I think it is highly inappropriate of her to even ask him.
No, she wants to ruin your relationship, she is jealous
Will you be there when she sleeps over? Then I think it will be fine… if ur not there then obviously not!
I don’t think that’s appropriate honestly. But everyone is different and it’s your choice!
If they’re friends and coparenting well it shouldnt be a problem. I’ve offered to let my husbands ex and kids to live with us many times.
It’s different for every family. There’s no wrong in deciding what that is
Honestly. Hell no. The fact she’s asked so many times should a red flag.
Not gonna lie. I live with my ex, his girlfriend, and my kids.
If you stayed the night also maybe, but otherwise hard pass from me.
Absolutely not…she can pay for a hotel room… period
Nope nope nope. Nothing good can come of this!!!
I would not be up for that!
Hell no. That’s just weird. Youre intentions are good but You’re setting yourself up for her trying to get back together with him.
It’s not really appropriate, maybe if she was in a relationship or something MAYBE that’d be okay but seeing as she’s not it gives me the icky feeling of NOPE
I think you know the a answer to that…sounds to me she is more worried about her time spent with her baby daddy then the time spent with her child and baby daddy…
That’s a no. The time your boyfriends child is with him is his time. Mom needs to respect that. There is no reason she should be spending the night.
The ex is crossing a line, you boyfriend needs to make it clear that is crossing the line and will never sgree to this so stop asking.
If they have a great friendship then I dont see a problem in it, I’ve had my kids dad stay over many times, my partner wasn’t all that keen but trusts me not to go back there (he didn’t live with me at the time) just recently the dad invited me to stay there with him and his girlfriend when I dropped kids off, much to her dislike but shes only been around 5 minutes doesn’t understand it’s nothing more than us hanging with the kids.
I’ve spent the night with my “ex husband” (we are still married, but have been separated since 2016, he has a gf and a child with her, I have a daughter just a few months older with my boyfriend) We are SUPER close. Our daughter that we had together in 2015 doesn’t even always go with me up to her dad’s to spend the night (he lives an hour plus away). Me, Him, and his gf are all really close and good friends. I wouldn’t be comfortable with my daughter spending the night if they didn’t let me spend the night at least once to see what it was like in their place. That’s just me tho. Glad I got lucky and my best friends are my ex husband and hopefully his future wife.
No sleep overs… that’s non sense!