My husbands wife takes care of my daughter and he doesn't: Thoughts?

No she is the mom and it seems like the dad wants nothing to do with his own daughter the wife pushing him into taken her and why do they have to go out in the one night he has her I wouldn’t let him take here more then that she protective that not being petty


Grady Bryan she clearly said she does like the wife no problem with her at all and of course you would say this your a guy and probably are going through the same with an ex who you have child/children with so you wouldn’t agree with what this lady complains about sorry not sorry… I doubt she’s jealous the time he gets 1 day a week he decides to go out and get a sitter :unamused: right that makes sense and also 14 year old babysitting who I the mother doesn’t even know who bother any parent well any parent who cares who their kid is near now a days can’t trust anyone so she has right to be concerned I don’t see how she would be jealous he doesn’t seem like a winner seems like he’s being forced by his new wife to even be near his own daughter sadly :pensive: maybe y’all are relating to past/present relationships and are lashing out saying she’s jealous or acting petty bc y’all can relate yourselves lol sounds like a mother who truly cares loves her daughter and just doesn’t like her being handled like a dish being past around in the hands of people she doesn’t know and that could confuse the child daddy doesn’t seem to want me but step mommy does hmmmm he doesn’t deserve this child probably doesn’t want to pay support or a lot of support and has her there for that reason maybe step mom too

He sounds like a pos… And doesnt deserve anything to do with either of u. Screw him girl