Gross. If my husband ever said something like this, there would be a serious talk on whether or not we’d be continuing our marriage. If you can’t trust him after 12 years of marriage, there’s a problem.
You are not that grown mans momma. Good lord. If you don’t feel like you can trust your husband why are you even with him ?
Trust your husband. There is fishing and boating and loads of water sports. I cant imagine a guy group not jet skiing in Florida. Just set your boundaries and trust him. That’s if he wants to go for that long. My husband would probably opt to do just a weekend but some guys just like to reconnect and spend time together.
Talk to your husband. If he insists on going then plan your own girls weekend. Have a great time!
Let him go… At the end of the day, if he wanted to stray he would have done it already.
It’s his choice if he wants to go, if you trust him it shouldn’t be an issue.
“I’m not overbearing, but I know what I will and will not put up with”
If I were your husband I wouldn’t put up with YOU. That grown ass man doesn’t need to kiss your feet… It won’t be trust that ruins your marriage, it’ll be your self righteous sense of entitlement that’ll do it.
So like do you keep his balls in your purse or do you have some kinda cute little box for them?
If he goes and says it’s a guys trip it accept it as just that, what those other men with him do is none of your concern, worrying about what hes doing isnt going to make him make a different choice than he normally would. Have faith in your marriage and trust in your husband, you should trust him enough to make his own decisions and have confidence in him and your marriage.
The both of you only have 1 life to live and I suggest you both live it to the fullest and do what makes you happy.
Plan a trip with your lady friends for a different time and go enjoy yourself. Everyone is entitled to some “me” time, and to keep a happy, healthy, relationship requires it.
Careful there your insecurity is showing
It’s called trust honey. If my husband wanted to go to Miami on a guys trip I’d be like do you have enough sunscreen? Do you need new swim trunks? Have fun see ya in a week byyyeeee.
3 days, then the family joins him
It’s good to get out and do things with people who have similar interests and understandings. It doesn’t mean he has to go clubbing and stuff. But there is nothing wrong with going out for drinks at a bar or restaurant with your friends or family. My husband encourages me to hang out with the girls so I can get an break from him and the kids lol. You might enjoy the time to yourself to relax or get things done.
Dude… my husband comes and goes as he pleases. We don’t have kids though, but he can do whatever whenever… So it’s kinda crazy to me that you won’t “allow” him to take a guys trip. You are not his momma, you are not raising him, that’s already done. He as a grown adult can make ethical and moral decisions regarding his life as an individual outside of your relationship, whether you’re right there with him or a couple hundred odd miles apart and if he can’t then hunny… you’re treating him like an incapable child.
Ew you sound like the ones that keep they’re man hostage at home I know someone like you . It’s my husband friends wife !! She is always on he’s ! Never lets him go for a hour being out because she is already blowing he’s phone up ! She doesn’t trust him around my husband lol she is a psycho I let my man go out he knows what he gots at home . Her she only makes things worst we’re he’s mention to my husband that he doesn’t seem like he wants to be with her at all a
Instead of going on a guys trip why not offer to go on a family trip.
Your husband is a grown man and if he wants to go on a trip with the guys who are also family then he should do that. Your husband’s morals aren’t in question so why can’t he go?
I would 10000% let my husband go. Trip of a lifetime to bond with his cousins.
I’d be planning my week for a girls trip. Ya wanna leave me with the kids for a week while you have a blast, ya better be ready to do the same for me when you get back!
I feels so sorry for this bloke, talk about under the thumb you say he works alot… then surely he’s entitled to a breakaway with the lads…
You’re married. If you don’t trust him to remain faithful while spending some guy time with friends/family, there’s a bigger issue. Like you said, he deserves some time to enjoy himself. So do you. And both of you should be able to without being prematurely accused of doing something immoral. Trust your husband. Don’t treat him like a child.
Wow controlling much?
If you trust him then who cares what his friends do ? That’s not your business let him have his trip
Is he a grown man or a child? I would never tell my husband he couldn’t go and do something. I would explain my feelings about it but it would be choice if he went or not.
Wow I can’t believe he’s stayed married to you with how controlling you obviously are. It’s pretty sad your husband has already said he won’t be going because “you do not have it”. Then you say your not overbearing? Sounds like you have serious control issues and I hope your husband goes on a trip with this family to get away because I can just imagine his life with you just from reading this post. You’re not his keeper your suppose to be his wife🤦♀️
You say you’re not overbearing which is right but the appropriate word for it is controlling, he’s a grown man not your property.
I want mine to find guy friends he works 70 hour weeks. I go on girl trips all the time. I’m sure he won’t indulge in the clubbing if he never does that stuff he may just go out to dinner and call it a night
Ask yourself. What if it was you who is planning to go on a trip with your girl friends and your husband wouldn’t allow you because he doesn’t trust those people? Would you also ask advise here because your husband is being selfish?
Oh god I hope he gets away from you. You’re totally overbearing. You’ve been together for how long and you don’t trust him? So why be together
Let him rebond with his family. It sounds like he works hard and could use some down time. Then maybe you can plan a girls trip some time too.
I’m a married man why would he need to go on a guy trip for that long that’s single young stuff some of these comments are dumb. Half u are single lol
Let him be an adult and make his own decisions
I didnt know a could write this many words by itself.
You are a controlling, insecure petty person and the fact you even asked half these questtions makes me want to tell you husband to go and RUN. If this were a guy writing about his wife, I bet they’d be throwing around “abusive” “narcissistic” and “controlling”…
Wow!! Who TF are you to say he can’t do something with his family? Wife or not. That’s so selfish of you!
You’re either a troll or a real life Karen. Whatever it is I feel bad for your hubby.
If you trust him then you shouldn’t have any concerns with him going with his cousins
Imagine a man telling a woman she can’t go out of town with her family. Would you still think the same way?
I’m sorry but after that long if you don’t trust your man just say so. Smh, I feel sorry for him
Youre wrong…it’s a one time trip with male family members…let him enjoy his family…life is too short
He is an adult, he hasn’t seen them in awhile, etc. let the guy have time with his family. Think of it has what if ur friends/family asked u to go on a trip and he told you no? If I was married to you I wouldn’t put up with being treated like child cause honestly that’s what it sounds like ur treating him like a child and not ur husband
If my husband had friends or family that wanted to do that for/with him I’d love that for him! I can get where you are coming from but…I mean…I know my husband works his butt off for us and deserves to have fun. My paranoid self would be more worried he would get robbed or killed or something lol but that’s just me. Let him go, let him have fun.
Ever heard of I trust you I don’t trust the devil. Just because you trust him and he wouldn’t dream of cheating. You put yourself in bad situations and a little alcohol the temptations come on strong. It’s best to not put yourself in those situations.
YTA. You’re controlling and regardless of what you consider “low morals”, he deserves the guy time. You said so yourself. It’s gross that you’re actually trying to guilt him into not going.
It’s his cousins??? They obviously haven’t seen each other in a while and want to catch up with better circumstances.
Let your husband have his trip… You are controlling Sis… Dudes leave women for less…
Let your hubby decide if he wants to go or not. Then support the decision. If he decides to go, he’ll be fine. He’s a big boy. And yes, my husband works his butt off and does boy stuff all the time. I trust his decisions.
What are you afraid of because he can do whatever he want if he want where ever he is there’s always going to be women no matter what city he’s in.
If you trust your husband there should be no issue with him going
All I have to say is Girl’s Trip!
You have to trust that he makes good decisions. If tables were turned you want him to allow you to go and have a good time. Just cause his cousins make questionable decisions doesn’t mean your husband is gonna follow them.
You are overbearing as hell! Your husband is a GROWN ASS MAN it does not matter what his family will do or wont do. If he can go out there and have a good time then you should let him and trust that he wouldnt be on no foolishness with his cousins.
Can we say insecure…Lord help you…
I wish my husband had others to do things with
They are his family… I think there is more to this than what you are saying. I would let him go. If you hold him back from this he will resent you for it.
I’m sorry but your completely in the wrong here. Whether you like his family or not you have absolutely no right saying he can’t spend a week with them. Completely over bearing and selfish on your part
Eh, you are overbearing. If you trust him, what’s the problem? My husband goes on a guys trip every year in March. This will be his 8th year. We’ve only been together 3 years. Did he do some crazy crap when he was single, ABSOLUTELY! But I trust him and he will continue to go every year. He skipped one year bc we had twins at 29 weeks. I told him to still go, but he WANTED to stay home.
My mom and I went on our first girls trip. Yeah, I get it’s totally different… it’s my mom. But my mother is my best friend and I plan on making a week trip just for her and I every year now. Let him go. It’ll mean a lot to him. It’ll show that you do trust him. If you can’t let him go… why be with him?
If ive been to Miami and I trust my husband I would let him go. I think you should let him decide. I let my ex go on motorcycle trips across a few states. He was gone a week. He called me every single night. I don’t see an issue here.
Well if you think he won’t drink and won’t cheat then let him go. It’s life let him enjoy it. That just means you get a week to yourself. Do something nice for you! And if he felt uncomfortable in anyway , he could always come back home or stay to himself. Live life to experience what you haven’t. Maybe it will make you guys closer and open to exploring more separately or together.
Not overbearing you say?
Let the dude have his trip. Why do you care what he’s “supposed to do for damn near a week”. They are cousins, they are going to hang out and do dude stuff. It seems from what you say that he seems pretty reasonable and family oriented. If he’s never given you a reason to worry in 12 years, quit trying to control this and let him enjoy his cousins with out you hovering around hen pecking him.
Golfing beach drinking talking dude things I’m sure he can handle himself
Let him go and enjoy the time off. I don’t understand why wives think they need to control guy time. Mine goes hang with the guys for weekends or longer and it’s not a problem. He gets guy talk, relaxation and comes back refreshed
I fully agree with you a week is a long time he should be with you and his family
I think it’s best to not put themselves in this position anyway… make it a family trip… then no one gets left behind
Girl, just say that you don’t trust your husband and keep it moving.
Sounds like you need to trust your husband. Or are you a little jealous hes going on a trip and your not? Hes a grown man and knows right from wrong.
My hubby goes to hunting with out for two plus weeks, he goes to his cousins on a different city and a friends in yet another city. It comes down to trust. My hubby had high morals and will watch over his “trouble” friends and family. But I would also ask for a girls trip
Tell me you don’t trust your husband… Without telling me you don’t trust your husband
People are so mean. Jesus Christ. She came for advice. Not to be devalued as a person herself. She IS a person too! It’s a marriage. It’s responsibility. It’s kids. It’s some people do stupid things with other stupid people and maybe stupid people need smart people to not do stupid things.
What if he had the same opinion of you and your friends. Just let the man have some fun with his friends especially if its been a long time since hes seen any of them. Maybe you could go too but allow him to go out with his friends and then you two meet up later that night and do something just for you two. Other then that i dont see a problem with him having fun with his friends and you have to build trust with him its not like hes going to a bachelor party just try to relax about him going and maybe take that time to do something for yourself or with your friends
He should be allowed to go if he wants in my opinion It should be his decision
Trust issues at damm 40 lolol trust me if hes gna cheat hell probs cheat closer to home rather then on week he finally gets away from you
Voice to him how you feel about it but you DO NOT get to decide. This is family. And he’s grown. If you can’t trust your man after more than a decade with what seems to be no cheating mistakes, you need to get yourself some therapy and figure out what is wrong with you cuz that shit is toxic. You are controlling as hell. He’s your husband. Not your servant, child or your punching bag. Jesus
It will be fine. As long as y’all have a solid foundation and trust each than there shouldn’t be a problem!! If it makes you feel better tell him to check in with you every night before he goes to bed!!
Ummm, he is a grown man. You are not his mother. Let the man spend some time with cousins that in your post said he hasn’t seen in a long time. Geez Louise, relax a bit. YOLO
My hubby went on a guys night at the beach and was the first the leave early the next morning. He couldn’t wait to get home. . Let him go.
If you trust him there should be no question. Let him have the guys trip. Go on a ladies trip the same time if you don’t want to be alone
I think guys have an idea of what a guy’s trip is and what it turns out to be doesn’t live up to the hype. They think it’s going to be like the hangover.
Sweet Jesus… let the man go on a vacation with FAMILY. They obviously lost someone that meant something to all of them, an got back in touch, if your husband is honest an faithful then you don’t have to worry about his behavior so what if they go to a club have a few drinks am act like idiots, you won’t be there for it to be a embarrassment to you. If my partner wanted to go spend a week with his family, I’ll buy the ticket pack the bags an send him off, ya know why? Cuz I trust my partner not to do shady shit.
Some of these comments are just rude.
I think shes just worried in a sense bc things happen when you’re negatively influenced. No man who has a wife and kids should be leaving for a week. It sounds immature & selfish. And it sounds like to me that she doesnt trust the men going with her husband NOT her husband.
Shes allowed to be concerned. Thats a week away MILES AWAY, with men she doesnt trust with the 1 person she chose to have a life with. Shes not crazy for being scared. Everyone has fears!!!
so your man works alot and not “allowed” to go with his family on a guys week away because you have trust issues!? You sound very controlling and selfish. I bet if you were the one invited away for a girls week away it wouldn’t be a problem.
Of course he hasn’t indulged in those things in 12 years, you sound like a total psycho. this poor man is probably dying to get away from you. Are you his mother or his wife? How dare you try to control a grown man. Let him make his own decisions. Imagine if a man was saying the same about his wife, people would call him abusive.
12 years and you’re still like this? Wow! HE needs to grow a backbone and you need to chill the hell out.
Let him go and use that time to treat yourself. Everyone needs their space.
Are you this wife or mom? He “can’t”go spend time with his cousins? Are you serious?!? He doesn’t get much guy time because he’s got an overbearing, judgmental wife who tells him he can’t. You need to loosen up!
If your husband can be negatively influenced I would look into a new husband
How about turn it into an extended family vacation? These guys have families or are older right? Rent a couple of hotel rooms close together or even a couple condos. Send the guys off to have some fun, get to know the extended family and enjoy a Florida beach vacation. Send the guys go on a fishing charter or something for the day.
Sad. Sounds like you don’t trust him. Life is short, I would definitely encourage my husband to go and have fun with his family. I trust my husband 100% no matter who he is hanging out with. If you keep him from going he will resent you. Your relationship doesn’t sound healthy.
If ur insecure and don’t trust ur man jus say that…
If you trust him, and he wants to go, he should. It’s not up to you to decide what a group of grown men will do on vacation. If you don’t trust him, why are you with him?
Y don’t u guys go on a family trip just you hubby n the kids, I wouldn’t want my husband around that either f that. If my husband is going to fl hes taking me with him or we fighting
Well let’s listen to all the comments, if he goofs up! I can hear it now, “throw the bum out”
Honestly…if you trust him then let him go. I’d let my husband go…even with just his friends. Let him go to bars and even strip clubs with his friends when he wants bc I 100% know he won’t do anything. Plus…he is a goofy drunk so I get a small kick out of it if they bring him back sloshed…lol
If you trust your husband then this shouldn’t be an issue at all. He is his own person and an adult. At best, you should tell him that it makes you uncomfortable or anxious but you understand it’s important to connect with family especially after the year we have all had. Forbidding him from going just tells him you don’t trust him and can bring about resentment. Suggest that maybe he can keep in touch enough to keep anxiety from taking over your thoughts (a normal amount of communication, not something that is overbearing). I feel you are creating a situation in your head that doesn’t exist. I feel like this would only hurt a relationship.
Grow up, if you don’t trust him than leave
He needs to run , from u! Sorry not sorry
i doubt this husband would even hav any peace if the wife “allows” him to go🤨
she sounds like the type that would call him on the regular " where u now who u with what u doing why havnt u messaged me are ther any females around dont smile with them or look at them we miss and need u at home come back to me" typa controlling wife
If my kids were a little older I’d drive my husband to the airport and kick him out of the car a whole week to decide what to watch on TV by myself.
He is your Husband, not your Child.
You really shouldn’t be married. Jfc
A week sounds a bit excessive. Maybe 2/3 days would be sufficient. That’s a lot of time off from work that could be used on his kids and you. As for the company he keeps…his actions are 100% his and he owns them all, not his family or friends. I would let him decide what he wants to do. Maybe go and not stay the whole week?
sooooo are you the wife or mother???