That is a big negatory for me. It would be different if you guys loved together and she needed somewhere to crash. Sleep overs for “convenience” not ok. Im glad he is saying no to her! Make sure you thank him too and explain to him why you think it’s weird. Maybe suggest he discuss it with her out of respect for your guys relationship. She needs to stop that shit quick. This isn’t about coparenting. Yes they should be cordial, hopefully one day you all will be in that place where this could be acceptable. Not now though.
I’m probably the odd man out here, but since you are not married, I don’t think you really have a say in what he chooses for the betterment of his child.
My partner goes to his ex wife’s house and will stay the night to have a sleepover with their daughter, and I have complete trust, and know they have no interest in a relationship again. It’s about how well you trust both of them. To each their own I guess.
I don’t see a problem with it if they are trying to coparent be different if she lived in town but it all depends
Nope I would never go for this
Since your relationship is so new I think you have every right to be concerned…she can get her own place, she should show more respect for u as a person!!
That woman’s trying to get her baby daddy back!
Nope, absolutely not. She does not need to be party to the relationship between her ex and his child.
Nope! I’d definitely allow the kid to stay but having her stay is just pushing the boundaries. I’d be completely okay with a day visit and lunch etc but definitely not a sleep over.
I don’t know but maybe she wants a threesome
Well…are you going to b there also?? Sounds kinda like she is trying to weasle back to him or possibly just cause problems w u n him…don’t want him but don’t want to c him w anyone else either
Some of you are acting like she’s the one who said no, saying she has no right. HE is the one who said no, she’s just upset about the situation and yes she has every right to be.
If you like to be sister wives it could be a yes
Your boyfriend has already said no.
No, id let the kid stay but not the mother, shes just trying to come between you because she can see you two might actually have a thing going if you’ve been seeing each other for 6m, be careful with her, just because she apologised doesnt mean she isnt still a terrible person shes already shown you her true colours keeping that baby from its dad and now that that is sorted…if it is sorted… then yours and his relationship is her next target
Nope, she only wants to because he has moved on…
Is there not a hotel open near you? Nope I would be fuming too.
Go with them make it weird for her if she’s doing it for that reason.
He said no? End of discussion.
Absolutely not ok. Good for him for sticking up and saying no. Co parenting doesn’t mean the ex sleeps over when he has his son. Don’t dwell on it. He said no and will continue to say no.
Maybe she doesnt want her child to sleep over without her so yes i would
Totally inappropriate and confusing to the child if he had already brought you around. That’s a red flag, deal breaker for me to have that kind of drama all the time. Especially if she’s moving to town. You dont just keep a child from a father for years and drag though court and then start asking for sleepovers, it’s sounds like there’s some stuff that he left out. I’m just saying.
Heck no! She wouldn’t let him see his kid and now wants to spend the night?? Screw her
Anyone who says this is cool or okay, you’re obviously used to getting walked all over. Have some balls and respect for yourself and say No! Co parenting does not mean your ex can sleep over. Co parenting is for your child, not for your dumb ass ex.
Well at the moment your the girlfriend it’s none of your business really! I know it hurts and seems very forward on her part! But keep a low profile see where it goes looks as if your BF is handling it as he should do stay out of it!
Stay over with them? Sleep in his bed and make her something on the couch. I used to do that when I lived nearly 3 hours away and would come for the weekend to see my kids. I also had a boyfriend but although he was jealous he understood those were my kids that I was seeing.
Honestly I don’t see the issue here. The ex wife has asked 3 times and your bf has answered no 3 times that should let you know he is devoted to you and has no interest in allowing his ex to cause any issues at all with his life he has now. Be proud of this man and back him sounds like he’s got his head on straight and is no way got a wondering thought for anyone but his son and you.
Maybe she is nervous about leaving her son alone. I have a 3 yr old I have never been without her for longer than an hour so I can understand how she feels.
My dad and his wife. Lived with my mom and her husband
For about 6 months to get on there feet. It worked out well. But for real that took years to even happen. Mom and dad use to fight like cats and dogs. Dad hit hard times and poof mom was there with her new husband to help out… It was a win win for all of us. It just depends on how much respect is there.
Not ok. Before my husband and I were married we were in a long distance relationship. His kids lived in another state with their mom. The only way he could see them is if he paid for everything for them including his ex. So he did and she stayed with them. Then I get a call from my mother in law saying my husband (boyfriend at the time) was with her because his ex would not take no for an answer.
My sons gf and him live with her ex. She has 3 kids and this arrangement works great. They all help and contribute and co parent. I think it all depends on her intentions. As long as she is not looking to rekindle relationship I wouldn’t worry.
Sounds like your boyfriend has actually set a boundary that he is sticking too.
About the sleepover. No it is absolutely unacceptable for her to keep asking when he continuously refuses her. She needs to get a motel room but I would obviously say it was okay for the child to stay there. Not only is totally inappropriate and disrespectful to you it could be extremely confusing to the child. He is just now building a relationship with his Dad after years apart and there should be question in the kid’s mind that Mom and Dad live separately and that they may be friends now but they live in
separate houses they will not be getting back together
I guess it depends on the situation. I’ve stayed with my sons father for a few weeks amd he had a girlfriend. My advice is tey to get to know her and become her friend. It’s so much easier to co parenting when everybody can get along. And it’s so much healthier for the kid/s.
Absolutely not. There is not reason the mom should infringe on your boyfriend’s personal life or time, which is not an aspect of co-parenting. This isnt a joint effort as a birthday or holiday would be. Not acceptable in my opinion.
This is not okay, it would be different if they were together or try to work something out but like not while in a relationship with somebody else. I find that extremely odd and disrespectful to the other person (you). It seems like she isn’t respecting boundaries and there definitely needs to be some and it’s good that your s/o sees that boundary. Just no.
If you weren’t the cause of the break up, and she’s someone you would/ could be friends with then make the situation better. My wife-n-law came to see her son & stay the nite, she & I went out dancing. If y’all marry, you will be dealing with her a long time, so make the best of it. If you know he’s really no longer interested in her, then it’s all good. Best of luck!!
When my sons father had no place to live my husband would let him come stay the night with his son i dont see a problem as long as you trust each other and as long as the kids are happy
My husband’s ex wife came up for my step son’s graduation. Hubby and son picked her up at the airport, the first thing she did was ask for a stop at the liquor store. Then she stayed with us for the weekend cuz she couldn’t afford a hotel after paying for flight. She spent the weekend bumming cigs (cuz she only smokes when she’s drinking. But she was never sober.) She got mad at me at one point cuz I gave my stepson crap for swearing. She felt he was 18 and could speak any way he wanted. Not in my house Sweet Cheeks. Oh. And she also got so drunk at one point, she spilled her rum and coke all over my wall and floor. Left it for me to clean up the next morning. So short answer, no. Will probably cause drama.
My husband’s ex wife her husband and other 2 kids lived with us for around a year early on in our marriage (he had custody of there kids) I had to set her in her place a few times but we made it work for the kids…the kids are grown now but they still remember what we did for there mom
If she stayed and you did also I see no issue as it’s in the child’s best interest she saves money for the move. I have had “sleepovers” with my ex’s when we all went on vacation or someone needed a place to crash in the event of whatever was going on.
My ex and his at the time girlfriend camped out in the backyard of my husband and I.
It’s all about what’s best for all the kids and my hubby was super great about it!
Disrespectful honestly. But got to think of the child to. He needs to talk to her and set some boundaries.
well i find it hard to believe that she would evan
ask i respect my mates decision be cause he doesnt want too and he knows her best
My grandfather’s ex wife use to stay with us on holidays so both him and his ex could see their adult children. In saying that her own children wouldn’t allow her to stay with them.
No! They seperated .they are no longer together . the fact that she keeps bringing it up would be a sign of overstepping the boundaries . tell the bf it makes you uncomfortable because it does or you would not have brought up the question.
He needs to keep saying “no” and add… “I don’t want to give our child hope we’d ever be together again because that will never happen and it could be very confusing and upsetting to our child. Having two homes can be hard enough, holding on to something that’s just not ever going to happen would be worse. I’m not willing to give our child false hope or confuse them. We’re mom and dad only, not besties, not together. Only thing we have in common now is our child.”
Hell no. She’s already proven to be manipulative by keeping the kid away from him. All her staying the night will do is drive you and bf apart. Believe me, she will start some shit. There are plenty of hotels she can stay at. Don’t do it.
Unacceptable for her to ask more than once. He told her know so she should get the message and stop asking.
Every situation is different. If your bf told her no, then its no. She can find an inexpensive hotel or make other arrangements.
She needs to rent an air bnb. A room for the night is less than $100.
What kind of sleepover…must me crazy. She needs to play her role.
When I used to go visit my children in Kansas. I would stay with with my Ex. Now that my children have there own home i stay there. Np just friends.
It really depends on your relationship with your boyfriend. If my husband and his ex were on good terms, and i trust him, I see nothing wrong with her sleeping on the sofa for a night or so, while she’s looking for a house. For me, trust would be the key.
Usually people are exes for a reason, I used to stay at my exes house when i would visit my daughter just to be with her. Its about trust.
I would say as long as you’re there and she doesn’t try to cross the line and respect your position it would be okay. But I’d also set some rules
That would be a big hard NO for me the child could stay but not her she would have to get a motel room or something that is just disrespectful and rude
The hold could stay but not the ex she would have to find other place
Weird… is she nervous about her son staying with you guys overnight and that is why she wants to stay too?
Very inappropriate .I would say your child is all you have between each other .take your stand shes trying to make trouble .
Only if you’re there also? And that’s only if br is comfortable with the ex being there. If he has doubts, then no.
It would give the child false hope of a reconciliation.
It depends. Are you going to be there? It’s not ok if not. If you’re going to be there it could be a gesture of good will that leads to working together rather than trapping a child in a lifelong tug of war
the ex needs to back up and not get any sleepovers
No and the only time spent is with kid dad and you never her.
Tell her no,your house ,your child ,if she wants to make a outing ,thats one thing,but sleepover is totally different.try do outing first,plenty of things to o.
Why not? It is better to be one big family unit then a bunch of bickering bitties.
You say he said no every time she asked. Why are you so insecure.
It’s ok for the child to sleepover - but NOT the child’s mother.
Does he ever miss a night with you at home? Absolutely not ok…Maybe she is trying to tell you something…
It should be his decision. Whatever he decides should be fine.
I have let BM stay the night a few times so she could visit sd. I feel she safer with us then with bm so I could care less.
Absolutely NOT
Tell them to get a hotel. If your asking… Is a sign of discomfort…
She can get a hotel room
Do u and your boyfriend live together
It all depends on how you and your bf feel about it. It’s really no one else’s business. If y’all are cool with it, sure. If y’all aren’t cool with it, hell no. easy
whooooo…it depends…talk it out a lot!
No way ,can u say hotel,motel,holiday inn lol
I’d say sure if I could stay there to
It might be that she feels uncomfortable leaving her child with him since he’s dating you and she barely knows you. So I’d offer to have you all stay together then your mind is at ease that there’s no hanky panky and her mind is at ease that you’re not some idiot and that she can trust you with her child
Vwell being at the. Other side of things id say yes you sure can why i say that my ex son in law was the prefect dad until he just could not do it anymore he walked oht he went to work kissed my daughter and grandaughter and did not come back he was already fooling around with a convicted felon x3 meth. Well we fought we first tried visitation that didnt work he would not show up try explaning that to 5 yr old but eventually these stupid judges in Mississippi though he was father of the year and gave him un supervised visitation she would go every other weekend i had to carry her it would break this nannys heart she woul cry for me to stay with her at her daddys id leave her crying well this went on for few mths and then one day i got a text from her own daughter that she did not raise that she was back on meth and that when her dad wasnt around the girlfriend was being mean to her so we talk to our grandaughter she said yes she mean well i called the lawer and was talking to her we are good friends and the grandababy came in crying and said i need to tell you something now while im on the phone to the lawyer she told me that this girlfriend makes her bathe with her and hers her front and back end i thought id kill this ho i was not playing the lawyer said hell no do not let her go back to her dads to get on with this she is 12 yrs old and has not saw her dad in 5 yrs and he signed his rights away but pays child support he didnt want his women to go back to prison so if your boyfriends ex wants to come and stay maybe its his daughter that wants her mom to be there so let her you do not have to be best friends to her just treat her as a guest and you and your boyfriend enjoy your baby together soon she will trust that yall are good to her and will start letting her come alone she will start dating other people when he show no interest in her its all about the baby good luck
I couldn’t do it…period
Thats just weird hell no
That is extremely disrespectful of her
Nope. Not happening.
It all depends on the situation. Some families have amazing relationships and take vacations together. New wife/husband and their kids included.
For my situations, absolutely not! I have zero respect for my ex as a parent and as a person. He’s not even allowed to step foot on my property! And for my husbands ex, she can sleep under a bridge for all I care. She crossed so many boundaries and continues to cause so many problems.
I’d tell your boyfriend to not even answer next time.
Truth be told you’ve only been together for 6 months. Those kids are more important. You are only his girlfriend… there isn’t a whole lot of wiggle room. If they are on good terms I would use that to your advantage. If there have been marriage talks then I wouldn’t worry about much especially since he respects you and says no. I say let her but make sure they aren’t alone:person_tipping_hand: just my thoughts because I was there. Have 2 kids and my fiancé was in the same position with a lot of the same feelings you are going through but until you are more serious you take a backseat to a lot of this. Sorry
It really depends, open communication is the key. My ex has stayed over and his kids have stayed for months at a time with my boyfriend and our new daughter so they could spend time with my son from my ex after we divorced. My ex and his new girlfriend have even spent the night at our home to spend time with my son bc they are homeless too…my ex and I get along pretty well and my fiancé and him do too. It’s taken 2 years to get there but it is soo much better for our kiddo involved when we are getting along and able to be together for fun memories for him. But it has not always been this way and it takes work. Good luck momma
I would say no set your boundries.That’s only going possible cause you heartach later on if it happens.Sounds to me like she might be tring to slid back into his life and put you out yourself.I’m all for working a friendship out like adults for the kids but the ex sleeping over, I Don’t Think So!
Honestly it depends on how the relationships are and communication. I don’t think it’s weird but given everything that has happened I’d take it slow with her and build trust first before anything like that
My father and sisters father were best friends. Her father would sleep over often. We’d have family outings with him and his other children. It all depends on the ppl in the situation. Has everyone truly moved on?
My ex and I have a child together and I’ve been dating my current boyfriend now for almost 3 months. My boyfriend and I don’t live together. My ex doesn’t drive and in order for him to be able to see our daughter, has to find a ride back and forth which is 45 minutes each way. I sometimes help him by giving a ride one way (or both depending on the day) and he has spent the night if he had to be to work early in the morning (he works literally 5 minutes from my house). My current boyfriend is totally okay with it and is understanding of the situation. My ex and I were even living together when my current boyfriend and I first started dating.
Some familys are different but i grow up with my dad and mom divorced and on holidays and special occasions my parents stayed in the same house even when they were with another person. Like i said though my family was able to put there problems aside for us children
No, there is hotel rooms for a reason. I find it quite disrespectful on her part for asking repeatedly after he said no. No means no and she needs to stop
I would feel the exact same way you do honestly. I’d be all for everyone spending time together and showing the child the unity between everyone but spending the night is a little much.
She’s looking to split y’all up. I’d say not happening n that is disrespectful to continue asking. I’d offer to put them up in a hotel for the sake of convenience n invite the ex n her child for meals or take them on outings.
Umm I’d say hell no wtf and disrespectful as all hell she can get a motel or if she doesn’t have the money pay for it so she shuts tf up about it
Why does she need to stay? To each their own but never would I.
Well the thing is you are only his girlfriend and to top it all off been dating for only 6 months…sit down and let this sink …
Like some of the ladies said… I would be ok with it as long as I was there. Wouldn’t be very comfortable otherwise given the history and quick turn around…