My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

Just say thank you !

You can also buy these things, theres no rule you cant have more than one. Your baby has great grandparents,be happy they want to be so interested and help you out too.

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Accept their gifts graciously, your bundle of joy can’t have too much love. Grandparents are special so be glad that your little one is cherished by them.


Atleast you dont have to that is a blessing. I’d die to have mine even involved. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Well tbh my nan and grandad brought my baby boy his first money bank and filled it my mom and dad will be buying his first pair of shoes ( they have all offered and wanted to we’ve never asked ) and I absolutely love it my family is everything to me and my boy and they have all been there and I’ve brought him things like my first curl and tooth his memory box things like that but last year he was a few days old my family brought him my first Christmas bits I think it’s not the end of the world and should allow everyone that wants to be apart be apart but that being said if my exes family brought my baby stuff like his first it would annoy but but we have our problems with them all neglecting my son and also controlling him and he’s only a baby they always tried to control what I do ect but that’s our situation yours is that you are together you are a happy healthy family so why not it’s a lovely thing

If the ornament really bothers you that much, suggest they keep it for their own tree. And then get your own. Or paint on the one that they bought something like, with love from grandma and grandpa 2019, so when you pass them down to your child they’ll mean that much more.


I wouldnt be upset about that at all. Just get a new ornament made with your family on it and have it say “our first Christmas” no problem in having 2 :woman_shrugging:t3:

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Just buy the ones you want as well no reason you can’t have both


I AM A grandmother not trying to take away from you wanting to give to you and baby they are just as excited as you are they just want for you all would never want you to feel bad


You’re saving money and he’s getting what you were going to get him anyways. I’d be happy with it.

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It is a wonderful thing to have grandparents who do this!! You can also get many firsts. You can get him his first ornament also. It will be from you. There is no reason why you cant. It is a pleasure to do this for our grandchildren or when my parents did it for mine. They are doing it out of LOVE for their grandchild


They just meant well you are overreacting aren’t you happy that your in laws are showing love to their first grandchild. What if it was your parents that bought the items instead of them would you be upset also?


The ornament issue is a stretch. We have a dozen for each baby that are all different. Be grateful that you have thoughtful and generous inlaws.


Buy him your own my first stuff?

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I’d be happy that they care. Honestly, they are just buying stuff that every other grandparents buy. It’s really not I control thing. Do you just not like them?


My oldest has like 4 my first ornaments and my youngest the same!

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Ps kids, especially babies tend to be kind of…well…messy. he will have a backup for the outfit/s.

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Should be happy they’re buying baby stuff lol some people don’t even have help or anything so damn be greatful you ungreatful grinch

I don’t think they are doing this to be in control, they are doing this because they love their grand baby. Be grateful. I would love for my children to have grandparents like them.


As long as they don’t tell you how to raise the baby and medal I. Your marriage you’re good! Buy him what you want also, it’s ok. He’s your first child, they usually are showered with twos of everything. Count your blessings and apologies to your hubby. Don’t stick him in the middle of it, he CANNOT control what they do, nor should he be your messenger of complaints. You are blessed to have them, build. Strong a caring relationship with them, respect them and appreciate them. Remember, your children are watching your relationships and how you treat others and they will treat others how you treat them. I’ve been down this road already and I know first hand.

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Be thankful for it. Clothes are just clothes. As far as the ornament just bc they bought him one doesnt mean you cant to. Maybe ask if they want that one for thier tree if not put it on yours next to the one you buy.


Maybe just let them know how you feel. Communication is key. They can still buy stuff and enjoy in the excitement but just let them know maybe not to buy certain things so you can enjoy buying them as well (like my first things).

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Sounds like they are just happy grandparents hun. Even just put away those or use both!

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My in laws did the same with my 1st born I finally got to buy something for my baby before they could and it just struck a conversation. She was like we could’ve got that for her and I said well I want to buy SOMETHING for my baby it’s my first child too and she just was like oh ok I get it, I’m sorry we’ll back off a bit. Lol I wasnt really upset about them doing it but I felt like some things were meant for me to do for her, so I get where you’re coming from.

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Your emotions are valid whether other people agree or not. They are YOUR feelings and if it bothers you then discuss it with the in laws. And please listen to others who completely dismiss others feelings. You don’t need that kind of negativity.

You need to get your hormones checked. Clearly there is something wrong with you…unless you are just an ungrateful dil.


Enjoy it while they are alive to be grandparents. One day they will be gone & you will feel bad for being under cover upset with them. You can still buy your baby other things. Let them enjoy it right now. :wink: They could buy absolutely NOTHING and then what would you have to say then?? I’m a parent & grandparent. :heart:


There isn’t an issue here, if you want to do it, do it as well… out on outfit o Christmas and one boxing day, put the ornament they bought kn their tree and the one you buy on yours, they are just trying to be a part of the babies life and are thankful for him. Taking control is ENTIRELY different to this situation, you’ll know if it happens

It’s their first grandchild. Of course they’re going to buy all that stuff. I would take a breath and be grateful they are so involved. Let them buy stuff. You have all the power here because you have the baby. Buy other stuff


I would count your blessings! We have custody of my husbands nieces and my in-laws pay no regards to our children only the nieces. Your baby is loved and that’s all that matters!


I wouldn’t worry. You buy the things you want for these moments and use them prominently (center of the tree, on the holiday for dinner/pictures) and use their stuff as filler ie, in the days before or as the second outfit after everyone has oohh’d and aahh’d and he spits up or has a blowout in the outfit you got him. 


Be grateful and accept the help while it’s available. One day u may need help and not have any

Buy him a set from you. Babies spit up and have accidents what are the chances that he won’t need changed on those days? Also buy a first christmas ornament there’s nothing wrong with having one from you and one from the grandparents. They’re excited, so are you. But you can both give him special things.

I always say think about how you will be or feel In their shoes decades from now. How would you want your efforts to be received?

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My mother in law doesn’t buy anything for our daughter nor does she want to see her. so if it were me, I wouldn’t be upset about it. I wish my mother in law cared enough to do those things!


Let them spoil him, at least they adore him.

My first had 8 my first Christmas ornaments, she got 5 as a baby gift, we purchased her main one, then had 2 given as gifts at Christmas time.

She had so my my first Christmas outfits.

It didn’t bug me at all I was greatful For it all and still purchased what I wanted for her.

Yes 16 yrs from now, you’re gonna feel silly. When they are gone, you’re gonna remember those keep sakes. You can buy him another Christmas ornament from you. My dad died 4 yrs ago and I cherish the things he did buy. Every Christmas we talk about how awful his present were. My boys miss him so much and everything he ever bought for them we still have.

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Yes. Grow up and say thank you. Let them enjoy their first grand baby and appreciate the gifts.


Is this a real question?!


Is it control? Or do they just love your baby. Be grateful. Why cant you buy an ornament also? Change his outfit?? What if they didnt pay him any attention? These things will be nice to have as memories later on. Don’t over react.


Girl what!! :rofl: you are BLESSED! something that a lot of people dont have ! (Family buying/showing love to your kid) take it in… it’s a blessing… that doesn’t mean u cant buy extra things if you really feel the need to!. That’s ridiculous for you to feel that way. ! I accepted everything my family bought for my son. Cause that’s great help that you may actually need later on!


Remind them how much fun they had buying their kids first. Tell them you want to experience it too… tell them there are plenty of things they can do but ______________ are the things you want to do

Also. I’m a MiMi so I understand both sides lol

Be thankful. You can buy those things too! Grow up. There is nothing about this that says they want to be in control. You sound like a spoiled entitled little brat.

I would be happy if they were that involved. My parents and I laws are not in the right financial state but anything they do give I appreciate. Let them be. Plus babies sorry up their clothes a lot, use it as the 2nd pair of clothes for the same day.

I think its wonderful to have grandparents that want to do that stuff. I don’t believe it should even be a question. With the ornament there is no rule saying the baby cant have 2. One they picked out and one you picked out.


My in-laws did that for my first one he had a tricycle for the first Xmas he was 9 months old my 2 yr old brother enjoy it
2 yr old snow suits at 9 month we could buy any thing I got mad now I look back and think how silly that was now I would. Say buy more lol

Grandparents just love them precious babies so much!! Just let them buy want they want and say thank you for loving us!!!

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I wish my in laws cared even half of what yours do. Be grateful. You are blessed.


Be thankful they are doing it! Small things like that shouldnt bother you. You can still buy an ornament and let them keep the other if it bothers you that much. Use that money to get baby something else

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It’s not them being in control get out of that mind set or you’ll start unnecessary drama. There’s nothing wrong with them buying the baby things you’re overreacting a little.


I would be so happy for this! Just be thankful you have such caring grandparents! My kids don’t have any of that!


You’re acting like a big baby. I have never \ will never ask before buying my grandkids something. I know what they’re allowed to have, I know ehat they could get hurt on.So I just buy. You gota use common sense. Be thankful you have some body else that loves your child.


You know you can just buy him your own first Christmas and ornaments and outfits right ? Be thankful


No I totally understand where you are coming from.
And you are allowed to your feelings.
First thing, dont get upset with them, they are probably over the moon, rather try to put yourself in their shoes.
Second all of the first ones should be left to the parents, I mean thats your first baby.
I would talk to them, be open and honest about your feelings, tell them that you want to be able to pick what you want for babie’s first anything, they seem very loving and Im pretty sure they would understand.
If you think they’ll feel hurt (wich is very possible) because they are also allowed to their feelings.
Then put the outfit on take pictures and print them for them, but have your baby wear what you want.
I mean you are the parent!!!


I would say be thankful and grateful for what they’ve gifting. They are excited too! Some don’t have grandparents around anymore and others do but they aren’t involved. If there are certain things going forward maybe show them ahead of time the one you’re thinking so if they gift it maybe it’ll be the same one. Or mention you’re excited to buy “xyz” etc. Plus nothing wrong with having extra’s.


Buy baby what you want to buy baby. Babys will go through everything you have and gmas have some days

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WOW all I can say is really


If it bothers you so much then tell them you want to buy him his first holiday outfits… let them know what you want to buy… just be thankful they’re so involved with your son, some people aren’t so lucky to have that for their kids


Let them do it! If you want a specific one then you buy it too!


You could just be grateful AND buy your son whatever you want.
:woman_shrugging: Don’t see the big deal.


I seriously hope you don’t face any real problems in life :astonished:.

Your child is being showered with love from every direction unless you feel they are a threat to your child why jump up and down ? especially over a out fit … tho it wouldn’t be hard to put your child in the outfit they purchased for 2 seconds to send the grandies a pic. Embrace it :purple_heart:


I don’t think theirs anything wrong with baby having 2 of each. Take a pic of baby wearing their alfit and send them the pic then change baby to the one you got for him? Be grateful you have loving & caring in laws.
Don’t stress over little things it’s not good for you or baby :blush:

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Pick your battles let them win this one

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From a grandmas point of view, they are just buying the baby stuff because they are excited and love them. Buy him a ornament that doesn’t say my 1st Christmas, try to find something that they love such as a cartoon character, animal,or start buying them a hallmark series one each year, you can still buy him or her a first Christmas ornament, I think my kids each ended up with 4 or 5 because everybody bought them one.

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I would be happy and grateful if my kid had the opportunity to get extra attention from his grandparents. It’s my dream :purple_heart::pensive:

No I wouldn’t be upset. You have plenty to buy. Be thankful that they love the baby and want to do things.

I don’t think they are trying to be in control? I think you should be thankful to have in-laws that care that much and want to buy him those things. He’s not going to remember who it comes from anyway and if you don’t like the outfit just buy a different one :woman_shrugging:t3: sounds to me they are just excited to be new grandparents and are trying to be nice. Not to be mean but it sounds like you might be over reacting a little.

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You should be proud that they are willing to do things like this you can always have another first christmas ornament.and any thing you want to do just thank them and be glad their willing to help

Be thankful he has grandparents that love him enough to be around and buy him those things.


Yes, you’re wrong. Be grateful.

Did you ever say o want to do x y z? If you specifically said that and they went and did it anyway yes I’d be upset. They love your kid and that’s great- but if there are certain things you feel are important set boundaries. You can’t be mad at them overstepping if you didn’t express it.

Be thankful!! You are lucky😍

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All I see is you saving money :moneybag:


Relax there will be plenty of first. They are just exsighted about being grandparents. You can still by first things, having more then one is fine

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Say something now it will only get worse.

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You’re overreacting. One day your in-laws will be gone and you will wish you reacted differently. Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Grandparents love to spoil their grandchildren let them!


You can still buy them. Buy him his first Christmas ornament put it on your tree. Buy his first Christmas outfit. Put him in it. Dont think too much if it. Let it go, really:) just buy him things too.


I don’t get mad when my parents buy my daughter things without asking. I do get irritated when my parents demand certain outfits be put on her. Or they change her when they have her and then change her back before I pick her up. What she wears day to day is not that important.

I think you are over reacting… but I understand how you feel about it. I lost my son and had 2 miss carriages and when my daughter was born after a premier I didn’t care who got her what SHE WAS HERE. Think of it as saving you money and just enjoy. The clothes have really changed since she had babies to buy for

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They’re excited too. Make him one with his foot print or handprint.


Buy what you want. I had a couple first Christmas ornaments. As for outfits I put the ones I bought on first and for pictures. What you do t want leave at their house and say on we have one of those already. If mil asks about an item tell her or ask for the receipt to return it I made no apologies for what I wanted to do as special things for my boys

Be greatful!! My mother-in-law is the only grandparent my kids have, and I appreciate the things she does for my kids.

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Be happy that you have in laws that care. Alot don’t. I understand and get where your coming from, but think about this way…there is no specific 1 first ornament or out fit. A child can have a first whatever moment day type outfit from grandparents, one from parents, aunts, etc. Same with the ornaments. You can still buy them yourself and be from mommy or from mom and dad. As well as have one for grandparents. Its more about the love the child has by so many that love em. There will be many many first things you can buy your child that grandparents can’t.

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Soon they will be buying him his first car and first house :ok_hand: it’s all good chill tf out :joy:


Dont be upset, be thankful, believe me it will wear off. Lol while you are getting help, just be blessed. You have tons off stuff to get. Babies always need something.


You can buy an ornament too. I mean really stop being dramatic. No one said he only can have one. That’s not them being in control. That’s them being excited first time grandparents. Let them spoil him.


I would just buy your own still :woman_shrugging:t4: you can just your babe wear the outfit for a picture or later on in the day. My in laws don’t buy anything for our baby…ever. It’s sweet to have more people to love your baby as long as you have healthy boundaries.


:joy: Girl be grateful. You sound so ungrateful


Be grateful,being a grandparent I can understand the love and excitement they are feeling! Buy that special outfit as well, I’ve never known a baby to have too many outfits!


Ummmm I don’t think they’re the ones with the control issue. They seem to be very happy with their first grand child. We can’t control what they want to buy. I would be grateful and happy for getting it for him/her.


I read the first line and I’m not even gonna read the rest of the post. Yes you’re overreacting. They care about your child and that should make you beyond happy. You’re saving money not having to buy it you can buy your baby other things


I have children and i was grateful to have things bought for my daughter my mum and bought things from them the other half parents didn’t buy anything for their granddaughter now we are grandparents we buy things for our grandchildren if my daughter was upset because i bought 1st Christmas it would be well they have two then put up with it

I would be thankful, but I also understand that that’s something you’d like to do!

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Ass a grandparent all I can say we are thrilled and in love especially our first grandbaby. So let them love on him and you can buy what you want they don’t need to know!

Take a deep breath Momma. They are just excited. What I would do is get ahead of the next first. Let them know that you love and appreciate them but that you want to handle the next milestone.

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Over reacting. My mother in law did the same thing last year and I was very happy.

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He can have more than one “first” make it first from mommy and daddy and first from grandparents. I think it’s special they are involved at all. A lot of kids miss out on grandparents. Just try to not worry. Plus when they are 10. You don’t even really care about that stuff so much anymore :joy:

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Just put it away or donate it and buy the items if you want to :blush:

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