My in laws are buying my baby things that I wanted to buy: Am I over reacting?

I didn’t know grandparents were supposed to ask to buy things for their grandbabies 🤦 let it go


Relax. It’s really not that serious. Be grateful you have in laws wanting to be there for their grandchild. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Just graciously accept and still buy what you want.


My family does that to me, it’s frustrating because I wanted to get the little things like this for my daughter. But i realized that they love her and want to be a part of all of her holiday experiences too, so i just have to pick my battles and be grateful that they love her as much as I do


You can buy my kids some 1st’s if it will make you feel better :rofl::rofl:


You can still buy the items too.

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Lori Anne Snell does this whole thing sound familiar? Lol

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My in laws did this too. It was frustrating but they were just excited. Take a breath, say thank you, and then go get the special things you wanted to get.


Well i guess they could stop buying your child things and just buy stuff for the next grand baby ya know since they want to “control everything”

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You can also google or Pinterest ideas for the “My first…” If you want to do something special with him. They have little keepsakes like the ornaments, hand towels, bowls, plates, etc that you can make and personalize if you feel like you’re being left out😊 I remember seeing one where the mom measured ribbon and put it in the ornament and wrote the year and something else on the ornament. It was super cute!

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The only reason you’re mad is bc you think they’re doing it bc you can’t or you won’t. They’re not. They’re doing it bc they’re excited about that baby… it’s not about you anymore. Having a baby is the point in life where it literally is never going to be about you. One day those grandparents aren’t going to be there to see all of the firsts. Your baby… even when grown is continually going to have more firsts, so let them dote on their grandbaby while they can! Not to mention my sons first Thanksgiving and Christmas he went through about three different outfits!! And you will have a tree, they will have a tree, maybe your parents have a tree??? That’s three first ornaments right there. And you can hang a hundred first ornaments for his first Christmas if you want!


Your complaining that your in laws are showering your new baby with gifts? Yes, I would say your hormones are getting the best of you. Be gracious and grateful they care. It sounds more like your need to be in control rather than theirs.


Girl, put on a blue dress and braid your hair, because you gotta let it go. For real.
Dress him how you want. It’s not like they are going to get yell at you if they don’t immediately see him in the outfits.
Decorate your tree how you want. It’s not like they are going to scour the tree in search of their ornament for him. If they do, they’re as crazy as you are. And FYI: This is not about their issue with control. It’s entirely about your issue with control. You need to let go of the reigns and ease up. Break that habit now or you’ll drive your in laws, husband, and your kids away, given enough time.


you are the one who dresses your baby so go out and buy him whatever thanksgiving/Christmas outfit you want him to wear! Don’t let it bother you just go ahead and buy him whatever you want anyway even if they already bought something! If you don’t like what they picked out then you can always donate it

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Just cuz they buy it doesn’t mean you cant​:woman_shrugging:t2::woman_shrugging:t2:

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Lauren Allyn… cody

Small things, wait until he gets older

This is so ridiculous.


Be grateful… buy other things, or buy ahead for the next stage. I wish I had that problem though lol.

Just because they gave it to you dosnet mean you half to use it still buy your own

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They are not trying to be in control just grandparents be grateful

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Just get your own anyway he can have 2

Your lucky to even have in laws like that and your seriously crying about it? Honestly grow up!! I wish the grandparents of my babies were like that!!


Honestly it’s annoyingly but not the end of the world now that I have 3 kids I’m not to buy anything until after everyone else does. Most times I only get a few things because ik that everyone else will get the things I wanted for the kids. It’s kinda nice actually. Less work for me :woman_shrugging:t5:

They’re proud grandparents. Ik it’s annoying… but honey, be happy they’re active in your child’s life and sharing their love. :heart::heart::heart: some children doesn’t have that pleasure of even knowing their grandparents.


Overreacting. You said that he’s the first for your in-laws so you can’t be mad at them for being excited. They’re not trying to be in control at all. You need to re-evaluate how you’re looking at this situation.


Small things. Let them spend the money instead of you lol

That can just be his “my first ornament… From my grandparents”. Doesn’t mean you can’t get one also from you. Trees have way more than one ornament hanging on them, and they will be great memories for your child when he’s older. I buy one every year that signifies something significant from the year. Then when my daughter hangs them each christmas, she gets to remember what was happening that particular year. I still have my own first ornaments from assorted family members and cherish them and love the emotions that come with hanging them each year. Remember, grandparents won’t be around forever, and it would be nice for your child to have that little piece of them to think about each Christmas even after they’re gone. I know things can be touchy and sensitive when it comes to dealing with in-laws sometimes, but choose your battles wisely. this is definitely a situation where you brush-off your irritation and accept the gift, because it’s about your son’s future memories and enjoyment, not your frustration with in-laws.

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Grandparents get so much joy from buying things for their grandbabies


I honestly wish I had in-laws like this. Unfortunately I have a wicked witch I deal with who is about a nerve away from having a peace order handed to her. I get it though my niece goes through that with her child because she is an only child and only grandchild, her dads family constantly are telling her how she should be raising her child. Last year they even went as far as buying her a Christmas dress and taking her for her first Christmas pictures without even mentioning it. I guess pick your battles. They want to spoil her I would let them however buy your own stuff as well. My mom and grandmother gave us ornaments every year. We have a beautiful collection as adults. With the Pajamas wear the set you buy for Christmas eve and the ones they buy for the night of Christmas Day. Same with the outfit. Dress her in your outfit for your gathering and the child could wear their outfit for their event. Hope you find peace!!

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I do this with my nieces and nephews and some of my nieces and nephews their parents have other kids before they married or got with my siblings and I always make sure to include them and none of their parents seem to have a problem with it so I mean they’re super grateful so maybe just looking at it as being grateful that you can spend your money on something else for your baby like a mommy and me date… or every time they buy something you wanted to get take that money and put it aside for their schooling/ future I have a nieces on the way anyday now… her dad my brother… took off so I am like daddy getting anything she needs for her almost 2 year old baby and my niece and shes so grateful so grateful! I have literally spent so much and shes so beyond grateful! And she dont care that I do it and I also am aloud in the delivery room when shes born so excited!

Overreacting! Does it really matter who buys them. There are so many kids who have grandparents that don’t care. Be happy they are in your child’s life

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Be happy, you have such kind and loving in-laws, some of us would kill for that. Buy your own, get an ornament with a family picture in it that says “my first Christmas.” He’ll have two first of everything

wow should be grateful

Buying gifts for their FIRST grandchild? Seriously? They are excited. Why can’t you get another one for you to have at home? Why does it seem like you’re not in control because they are excited? Like you can’t go buy the same thing for yourself to have at home. Grow up

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I’d be a little bit more grateful. My boyfriends mother is constantly buying my daughter things, and you know what, even though half the stuff she buys isnt in my taste I am so grateful that my daughter has both grandmas in her life that want to spoil her. It’s just more love for the child. I’d say get over it and move on…

Uhhhhhh yes you’re over reacting, be greatful. Baby stuff is expensive. Be thankful you have people that care enough to help you out… Smdh…

Be thankful that they love your child!

Who cares. Some of my kids have or had multiple of first things that people bought for them and its whatever. They know now who got them what like when we put their ornaments up on a tree etc

It has nothing to do with being in control but it sounds like you are the one wanting all control. Be thankful they love your child so much. Others aren’t that fortunate and would love to take your place. You’re honestly acting very immature. They can still buy it and you can as well. No reason the child can’t have more than one first Christmas outfit, ornament etc. Stop being so selfish.

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Girl go buy what you want your child to have. Use the things that you want to use and don’t use what you don’t want. Move on. Do you. If your husband can’t speak up then you do what you want to do. Better yet, SPEAK UP. Tell them that you had a different outfit/ornament (whatever) in mind and that’s what you are going to use. Put the baby in their outfit when your going over there. That ornament can go on their tree. Go ahead momma its YOUR BABY. DO WHAT YOU WANT YOU DO.

I think that you are reading way too much into it. I think they are just excited and don’t realize that they are stepping on toes. Perhaps you could have the ornament they bought on their tree and you buy one for yours. Please remind yourself that there are wayyyy more things to worry about other than so many people who love your kid this much. Try to be thankful that your baby does have so many people that love him or her. A lot of kids don’t have that. This is not a battle I would even consider

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Nope, please don’t be upset. They are just excited and want to shower the baby. Try to enjoy it and save your money now - those future sneakers will cost you a gosh darn fortune!!


They’re so excited, they’re probably not realizing that they’re stepping on toes…

Mine gave daughter first haircut. That was a killer :sob:

Honestly, I was the same way with my oldest. I felt like things were taken from me. But looking back, I still got to take the pictures. I was still there for the experiences. I just didn’t have to pay for it. It isn’t worth you time, effort, and sanity to be upset about it. Think of it instead as it being one less thing YOU have to do. And he won’t remember who bought what. :blue_heart::blue_heart:


While I was pregnant, my mother bought practically everything for my daughter, at first I was annoyed because I wanted to decide what play pen or bedding, but then I realized how appreciative I was!! Babies are expensive, as time goes on you’ll start to really like that they get him toys, clothes etc also you can always get him another ornament or outfit! As he gets older you can say “this was the ornament mommy and daddy got you, and this is the one your grandparents got you.’ Doubles of things are nice sometimes because he will have some for your house as well as some over at his grandparents. It’s annoying initially but there will come a point where you’ll be like ok with it :slightly_smiling_face:

Your baby can have more than one of “My first…” I think you are overreacting, but I get it. As a first time Mom, I had a few things that upset me but looking back I regret how I responded. It’s really not worth the stress and being at your wits end. They are just excited and involved! :slight_smile: In my opinion, that’s just not a battle I would pick. I would just buy what you want, and appreciate their thought.

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:flushed::flushed::flushed:Really? Yes, you are waaaaaaay overreacting.
Id recommend you keep these feelings to yourself bc the day will come when you actually need the grands and they’re going to be fed up with the petty that follows you.
Get the baby two ornaments. Guess who isnt going to give a shit? The baby.

I understand how you are feeling. I just had my first baby(possibly my only biological). Family and friends have done this to me too! I to was frustrated by others buying the baby’s first things. And at one point even my husband showed some frustration about it. While I to felt like people were taking these moments away from me. I found that buying these same items myself for our baby helped me to feel better. And like a few have posted make it first from Mom and Dad. What’s important is not the items themselves but rather the moments and memories you share with your child. Hopefully you find some peace of mind in knowing sooo many people care so much about your baby!

My mom and sister bought these things for my kids. 🤷 Be thankful for loving grandparents. A lot of kids don’t have that.


Remember, grandparents won’t be around forever, and it would be nice for your child to have that little piece of them to think about each Christmas even after they’re gone. I know things can be touchy and sensitive when it comes to dealing with in-laws sometimes, but choose your battles wisely. This is definitely a situation where you brush-off your irritation and accept the gift, because it’s about your son’s future memories and enjoyment, not your frustration with in-laws.


If they know how you feel they shouldn’t do this. Thank them for the outfits and then buy your own outfits for him if that’s what you choose to do and let him wear their outfits on another day. If you don’t take care of this early, it will get out of hand. Your husband should say something to them because it’s his parents.

I think I felt that way in the beginning too. if they want to spend the money and buy things. Let them. I will honestly say there are some dresses or outfits that she did not wear but I was able to pass them on to somebody that needed them. Or I was able to return them and exchange for something else

It doesn’t matter were the things come from as long as they are got. Who cares who buys them, leaves u more cash to buy other items I’d just be great full :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I wish my kids had grandparents like this honestly. It might be annoying to you. But if they put no effort into loving your child at all you’d also be upset. Take the good stuff, my kids always want to know about the grandparents they don’t have. (They’re alive they just put no effort into havijng a relationship with our children, or even us). It’s really crappy when your kid wants that bond with a grandparent like the kids in their class and there is nothing you can do about it. :unamused:

My son was the first grandchild on hubbys side. My MIL was the same way!! I Loved Every Minute Of It​:heart::heart::heart: Buy him a 2nd outfit,a 2nd ornament. Don’t take their joy away. You both only get your first once. Both of you enjoy it!!!


Ummmm I’m sorry Mama OP but… It seems to me that YOU are the one that needs the control, granted he is your son. With that said, I personally feel you are over reacting. My oldest was the first grandchild and my in laws as well as my parents did the same stuff. I got to watch all of my sons firsts and they bought the outfits, ornaments etc. They also did the same thing with my next child. I think you should take a step back and be grateful for the love they show!!! I have a 1 year old, and the other day I had a moment when I felt angry or jealous even of someone else and my sons expressions toward them… then his father said in response to my unhappiness “it makes me happy! Kathryn, look at our boy! So you see the joy in his eyes?!? How can something that helps us shower our boy with this much joy be bad???” He was RIGHT. It isn’t about you anymore, it’s about your baby. I’m sorry buttercup suck it up, as Moms it is no longer about us ever, let them add to his joy… There are some Moms who would give anything to have what you have… Myself for example, My mom died on 1/9/18 5 weeks before I became aware I was pregnant!!! I’d give anything to have had my Mom know Liam, my older kids were able to know her, he never will… One day your InLaws will pass away… Also, our babies don’t care who bought them the outfit, they aren’t going to look at their first Xmas Pictures in 20 years and say WOW MY GRANDMA BOUGHT THIS! Why didn’t YOU buy it Mom?!? Did you NOT love me?” Nope they won’t care and they don’t care they are either happy they are warm or happy to
RIP the clothes off and be naked!!!


I understand. Coming from a moms point of view. I get it. But you can make your child an ornament instead of buying him one. :tipping_hand_woman:t2:

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I also had a baby about that age last year and it was my in laws first grandbaby too. I felt it was fine that they bought these things as long as they understood that I was also getting something like this and so was my mom. After all parties understood that it was fine. It’s been that way for all holidays for my son.

And after nine years I pick my battles. It’s just not worth it. Grandparents find the joy and buying things for their grandkids. My oldest is 24 and my youngest is nine. I don’t know what I’m going to do when my youngest grows up. Hopefully by then I’ll have grandkids to spoil

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She sounds like a spoiled brat!!! Wow! Unbelievable…like many have said-you should be GRATEFUL… I feel sorry for the in-laws in dealing with a “daughter-in-law” like this… so sad


You can still buy those things too. I know when my kids were babies they never wore the same outfit all day because babies can be messy. So let your baby wear what they got and then when it gets messy throughout the day change into what you bought, or vice versa. As for the ornament, you can still buy that too and have 2 first ornaments on the tree. There’s no rule that says your baby can only have one on the tree. I think you’re overreacting. Be grateful your child is loved by the grandparents and that love will benefit your child as she grows. I was a kid that didn’t have that but watched my cousins experience that adoration and it sucked. Don’t be the mom that takes that away from your kid.

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Be glad that your in laws are alive and willing. My 5 children dont have their paternal grandparents and it’s a terrible feeling. Your baby has family who loves him. Be grateful and happy for that.


You can still do it just get different things with it on it and put your tree up and put your baby’s first on it

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I wish I had people
Like that …


You don’t think about it like that , it’s not all about you its all about him you can buy him thoes same excat things differently than there’s it doesn’t mean less for you , it means more for him :blush:

Be thankful your baby has grandparents who are there for your baby and can help with buying special things for him. My kids never had that and missed out on grandparents due to passing at a very young age😢


You buy an outfit also and most babies require clothes to be changed. So morning time put ur outfit on then change afternoon into other one. The ornament but one also. There’s millions of choices for first ornament. Hang both on the tree.

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Think of the PJs as “my first season” let your baby wear them around Thanksgiving and around Christmas. Buy the PJs you want and let your baby wear them on that day.
Plus they can have more than one my first Christmas ornaments :slight_smile:

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I would accept the gifts and then buy my own.

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Yes, they can have more then one firsts…my first from my grandma and my first from my mom…dont be mad. Be grateful. I always did and still overdo with my grandchildren. Be thankful. The baby is to young to know the difference anyway. So its just a YOU thing… in all reality you just don’t realize that they are helping you as well. I would sure hope that they continue because things can get really expensive.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it. You can use that outfit for when your child goes over there and change into something else when you leave. You can have more than one ordament. Just think of it from your child’s perspective. Your child will want for nothing as they grow up and I’m not just talking about materialistic stuff. Don’t start an argument over stuff bought from a store. Your kid is not going to know nor care who bought what first. As far as the first xmas or Thanksgiving outfits, that’ll be in the donation box if you don’t save it for another kid.

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Tell your in laws you already got those items

Maybe they’re not trying to be in control but just in love


You are extremely lucky some kids grandparents don’t do nothing for them.


Its really no big deal


In the long run it will save you the money because you won’t have to buy it but you can also get what you want and then youll have an extra outfit just in case there’s an accident

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Get a “our families first Christmas” and kids always need extra clothes

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Be happy they want to do this! my daughter is 13 and her Gma hasn’t ever bought her anything, (or anyone on her her dads side for that matter) for bdays Christmas etc. don’t call on bdays, Nothing. My sons grandpa is the same way bc my sons bday is Dec 12th he doesn’t get him anything for his bday just Christmas


I always just say oh he already has an outfit he was going to wear etc… that way they realize it’s your decision/right to pick those items out. It’s your baby. They already had babies.

Let them get what ever they want! Ger over it!


Be glad there are so happy and excited,you can buy all u want also.


Appreciate the people around you who want to do those types of things.


Tell them to put it on thier tree. That’s a very sweet thing for them to do and for you to cause a fuss about it seems rude. Some people dont have grandparents. You should be happy they are involved in that way. They arent being controlling by gifting those things and you should be grateful. It’s not like they are controlling things that majorly matter. And that’s not even being controlling. I bet youd complain if they didnt care if he had those outfits or an ornament. Sounds to me like you have your own issues with them and are just being rude. How do you think your husband feels about you nitpicking there kind gestures toward thier grandchild?


A lot of the items you mentioned I normally see the grandparents buying. I doubt they are trying to take over but if it bugs u that much just do as a lot of people recommended and buy your own set as well. There will be plenty of time to wear both

Let them buy. You’ll need that money. Kids are expensive :woman_shrugging:t3:

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My kids get an ornament from us and an ornament from my sister every year, including their first Christmas. Dont get why this us an issue? More than 1 will fit on a tree ya know. .


It’s not a problem. You can still buy whatever you want.

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If you want to buy those things, then you will have 2. I don’t see it as a big deal ? They are excited just like you are.

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I’ve bought things like that for many people, and they always seemed delighted. ?

If someone wants to buy my children things, ill gladly accept them! Its one less thing I’ve got to buy :grin::tipping_hand_woman: I’m appreciative of all that stuff… and as your child gets older…and you have more children you will realize just how expensive it gets!

First world problems.

You’re upset that someone else wants to buy your kid things? Yikes. :grimacing:

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My kids have no grandparents so id he greatful its not like they are playing mom theit just spoiling as grandparents do


Count your blessings.

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Just have to have a conversation with them about getting your consent before buying things. They should understand. They are just as excited about these things as you are. My MIL is pretty exuberant about things sometimes. I just tell her(as nicely as I can manage lol) how I feel about it and she backs off.

I agree with most. Accept what they offer you and be happy you have their help. You can also buy those things too. Let the baby wear them at different times as was suggested. Again it’s more for your baby.

be happy hes got such wonderful grandparents… theres christmas eve night and christmas night pjs from you one of them and pjs from them on the other… have one ornament on grandmas tree and one on mom and dads… have one christmas outfit for christmas eve one for christmas day, have one thanksgiving outfit for before dinner, and one for after dinner… theres ways around things… its their first just like its your first… they could just be like many and not have really anything to do with him… count your blessings and dont kick a gift horse in the mouth

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Let it go…it frees up your finances to buy other fun things that they dont know you want to get ! They are just as excited as you!


My kids had multiple holiday outfits. They can wear them on other days besides the actual holiday. Why don’t they put the ornament they bought on their tree and you buy one for yours? I think you are overthinking this and trying to find something to be upset about.

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