My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

I have a ten-month-old baby, and he is the first grandbaby for my in-laws, and with the holidays coming, they are buying him my first thanksgiving outfit, and also they just got him my first Christmas PJs. These don’t bother me that much, but they also got him an ornament that says my first Christmas and his name on it. Am I wrong for being so upset about this? I feel like this should be something I buy for him. They didn’t even ask before they got it. I don’t know what to do because it bothers me. I tell my husband and he just says I didn’t know what to say? I’m at my wits end with their need to be in control. Help please any advice would be GREAT


If this is their child’s first baby you gotta understand their world has just been changed for ever as well.


Enjoy not spending more then u want to. If at any point someone offers to by my kids something. I’m like…: hell yeah!!!


You can still buy the baby an ornament or whatever you want.

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Not gonna lie. If someone buys somthing that I was going to buy then I just shrug… because honestly 1. Your saving money lol.
2. Just buy your kid somthing different with the money that wasnt spent.

That’s the way I look at it…


Shoot my inlaws can buy ERRRthang :joy::joy: my baby still has it and I got my money for other stuff they didnt buy.


Wow… be happy your baby has loving family!!! This is RIDICULOUS.


Just buy him what you want and put him in both? And be thankful they want to buy him things. There’s no rule that says you can only have one first outfit


Wow…seriously?? I would kill to have either one of my parents alive so that they could be excited about their grandbabies and I would love someone to buy my children things.


I would be happy that I still got what I wanted bit didnt have to spend the money for it.


It saves you money​:woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4::woman_shrugging:t4:


You can still buy one, then the baby will have two, one from his parents and one from the grandparents. It isn’t until years pass and they are no longer here that you will cherish everything they got for that baby,


It’s your choice to use them or not! They can spend to their hearts content - it’s within your control to use or not

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Why’s it matter? You’re making way to big of a deal out of it


Doesnt sound like CONTROL to me. Sounds like excitement and joy.


Waaahhh… people keep buying me things :roll_eyes:


oh honey, let them spend the money. As for any outfit, if you like it use it, if not just buy another one. But let them spend the money. really, it’s not that big of a deal. Maybe later on, they will buy him his first car & maybe college education…go with it :slight_smile:


Oh come on… seriously?


Really?? They sound nice. Get over it


I wouldn’t mind. Then that’s money I dont have to spend and can buy something else on them. I think it’s awesome.

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You can still buy what you want. Each of my kids have several first Christmas ornaments and outfits. They’re excited too. Don’t waste your energy on little things.


You can still buy those things. Whats wrong with 2 outfits and 2 ornaments? Nothing! :heart:


You’re over reacting


Yes, you are wrong. Super freaking petty :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

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Just be glad your baby has grandparents!!! My son is growing up with no grandparents!! My parents are in heaven & his donor’s side isn’t involved at all. I’d love to be in this situation!!


You will get a lot of first milestones that the grandparents will not get to see.

Just buy your own, hang them both. I get your being annoyed. I really do, but you should talk to them about it and maybe coordinate what things they can get and what things you want to get. Don’t listen to the people saying you shouldn’t get upset, etc. I get it, but my mother in law and I have a very understanding because I talk to her.


Your lucky they want to buy it from him be grateful


Yes you are over reacting. They are excited too and you should be thankful they are so involved and want to do stuff for their grandbaby. You can still buy that stuff for him too but different. It’s not like you can only put him in one pair of Christmas pjs. I have 3 first Christmas ornaments for each kid. It’s not a big deal.


You can still buy outfits and ornaments as well. My kids have/had multiple of each. Nothing wrong with it. Be thankful you have family that is buying stuff for the baby

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It’s not like you can’t buy those things either…:roll_eyes: There excited about ur baby, you should be happy as there many families out there that wouldn’t care that much. Be grateful.


You can still buy stuff it’s nice get them shopping with you

I WISH my family bought my kids cute stuff like that! Probably going to need 2 outfits on Thanksgiving anyways lol

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You’re overreacting… appreciate saving the money or still buy what you want… who cares if there’s more than one ornament

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I think they are probably thinking they are helping. I wouldnt worry if it were me

Oh hunny :joy: so if they bought the first ornament, buy him a stocking. Let them love him.

You can buy him one that you pick out, he can have more then one!!

Pick your battles :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


You’re overreacting, just be thankful.


Yes. Just be grateful.


Hey just take the money you saved from them buying the items and put it in a fund for when baby turns 10 or 16 or 18 and then you’ll be the freaking hero because they will get something they truly truly want and it will be because of you

Ornament for each tree. My daughter got like 4 my first Christmas ornaments.

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Honestly… if it bothers you that much, say something. If it were me, I’d be fine with it lol.

Ur over reacting take it save ur money

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I have to say enjoy it while ya got it.

You’re lucky and over reacting.


Just buy a different one and the baby can have two if it’s that big of a deal to you. But if it was my child id be thankful because im not having to spend that money. My childs grandparents are getting her first christmas stockings and hats so she has a couple right now. Sure i wouldve liked to get them myself but at the end of the day she still has those things.

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If it were a toy you mentioned you wanted to buy then you might have a case… but with these exact items, it’s NBD.

This is their first grandchild let them do those things its special to them. Enjoy the fact your child has grandparents who are being an active part.


First world problems. Stop being a brat!


I really wish Facebook would give us an eye roll reaction…


Just because some of you don’t have people who do this for you, doesn’t lessen her being bothered by it. She wants to have these special moments.


I received ornaments for both my daughters 1st Christmas. Its a memory we will always have. It doesn’t matter who buys it.

Dang, I wish I’d have been so lucky.


I would appreciate the fact that your child’s grandparents are involved and willing to buy things for them. Some families aren’t as fortunate.


I totally get this!! But the truth is… you can get him the stuff you want to get him. He can wear what you want him to wear. Even if they already got him something… it’s ok to say “I already got him this.” But babies sometimes need two outfits anyway so keep both. Also your feelings are VALID. Don’t let anyone tell you to get over it or calm down. Feel how you feel.


Just be glad that he has grandparents that love him so much, let them enjoy it.

First world problems… I mean seriously, this is what’s troubling you? Consider yourself and your child completely blessed. Some people are struggling to feed their children and put clothes on their back. Be thankful and blessed for all you and yours have.


Be thankful that theyre so caring and giving…theyre excited too. Go shopping with your mil and buy things together. Enjoy it!

I let my family buy my new baby whatever they want and I am super grateful, caring for a baby is expensive.

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My grandmother used to do this but with christmas and birthday gifts. Finally I wised up and started telling them I was getting her something super expensive. They would end up buying that and I could buy her the things she told me she really wanted.

My son is 2 and my husbands family have never brought him anything!!! Appreciate it and buy more yourself


Be grateful. It will be out of love. Get a grip please. You need people like that.


It’s really not that big of a deal, I think your over reacting. They are excited and are being thoughtful… you should be thankful not upset

I’m a grammie and I’m guilty to a degree of doing this… But its not for a need to be in control its more a want to help my daughter. I like spoiling my grandbabies I buy them stuff all the time …mostly my daughter appreciates it because its less money she has to spend

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My dad bought my son his first personalized ornament. It cost 55 dollars. I wasnt upset because it was so beautiful and he felt that my son deserved that ornament no matter how much it was. I took the money we saved and bought him clothes he needed.

You’re DEFINITELY overreacting. Seriously… who gets upset about their children’s grandparents buying their kid things!? The child is also their first grandkid. Let them enjoy buying things and save your money. This is the very definition of first world problems


Baby clothes and items are expensive. Some people have no one to buy these things for them. Take the items and be thnakful but you can always get your own too :two_hearts:

I would LOVE if my kids grandparents did that. You should be happy that your LO has a great support system. Grandparents are a gift from above and not every child is lucky enough to experience that love. I would be so grateful. If it bothers you you could ask them to right grandma and grandpa on the ornaments (or whatever they go by)


I wouldn’t be bothered by this at all.

:roll_eyes: totally over reacting.

Buy one for him. Stop overreacting. My in laws and my parents buy each of my kids an ornament…each year…along with myself&husband. I have a pretty box for each child & I make sure to label/date them every year. When the kids grow up, they will get their boxes full of ornaments from everyone that loves them.

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Oh my god people love my baby and but things for them, how much worse could my life be?!

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Seriously?! Let’s trade grandparents!

OMG! Stop! Do you realize how special this love will be for your child? You can buy him first things too. I think my kids had three first Christmas ornaments. Count your amazing blessings instead of bitching!!

It sounds like you’re the one with the need to be in control. I’d say thank you and be thankful you have people to help. My kids dont have good grandparents on my side and both my husbands parents are dead. Be grateful.


You can buy these items for your baby, my parents always bought all our kids first ordainments but we did as well. They are just excited to have their first grand baby, I doubt it’s out of anything else but excitement and love.

I think when that baby grows up no one will remember who bought what for the baby, but the memories that are made with the baby. Enjoy the moments, not the materialistic items.

I think that’s very kind of your in laws but I think they’re over stepping their boundaries a bit. My parents always asked me before buying any of my sons “firsts”. For example this year was his first Halloween and my mom wanted to buy all the grandkids a pumpkin but since it was my sons first they asked if it was ok if they bought it. My fiancé and I told them that we preferred to go pick his first pumpkin out with my son and my parents were fine with that.
If I were you maybe you or your husband could explain to them how you appreciate their thoughtfulness but certain things you guys, as his parents, would prefer to buy.

I’m guessing your first child as well? :joy: I think you’re way over reacting. They can have more than one of those items if you want.
Doesn’t sound like they are being controlling just caring and excited. You’ll have a LONG road ahead if something that small is already bothering you.


Why be upset be thankful that you have family there, I wish my kids had that.

Let them for their home. Buy your own things if it is that bothersome. Be thankful your child still has his grandparents to spoil them, others? Arent so lucky. I’d give anything to have my mom buy something for my son (newborn) and my 2 daughters. Sadly, she died in 2016. So, please be thankful they love your child and that they are still alive.

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Be thankful, their just really excited about the baby. My family the same way and I’m fine with it I don’t really have to buy anything :joy:

nothing wrong with having two ornaments that are different from his momma and his grandparents. Nothing wrong with two outfits for holidays either. LawD I wish someone would buy me a few outfits!


My inlaws bought my crib, carseat, rocker , stroller, and high chair and i never asked. It released alot of financial stress over having to buy them and which ones. Just accept the gift. I am thankful and i think you are overreacting.

So theres noting else you wanna buy them :laughing:

Just talk to them about saying/asking before hand. Thats what they should do with stuff like that. My dad did but i didnt expect him to pay 55

Buy the stuff that way your baby has their ‘first’ from gparents and ‘first’ from you

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I’d appreciate the help

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You are definitely overreacting. Just be grateful.


Don’t be upset about any of that… My daughter has like 10 my first Christmas ornaments and outfits. Just buy him one you like too.


Baby can have more than one of those things! I would just be grateful you have people like that in little ones life x

Lol, if you want to buy the same items AS WELL, go ahead! She’s not hurting anything! Babies can wear more than one outfit in a day :wink: 🤷:heart:

My mom buys all my kids stuff I love. But maybe try talking to them and say I want to buy some stuff

Be thankful. You can also buy this stuff and choose what to put your child in.

be grateful for their presence in your child’s life. I didn’t have grandparents growing up!

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Just because they bought it doesn’t mean that you have to use it on those special days. You can just dress him up for a few the day before thanksgiving and take pics of him in outfit and the Christmas pjs can be worn whenever needed. Ornament just put it on the tree and you can buy him one too🤷‍♀️ My MIL did this too and still is with our second saying here is Maya’s coming home from hospital outfit. I thanked her and said we appreciate it but she won’t be there so we will just take a pic of her in it another time. Don’t let it stress you. My MIL and me have always gotten into it with her taking my son to do 1sts so I understand how frustrating it is. She said she is Grammy so she deserves to do the firsts since we have him all the time but I told her she already got to do firsts with her kids and it’s my turn now and things have been better and less of her fighting me on dumb shit. Just say thanks and smile and don’t let it bother you. Your feelings are valid even if it seems stupid to someone else they don’t know how much it may be bothering you. Just set boundaries.

Be thankful that you have in-laws that are wanting to buy things for your little one. Sounds like you’re the one who wants to be in control. In I don’t see why you can have two ornaments or sets of Christmas pjs? First world problems. :roll_eyes:

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Use one outfit in the morning and one in the late afternoon after baby messes on the first outfit! Don’t forget to take pics! It doesn’t hurt to have two ornaments for baby’s first Christmas, you could always add Love mom and dad to the one you buy :blush: congrats on having parents that are so thrilled to be grandparents! Some don’t get so lucky. Enjoy every moment!

I’m saying I have 3 kids…feel free to send them my way if they want to buy stuff…

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