My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

Think of the money you’ll save

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Let them. It’s what grandparents do.

Let them that’s money you can spend on different baby stuff or save

Be happy you have family that want to do that.

It wouldn’t bother me :woman_shrugging:

No big deal there will be plenty more stuff to buy him. Thats what Grandparents do.

You can buy one also.

Be thankful instead of acting spoiled.

Enjoy having people that help you. Just material not that important

Why make a big deal about it

Im sorry but how silly to be upset over this. You just sound ungrateful.

Yes if my children don’t want me to be in their life ok no problem don’t ask me to baby set trust me you will need a break pay someone you can’t trust

Oooookkkkay…you want to spend money on something that makes others happy to buy FOR YOU??? REALLY???
Buy away!!!

Honey you are over reacting enjoy the ride life is too short

I would just go an buy my own.:heartpulse::blush:

Be glad you have someone that likes buy things You can still buy things…

Relax its there baby too

Aw dont be upset when you become a grandma you will do the same thing ,

Dont use the stuff and go buy your own

1 outfit is never enough.

Let them buy stuff that don’t mean you can’t buy him things too just saying

Over reacting u have the baby let them feel special by buying things just be grateful

I appreciate everyone saying you should be thankful/grateful/etc. But I too was a new mom just last year. He’s 13 months now. And I understand how you feel. It isn’t that you aren’t grateful. It’s that you want to experience every aspect of his/her life. I could be wrong in my assumption, but that’s how I felt. I think I felt that way more because my moment of holding my son first was stolen from me. I had asked to have the ‘magic hour’ with just me and my husband and our little one before anyone else held him. Everyone was there through the labor (personally got really crowded for me) but I knew they wanted to be there so I stayed quiet. But after things started going wrong, I had to have an emergency c-section and while I was still getting sewn up, he got passed around. I think I was like the 10th person to hold him. That’s why I get so upset when I’m not part of his ‘firsts.’ My compromise is to share them. Although my in-laws have experienced some firsts without me and like to tell me about it, I just have to breathe and tell myself that he hasn’t had that ‘first’ with me yet. I am truly grateful that he has sooo many people in his life that love him. But it’s normal to feel the way you do. I get it. I think often times the grandparents forget how it feels. I know I probably will too when I become a grandparent. I hear it’s special. :heart: and yes, I also agree that not every child is blessed with grandparents. But you feeling the way you do is still valid. So don’t beat yourself up over it. Just try to accept that your lil baby has a lot of people who love him, but you are the mommy. And that doesn’t change. And like people said, he can get multiples of things. My husband and I received two first chirstmas ornaments, which were cute, but we had a ‘our first Christmas’ ornament for us that we found a matching baby boy and so to us, that’s the special one.

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Grandparents leave this life first, it is natural and beautiful they should want to “leave” something of value to their Grandchildren. You are very fortunate and so is your child. Don’t worry, you will get to buy everything they don’t. Save the money for a rainy day.

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Be thankful they care so much

Oh god get over yourself… be grateful!

Open your mouth and be boss. I had problems with my babies grandma’s. Just communicate with them. Also going to add, after the first child ,you will not worry so much about it. I promise you.

Get over yourself. Be grateful.

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Is this the way you want your son to act when he starts his own family.

Enjoy it. Stop. And say thank you

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Let them spend it. Be grateful

And this is a problem? Smh

Would accept graciously

Talk to them. Maybe y’all can do those things together.

Over reacting… much!

I think you are over reacting

Wayyyyyy overeating :joy::joy::joy::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming:

Get over ur damn self.

You should be thankful

I think that you are childish and silly. Be grateful! You are just a spoiled brat! You be the first to teach baby Real things! About Jesus and love and things that really matter.

Sit down SHUT UP AND BE GREATFUL. There are alot of Grandparents that dont do anything for their grandchildren…STOP YOUR BITCHING!!! My parents have never laid eyes on my children.

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I tell you what as an ex mother in law to a ex daughter in law of I did anything it was always wrong but let your mama ar daddy do something honkie dory. Before my first grandchild was born she says no body is gonna be Grammy or grandpa so I say ok I will be Nana. Guess who was called grandma and grandpa. Yep her parents. You female’s need to get over yourself these are your husbands kids also and he has parents that want to love their grandchildren also.

I wouldn’t make a big deal about it. Who says the “my first outfits” have to be worn the day of. You can have the вαвч wear whatever they got him during the month and whatever my first outfits you get him u can put on the day of if that makes u feel better. My kids all have multiple outfits so they wear them throughout the month. And the ornament is just cute because it’s from their grand parents. Go get ur own made… who cares !

They can have more than one first Christmas ornament.

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Yea :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: ungrateful too