Some churches also do mom’s day out programs and they’re usually not expensive. Or maybe advise that he needs to at least take a day off to spend with the kids once a week and so you can both get some rest on that day too
Who works all day until 2 or 3 am I think he might be avoiding the house if he is his own boss idk sounds fishy to me
Im sorry but if he’s able to come and go as he pleases who in their right mind would be putting that many hours into a job?
When he has a family who miss/need him!?
I dont want to jump to conclusions and I’d hatw to put it in your mind but is there a chance he is cheating?
And if he’s not there is some real issue’s not just the fact he isnt home but that hes not making you or your children a priority at all.
If he is his own boss, he should at least take a day off to help you… it takes 2 to make kids and I get hes working and providing but 3 kids is a lot to handle alone.
Hate to say it but he’s probably doing more than working. Those hours definitely don’t make sense.
If he works as much as you claim he does, then get a babysitter. My husband was in the military and I didn’t let him lift a finger whenever he got home from work. It was his job to provide for us, my job to be the stay-at-home wife/mom. He did the job he agreed on whenever we got married and made sure we had everything we needed. I had to fulfill my end of the bargain.
Coming from the other side, I get it. My husband is a stay at home dad and I get off work and want to relax. I get he is tired but so am I. On the other hand I get home and its mommy time. I’ve been bf our 2 year old so I’m up a few times a night. I do get the weekends off but I’m still " on duty" when I’m home. If I can give the hubby rest, he can find time to do the same. Talk to him about it. As a working parent it’s hard to not get in a routine where you want to relax and put it on your other half. You both have alot to handle and you have to helpneah other
So he leaves at 8am and comes home the following day at 3am,is home for 5 hours and off to work again?
Sorry…but that man would be dead on his feet working those hours 7 days a week. There is something else happening, but at someplace else. Just open your eyes a little bit more. (Sorry)
Is your husband’s name Frank!?
I just have to say how amazing you are. I had a similar experience with my husband which never stopped but now my kids are all out of school I have an awesome relationship with all f them and am sad at how quickly it all has flown by. Believe me when I tell you the horrendousness that is now will create beautiful memories for you and our kids. The tragedy in all this is that dad won’t have those memories or share in that relationship.
Ok so first of all, YOU ARE BOTH ENTIRELY JUSTIFIED TO FEEL HOW YOU DO. If you feel like you are super stressed out and so is he then that’s something that the two of you have to sit down and talk about. I come from a house where I work 10-12 hours days and my husband does the same. He is a manager at his job so he could make adjustments to his schedule if need be but we both make sure that no matter what we split all household responsibilities. That includes the children and regardless of the uncontrollable factors in a relationship there are a bunch that are controllable and how you treat each other is 100% controllable. There is never one partner who is more important or less important than the other. Relationships/ parenthood is 100% on both sides. If that conversation is not able to be had in a stress free and judgement free environment then perhaps seeking a third party to mediate might be appropriate. Everyone has different love languages and some people do not respond well to other’s love languages. Try to do a little more discovery to find your husbands love language so that you can both grow together
I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but it sounds like he is avoiding his responsibilities at home, and/or cheating.
You should try getting him into couples therapy to see what the real issue is with that, or maybe even a private investigator if he won’t go with you.
Do you have any family or friends near who can help you with the kids, or a babysitter you trust who can give you a few hours off?
8 am to 3 am is a 19 hour day. If he Is working 17 to 19 hour days, 7 days a week, that’s 119 to 133 hours a week. He is his own boss so I assume he is making more than minimum wage… how high are these payments he is making that has him working more than double the average person? Unless you live ridiculously above your means, no one should be working like that. He is working the hours of 2 full time and 1 part time job every day.
…Unless he isnt only working during those hours.
Get someone to babysit and go visit him at work at 1am. Might answer your questions.
Do I understand your struggle. Mine isn’t gone for that long , his hours are 7am & home by 11pm , 7 days a week. The struggle of feeling aloneeeee just fucking sucks. never do anything as a family , it’s just alwayssss me an my child. We have a 4 year old & one that will be here next week. I am so thankful I can stay home with my child but miss my man too
I think I honestly be looking into how many hours he works.there is no way that he is functioning on that little sleep. My husband leave for at 4am and sometime does not get off work till 8pm and he has over an hour drive to and from work and he is exhausted come friday. Something is off about the hours he us keeping and you have to know this, but anyway I do not expect my husband to come home and do anything besides spend a little time with our kids watching TV or what ever and sometimes he cant do that. My job is to keep the house running that’s what I agreed to when I stopped working. While time for me would be nice it does not always happen. My me time is taking a bath at night if I can or watching a show after bed time. It sucks but that’s just the way it is. He does pitch in on the weekend is he does not have to work. I hope you guys find some balance.
That is absolutely horrible for the kids. It’s like they don’t have a dad. They never see him. No quality time. I would be beyond pissed period.
Mmmmm I’ll have to agree to others in here…those times are not normal…please dont be a fool and open you’re eyes…put the kids in the car and go to his work ok n a weekend night at 1am and look wtf is he doing…
Another thing…my husband worked long shifts too at a construction site…I used to pack snacks and blankets put my kids in the car and drive to his work…kids used to enjoy being with him and we all used to sleep in the car. And eat breaky at maccas…he worked and spent time with kids. I never allow hubby and my kids to be apart more than 2 days…they have to see eachother and spend time
When a person has their own business, it’s common to put in long hrs. Maybe have your friends start a babysitting group and swap some hrs. If he can’t come home to see the kids, take them to him. Arrange lunch or dinner visits for yourself and kids.Maybe he is feeling unappreciated also. Don’t believe the worst until it’s proven.
You do need a break but he can’t be the one to give it to you. Im also a sahm amd wish my husband could help more. He works out side in tge desert year round and his job is extremely physically demanding. Its a different kind of tired. We live 1300 miles away from home and have no help.
Sounds bit odd to me that if he’s his own boss then he doesn’t need to be working till early hours of the morning? No one does that.
That would send alarm bells ringing to me. Sorry
Honestly if my hubby was working those hours to support me and our kids I would not be complaining…
And with your babies asking where daddy is, maybe you can ask him if he can come home early one day a week to see/play with the kids…
But I do not think he should be working when he is home… he works 12+ hrs a day…
Take the kids to visit daddy at work. You may be surprised and so may he. A friend of mine’s husband “worked” a lot of hours, being self-employed. She had same situation but husband’s business was an hour away. She suggested they move closer but he always had an excuse not to. They leased didn’t own their home. She went with her 2 children to his business. She thought she’d surprise him with his favorite meal from his favorite restaurant (carry out) so they could all eat together. Imagine her surprise when they got there and the kids told the woman at the front they were there to see “daddy”. When he saw them he was pissed and so was the other woman and 2 other kids who said no “he’s our daddy”. He basically went home to change clothes. The other woman was his mistress and had a nice newer car. She got a good attorney who looked into his business net worth. Kids got to ironically see more of their daddy and she finally was able to move on. She said she didn’t cry due to shock she just went to an attorney acquaintance office and filed for divorce. She was also told she should be grateful she didn’t have to work and could stay home with the kids. Also explained why he seemed thankful she miscarried her last pregnancy and he had her get her tubes tied. The kids were also “privileged to spend 30 minutes each” with their father when he was home. that’s been a very long time ago. If I were her, I’d make a special visit to his business!!
Girl your problems are much much deeper than you have stated here. It’s time for a long sit down with your man!
He’s his own boss and puts in 19 hours a day? What kind of work is he doing? And why is he working 24/7 to pay bills? Something isn’t adding up here, there is no way he’s working that many hours. I have 5 kids and a stepson I’m a stay at home mom and my husband works 7-4 Mon- Fri.
As for you time yes you need it you need to be able to have adult conversations and some down time to relax. You need friends or you’re going to be a hot mess! If he’s working that much he has money to pay for a sitter and you should take advantage of that and go a few hours once a week to have lunch and a pedicure with friends because obviously he has no time for you.
I see an issue with the amount of hours he’s gone during the day. Who leaves at 8am and doesn’t return til 3 am, only working 1 job? That’s almost 24 hrs he’s out of the house and he gets to make up his own hours? Who truly wants to work almost 24 hrs in a day, every day? Something sounds fishy to me. Sounds like he either never wants to be home or he’s spending time elsewhere.
I’m assuming he is working these long hours so that you may not work? Meaning you asked to be a SAHM? So he’s busting his ass so that he can give you everything you want?
Ummm yeah, you are being selfish. If my husband said he was going to work, however long/hours, just so I could be a SAHM, I wouldn’t bitch about it or expect him to help. If I needed a break, I would call a babysitter, family member, etc.
One thing I agree with, he needs to find time to be with his kids. Whether one night a week or whatever, that he can manage to hang with not just the kids, but you.
My husband is an owner/operator truck driver, he is gone A LOT, so it is just me - I understand your struggle; however, I have one child and he is a teenager now. We have learned to find times to do things like meet when he is passing somewhere within a reasonable distance for dinner just so we can spend some time together as a family. We have gone with him when he takes his truck for service on weekends, again, just so we can spend some time together. We find whatever time we can to see one another.
Maybe schedule a dinner date once a week,
Picnic style, or meet at restaurant.
You’re not selfish, you’re just exhausted before you even wake up.
My husband is gone for work and I see him 3 or 4 sundays a month for a few hours; to make up for that he makes sure he tries to video chat goodnight and things like that.
He cant be all about work because sure you may not be homeless, but none of you have any relationships with him.
If he’s his own boss then the schedule needs to change
That’s no quality time for your marriage either and with the lack of time spent together as a family, I think problems will arise.
It sounds natural for you to grow resentment…I would.
Bless your heart.
I understand where you are coming from but it sounds like he is providing for your family the way he knows how.
Your husband sounds like a piece of shit.
He is working too many hours and should make time for you . You are by no means wrong for feeing the way you do SAHM is hard work and mommy needs a break at times
He might actually be working those hours BUT you sit down with him and you tell him 3 times a week the kids and you will go out and have lunch together- family time is SUPER important, also if you have family and friends that you trust once or twice a week have somebody watch the kids for two or three hours so you can cook, clean, sleep, relax in peace. He may be his own boss but he deserves to have a day of break and relax as well. If bills are crazy sit diwn and talk about what you absolutely need for the family- food budget- clothing budget- all of that. Being a stay at home mother is hard and exhausting- it sounds like you and him NEED break.
You need a good helper. Do you have family that can help you with child care a few days a week? What you need is some help. Not from your husband.I hired a teen from my neighborhood church to come a few days a week to help. She would watch the children while I went to run errands. Running errands with out children is like a vacation. I would go have lunch with my husband.She would help with light cleaning and just entertain the children. It was a small about of money. She became apart of the family. We would take her with us to family events like the park and disneyland. She was a God send. Consider something like that. A good helper. You will get some relief from your stress and that will pour over onto your husband. If you are relaxed and happy maybe he would make more of an effort to be home more. Try not to put stress on your husband. That will push him farther away. Try not to lean on him. be someone that he can lean on. Then he will want you to lean on him.
Yes the answer to your problem is you need a good helper. There is nothing wrong with needing a good helper. Or having one.
What exactly is the job he is doing that requires this much time away?
Is there a reason why he needs to work? Until 2 or 3 am to me that would raise red flags I totally get that if he is the one who brings home the money but I dont see any reason why he cant work 8 hr or 12 hr days that way he could be home no later that 8pm at night I know plenty of people who can survive on that and if he is his own boss you would think he would want to be home with his wife and kids imo
If he’s running his own business/hours, it seems weird he can’t do some of it at home?
I agree you need a break. I also don’t think there’s any possible way he’s working that much. Not at all. And i think he needs to spend more time with his children
Why is he out that late that’s not normal
8am-3am? He might be working someone but definitely not at his job.
I’m in a similar situation, my hubby leaves for work at 3am and gets home around 2pm and has no energy to help with the kids (12, 10 an 2.5) I let him take a nap when he gets home but he doesn’t help with the kids and all I get from him is that he’s tired, but I’m tired too
If he’s really working, hire a babysitter to give you a break. When I was a teenager I did that for my neighbor. Sometimes she was home and just needed to get stuff done and other times she ran errands or visited with her friends.
8am to 1, 2, 3am?
Something isn’t adding up.
Don’t have another baby by this man, further keeping you dependent on him.
Start thinking of a plan to free yourself.
I would get a part time job and let him take time off his job or hire a extra hand that way you get your time and he gets his time with the kids
I dont think your being selfish. Im not a stay at home mom. But i am currently on a temporary lay off until mid February I have a 14 month old and a 2 month old my hubby works midnights so he works and sleeps and im ready to pull my hair out most days and when he has a day off its always i need to relax. I don’t have any advice except to tell you that I feel for you and to stay strong momma you got this!!
Sounds like you both need a night off! Possibly try to start setting aside time for date night or even if y’all don’t do something together just at least have designated time for yourselves! That is if you have friends or family who would agree to watch them a couple of hours, one night a week/month. It will help to put you both at ease which in turn puts the kids at ease as well. I understand how you feel as a SAHM of a 12 yr old, 11 yr old, 1 1/2 yr old & currently 7 months pregnant! So I can completely relate on feeling suffocated at times. My husband doesn’t work near as much as your husband does but he does bare all responsibility when it comes to the bills & our financial income. Date nights really help out, we’ve been slacking recently & haven’t had one in a while but I can tell you that when we do them I feel so much better & it brings us closer as a couple.
I have to agree something more is going on. My ex came home at the midnight and I found out second child along he was def cheating. I would get a part time job and put the kids into care, stop being dependent on him because you need to come up with a plan.
“Working” until 3am? Sounds iffy to me!
He is probably a truck driver. To be honest this is the reason my mom went back to work because then my dad worked less since it was two incomes coming in the household and since she is working he had to also contribute in the household and spent time with his children. Now that is drastic measures since she didnt have anyone. But of he works so much ask if you can pay for a nanny once a week to help with the kids while you relax. Or if you have family to help out and give you a break. I would hope you both have access to his account and he potentially isnt cheating but thats a lot of hours.
Wow. People who have their own business, working for themselves, work like this all the time. I do. I’m no damn cheater. You have equally hard work. He doesn’t get a break either. They’re only this age for a short time. Get a sitter. Trade mommy night out babysitting with a friend. Don’t listen to these unhappy idiots telling you he’s cheating. If he came home and, rather than rest, helped out with the kids…would you give up rest and go help with his job? Can you do his job? You’re a team. It sounds like you’re both working hard. Don’t start comparing and complaining. You say you’re grateful his work allows you to be home. But you sound like you’re very unhappy at home. Maybe you get out and get a part time job to get you out of the house?
Take the kids out to go visit him at work. Just to see him, my bf appreciates me coming by his work to chill for 2 min smoke a cig sometimes, after coming from the store… Then I just head back home. And it makes me feel better, and my bf is also the manager at his job and sometimes he comes home to eat, he’s never gone completely from the whole day. He only gets his 8hours in, its unusual to do overtime everyday…
If you don’t mind me asking, what is his occupation that is having him work till almost 3am every day?
Honey…from 8am to 3am??? He ain’t working that whole time. He’s doing something he ain’t supposed to be doing.
Uh unless he’s a self employed ER doctor or some wacked out shit like that you’re getting cheated on. Sorry
look at getting a hobby a baby sitter … play dates anything. hire a nanny? dont sit at home moaning about it try an fix it. what sort of work dose hubby do? he works long hours he is his own boss talk to him get him to take one night off to be a father.
My question is…if he is his own boss…why does he have to work such long hours every single day? Couldn’t he just choose to take a day off or the specific hours he works since he’s his own boss? I’m genuinely asking I’m not trying to sound hateful or like an asshole lol .But seriously though girl…hes not working all those hours. He’s doing something else with all that time…it may be something you should check into. Goodluck momma !
I hate to say this but yes something doesn’t sound right! He’s home like maybe 5 hours a day every single day?? Never a day off? I don’t think he’s just at work unfortunately! I would definitely confront him and if he isn’t willing to compromise then what’s the point of being married? It seems he doesn’t even see his kids
Hire a help. Take care of yourself, mentally and physically… my kids are 4,2,1. It’s draining af so u need to be healthy for them. And throw your whole husband away. Best of luck.
Someone say second wife n hope
8 a.m. to 3 a.m…7 days a week? Girl something is not adding up at all!!! No one has that crazy of a work schedule. It’s illegal to not have a day off at all as well. So you’re saying he never gets a day off and he works 18 hour shifts??? Girl please think hard about this. But yeah I would be asking for check stubs and looking into things to to see if he’s doing something because that doesn’t even sound right at all. Unless he’s a doctor on call, I’m sorry but hes definitely cheating
You need to join a play group or something where you can trade off with others from time to time when you need a moment. When I had my girls and their dad was military, I needed that friendship and we helped each other out.
As far as the husband working so much, maybe you guys can schedule a family day where at least that one day he is able to spend time with you and the kids
That shouldn’t be an unreasonable expectation.
He’s cheeaaatttiiinngggg on you… don’t be naive
Hire help. Get a sitter. If he’s “working” that much then y’all should have plenty money to do so
Put a tracker on his vehicle
Say it out as the truth. Dad is his own boss and is very busy. Ask daddy when he can spend time together
Mhhhhhhh yeah nobody who is their own boss would choose to work that many hours. Either he just doesn’t want to be home or he’s doing something else. If he has a iPhone turn on share location or just maybe check his google location to see where he’s actually at.
Make sure to delete your messages together after you turn on share location (on iPhone) so he doesn’t see
8 am to 3 am is a 19 hour day. If he Is working 17 to 19 hour days, 7 days a week, that’s 119 to 133 hours a week. He is his own boss so I assume he is making more than minimum wage… how high are these payments he is making that has him working more than double the average person? Unless you live ridiculously above your means, no one should be working like that. He is working the hours of 2 full time and 1 part time job every day.
…Unless he isnt only working during those hours.
My god some of y’all woman. Ever occur to you it’s a man devoted to making a good life for his wife and kids? Just cause “y’all been there, so you know” don’t mean she got a douchebag for a man as well
Get a pt job even if it just pays for the babysitter while you are at said job. It will help both of you for you to get out of the house. Maybe you can work with him at the business so you can both have more time together and off?!
I would make a quick unexpected drop by his job…check to see if his car is there or “drop off lunch” to check around at his office.
I suggest finding a mommy group, a little outing to where you can have some adult conversation and the kids can play.
You really need some friends. Also reach out to family members as well. Maybe you wouldn’t feel alone if you didn’t isolate yourself. Find things to do. You made the decision to become a parent. This is parent life. I have 7 kids in home… Life is literally what YOU make it!
What work is he doing from 8am to 3am?
What kinda work does he do for those hours?
Um are you sure he’s working that many hours per day?? That’s a lie
That’s rough can’t imagine! I’m on my own only from like 7:30-6 Monday through Friday and he’s pretty hands on when he’s home but that doesn’t change the fact that my son still wants me over him and ask me to do everything for him not dada. I wish I could help but don’t feel guilty i praise u for doing it pretty much on your own ! Super mom you are! The kids will know when they are older who was there and who wasn’t that’s what I tell myself
Let me just say my husband is his own boss and runs two businesses. He works hard but even harder to spend time with me and my son. I’m sorry momma, I don’t want to say to he is cheating but 8AM-3AM and 7 DAYS schedule is weird to me. I get he has a lot on his plate and all the little babies and you, but I’m sorry no. if he is working that much than I’m sure he is making a good amount of money to cut back some time to devote to you and the babies.
Date night once a week. Also, my husband works 12 hour swing shifts. Once a month he has a week off. I would be making a budget, and looking at what y’all can cut back on so he isn’t “stressing about all the bills he has to pay.” My husband and I have 2 car payments, a mortgage, and his student loans as debt. Then on top of that is utilities. Gas for vehicles, food, etc. and we make it work. AND he helps out occasionally when I ask him too. Sometimes I don’t have to ask. But that is rare. I’d also ask him if he wanted lunch some days and then go get him lunch. But communication is key.
Well if you talk to him and try to set up something cuz if he’s his own boss he can come home for a few hours every day to help with the kids talk with the kids interact with the kids do dinner do both X and bedtime and then he go fish do whatever he was doing. Cuz to be honest you’re pretty much doing everything except for paying bills. If you got a job and pay the bills you wouldn’t need him for anything then cuz he’s not spending time with the kids. He needs to make time for home life to . iam sure if he did things would change … If not . then leave .
Why is he working hours like that? What type of work does he do? He could come home and help out more often. Just because he’s making the paycheck doesn’t mean he can’t pitch in at home and help with the kids. He should give you some time off and let you decompress. You NEED that for your physical and mental health.
Also, I would tell him exactly what your 5YO is asking you. Make him feel guilty for not spending time with his kids! My daughter gets SO excited when daddy gets home. And he is usually always looking forward to seeing her (and me) but id be sitting down with him and getting to the bottom of it.
Had similar experience, only my partner was always working when his two kids were with us, and I had a newborn. (Now 18 months). He’s never home and used to “break down” every trip. When I asked for a break he got mad and told me he didn’t come home on purpose. I was so drained and mad and still am. I did get a part time job but had to quit for his new job change. It obviously did not work out, and every day for the last two years I have been burnt out. I have three autoimmune diseases (one in remission) and now am pregnant again. I am tired!! I now am stuck with no vehicle where no family or friends live and he’s fighting me to leave to go home. So frustrating. Even if he is working he should still understand it’s hard work being a mom especially on your own. If it’s like my situation, they’re all his bills he piled up and it’s his family taking the brunt of that. Just an excuse. Don’t make kids if you can’t be bothered to take care of them. It’s the kids that truly suffer because they need both parents, and when one is absent it’s rough.
How about your parents or in laws? Can they watch your kids a few hours a week? So you can maybe get a massage? Have lunch with a friend? Mani/pedi?
Maybe even find a babysitter for a bit.
So many dynamics to your story. You appreciate the fact you get to stay home with your kiddos, BUT, he has NO CLUE what you do throughout the day! Day after day after day. You didn’t mention any family to help on either side? Having said that, those hours are crazy! Show up to his work and bring him lunch.
What type of business does he run that hes literally only getting 4 hours of sleep? Girl, there is absolutely NO WAY hes working that much being his own boss. My uncle runs his own company and hes the only person in the company and he still has his weekends off! That man is doing something he ain’t supposed to do. Idc what anyone says.
If he was working those damn hours a week he wouldn’t need to work on the weekends. He’s cheating. Ain’t no faithful man that’s his own boss, is going to want to work until 3am and not be home with his family -.- bullshit
ladies, just because you are your own boss does not mean you can just pack up and come home. It does not work like that. There is probably a million things he has to take care of and he’s probably the boss of ALOT of other people. I’m a stay at home mom too and my husband works long hours, but I have never suspected him cheating. Men that work like this are literally exhausted when they come home. They feel guilty they aren’t with their kids and wife all day- but most men don’t know how to express their feelings and come off mean and harsh. Just because he’s working does not mean he’s cheating, he can simply just be working. It is normal to work that long, especially if you are a superintendent, or a or a project manager. I agree though, being a stay at home mom is exhausting on all levels. You need to talk to each other & find a good balance.
That sounds like my case 3 years ago…my ex was cheating and doing drugs behind my back…it was the same hours my ex husband did I found it crazy and now I know the truth
This is my exact same life same age for the 3 kids too except my youngest is 7 months. It is so hard, I tell my husband all the time I feel like a single parent.
Maybe you could hire help, just so you get a break. Maybe hire a nanny to come one day a week or someone to help with the housework. Just so you can get some time to breath. Best of luck.
If your husband is working from 8 am until 3 am, either he doesn’t know how to run a business or he needs to hire more help. Those hours are ridiculous and when did y’all have time to even make these babies? He isn’t a husband or father he’s just a provider because he never sees his family. Y’all have to figure something else out because he is going to have a heart attack and you are going to have an affair to get some attention
Same exact post on Mom Life Uncensored… with the exact same types of comment. Are you sure he is really at work the entire time?
Not at all mama. He might be a provider but what is he doing to raise children ? Before he is anything including a husband he is a dad just because he works doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to be a dad as well. Having children is a blessing yes but you also need to take care of yourself to be the best mom you personally can be. A worn out tired mom who’s gone mentally insane doing children 24/7 isn’t any good to anyone. If he can make his hours and come and go as he pleased it wouldn’t be hard to spend a few hours a week just being dad you don’t sign up to be a single parent when your husband lives with you!!He has a responsibility to the children and to you to also be a dad.
as far as you getting a break goes girl get a sitter if he works that much he must have extra cash floating around!! Get a sitter and go do you for a little while.
Don’t allow him to manipulate you into thinking he works to hard to be a dad .NOBODY works that hard make time for his children and you need to understand that it’s ok to take time for you.
Talk to your husband about this, express how overwhelmed you’re feeling. Tell him the kids & you want and need him home more. Also if you’re not already make sure you are involved with your families finances. Just because he’s the families breadwinner doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be involved. This way you know if you can financially afford for him to work less, hire help, or you even hire someone to come in the home & help you. Also if you have a 5 year old look into pre-school in your area. Most towns offer some sort of income based pre-school if that’s what’s needed. Also join a gym with child care, you can go to a class or just go work out while the kids socialize. Look for mommy & me group’s or classes in your area. If not those & you attend church join a bible study group that meets during the week & offers child care. Getting out of the house, visiting with friends, & taking caring of yourself will make you feel tons better.
Wow something isn’t right. Def need to investigate.
More than 12 hrs of work in day is rediculios… Something else is up he don’t value family time an yr making excuses for him im sure being yr own boss there’s ppl to fill the spot…this is sad situation but you need friends help you get a break…family member…u need to look in everything a lil more… Your kids r missing a dad that don’t care enough have him hire ppl put one in charge when family time is set… he needs compromise!
This is very concerning. If he gets home at 3am and leaves again at 8am… something else is happening here.
To bad for him. He’s missing out on his children, something he will regret later on in life and something he can never turn back time and receive. If he only knew of the regrets he will have later on in his lonely life. He needs to get his priorities in order and make it work in a more reasonable hours. Goodluck!
Sounds like he’s cheating I would hire someone to follow him
Working until 3 am…i would be riding by his work at 1 am. He may be working but I would know for a fact. Rather be alone and tired than an alone fool who’s tired.