My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

As a parent of 5…you are NOT over reacting…“I” get/have gotten ALL 5 of my kiddos their first year things. It’s part of the joys of being a parent. With them wanting all of that for their grandbaby I get it too…they are excited. BUT there is the fine line of asking if its ok first. They already had there baby/babies. You could just let them know that you already got your baby something you would like for them to wear or have for their first holidays but they could put that outfit on them for pics…or hang the ornament on grandma and grandpa’s tree…its hard to tell people no I get it been there with the first granddaughter!!! Everyone had to buy her “first” everything!!! :heart: it’s nice to get those memories bcuz soon enough they wont be there…but the child will have those to keep/cherish forever…no such thing as too much love.

Why can he not have one from you and one from them . .you should be happy they want to shower him with love…

Let them. They love him too. More people they love him, the better off he will be. Also, no reason he can’t have those items from you too. I still have my ornaments from when I was young. I’m 46. I love them all and each year when I get them out, I love reminiscing. It will all be good. Enjoy your baby and your family.

You should be happy that they care. You will have many years to buy for your little one.

I’m a grandma and an ornament is a memory I have done with 14 and 11 year old grandchildren.
We do get carried away with grandchildren but never do I think we intend to hurt the moms and dads. If we do speak gently lol and tell us to back off.

Tell them how you fell and find a compromise that works for all of you.

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Grandparents will win in the long run jusr don’t go overboard &@better to do it together

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Its just stuff…make the memories… thats what’s remembered

Keep in mind your baby is also their first. Be patient with them. They are excited about all the first’s just like you are. Buy your own “first” stuff if you feel the need to. But i wouldn’t sweat the small stuff.

Your statement to me, comes off as a bit of being selfish on your part. These gifts are material items/things. At the end of the day, does it really matter that this material object was purchased by them or you?
You can still purchase what you want and have a spare. How lucky your child is to have, Grandparents. Relax.

No your not over reacting. But think about it like this. If you had a friend and they bring your son a present and its the ornament or pjs. Do you think you would feel this way about your friend thinking of your son. You can get YOUR son whatever you want. Youre the momma. You call the shots.

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Stop being ungreatful Ur lucky u have good in-laws some would love Ur in-laws I use to buy mine things u would be the same if Ur child got nothing

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It’s their 1st grandchild,they want to show their love,they are not taking over,or taking away you’re moment,they are just being grandparents showing their love .

You just accept the gifts and buy you own and use both. Their excited.

Let the grandparents by the baby stuff while they’re still here on this Earth to do it. There is nothing stopping you from also buying him outfits and ornaments.
Put the outfit you buy him on for your family party and the outfit the in laws by the baby for their family party.

So you buy the main ones. 1st, everything and just be proud they care.

That’s what grandparents do. They enjoy doing it. And you can always get your baby something else. Let them do them!

Just because she bought a first Christmas ornament doesn’t mean you can’t get your own. My boys had multiple first. Their first ornament was after their room… Noah’s Ark, Wildlife animals. 2nd was what they really loved like trains, dinos. When they have their own tree they get all their ornaments. Having 2 first outfits is great. Babies go thru them during the day. One might be dressy for opening gift, pics and the other more comfortable or practical. There’s always ways around it.

You are overreacting! You should be thankful that someone cares about your son and is willing to spend and go out of their way. I wouldn’t say anything except be thankful to them. But if you like something get it for your son!

I don’t think you should allow yourself to be upset by these things. It takes away your joy and that you can control and decide to not let it. Your child can have more then one 1st Christmas Ornament, Outfit, Etc. It’s really not worth the worry or hard feelings. Try to see the blessing that your baby is so very loved by many. Breathe Mama and enjoy these moments.

My kids have at least 10 my first baby ornenents, stuffed animaks, outfits, stockings u name it someone bought it. I bought them to and they love them all they are 15 and 11 now. Be happy they are involved get ur own sets too take pics in all . Bring back ups cuz kids get messy on holidays

Buy another ornament that u want!? The child can have 2 ornaments that say my first Christmas on it. My children did… u may be over reacting just a smidge. They are excited and want to buy for him so let them :woman_shrugging:

It’s a little insensitive. Regardless of what they bought, I’d still do my own thing

Overreacting i think … At least u have it be grateful for what u have in life im sure u have more important things to be worried about

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You can still but your own just do outfit changes for pics or throw out the day. As for the ornaments you can still but one too. I bought a bunch for each of my children’s first Christmas. My mom bought them one too. Then when they get older they can have them for their tree and I can still keep one to represent them on mine.

I think you are going a bit overboard. Take the money for those things and start a car or college fund. They will appreciate that more in the future.:wink:

They can have more than one first Christmas ornament.

Can still buy what you want. Put theirs on when they come over. Hang where they can see. Lucky to have grandparents who Love n want to be there.

Get your own too and let him use both next year set boundaries

You can buy it too. !! No rule it says it can only be 1 first Christmas ornaments or pjs

Don’t have to put them on the baby. I didn’t cusi didn’t like the outfit my mil bought my baby for Christmas

Not a big deal be happy that they are living and caring just cause they bought him my first anything you can always buy it to for him

You just buy him the first from mommy and take pictures.

She can have more than one
There are so many different ones out there
Don’t let it spoil your holiday
You get to Choose what she wears and when and u can’t have too ornaments

Welcome to people becoming grandparents. I bet they mean well, but might need to be reminded what it was like when their first child was born.

Buy your own us grandparents love our babies too let us love them and spoil them …dont keep us out of the baby’s life …stop being a meanie and let’s all enjoy the baby …u can also buy stuff if there helping u out with things appreciate it …

Unfortunately grandparents aren’t always going to be around, if they buy him an ornament you buy an ornament that you like for him, if they buy his first Thanksgiving outfit do what I did, let him wear it for a few hours then change him into the other outfit, same thing with Christmas, it shouldn’t be a fight, it’s there first grandkid let them have a few things, no need to upset yourself, and for gifts for Christmas give them a list of things to get him while you get the stuff you want to buy. Life is to short, I grew up without grandparents (long story) anyways I loved when my kids grandparents bought them stuff took a load off of me and my husband.

I’m sorry i disagree with everyone else. Why let them waste their money. I think there is a polite but firm way for your husband and you tell his parents how you feel.

Its a boundry thing keep in mind every one is excited about the new addition to your family. Talk to them about it and they will knowbto drop a hint before buying stuff

Been there and felt that… but honestly by my second child I realized how I was taking things and felt bad about not letting my mother in law help more… I was jealous of what she would by for them… dont let that be a regret for you. Let them enjoy spoiling the grandbabies… they aren’t around them as long as you will be…and your relationship is through the love you give your babies not whether you were the first to buy them or to but their first of things. You’ll have tons of firsts that grandparents won’t be there for. Hang in there momma

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You tell your husband to support you damn it and mention this in a way that will tell them how you feel without over reacting. That or accept it with Grace and just tell your husband how you feel. If you tell them, they might not take it so well

my daughters mother in law does that and it upsets her cos she wanted to do it for her child

No reason you cant still buy what you planned on buying.

Take what you can get. The child does not know or care who bought what.

Buy what you want Too, the tree is big enough for more than one first Christmas ornament and like wise with the outfits

If it makes u feel any better my kids grandma doesnt buy them anything?

When it comes to babys first items i think people should run it by the new parents to make sure they are not overstepping any boundries or stepping on anyones toes. Comunication is key and needs to be respected

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Buy your own for him and have his birth date on it, that way when he gets older he can put his own on the tree

Are you kidding be glad you have grandparents for your kid some kids don’t have that. You can buy other things. Just let them be grandparents. It will bother you some but get over it and let them do what they want

Buy everything you wanted to buy doubles don’t hurt…kids are messy…he will need changed …after the holidays…have a talk with need for boundaries…be nice and could you just pass it by me before you buy…my daughter and I had the conversation…I still sneak a few things in…hhaha… and the newness will wan…Good luck…

You can buy him all those things as well. It’s your child and you can get those items and dress him in your outfit first, take it off and dress him in theirs. You can never have too many ornaments so it doesn’t matter if you both buy him one. They are excited and you should feel blessed that he has grandparents who love him. Some children are not that lucky. Be kind and le them share in those experiences.

Their need to be in control? So since they bought one you can’t buy your own? That just sounds childish to me… would you feel the same if your mom bought the same things? I think you are definitely overreacting and most people would be delighted to have in-laws like that… babies, especially 10 month olds get their outfits messy real quick so what’s the harm in having more than one outfit…

Well, I say from experience that my mother in law and I never got a long. She was definitely a boundary pusher. Sounds like your in laws may be too but what I have learned from it all (my daughter is 7 now) is that you have to pick and choose your battles with boundaries pushers that are going to be a permanent fixture in your child’s life.

I have to be patient not only with her, but myself too. Before I fly off the handle, I have to ask if this is a fight worth having. Am I being petty or is this important.

I let my mother in law spoil my daughter rotten. But I remain firm about other stuff.

To me, this is small stuff. Wait until it is something big to pull out the big guns. Because trust me, there will be bigger stuff down the road.

Sweetie don’t let it bother you it will just make you and your husband argue be thankful if they are buying stuff for him mine didn’t do s*** she had four boys and no girls she said if I had a girl I would spoil her I had the first grandchild and it was a girl I had another one both was treated like they were even on Earth of course I end up divorcing that no count

This is one of those things you can’t control. so change your attitude about it.

Stop. Have another child or 2 or 3 and you will appreciate their kindness. You are being over reactive.

Let them buy what they want. If you have something in mind you wanted to get, then you get it.

You can buy one too. There isn’t a rule that they can only have one.

It’s not control it’s love for you and the baby enjoy it they won’t be around for ever

Its material stuff…nothing will take control of the experience for your first but you…

Its material objects. If they were pushing you out of seeing your baby’s first steps or first word then I would complain too.

My parents didn’t give a crap about my son. Be thankful

I think it’s Great that there buying him those things. That way u have money for diapers wipes his basic things. Be happy not sad.

I would see if you both can go shopping and pick out together. But make sure she pays. LOL

Always can use more than one…

Go ahead and upset them, where they have to ask you what to buy. Been thru that, let them be put you dollars into kid college or voc ed fund.

Let them do anything they want to buy . This is their big thrill. Yours was having the baby. Start a piggy bank onstead.

It’s their grand baby,let them do what they want & stop being petty!!! You can have more then 1 ornament!!!

They’re not in control we can both buy one it’s not that hard

You can have more than one baby’s 1st Chritmas ornament


You can still buy him his first x example stuff. Yeah you’re the mom and you wanna do certain things. But I don’t really think they’re being controlling. If it is so irksome just tell them simply that you want to buy the stuff.

Think of all the money your saving, not to mention how thoughtful they are.

I don’t buy anything without asking first

You can let them buy him whatever they want but you get to decide whether he wears it or not. I did it. Who cares what they say. It’s your baby not theirs. If they try saying I wanted to see him in it, well did you guys consider that I already had an outfit. I don’t even understand why or how this is a question. Your the MOTHER, you decide. PERIOD !!!

Let them know how you feel. Certain thing YOU want too get and they cross the line. That you understand how excited they are but its your baby.

Be happy you have people to even help you buy those things. They cost money!!! My son never had all that bull crap you’re complaining about so pull your panties put that oversized butt and thank them!

Oh please just go and buy your own ! Be thankful your child has grandparents that do that !


They are excited and happy. Not trying to be in control. Lighten up.


A child can never be loved too much.

Be thankfully and appreciate the gifts…

Be grateful…they love your child!

I would be so grateful,

Just Be Happy They Are There For Your Baby A lot Of Kids Don’t Have That Privilege . If They But It And You Wanted To But It First Go And Buy It Anyways If It Bothers You That Much .

Be thankful share your feelings in a respectful way because it’s a blessing both of you are excited about

Enjoy ever minute of them loving there grandbaby.

They think they are helping. Be proud they want to help. Your time and love is what your baby will remember.:blush:

Enjoy their generosity while they are still able to do so

Enjoy it!!! Let them. You are very lucky that your child is soooo LOVED!!! Relax and thank God your child will have everything he needs!!!

Feel thankful they are excited. As a grandparent I dont think that they are trying to out do you.

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Don’t be selfish with your children. That’s a sad thing :cry:

Let them enjoy themselves. I understand how you feel but then I learned to appreciate the people that loved so much

Let your child have loving grandparents and calm down. They are showing love and you seem to see it as competition.

Just buy your own aswel, no need to be annoyed you can both buy the baby stuff! I’d be glad of the generosity

So sweet of them,your so lucky to have such lovely grandparents

Let them buy it, you can still buy all the “first’s” stuff for your baby! They are excited and want to do it, I think buy it whatever and share all around your baby can wear all the outfits and have ornaments from you and them! First Christmas ornaments from Mommy, Grandma and Grandpa! Keep the peace all around! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::blush: I think they are being harmless and are just excited, they mean well it sounds like! :blush::slightly_smiling_face::relaxed::blush::older_woman::older_adult::baby::woman:=:heart:

You can get bim these things too
Write on back of them from Mommy and Daddy with the date on it.

They are just excited to have a grand baby. It’s really not that serious :joy:

Sweetie that’s what grandparents are for to spoil the grandchildren don’t take it to heart

I do understand why you are upset. But they are the grandparents :woman_shrugging:

OMG you ever over reacting. You should be grateful.