Is it weird that my husband will nto add me on facebook? he has been like this for as long as i can rememver…we have been together for 5 years and he still refuses and says he deserves “his own space”…but its social media and i dont get why i cant see it…is it just me?
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My husband will not add me on facebook: Advice?re
That’s weird Af to me! Totally not normal! He is hiding something.
Sounds like it’s time for a catfish account to send him a friend request
Not normal. Sounds very shady.
It is not just you.
He deserves his own space. A lot of couples don’t have one another on their social media.
Not normal, that would be a huge red flag to me.
My ex was like this, turned out he had a whole other relationship on there
Then post a zillion pictures of you together and tag him !!!
He’s definitely hiding something
Girl what’s his name we can create a fake account for you
Not normal in the slightest
Lol sounds like some weird red flags
He’s cheating point blank
Hmmmmmm. For some years I wasn’t friends with my partner. It was better that way. He was constantly telling me that I shouldn’t post stuff (like normal stuff not cheating stuff), and it was regularly causing issues, so we stopped being friends on social media
My husband doesn’t post me on Facebook!
Are you blocked? Go on and look at it.
Pm me his name, I’ll add him
What’s his name? I’ll add him and send you screenshots of everyyyyything.
Weird. Why don’t he add you something not right there.
Eh to me it’s not that big of a deal but all my husband looks for on fb is vehicles and tractors.
I feel it causes too many issues having your partner on there, even if you aren’t hiding anything. But I also allow anyone I’m dating to see my social media accounts and check my phone without password protection or even permission. If he doesn’t do that and he hides his social media then I’d be a bit concerned.
He’d be an ex husband if he did that to me
Weird asf there’s obviously something he doesn’t want you to see
Weird asf. Definitely hiding something. Maybe you from someone else.
My brother never added any of his long terms on his fb. He said it was less drama
I’m not friends with my s.o. on fb. Haven’t been forever. We can still see each other’s posts if we want.
he wouldn’t be my husband I wouldn’t of said I do
My ex husband never wanted to add me on Ig. I begged and begged and nothing. Never posted me on his social media. Found out, he was always talking to other women.
You’d see me snatch his phone and delete his little Facebook account
He’s hiding something. Ask a hot friend to friend him and she can spy for you!
I’d make a fake account and add him.
Soo strange all of the comments saying you aren’t friends with your SO on Facebook. I had no idea that was a thing. Why? How can it cause issues unless there are underlying relationship issues and insecurities to begin with??? What do you have to hide?
That’s shady AF idc about what other weirdos say it’s ok ! It’s fishy and I think he’s up to something
Glad my husband isn’t on mine, I’ve got nothing to hide, but he doesn’t need access to very thing in my life.
Yea it’s not “just social media” that’s weird and very shady. He’s hiding something
Yep he’s got a whole cheating life going on on Facebook.
This use to be a huge deal to me and I can understand why it is. But it doesn’t always mean something bad. Personally there’s times I wish I wouldn’t have had my ex on Facebook. I’m a impulse poster when my anxiety is super bad. I get in my feelings and I just post and post until my anxiety passes. I usually delete most of the posts and yes it helps my anxiety but unfortunately my ex took posts personally even when they weren’t always about him or yes. I definitely feel bad for that but sometimes wish we weren’t friends on Facebook because then maybe that wouldn’t have ruined our relationship. So yeah sometimes it’s not about hiding anything.
Lol all these stupid questions are hillarious.
What next? A joint fb account? Stop being so insecure. I’m sure fb is the only thing he has to himself.
He got to many women on there that he is talking to so he’s thinking of your feelings
I mean I guess that’s normal for some people but it’s a no from me.
Huge red flag considering it’s your husband.
Your husband has a whole second life on Facebook
Does his profile say married? Not that it matters. People r sick still and will still go for ur partner. But I agree. Either make a fake profile or have a friend that he doesn’t know add him or have one of us that’s saying they’ll add him and give u the info U need. No shame. Better to find out now if u r worrying for no reason or if ur gut instinct is right. There’s a reason ur worried. And usually our guts r right unfortunately. I hope it’s nothing. But us women will do some digging for u if u need us. Pm me if needed. 🫶🏼💯
Tell him when your known on his social media he can get back in your bed!!
He doesn’t want you to know he’s meeting girls , kick him to the curb
I personally don’t see the big deal. My husband doesn’t even use his Facebook anymore. And even when he did its been years since we’ve posted about eachother on it or shit like that. Idk. The way we see it is we aren’t teenagers anymore. Were grown
Make a fake Facebook and add him lol
I’m the same way. I don’t want to be bothered about my page and I respect my partners privacy. I’m not wasting any energy snooping on his page or picking arguments over posts. I don’t get the point of it being a deal at all. But in the end, no means no.
The only reason to refuse to add your spouse is because you have something to hide.
In 45 years of being with my husband (40 of that married), the only things we share is our home, checking accounts and our love for one another! He has never gotten into my purse or anything personal of mine. We are not friends on any social media either! I have never gone through his personal stuff either. We figure it like this “What’s his is his, what’s mine is mine”! Like I have said many times before and I’m sure I’ll say it many more. If there is no trust, there is no relationship!! You all are too quick to assume the worst and want a divorce! Fix the problem instead of throwing everything away!!! Remember you were supposed to have married him for better or worse, and if not being friends on facebook is the worst, than you have a Dead relationship! Sorry about the long response but that’s the way I figure it!!
Save the drama it’s not worth it it’s Facebook
It’s the amount of people that automatically jump to cheating and then excuse it with “I’ve BEeN cHeAtEd oN” …how is projecting your broken trust and insecurities fair to your current partner. Smh.
He has “girl” friends and ex girlfriends on there he doesn’t want you knowing about. Sorry but unless you are hiding something FB isn’t your own space.
If you are that insecure y’all shouldn’t be married….
I’d think it was suspicious honestly. Cause you can be friends on there and either ignore the annoying post or not follow him.
That’s a big negative for me, if u cant have me on social media I don’t want ur ass, I feel like he is protecting other girls feelings… red flag red flag red flag!
Ok I don’t get why it’s a big deal honestly. Does he have other things you’re not on, like his email account, twitter, YouTube, or anything else? Yes Facebook is a place to keep in touch with family and friends maybe you’re not on it because he lives with you and doesn’t need to keep in touch… not every single person on Facebook feels the need to have everything on social media. If you find it odd sit down with him and ask him about it. I’m sure he’ll say basically the same thing I just did.
The guy is right, he deserves some privacy in his life……geez. Why do you want to be on it anyway other than wanting to snoop? If you don’t or can’t trust him, not being FB friends is the least of your worries
I wouldn’t be ok with this because who knows what friends he does have on social media but at the same time why are you raising the issue 5 years in? It should have been discussed years ago and and an agreement made about it or move on…it seems weird
Seriously? It’s FB. How old are you?
I jus finally added my bf about 5-6 years after being together lol i didnt mind not being friends w him on fb lmao we been together almost 15 years now
Yes. That’s weird af.
One time I actually blocked my husband on Facebook.
I think this would be a deal breaker for me personally. Maybe it wouldn’t bother me IF he had a home computer too if his facebook on there as well, and if i could see everything read everything. But the fact is too many people sue facebook to cheat. Most men use facebook to get laid!!! Even at my older age of I still to this day block one sicko a week! I still get at least two random message a week from men i don’t know trying to be “friends”. So nope, nope, nope.
I’m sorry but it definitely looks like hes trying to hide things from you.
My fella don’t even have Facebook he has it causes a lot of sh*t so won’t even entertain having it🤷♀️
If he is out right refusing then yea that’s a little weird. Exactly like you said it’s social media why does he want to keep that private from you. Maybe he is posting stuff he doesn’t want you to see? I would straight out ask him exactly why cuz unless he is hiding stuff then why?
My guy and I never got on each other’s socials – unless to send each other nonsense lol we have each other’s passwords and all that but never use them.
But now my guy has deleted everything bc he got sick of it.
I would want my own space too. I want to tweet and talk shit and laugh with others.
Big red flags right there
I’m not saying he’s cheating - but keep your guard up. There’s a reason why he does not want you to see his posts. Married couples need personal space - but like you said. It’s social media. If he adds other family - sound suspish to keep you out of the loop. Js. Best of luck.
Lmfao I deleted my husband but we still talk on messenger. I post insane memes and some people can’t handle it. He is one of the people who can’t handle it
My husband would block me after every fight and then he wouldn’t re add me for weeks after. He had a whole nother relationship - and was with her the day we got married
The older generations, and younger generations that romantize the older generations will say this is dumb, but in our culture as it is today this is suspicious. You get privacy a plethora of ways, and social media isn’t typically one of them. When this happens it’s usually a cheating situation, unfortunately. Beware of the partner that works to hide you.
What’s his name??? He probably in my dm’s sending me d*** pics!
Hell no a man wanting his own space is something single men do! Next time he wants some ass from you tell him you need your own space too!
It’s for the best lol. I post inspirational/mom stuff and he always has something slick to say
My husband has me on FB but doesn’t ever interact or anything. I do find it odd not having eachother on fb. Yall can just unfollow eachother and not see posts it that’s the issue. But to each their own
He does it because “he deserves his own space”?
More like he doesn’t want you to see all of the women on his page and doesn’t want them to know he’s married.
My husband & I have been together for 9 years & married for 9 months. We didn’t add each other on fb until we actually got married I trust him & care more about him that his social media.
Id grab his phone and add my fucking self
All of you talking about him being suspicious but look at all of you snooping behind your guys back talking about him. No fucking better
If you can see who his friends are, I wouldn’t worry about it.
So familiar. Or they change their status and have their friends block you or block you from their posts lol.
We are not friends on Facebook because it caused too many fights over things other people say. It’s helped a lot
I don’t have my other half on Facebook… purely because we annoy the crap out of each other & im petty… If we have an argument Il delete & block him🙄
I never got round to adding him back but he doesn’t really use it anymore - only Twitter
My ex husband did the same exact thing. And he was cheating on me all along Get rid of him asap!
My husband and I don’t follow each other on instagram. On Facebook we may follow each other but we rarely say anything to each other I wouldn’t get upset
if he needs that kind of privacy being married
he’s hiding something
for sure
It’s super suspicious if he has “single” status on his social media. He is hiding something from you or he is hiding someone from you.
It’s just fb social media isn’t reality I wouldn’t worry bout it
If you’re a good person who doesn’t question him nor nags him about everything then he’s definitely up to something … BUT, if you are the person who is jealous AF and constantly questioning him then I could definitely understand why he wouldn’t want to add you and would want his personal space.
Lolol what am I reading?
Shady af to me if you are over jealous then I can understand. Don’t need to be drilled anytime someone comments something simple.
Girl you better run that motherfucker is hiding shit
Who cares it’s just social media
What’s his name? Ima go stalk him for you:rofl:
That’s was me and my EX husband