My husband will not let me homeschool

My daughter and I are seriously discussing this option for the grandkids next year. They are 4 and 6. I’m looking into community moms or grandparents that are also homeschooling so we can have group interaction. Being around other children and getting the social skills is what we are concerned about. Group field trips and learning can still be done when you homeschool. It’s not isolating if it’s done right. That could be your husbands concern

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Won’t LET YOU??? :grimacing: its ok to have opinions or not want that to happen…but won’t LET YOU…is another thing


you should do your research & then show him that homeschool today is not what it was in the past. Their is actual online schools with live teachers, clubs, local meet ups. People who are not homeschooling have no idea :roll_eyes: check out Facebook groups for moms who homeschool. I learned the most from them & found local groups that meet up weekly for field trips & group classes. I got a lot of grief when I pulled mine out of school, most people think homeschool is you sitting at home teaching your kids the old fashioned way & that is false.


Men get this stigma around homeschooling. My husband just did not want me to do it at all. We are starting year 8 of homeschooling in the fall :wink: we talked about reasons and I was able to inform him that HS isn’t like it’s used to be. My kids play sports, we are part of a co-op that meets on Fridays with over 100 kids and has field trips and hangouts throughout the year. I do Classical Conversations with my younger 3 and our community meets on Mondays and they also have parties and trips and friends there. Homeschooling is such a norm now, but there isn’t a weird stigma around it. I’m happy to answer any questions you or him may have.

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It’s a scary world out there for sure, I understand your feeling. As parents, we want the best for our kids and above all, we want them safe. What’s going on out there is insane. But, I can understand his take on it. Homeschooling is hard- on the parent and on the kids. Being in a school setting promotes social interaction that you cannot get from being homeschooled. Also, the education quality is a factor… unless you are a teacher by profession, the teaching you do vs the teaching a teacher will do in the classroom won’t compare. Part of being a child is going to school, making friends, learning and experiencing things that can only be experienced in school. This world is a scary place, but we can’t let evil win. When we are living amongst devils, bad things can happen anywhere we are. It’s a horrible reality, but living in constant fear is not a way to live. I have to tell myself this a lot lately. It’s so hard.


I totally get how scary it is out here in the real world. But, my mom homeschooled me after 8th grade til graduation and it caused a ton of issues between us. I was always lonely, I had no peers let alone friends, no prom, no graduation, no walking the stage. I missed out on a LOT. Being homeschooled actually made me more depressed because I was always alone. All my old friends moved on without me and they tell you there are homeschool conferences where your kid will be able to interact with other kids, but they don’t tell you those conferences are only once a quarter and idk if they even do them now with COVID.


He has a right to his opinion about how the children are raised too.
However when you home school, you do take away a lot of advantages that you simply cannot provide at home.
I think you should sit down together and list all the pros and cons of both home schooling and public schooling.
Ask the kids what they want? Their opinion should matter as well if they are old enough.
I personally would never home school so I’m with your husband on this. I feel like they would miss out on wayyy too much school has to offer. But I also live in Canada where the school systems are really safe. I don’t worry at all about my kids at school.


That’s a big decision to make and he has a definite say in that. You need to tell him your reasoning and he needs to tell you his. But don’t jump into the conversation expecting to change anyone’s mind. Just go in with your pros and cons list. And ask your kids how they feel!!


Does he give reasons as to why?

Leave him & homeschool.

does he really realize the cost of school now a days ? and not only that but homeschooling for some people is the best way to go ! i really don’t know - for u i would give it a try and see if the kids like it better to go to school where they can learn with others and make a bunch of friends . u yourself got to realize that u can’t keep them i would call locked-up because of fear! u have to let your kids meet the world .


Not just your decision

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I was homeschooled for a portion of my education. During homeschooling meetups I met so many poorly adjusted children. They lacked social skills, they were the “weird kids.” I can understand why you want your kids homeschooled but I can also see why he doesn’t. It isn’t just mama bear’s decision if dad is putting the brakes on it. A lot can go wrong with educating your own child just as much as things can go right. Talk to him about it, sit down together and discuss your thoughts.
Remember, you can’t shelter your children forever, homeschooling is only a temporary safety solution in this awful world.

Tell him you run the home and what you say goes lol jk don’t say that. Have a sit down convo with the hubby and let ‘em know that you feel it’s best to homeschool your kids.

Communication is key.

I homeschooled my kids a bit and then put them right back in public school. They’re social skills dropped. People can say homeschooling is cheaper but with the amount of books you have to buy, all the activities, housework gets behind, kids fighting, lol maybe I need that time to relax my mind, get my work done around the house, dinner planned, business done, homeschooling is a lot more than just putting papers in front of your kids faces and making them do the work. Which I seen a lot while homeschooling my kids. In public school my middle daughters thriving and has many friends. I couldn’t pull her out.

I homeschooled my kids a bit and then put them right back in public school. They’re social skills dropped. People can say homeschooling is cheaper but with the amount of books you have to buy, all the activities, housework gets behind, kids fighting, lol maybe I need that time to relax my mind, get my work done around the house, dinner planned, business done, homeschooling is a lot more than just putting papers in front of your kids faces and making them do the work. Which I seen a lot while homeschooling my kids. In public school my middle daughters thriving and has many friends. I couldn’t pull her out.

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Ask him what his issue is with homeschool. Can you really manage it. I understand it’s scary but homeschool isn’t no joke neither and it isn’t easy. Do tons of research first have an actual conversation about it. His reasoning may be founded

You sound like you want to homeschool for the wrong reasons personally. Your kids should NOT be too scared to leave the house! How are your children going to hold a job, live a normal life if you refuse to let them leave the house because your too scared? They going to have to go to work someday! Unless you are a very very self motivated, busy, and organized person, just send your kids to school! If you can wake them up early every single day. Make them get cleaned up and ready for their day EARLY, then do school work first, then basically house chores make beds, then take them OUT of the house daily for nature centers, zoos, aquariums too help them get real life experience being out and learning in the real world, and then still do activities with them after words like baseball, cheer, art classes, music lessons, or the sport or activities of your child’s choice if you can do all this YES it is in their best interest to home school them. I honestly feel only 50% of people who homeschool do it right and/or do it for the right reason. I feel like at least 30% of people do it because their too lazy to send their kid to school! No back lash I have seen it!!! Yet there is a good healthy % of people that do it well, or do it great! To do it well or great requires tons of work on your part. And I don’t know you so I can’t say you can or can’t. But what I am saying to you is this is what you need to ask yourself! See school don’t only teach children! They make friends there. Children get exercise at school with gym class and resess, they learn art, they learn to wake up early everyday and be a functioning person which helps them hold jobs later in life. School teaches kids so so so much more than basic education. It’s learning how to deal with people, how to deal with groups, how to cope without mommy and daddy around. And just the getting up early and getting out the door early really prepares them for a job when they are older! If you do homeschool then do it right! Most kids in homeschooling that do great have a busy great fun church family and a activities church life. Do you have that? Could you put that in place? All questions to ask yourself. This is NOT your husband’s decision. This is not our decision! It’s yours! If you can do it and do I right for the right reasons please do it! If you are not self motivated, well organized and well put together this may not be for you. Search your soul. Ask yourself hard questions. And do what is RIGHT for your kids! Put your children first not your fears!


Whether you see it or not public school has its advantages. You can’t keep pitching the idea til he forfeits. That will break your rationshio and what if ur kids like public school and friends? They should not be taught to fear the world. Homeschooling will still mean you buy supplies and pay taxes to local school
… you just loose the very important social aspect that there used too.
Think on this…


Talk to some homeschool groups first, there are local groups all over Facebook. Make sure there are Moms you get along with and they have kids that around your kids age, that way during the group meet ups they have friends. My kids both do virtual school because I’m immune compromised, but they can still socialize if you don’t want a homeschool group go on Peanut to find a Mom friend who has kids your kids age.


Are you trained to teach?

Keep your babies safe at home
He obviously doesn’t care about their best interest and it’s clear that you do!!! You got this mama!!!

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You can’t convince someone to make a choice. And you shouldn’t be convincing anyone, especially your husband, to try and agree with you. Marriage is compromise not convincing. Try having an actual conversation where you try to understand his point of view instead of making him agree with yours.


My daughter is going to homeschool her twins.

My kids are not what they call homeschooled but they do online learning and have teachers and all. I am what they consider a learning coach. They have live lessons and all. It is pretty awesome!


I’m with the husband on this!! Hats off to those that can homeschool and do it right, I personally wouldn’t have the patience and I also believe there’s so much more that public school has to offer that homeschooling doesn’t. My daughter has great ppl skills going to school, has made friends and is developing social skills, and I believe kids can’t be sheltered from the world, they will have better life skills going to school


I heard about home school for the first time in the US, are you by chance in a western country bcos in Nigeria such things are extremely rare. Pls o I support ur hubby’s stand, I will not let anyone home school my children. Remember that even when they go to school you still have to teach them at home, why will you now prefer to strictly keep them at home? Think twice…

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I like the idea of homeschooling, but for me I feel my daughter deserves to be taught by someone that truly grasps the subject better than me. I don’t have a masters degree in anything. Sure I can instruct her to read a book or follow the course online, but there’s things in each subject that I couldn’t teach her, because I don’t have the understanding of that subject.


It sure is a scary time.

Homeschooling doesn’t require you to be a teacher, nor does it mean being strict with your kids or even keep them at home all the time. Homeschooling gives children different opportunities to learn and to get social interactions as well. There are so many alternative ways to educate children these days. Definitely have a conversation and get to the root causes of both your perspective and his and go from there. I’m sure you both want what’s best for your children. With the amount of school shootings in the U.S. over just the last couple years prioritizing the safety of the children is number one for me. You’re not alone!


Maybe he realizes you don’t have the knowledge or commitment to see it through. I personally have seen the desire to homes hool but no follow through the result being a very bright adolescent neglected and uneducated because the mom got distracted or was overwhelmed or any number of reasons but it was the child who suffered.


Maybe he feels they will miss out on experiences. Try giving him your reasons and why they wouldn’t miss out. There are tons of groups you can join that have moms that also homeschool and you can get your kids together and go on learning field trips. I’m sure you would do great!

Ask him if he would sit and talk to some local homeschoolers who have been successful in homeschooling. Maybe he just does t know enough about homeschooling to understand its pros and cons.

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Yes the world is getting bad but you yourself are teaching your kids to be too afraid of everything.


I would like to home school as well but I have developmenatally delayed child and I don’t know how to teach that way. I wish I did because yes it is very scary

He ain’t he boss…your a grown woman and you popped those kids out, not him. If U want O keep your kids safe and homeschool then he can sack up and get over it. Especially if he’s not even home and at work, it doesn’t even effect him. I say just do it anyway


I agree with your husband kids need to be socialized


Why does he believe that he has the ability to make the sole decision of where they’re educated? You carried and birthed them. You are raising them together, so the decision should be made together. Sit him down and talk with him. Give him an example of what homeschooling would look like. Don’t ask, tell him that you are going to do it for at least 1 year as a trial. Ask him to give you some suggestions on sports, clubs, co-ops, etc. Invite him to be a part of the process. After getting a better idea of what to expect, he may jump on board.

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Cause kids being in school, socializing, make friends, learning from others not just the parents


It’s truly a scary time. My heart goes out to you. Kids really need the interaction.

Prayers you find comfort

I also don’t agree with it, but to each their own.

my bfs mom homeschools her 8 year old and i can tell you rn just leave your kid in school or they won’t survive in the world alone.

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Kids need socialization and friends.

Make him tell you. And also…/they are your children also…:who died and made him the one that gets to be the final word?

My husband wouldn’t let me either. It would be too stressful and our kids need socialization. He doesn’t want them to grow up and not know what the real world is like.

I would try to talk to him about it. Maybe give him a structured outline on how you’ll be teaching them and the social activities you’ll be doing. A lot of families have resorted to home schooling due to the pandemic in general and have been successful doing so. Their children are thriving and don’t miss out on anything.

Home school needs to be a joint decision because the kids have two parents. His input should count, since he is supporting you & the kids. Make an appointment with an online counselor that can talk to you both via online. She will be able to address any questions and walk you thru the experience of homeschooling. If he still says no, then express to him your concerns and see if he will meet you half way with private school. It us expensive, but private schools do have payment plans. We did this with our child. They also have scholarships thru the church to help offset the cost. Another avenue for you to consider. Our son went to a private Catholic school. We are not Catholic. But it was a Catholic Christian school. Our son went for 4 years. He is in College now and will soon graduate. Private school was the best experience for him. ( We still are not Catholic, but you don’t have to be the same religion to attend the private school. And our son was still allowed scholarships for his tuition. Check out private schools in your area, to help alleviate your fears.

Try to explain to him him how important this is for you. Explain the resources you’ve gathered and will utilize. The activities and social events you will still take them to. Best of luck momma.