My Husband's Ex Is Still in Love With Him

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"My husband decided we would go out with his ex-wife and her boyfriend and his kid to the bar at the beginning of October. Ex-wife starts the night off by telling everyone very loudly that she is still in love with my husband and misses him. I brush it off to her being shit-faced because she had already started drinking prior and was pretty drunk. Well, the night progresses and she's all over my husband and trying to kiss him and he just sits there and takes it knowing full well it's bothering me and also I had to remove his hand from her ass after coming back from the bathroom. Also, my husband smokes 2-3 cartons of cigarettes a week and flat told me and a few others if I was to start smoking he would leave me. Every time I have a friend of the opposite sex I'm automatically cheating. If my employees text or call me I'm cheating. I'm an assistant manager. He can walk into a station or whatever and say hello gorgeous or beautiful to the person behind the counter but If I say anything to the male it's world war 3…. Like I love this man with everything in me but how do I go about explaining how this is not okay."

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The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

"His hella double standards are a no from me. And the whole ex gig is a weird red flag"

"This sounds crazy one-sided. Some people will only love you as far as they can use you. My gut says run"

"When things are one-sided like that they don’t ever see what you’re saying or come close to understanding."

"Uh. He’s cheating on you, promise has been for a while, cut your losses and bounce. No dick is worth that headache"

"Leave and let someone else love you the way you deserve."

"I would advise you to get into therapy to find out why you “love” a man who so blatantly disrespects you and is so controlling."

"He’s feeling up his ex-wife IN FRONT OF YOU! Boy bye"

"He’s definitely projecting his guilt onto you. He’s cheating. Leave."

"I’m sorry, but the moment I saw my husband's hand on another woman’s butt that would be over. Drunk or not he still wants his ex."

"I wouldn't put up with this. You can do better for yourself"

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