My husbands ex will not leave us alone when his child is with us: Advice?

There should be set times for FaceTime when on the other parents time. Not just demanding right now when they are in the middle of something. She wouldn’t like that if it were reversed. We don’t know your whole story. And we all know there are always 3 sides. His side, her side, and what actually happened. As long as this is all healthy, everyone is taking the child well and not being neglectful, She should be happy her child has another parent figure in his life who lives him and is there for him. She sounds like she’s jealous and controlling. Be patient. You have your whole life to deal with her as patenting a child doesn’t stop when they become adults. Try to befriend her it will be better that way


FaceTiming can happen around bedtime and that is all. Ignore any other calls/emails/ text. That is infringing on his parenting time and utterly ridiculous.

What she is doing is excessive. Even a court would say that is excessive.


Set boundaries, schedule a time once a day she can talk to the child or y’all to discuss issues, concerns. Otherwise she needs to leave you alone during his time.


Go back to court n set up a facetime schedule. So she emails, big deal. Not every email needs a response.


lmao this is the dad’s fault. Ignore their calls and emails. Simple.


“it’s our day” ought to do.

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We had an evil genious in our family Faked frauded everything going colleges foster care One plot ------to get 3000 miles away to to her biological father —so they get to a new state —just takes them kids away from father ------goes out there lies to get tons welfare --says family member still has rights etc causes family to go 3000 miles away won’t let have kids ----etc Calling threatening family leaving horrid messages to family --. Goes out there to start a new life —but now they’ve got loaded up on welfare benefits -trying get the family memb out there now ------ALL day long daylight to dark —texts messages calls every single day tormented enough can’t be with kids but it’s do what I want I need this or that or this that if you don’t I’ll block you won’t get to see pics of your kids or no info on kids Every single day all day long crazy crazy stuff Yet they told social out there they were traumatized They let 2 cars sit a garage enrolled someone in college took the tuition to get a plane ticket took the kids that they never even took care of someone else had them most of the time Goes out there has them all social and family convinced completely that mental issues we’re due to trauma here Getting all kinds of help ±----When it was just an evil plot to get loaded on benefits and omg I don’t even want to talk about the stuff that was done to my family Nobody cares absolutely not a thing anyone can do Fine ±—but I’d at least wish by a miracle that they’d stop tormenting manipulating family won’t quit won’t stop and they are in agony every moment over the kids keeps contact for the kids ±-±mental abuse is what it is —mental manipulation -----im so mad I can’t stand it —psychotic enough to convince everyone how good they are and on the dark side omg ±-they are even going to college to be a social worker and behind closed doors sending messages they are going to put bullets in people’s heads and the abuse from this person to family !!getting in so cial care!!!and the social care is paying for it —straw broke camel’s back -----dont even know wat they are up to ,------i notified authorities over last set of “messages” cause it was so bad 100 positive theyve got into a hacking job and the messg they sent - crazy crazy stuff I called officer it was so bad ----but ideally -----the best thing anyone could do at this point cut it off block it --&but using those kids and the mental state everybody’s worried about the safety of the kids -----The person is just enough evil to convince all they are super parent go getter ----And doing all this crazy stuff crazy calls this past weekend there was a statement made on messenger that if it were anybody else the media news law would be all over it —threw all of us for a loop but because we are just backwoods people nobody cares now everybody gets up everyday wondering what the next move is concerned for kids safety and constantly all day repeated calls and texts nobody can do anything it’s mental cruelty at it’s best manipulation crimes like no other but not enough that anybody can do anything ------Consider yourself lucky you are only getting text

Set a time everyday for her to facetime him. Other than that don’t answer if she decides to be even more petty and bitter take her to court.


Well this can be taken care of in court and adjust the visitation and limit contact to once a day ect … he can also let her know or just not respond to most emails and texts unless it directly concerns the child. Having it in the custody and visitation order leaves no room for arguing and he can ignore most of the interactions with her. He can also keep a record of all the emails and texts to prove his point that it’s excessive and needs to stop as it’s bordering on harrassment.


Try this resource it’s amazing !!

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You seem to be trying to accommodate her in every possible way and she’s obviously over stepping boundaries. She needs to be told that when it’s Dad’s weekend/ his time then that’s what it is. One face time call a day is more than enough with the child. If she continues to be difficult then you may have to take her back to court. As a Mother who’s had to do shared custody I knew early on that, that was time with her Father and I have to respect that.


She needs to give them their time …not be bugging or thinking bad things…if she has no reason to be this fearful of their child being with the other…maybe contact a family lawyer or counselor…or maybe when he is with her…the hubby harass her…lol

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I agree with lots of these comments. It’s not particularly healthy. HOWEVER… To suggest for you to change your number and not reply to emails is just awful. Please do not do that. That is enough to send any sane mother loopy, nevermind this one who clearly may need extra support in regard to some attachment issues she may have. I think that was possibly the worst advice I’ve ever read. I’m not sure if the people writing have children?! Or at the very least don’t have to share their childrens time with anyone else.
You however sound like you’re doing a fab job as a step mum!

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I would get the 3 of you to sit down and lay some boundaries out, if she can’t do it with just the 3 of you get a 3rd party involved. It sounds like you and your husband have done a fantastic job and are very patient people however she needs to understand that what she’s doing is over the top. If she insists on face time I’d do it at the end of the day close to bed time so she can say goodnight however the rest of the day the child is safe and is having quality time with the 2 of you.

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Block her number while child is with you.


It never stops! Been here so many times. He needs to tell her to F off. If he cant or wont it is not going to work. She is still pulling the strings…control.


I have to say the same it sounds like a control thing I would say check the emails and if they start out about other then somthing the child needs . I wouldn’t read them . He needs to step up n say listen no bashing if its not important then don’t text nomore

Once he picks up the child for his time stop answering the dam phone . If he has the kid from Friday till Sunday day see you Sunday. Unless that’s how they want to parent and if so you either deal with it or move on . They are the child’s parents not you

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She has custody so if a child is visiting the father, she needs to leave them alone and let them enjoy their alone time with the child. That’s just ridiculous, she doesn’t need to have FaceTime. But she needs to find some friends or a hobby to do while the child is away visiting the father so she doesn’t have so much time on her hands to be a busybody.

Me and my partner, and his ex, just went through mediation to talk about a few issues and it went really well! I know that’s probably not the answer you were looking for, but it was extremely effective and we made progress on an issue we had been trying to sort for over a year on our own :blush: all the best!

He need to put her in her place

Firstly , make it clear with your hubby that his ex won’t be the reason for the future problem between the two of you . Second it is about the child and the ex is a mother but there is a boundaries that his ex needs to respect not sort of using the child as an opportunity and advantage to mess with you and your husband’s relationships . Being civil is the right way but there should be a limit that she can be allowed to do . It sound like the ex still love your husband and she uses her child to see and be near him . Have a heart to heart talk with your husband , let him be aware of your concern and tell him exactly what you are fearing that can cause it in the future . Honestly in that circumstances your husband’s ex if she is that sensitive and respect you and your husband’s relationships , she won’t give you a feeling of authority to come and go , deprive you couple your right of privacy to be with his child and bombarded you of calls every five minutes , it needs to be resolve and it’s your husband who can have a say in that bcoz it’s his ex . I’m a woman myself if I am the ex , I will be considerate of my ex , wife’s feelings . Your husband’s ex obviously don’t give a toss how you feel , bring it up and needs to be resolve if possible not to reach the peak of you get fed up that can cause irrational behaviour , while you still feel health and can see sense , let your hubby do something and make it clear to her ex that , certain things that he wants to sets a boundaries , when a child is in your care , its your responsibilities , she shouldn’t have to keep calling if there is something , you will call her if you need her . Honestly , your husband’s ex is so obvious that still have feelings towards him . Nothing is not obvious in the eyes plus gut feeling and intuitions will tell you the true motives and intentions . You cannot interfere , that’s between him and her ex , you open to him how you feel , he will resolve it and needs to be firm and demand to respect his new relationships and whatever communications and connections between them are just bcoz of the child only

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She is just insecure and afraid that her child may love you both more than her blocking her or ignoring her will not help,she may become hyper and never send her to you guys. She is not over your husband and seeing you both together with her where she has to be hurt her she need to accept the truth first give her some time, It’s just that she is angry and haven’t moved on from the relationship. May God help her and you both!

Honestly I would only do a couple of FaceTime calls, once right after picking up showing he got there safe, and maybe at night to say goodnight, other than that…ignore her. Ignore text messages, block her during the day. She can’t expect you guys to be on her beck and call just because she’s the mother! I share custody and I would NEVER do this! This can in the future become the point of arguments between you and your husband, so I would just ignore her…. She needs to realiza the child is not with some strangers, the child is with the other parent! If she keeps doing this or makes it a big deal, I would take her to court and let the judge know she is sabotaging your time with the child! Ignore her!

lol put her call ringtone on silent and tell her u will call at night so the child can talk to her then. ur hubs need to take control of this situation now and make it known he will not let her do this bullshit. i get wanting to talk to ur kid but not like this. put ur foot down. it wont be the emd of the world if she only gets to talk to them 1x a day…before bedtime :woman_shrugging:t2:

also, keep track of how many times she contacts you guys. incase she tries taking this to court to make yall look like the bad guy

Investigate the childrens bill of rights n enforce it with her. This violates the childrens rights


Shut the cell phone off.


The mom is jealous of the girlfriend she still wants to be in control come on if she likes the child back off I think it’s nice she likes the child back off a little mom gave her a chance they r trying to be a family to

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Quick phone call in the pm to say goodnight.
Other then that leave your phone in another room/car ect.
And respond to her emails once a week on a Sunday. Unless something is wrong like illness there is no need for the constant contact from her.
If the roles were reversed and your husband contacted her like that it would be considered controlling behaviour. Ask her for space, and stick to your guns.
When my daughter used to see her dad I avoided calling so she could take time to bond with him and my daughter would call me when she wanted to.

Hope you guys get some quality uninterrupted time to enjoy each other :blush:


Half of you have no reading comprehension. This lady is married to this man, not some random girlfriend.
Leave the phone behind and start documentation incase yiu need to go to court. The bio mom seems freaking nuts.


Start doing it to her when the kid is with her. Call text and email 100x a day. She sounds like an asshole.

She should ever be so grateful that her child is around a mild mannered, respectable woman who treats her child like her own. Not all of us get that.
She’s absolutely overstepping her boundaries and taking away from “dad” time and that isnt fair. Your husband needs to be the one to set the boundaries though and to let her know what they are and to reinforce.


I text my ex-husband a couple times a day when he has the kids just to ask how they are doing, did they sleep ok, eating ok. Both of mine have Autism so it’s just a check in how things are going.

I would put boundaries on the communication, and let her know she needs to stick to them if she’d like to have that communication with the child during visits. It definitely sounds like she still has unresolved feelings for the dad, and he has obviously moved on. My ex got to the point where I wouldn’t even talk to her, and thats not healthy either. Some people try hard to be impossible to deal with, and when they go out of their way, you need to punish them with what you can. If bio mom can’t deal with the new arrangement, let her know the alternative is that she can talk to her son before he leaves, and when he gets back (like most other moms anyway) you should also not let her pressure you to stay out of the face times, as you’re part of their family now. Ask her if shes been to counseling and encourage her to try it out


Your husband is doing the right thing. Unjustified Overbearing BMs need boundaries set and consequences when they are broken without using the child as a pawn. Suggestion:: Let her know that she can communicate 1x a day unless and emergency comes up of course. Set a time Daily for her to face time, and also set a time limit. Alternative, if she wants to email or txt that counts as her communication for the day. And stick to it. BM is not entitled to have the baby 80% of the time and then monopolize y’alls 20%. Be prepared to set her on DND when she violates and she will. Be prepared for temper tantrums from her as well. Healthy boundaries now will prevent resentment in the future. Good Luck Girl.


One simple call a day at nighttime from the children to their mom is sufficient. Depending on their custodial agreement of course.

His time with the children is just that…his.

Been there, done that. It’s exhausting on every level.


You are a saint… my goodness.


Sounds like my husband’s ex. Except for in the orders, they both can only call between 5-7pm.

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You sound like an awesome step mom and I can only imagine how frustrating it must but he needs to set boundaries. Unfortunately you have to stay out of this one and know your boundaries as well. But that doesn’t mean you still can’t be there for her. Your husband needs to stand up to her or she is just going to keep walking all over the situation. It’s ok to call but she doesn’t need to call everyday unless it’s for like bedtime, then that’s different. But hang in there!


When the child is with y’all contact her or 1 a day or 1 every couple days.but do not let her interrupt y’all’s family time. This is y’all’s time not hers

She knows what she is doing, she feels by interrupting the time by calling or whatever whenever she wants, she’s getting a reaction out of it. Thats his time with his child, the excessive calling and emails needs to stop. I would block her when I have my child.


What you told us, tell her.

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She needs a designated call time and once a day(I actually think that’s excessive) answer to emails. If this is court ordered than she needs to stop. If it isn’t, your husband needs to go get signed by a judge so she can’t be controlling everything.


I would explain to her when child is with dad its his time and he will only speak to her if its a emergency i would ignore her the whole time tbh this looks like controlling and manipulative behaviour you could even say stalking and can report her for this


Once before bed is plenty. Unless the children ask to speak with her. They should always be allowed to contact her if they want to but a phone call to say goodnight is sufficient. I’d say it probably has nothing to do with the children and more to do with jealousy and control.


Remember we’re only getting one side of the story…just saying.


Okay not being rude with my laughing emoji.

I have been here!!! 100% here.
I was married and took on 2 boys. At the time they were 4 months and 12 months when I became their step mother. Their mom did this too and on nights she had the kids and they FaceTimed their dad aka us, she’d hang up the second I was on the screen. Even when the kids ASKED FOR ME! It was insane.

Needless to say we answered one FT call a day from her and set boundaries. She didn’t like it but they 100% we ignored if we were out doing something and we’re busy or if it was late and they were in the middle of laying down for bed. Bc she got in the habit of calling late and we’d be nice and let them talk to her just for her to say something to uoset them and make bedtime rough. So yeah… just talk to your husband now and set boundaries with him that he’ll agree to begin enforcing. From a stepmom who did this for FOUR YEARS- it doesn’t get better unless you force your side to stop giving in to every single thing she wants or says! She will only get worse!

We actually set times with her. Hey well 100% be free for you to call daily between 630-8 so chose a time and be consistent or we may be too busy and miss the call. And we put that into effect immediately. It helped a little. But as for me not being on the screen, being at pickups and drop offs, absolutely not. I always went bc we were always either coming from work to get them ( we worked together and took one car bc we have common sense) or we were getting them and going straight to do something. So yeah.: that’s just something we made her get over literally day one

I wonder if there isn’t more to the story.


My question would be is custody situation court ordered? I would definitely suggest him setting boundaries, there isn’t anything you can really do at this point without making matters worse. He will have to put his foot down, allow one call a day before bedtime or in the morning so that she can check on the child but yall get time with him. She might have anxiety about the child leaving her since she had his 80%of the time and worrry about the child the whole time and that is why she is seeming overbearing

Just ignore her bs. Communicate when you need to which is once a day at most or if the child wants to call and leave it at that. If her request or complaints are stupid ignore it and continue to do what you’re doing. When she realizes she’s not getting the reaction she wants she will either move on or it will get worse. You may have to go back to court to modify papers to be more specific bc some people love conflict.

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She needs therapy, maybe you could set up for all 3 of you to go then you can get some stuff off of your chest too! And then make new arangments on custody .

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Usually in most parenting plans, there is unlimited phone contact. But you have the authority to set 2 designated times for them to speak to the other parent.
I would honestly tell her she can speak with them at 2 different times maybe one in the am and one toward evening before bed.
Let her know clearly that you will contact her if an emergency would arise.
She is manipulating him and if I was him I would tell her that he has moved on and he is married and unless its about the kids functions, drs appointments, progress ect then he doesn’t want contacted or rude remarks.

I was in your shoes. My stepdaughters mom would call, and call, and call, and text, and call. It was RARELY anything important. She would try to control everything we did, even going so far as to say that my stepdaughter couldn’t attend, nor be in, our wedding because it “would confuse her” (that didn’t go well and dad got his way, she was in the wedding). She plays club soccer, but I wasn’t allowed to wear any team gear with MY last name on it. My kids were CONSTANTLY being scrutinized, if I did anything for or with her, it was scrutinized. We went on vacation to the black hills and she called, called, called, called, called, called, again it was nothing worth perpetually interrupting our vacation. Seriously. It wasnt even to check on her daughter most of the time, it was to harass dad. Dad finally quit answering. Bought Christmas gifts, wasn’t good enough. Took her out for her birthday, wasn’t good enough. It just kept escalating. Dad would stand up to her, but she was relentless. Finally, he decided to get her back at her own game and would call and text endlessly. Told her that if she doesn’t lay off of me that she can’t have their daughter around her BF (who was in the picture longer than me)…
It stopped.

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Your husband is the one that needs to tell her, not you !!!


My ex’s ex wife did this and he had to get a court order added to visitation saying she’s only allowed to check up on her at the end of each day. The judge said anything more isn’t necessary.


Set definite boundaries and stick to them. She will be mad and try to manipulate but DON’T give in. Give her specific times she can call/ face time. Don’t respond to texts or email until it’s convenient for you. Stop letting her control yalls time with your step son. She has her time and needs to respect yalls. You may have to put something in writing in custody agreement


Damn simple…our cheap ass phone…dont get no reception…except at home…before bedtime…

This has NOTHINH to do with the child! NOTHING! Time to set boundaries and if it means getting rude then do it!take her and the harassing proof of non stop calls to court ! Grow some balls with her or it will get far worse! Unless your hubby likes the attention he should have already done this!

First of all u sound like a decent step parent. Ignore the comments that like to attack the step parent, that’s their own insecurities. Don’t respond to texts/emails right away. Give her a certain time each day to face time unless the kid wants to talk to their mom. Husband should literally save everything in case she has a hissy fit and try’s to go to court, he should keep ignoring any messages not related to the child.

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Set the boundaries of a good morning and a good night. Tell her if she is needed between you will reach out but that you respect her time with the child and don’t interrupt her time. As for the petty comments ignore them. I’d still sit right there while they FaceTime. It shouldn’t be an issue and since it is she has the choice to get over it or stop face timing constantly. She has to learn to respect you both. As for the emails I’d just stop responding to them. Just because he gets one doesn’t mean he has to email her back right then and there. Enjoy y’all’s visit. Its about time with the child. Not the mom. She needs to get it through her head that he has moved on and she needs to

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Set a time each day for her to check in and stick to it.

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Designated call time. No emails, no texts. Get it court ordered.


He needs to stop answering all the emails, etc. If it is about the child’s well-being, etc. he needs to only answer the very basics and ignore the rest. If you guys are at the beach or something like that, he should tell her beforehand that you guys have plans and if you miss a call, you guys will call her back once you guys get the kiddo settled. I had the same issue girl lol if there is a court order, it can always be amended too. My ex and I have designated call hours but the kids can call us at anytime so that we don’t encroach on each other’s plans but will generally make exceptions for each other. He really needs to be the one to set those boundaries though. Unfortunately, stepmoms usually don’t get any kind of say-so.


My best friend and her BD have in their parenting plan that the child has to FaceTime the other parent for 30 minutes at a specific time every day (5:30pm) but aside from that no communication is required. I would have the kids dad try to get something like that set up through court, she’s being way too needy.

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Awww I understand both sides. But his mom needs to learn quickly. It could be worse. You could be mean to the kid and not love him. Keep doing what you are doing. Hopefully his mom will think of how happy her son is and all the love he gets.

As Brandy Morgan said put in a court order. And as much as it’s annoying she’s doing the most. Do not respond disrespectfully/rude in text or emails because she will definitely use that against you in court.

My bfs daughters mother would do this. When we first got together she blew his phone up. He eventually told her he didn’t get her text messages. They didn’t text for a year until she took him to court and they started usually the family Wizard app. The courts can see if they need to. If the texts and emails don’t pertain to the child and isn’t a emergency he doesn’t have to reply. She also gets one phone call a day at around 730 to ask about her day and say goodnight.


Can’t say this enough court order court order court order!!! If there’s a court order of visitation he is allowed uninterrupted period of visitation with the child !!! U literally have a time to pick up and drop off that is all that needs to be discussed and emergencies !! No one can control who or what is happening during your time!


Get it added to the order for specific times to call.


The X’s plan is to try to break you guys up, “if I can’t have you, nobody can”. She fails to realize that eventually she will be pushing her son away when he gets old enough to hear/see what’s going on. Sorry for this


Don’t take it personally or give it too much of your headspace…
Do the facetime for a few minutes.
Say to the child things like, tell mommy about the babyfish, pretty shelll you saw, the slide you went down, etc… While the child is on with mom. Make sure to say goodbye etc …
Maybe the mom feels threatened ( that’s in her headspace) Her child seems to be her need right now.
Maybe this will lighten things up.
If you’re in for the longhall, it’s better for everyone to mesh.
Three of you are raising this child now. They grow fast.

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Let her know a time at the end of each day they can facetime after you all are done with your activities. She has no right to be disruptive during the fathers time.


Don’t read, dont respond, dont react, ignore… have child call at bed time daily.


Brandon has to use the app too!

Set up a specific time each morning or evening that works for both houses, that will be facetime time. Beyond that if there is any info she needs informed on you or dad will inform her.


Ignore her. Your husband should stand up and let her know. Again. Ignore her.

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You can go to court and file a protection order

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Sounds more like shes worried about u taking her place as a mom


He should stop answering the emails. And the visitation order needs amended with very specific communication instructions. Set a time in the morning & after dinner for “mom talk”. Stick to those times. Imo, she’s being childish and jealous. And very weird.


Shut off your phones


Just wean her off or set a number of “updates”. Perhaps he could advise he’ll message an update once a day.
I own a contact service and we help clients structure exactly this.

You could advise her that dad will make some notes in an email or communication book but only contsct her during dad’s precious time if there’s an emergency.
A 5 year old is a big kid.

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Ignore her she is most likely jealous and can’t stand seeing her child with another needs to step in and let her know all this FaceTime needs to stop so the child can enjoy their time with their Dad she miserable and messy seem like to me.

Whew! Boundaries need to be set, stat! The dad and stepmom don’t have any obligation to accommodate this, and it sounds like they’ve been pretty easy going about and she’s taken advantage of the situation. It’s time to talk to the lawyer about changing the visitation or and making it more clear cut, with specified contact times. It’s probably a good idea to use one of those parent contact apps, too.


Go to court and get a mandatory communication order using a parenting ting app so she cannot keep doing that. Check out parenting wizard


He needs to put his foot down and tell her “he’s with me he is fine I don’t call and email u every second when he’s with u ( mom) “ then set up a time once a day right before bed for the kid to call or face time . Sheesh this bm seems like she don’t want her kid to have fun at all she keeps interrupting and taking time from dad n son. Seems to have separation anxiety from her child.


Have him set up certain times for calls and FaceTime and make it very clear hey look this is the routine I am trying to set In my house for our child these are the times that work best


When I would pick up the kids for the weekend, my husband’s ex would go on and on about how she would miss them and they would start to cry and be sad. After a couple of times like this, I told the kids to go hug their mom and tell her they loved her and then get in the car. When she said she wanted one more goodbye, I said no. She was deliberately upsetting them to make herself feel better and I put a stop to that.

And before you jump all over me… I also had to drop my kids off to see their dad and I didn’t put my emotions on their shoulders! He lived 9 hours away, so visits were several weeks in the summer or big holidays.

Hugs, kiss, have a good time and I’ll miss you bunches! This is all that is needed - anymore is manipulation, pure and simple.


You can ask your lawyer on the divorce case to ask the judge for granted one call per day.

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When I was little the court set certain times I was allowed to talk to my other parent. You need to set a boundary with her nicely and firmly and say the child will call you between 7pm and 8pm then it’s bed time. We are trying to enjoy family time while we have him or her and your taking away from that


Unless u married a cheater and you caused their marriage to split up …u more than deserve it :rofl:….other than that I would stay completely out of it and let the two parents handle it …that’s their issue not yours …poor child that’s all I got to say


Is there a reason this mother seems to have trust issues ? Probably left over from the ex husband originally? Have you a child of your own to truly understand what kids do ? This sounds to me like there is things in the past I hope you guys work it out for this child


Wow… The first time my son met his stepmom and he gushed about how nice she was…
I got on the phone and thanked her for welcoming him. No emails or texts, I was an adult. :woman_shrugging:
Sadly, he may have to have the court limit contact during your time. She needs a life outside of parenting bc one day that child will grow up and move out and what then? :woman_facepalming:


She could ask the child how was your day and be done be done with it. She trying to cause chaos between you two n child. .next time she video make sure she see you and the child having fun and tell him to say hi mommy. If she text doesn’t mean you or him have to respond . Tell your husband to tell her if she doesn’t stop he is going to file for joint custody. 6 months with y’all six months with her bet she stop . Also discuss this situation with a lawyer and see what can be done. If he gets joint custody add child support. She will stop. But let her know if she doesn’t stop that’s the next move … she doing too much .

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No reason for her to be reaching out that much. Myself I feel once or twice a day is more then enough communication and it shouldn’t be lengthy messages damn sure shouldn’t be emails. Honestly I’d block her email. Tell her to use the cell number or nothing at all. Tell her she can communicate with her child daily but when you guys aren’t busy or in the middle of things or if the child asks to speak to her. If she don’t like that she can get a lawyer. You do NOT have to cater to her because she’s the mother. He’s the father.

Some moms are just extremely over protective and that’s OK. Just reassure her all is well, morning evening and night. That’s all she is needing. She will get better in time, I’m sure.


Her child, not yours


Timing is everything.
Have the child FaceTime on the way or before you begin to unload from the vehicle before your activity.
Schedule a night time video chat so it doesn’t interfere with your schedule or activities.
Try to work with her on your convenience, but definitely keep trying to work with her.


Sounds like you should get an outside source to help manage this. Someone who’s mutual and wouldnt take sides.

My boys visit their father every weekend and i absolutely adore their bonus mom. But they recently took the kids to florida for vacation andddd i probably drove her nuts while they were en route. Thats quite a distance for them to go without mom, once they were there we facetimed once everynight, unless they wanted to call me in the morning. But i know i text at least every 2 hours until i knew they were safely there. :grimacing:

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If you keep allowing her behavior it will only get worse. A good morning mom call and goodnightvate plenty. Stop answering the rest of the time and you do not have to accept emails.