My husband went away for the weekend and didn't call me

Woman what is wrong with you??? You must have a loose screw!! He texted you twice a day and that’s all? You Poor baby. He was on a special time with his brother, but it’s all about you ??? Let him go find a woman that appreciates him. You certainly don’t. Pure selfish shame on you!


I think you’re irrational. You asked for a divorce over something so small.

He texted you in the morning and at night. Did you want him to call you every hour? Call you and leave you the number of each place he’d be like a teenager? He went with his brother. My husband goes away for the weekend for fantasy football with all his other friends. Texts me when he gets there, maybe a couple more times and for sure when they’re headed out…I let him do his thing while I tend to our dogs and toddler as well and then veg out on the couch at night with some wine. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Definitely irrational and selfish.

Oof I hope he gets everything court order cuz u seem like a narcissist :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Um. That’s excessive.

First off
𓆏 Notification Frogs Activated 𓆏

Secondly, you mention that they went in what seems to be a brotherly vacation to somewhere their deceased parents went. Bringing them memories.

That was really considerate to talk to you before bed and when he woke up. Its his family time with his brother.
Is there a reason why he you had to talk to him more? Emergency at home? Sick kiddos?
It seems like it was just a regular day at home dealing with a typical toddler and a typical dog. Id assume they are both something youve been capable of caring for on your own prior?

To go as far as divorce is really extreme. Im not going to even dance around so apologies in advance. There needs to be equal time for each partner to do thing on their own without having to constantly check in with your partner. Thats just unreasonable. And if you are expecting thay because you dont trust him, then thats a whole other issue you need to sort out.

If you need constant check in with your significant other, id suggest maybe talking with someone to sort that out within yourself


Damn did i read this right?! What the fk is wrong with you! He deserves better!

That’s what’s wrong with people. They jump to divorce :smirk:

Before anything I’d need to know how recently his parents passed… if they just passed away recently then I’d be alittle more understanding as it was probably extremely emotional for him but if it wasn’t anytime recent then I’d be alittle more upset but still other questions like how was reception there because there are times I can text but not call due to cell reception, was it just him and his brother or were there others there… definitely not enough info for me to pass any kind of judgment here personally.


Wow. He was only gone for a weekend and texted you twice a day. You could’ve called him as well. You’re being completely irrational and ridiculous.


You’re nuts! Hope he find happiness elsewhere


Sounds like he deserves WAY better!


A divorce? You are definitely the irrational one


Wow. He needs a break.

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What? And YOU couldn’t call him? It was very probably a very emotionally charged weekend, spent with his brother. They would have had a lot to see and do and talk about and reminisce. For crying out loud, one weekend, where you as a wife didn’t take a further step, and you’re asking for a divorce? Hope he goes and gets the papers!

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These have to be fake lol


Sounds to me like you made this about yourself. The trip would have been extremely emotional, and at times very hard for him after losing his parents, so I think you should’ve sent a couple of messages showing your support, not demanding his attention, and left it at that. It was his time with his brother, to share that special place, and mourn together, and in my opinion it actually had nothing to do with you, married or not :woman_shrugging:t3: I can’t believe you went straight to the “divorce” card instead of talking it out and trying to work through your feelings together. If that’s your reaction over something so minor, your marriage doesn’t have a chance of surviving.


Honey, my husband almost never calls me. I’m not doing it now (kids are grown) but I used to go to my daughter’s for a month or three at a time, and he NEVER called. I would call him every week or so. So yes, I think you’re being irrational. As much as women would like for men to think like women, they just don’t.

Yall need a damn divorce. Shit me and my hubby have been through tougher mountains than a 1 weekend of no calls. Wtf. Hope he finds a real woman.

No, that’s a little much dear. Hopefully he doesn’t send u paperwork now.

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You ever thought maybe he’s grieving with his brother/enjoying the new and old memories, idk… I mean I’d probably feel a little like dang but like you said it’s the spot his parents visited last before they passed… I’d want to be left alone.

Considering he’s probably going through a lot, saying you want a divorce is probably not the best idea. And if you wanted to talk so bad why make him leave when he comes home? He was with his brother, not out partying. Everyone needs space!

You’re such a brat lol


You need counseling. You are very insecure


Wow just wow. I hope he divorces you.

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I would LOVE a weekend away from my husband!!! My husband never answers my texts either… it don’t bother me, because he is NOT Bothering me at all!!!

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They were mourning. Yes, you are wrong hun.


I hear that you were overwhelmed while he was away. Maybe a little vacay for yourself would help you not be resentful towards him. Motherhood isn’t easy and sometimes we need a break too. Try apologising to him and communicate how it made you feel. Divorce was a big jump. Hope it all works out for you x


He was contacting you. Probably spending that time with his brother you are being selfish


I would be mad too, but my husband and I talk all day every day so it’s not like him. It just depends on how things are normally!

Sounds like a good man.You are blessed

I feel bad for your husband.

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Where’s the back story to this? Y did he go? To go fishing or something with his brother? Normally on vacation u want r&r… Does he have a history of lying or cheating?! Does his brother? What did he do so wrong? Or is it just ur turn to get a break from ur toddler? Cuz trust me I Kno I get mad wen my husband goes out n I can’t or wen I do I get called non stop :joy: wheres this or that but we did just do a move… But i think u need to reconsider and express ur feelings in a more constructive matter

I must be an odd one because when I was with my now ex he would CONSTANTLY call me and I HATED it. I couldn’t go anywhere without him calling at least 2-3 times. If this was a special trip then you should feel lucky he called you in the morning and at night.


Why didn’t YOU call him??


Wow! Kinda heartless!?!?! Hubby just spent an emotional weekend in mourning and he comes home to a selfish brat instead of a loving wife. Shame on you! Your lack of compassion and maturity is despicable!


Gotta admit this one I’m with your husband on. Him and his brother went away for one weekend together and he text twice a day yet your mad he didn’t call…. You’d have been pissed if he didn’t even text. It’s not like he turned his phone off and you didn’t no where he was. As for wanting a divorce you are crazy unless this is for other reasons not this. Take care of your child and pet and leave him be over it. Next time why don’t you have a girls weekend away. I’d never make my partner call me unless we spoke about him calling I’d rather him have a nice time way that be bothered by me talking about my child or dog which he can hear about when he’s home. If you want him back I’d be quick as he may decide this is for the best of him and he deserves someone who will treat him like an adult and not a child.


It’s got to be more to your decision you are not sharing…. You never said anything about another woman or cheating you never said anything about you calling him and he never returned your call???so I’m confused on what your real issue is … did you wanna go ???or do y’all need a vacation together???or do you need a girls weekend out???as far as I see with the details you have given yes you are wrong

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UHHHHHHHHH girl u better be kidding. Youre batty as hell!


Insecurity at its best! Stop being so clingy and needy!


You are being totally irrational. But maybe he should save himself a headache and just grant the divorce. Hes grieving with his brother and saying goodmorning and good night.


Wow selfish and insecure much? Leave the poor man alone he was mourning!!


I would do the same as him…I’m going to see a friend away next weekend, my husband doesn’t chk on me.

Sounds like a nice break

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Yeah if you would’ve told me that I would’ve left you too sorry but you sound petty and selfish you should be grateful that he contacted you twice a day you sound very controlling just buy that post I don’t know what your guises living situation is but it was time for him to get a break maybe you should do the same for a weekend but you’re not gonna want to call him or message him during the day either it was his time to relax and enjoy with his brother


A divorce because he spent one on one with his brother the last place they vacated with their parents yet he contacted every morning and night?! Wow!


One weekend without calls and your ready for divorce?? SMH


if this is real i would of left her ages ago


He’s better off without you. If you’re willing to give up over that, I’d hate to see if times got really bad for you guys


Yeah you’re over reacting. And that’s putting it nicely


Wow!!! Are you that insecure?? He text you for crying out loud!!

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I’d be ok with the texts in the morning/evening. If you wanted/needed to talk to him that bad, you should have called him. This minor incident shouldn’t mean you automatically turn to straight divorce, man that’s crazy to me.


Def should of gabe a quick call

That’s all my husband would do when he left for the weekend sometimes. I got a little sad cause I was lonely but it’s life. He’s allowed a break, just like anyone else.

He and his brother literally went on a weekend vacation to the last place their parents vacationed to process grief and because he didn’t blow you up, you want a divorce?! I’m sorry, but you’re being really petty!

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He needs to run for the hills cause babe you’re crazy than a bag of cats


I think divorce is a bit much. Its not like he didn’t contact you at all. Sounds like he just wanted to spend quality time with his brother. I understand motherhood isn’t easy and I understand being upset. Dealing with small children by oneself can be stressful even without pets in the mix. But saying you want a divorce because he didn’t call you only texted you twice a day while on a sentimental trip with his brother is a bit overkill. Perhaps you should go to couple counseling and work through your issues. I definitely think your being slightly irrational at the moment and should do some soul searching about what made you feel this way. Think how you would feel if roles where reversed. Consider things from your husband’s point of view. People today are to quick to cry divorce. Work through your issues for the sake of your child and your family.

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Ooh…the Universe does not revolve around you Huni.

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Wow! Yeah over reacting for sure. He was gone for a weekend and still text you in the morning and goodnight.


I hope you can quit over reacting before you loose him. Don’t cause Big problems. Quit!!!

I wouldn’t say she’s being childish or wrong it’s spose to go God then your spouse, then kids etc. A real man would at least call once or twice to check in on his wife and child. Divorce is a choice you have to make based on what’s best for you and if your needs aren’t being met.

I mean I get thinking “oh man, he didn’t call me, I hope he’s alright!” But not like…this is a deal breaker in a relationship/marriage.
I would have called him if he didn’t call me for sure, ask him how he’s doing and check in on him.
Idk if I’m weird but I’m my marriage I trust my husband 100 percent, and if he doesn’t call there’s a reason. We’re two separate people, we don’t need to be up each others a**es constantly. I enjoy my own company and I also enjoy his. Nothing wrong with a few days away with little contact, as long as you and him check in with eachother once or twice.


So you got a divorce over that. Sounds like he dodged a bullet.


This whole post speaks to insecurity. Asking for divorce over one incident is completely irrational. He took the time from his vacation to at least text you, you knew where he was, and who he was with. Do you text and call him 24/7 if you go someplace and leave him with the baby and dogs?


You are way out of line


Complete overreaction on your part! Have you stopped to think how difficult of a trip it could have been for him considering it was his parents last vacation spot? Selfish!


He did contact you u nutter


Dude needs to run as fast as he can!!!


He DID contact you!!! Texts morning & night!!! I agree with husband!!! ( I was married 40 years)


You don’t think being there was hard on him? You don’t think he mightve been upset or depressed and just wanted to spend time with his brother? You sound absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully he does divorce you and he can be with someone who treats and respects him


On like donkey Kong fk that

Ugh a text is contact asshole

Maybe you are being a little selfish, rethink it

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That is irrational :joy: I hope he agrees to a divorce if you jump that quick to it.


Y’all probably just need to go out in the woods get naked fuck like 19 year Olds then call it a day

Grow the fu#k up, you can’t stand you husband being away for two days without a melt down???

Get professional help

Ughhh I would be cool with a text from my husband to know he’s alive. I want him to be present where he is & enjoying himself. If you didn’t communicate your expectations ahead of time, you are 100% overreacting.


Wow that’s fucked up you treated him this way. He was heading from loosing his parents. You know how many woman deal with the kids and dogs every dam day. Smh

Over reacting a little much, maybe your not grown enough for adult hood. Not like he was out with a chick all weekend it was his brother. Least he thought of you in am and pm more than I can say for some guys


That’s better then him not texting you all mine will wake up in the morning and never say anything and go to work all day and I won’t here from him till he gets off work… almost 7pm … then back in the day he use to go out with out telling me he would just say I’m gonna do this and then just not come home till God knows when and never text… call… nothing all the time their was even he would be gone with his friends and his family for days and not one of them would tell me he was their with them or even have him talk to me…

oh for god’s sake. STH up.


my opinion usually gets hated on but im still gonna leave it here i don’t know why society thinks you need to communicate with your s/o 24/7


How childish and selfish, he and his brother wanted to visit the last place their parents enjoyed. Grow up and accept that you don’t always get what you want.


I’m sorry but I would have left to. Jesus he just left for a few days didn’t ghost you all weekend actually texted you and you throw divorce in his face. Shame on you!

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He contacted you TWICE nutbag! Some don’t even get that!


But did you make the effort to call or text him? :woman_shrugging:t2:

I think the divorce thing is strong but idk yalls relationship besides this incident. I’d apologize for saying that if this is the only incident. However, I’d def. Want him to communicate w him at least once a day.

Theirs got to be more to it then him just not calling you while on vacation to want a divorce. This could have easily just been a conversation “hey I’d have appreciated if you called before bed” and end it. The end of a marriage over just that is drastic.


Poor guy! He was with his brother & away for 2 days!
Grow up!


He probably needed a vacation from u…that cud b a reason…


you are totally irrational. you are too clingy. and have a lot of issues you need to work out with yourself. and I don’t blame him for leaving

Big overreaction. Maybe let him have some time with his family. His parents died and it was a time for him and his brother. You can’t manipulate his time like that. You sound selfish, emotionally abusive and need counseling

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You scream needy…
Your poor future ex husband

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I actually need the time away… Not that I dont wanna talk to him but absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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Your poor husband. He went away with his brother on obviously an emotional journey for him and he comes back to that. Just because he didn’t keep constant contact with you? He should be happy you want a divorce that’s ridiculous


You’re super immature. He was with his brother and reminiscing about his parents. Things aren’t all about you.


Yall, we should lift women up and help them. We go through enough shit in life. We shouldn’t be bashing her, we should be giving better advice. We’re all moms here.


He did contact you. He was on vacation with his brother visiting the last place their parents went and you expected him to talk to you all day? Get real.


I hope he runs far and fast!

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