be fair this was time with his brother in a place that means a lot to them. He probably wasn’t watching his phone the whole time. If my BIL was a decent guy and this happen it wouldn’t bug me tbh.
I’m assuming u never lost a parent gawd I couldn’t imagine. I feel
So sorry for him. Why wasn’t u checking on him? My goodness
Sounds like you want to Grow Up
I would prefer my man to give me a heads up he plans on taking time from contacting me but , losing parents I can see why he might need time .
This cant be real, can it?
Ma’am. Respectfully….You’re being ridiculous and I think you need therapy. Talk to someone.
Oh man, y’all should get divorced. You’re crazy.
Wow! That’s insanely codependent and horrid. He deserves to be able to grieve, decompress, or just enjoy a damn weekend without being glued to his phone because you are feeling needy.
Wow! Overly dramatic. I’d have left too
Girl wtf lol. Yes, you are completely overreacting.
Definitely get a divorce because he deserves someone better than you. You are absolutely irrational. I’d hope that if your parents pass, & you do something to honor them, he destroys it & emotionally damages you.
Since you asked, yes you are being totally irrational. That you would bring up divorcing him because of this is ludicrous.
He was grieving! Like seriously! He prioritized her the best he could by texting morning and night. He prioritized his brother and his parents memory the rest of the time AS HE SHOULD! I hope she does divorce his ass so he has a chance at a less toxic relationship
Wow:flushed: I understand your frustration, but I wouldn’t go as far as a divorce. Holy sheeshhh
He did contact you twice a day! This sounds like a sentimental vacation he took with his brother. Like for them to remember their parents together. Imo you sound needy and jealous. Its not like you didnt hear from him the whole trip, you didnt hear from him enough in your eyes. I’m with him, youre irrational
Just going to leave it at this. You are in the wrong and you’re overreacting and sound completely stupid.
He was spending time with his brother, reminiscing about his parents, you shouldn’t expect him to be constantly texting you. Let him be.
That’s some big insecurity on your part if you want to divorce him over that.
One would think you would tell him you want a weekend vacation to enjoy yourself. But divorce that’s a bit much I mean damn. Everyone needs time to there self once in awhile
You sound ridiculous. He was on vacation with his brother. And it was just the weekend. PLUS he texted you twice a day. My husband went on vacation to florida last month for a full week with his sister, dad and grandma. He hardly called or texted. If we talked on the phone it was because I called. Yes it sucks that we stayed home with our kids while our husbands enjoyed themselves but you need to remember he was on vacation. He doesn’t want to spend that time calling you and texting you all day. If my husband wants to take time for himself and not call me the whole time, I don’t care. Everyone needs that every once in awhile. I’m definitely not going to divorce my husband over something so ridiculous lol
It’s called respect and if he doesn’t have any get rid of him
Ummmm i would honestly be irritated maybe idk I can handle just a text, but hearing his voice would have been nice at some point. However, I would have understood and been fine. Maybe told him I missed his face or voice and let it go. Definitely nothing to throw a fit over and ruin a marriage.
I think there are more problems then the weekend and people on Facebook should stop jumping to conclusions and trying to be therapists AND YOU shouldn’t even be asking this question on here…you both obviously have more issues that needed to be dealt with and I believe someone else said it above feelings are feelings they are never wrong you have the right to your own feelings. Your not crazy or wrong feelings are never wrong. Just deal with them and how you deal with them is your business. Just stop doing them on Facebook sweetheart. Good luck.
Damn he will be better off without you. Divorce will benefit him for sure. You are being extremely irrational he went w his brother to what I believe is to grieve and u want to be a Karen good luck in life
Is this real life - like how old are you?
That’s not a reason for a divorce
No wonder he went away. He needed a break apparently
“The last place his parents vacationed before passing away”… Divorce because hes grieving? Divorce because this was probably a really hard time?? Yes he should have spent 5 mins to check in with you and your little one you have together… But divorce? With what you posted, you have your own issues to get a grip on… Otherwise theres ALOT of backstory not posted… Get a grip on your emotions… Do not let them control you, you manage your emotions… Use logic and rationality
he talked to you 2x a day while having an emotional getaway with his brother… your bad for that one
I wouldn’t have asked for a divorce but yes your husband should have called you. I know I would have been hurt if my husband didn’t call me.
It’s not about you it’s about him he needed that time with his brother give me a break girl he doesn’t need your selfishness
You’re the reason aliens think Earth is ghetto:roll_eyes:.
I would venture to guess that you also gave him a hard time for even going! “Dealing” with your dogs and toddler is a part of life! Please seek therapy!
Uh … Yeah…a divorce over that? Lady, my husband was talking to women online, sending them money, we had rough marriage before that too, way too much to go into, and some women are divorcing not only cheaters, but abusers, and you told him you want a divorce because he didn’t contact you enough over the weekend? A weekend that he was spending with his family because his parents died? He did text you a couple times a day, maybe he was busy vacationing, that’s what he was there for, right? I can understand being irritated I guess, but not telling him you want a divorce for that reason. Just talk to him.
I vacation without my husband because doesn’t want to travel anymore. I text or call to let him know I arrived safe and then vacation. When headed home I give him the heads up. Been married for 40 years.
Lyn, and remember they could only call after standing in line when the ship went into Port! No email, text or Cell Phones…
yet we all survived!
Yes, you’re being irrational and controlling. He DID keep in contact with you, just not in the way you wanted him to. You really couldn’t let him have just 2 fucking days with his brother? Jfc, you remind me of my POS SIL.
But please divorce him. It’ll be so much better for him.
You want a divorce because he took TWO days to spend real quality time with the only family he has left in honor of his parents? Honestly you don’t sound mentally stable enough to be in any sort of relationship.
You wanted a divorce because he didn’t call you? Jesus
Does he go on other trips away and contact you more than twice a day? Which I think is more than enough considering the sentimental value of the trip
I mean I know just because his parents died and he’s grieving doesn’t mean he’s free from his obligations as a partner, parent and pet owner and clearly you’re feeling overwhelmed but did you ask if he could call you because you were needing a chat? You were obviously overwhelmed and I’m not sure what else is going on for you in your life but communication is key, maybe outsource next time, ask for a little help from family and friends. Your husband deserves and needs understanding too, grief affects people differently and withdrawal is a normal part of that, it’s not personally directed at you even if it feels that way.
Maybe you feel that he dismisses your needs and feelings regularly and this is the real issue? Otherwise if it’s just based on this weekend alone I think you’re still feeling burnt out and possibly your husbands right.
I think your over reacting he text morning and night. Would be acceptable behaviour if you heard nothing and made you worry all weekend you would have the right to be mad but a divorce over something so silly. That’s a bit of an over reaction.
Honestly it sounds like you’re burnt out and upset he went at all. Maybe a little too hasty in the divorce area… breathe and explain why you feel this way. Men are so different from women, in the way they see things. He most likely thought you were fine if you didn’t mention it the whole time
Holy fuck you’re insane
Give me a N give me a A give me a R give me a C give me a issist
What does that spell?! NARCISSIST
Seriously, you are selfish. And wrong. Yes, you’re wrong.
He texted you morning and night. Did you try calling him?
He texted you twice a day and was only gone for 2 days, spending time reminiscing with his brother…yes you’re being totally irrational.
It’s ur own insecurities. U don’t trust him. Has he given you reason to not trust him? But seems like he was just having a good time with his bro bonding over the memory of their parents. Wife’s don’t come first. In the Bible it’s says we do. But we should never make them chose between u or the family or ask them to put one above the other. Even if they don’t like u.
A divorce? Lol girl stop it.
That’s all he had to do? Hmmm
Ummm you’re being way too harsh. He was having a good time with his brother. At least he didn’t totally go without mssging you. If he comes back you should be thankful
I call that a vacation for me.
He’s better off. Sorry.
You are wrong; he contacted you twice a day for two days. If you can trust him and have a happy marriage, you have no problems. He was enjoying the company of his brother and they probably made plans for the whole weekend during the day.
The votes are in and we have determined you mam are IN THE WRONG. Dead azz wrong.
You are being irrational…he texted you twice a day…what else do you want?
He went to get a break !!!
You’re def being irrational. It would’ve been nice for him to call once in the evening to ask about your toddler,but he was probably so busy and exhausting when he got in. He was gone for the weekend,so what,2-3 days? That’s not long,and atleaet he texted. When my girls and I go on vacation with my mom,we don’t call every night to my husband bc by the time we get back,we go straight to bed. And considering it was a vacation with his BROTHER for their deceased parents,it was probably emotionally draining from happiness to sadness. If this is the worst he’s done and you’re thinking of divorce then I hope he does too bc that’s childish. I understand being with a toddler alone for a few days is lonesome,but you should have been encouraging him to just have fun on his trip. He clearly wanted to love on you when he got back bc he missed you. It seems yall have other issues yall need to work out together before even mentioning divorce. Seems like a trust issue. Might want to figure that stuff out,then decide if divorce is right.
You want a divorce because he didn’t call you for just a weekend? Even though he still contacted you? And he was with his brother on an emotionally significant trip? Honestly you sound more than just irrational here, this sounds crazy. Sounds like OP didn’t want to be married in the first place and is just looking for a reason to divorce while trying to sound justified.
That does not merit a divorce it merits talking maybe counseling ok
That’s abusive behavior… manipulative, emotional and mental abuse, gas lighting and in general just a very sad Grose thing you did to your husband and father of your child.
I think you’re nuts. He just went on a trip with his brother to celebrate his parents life, and your freaking out cause he didn’t call? You’re selfish.
Imagine how man emotions those guys had going through them during this trip.