Stop telling them, or say the wrong thing and switch your mind up later!
I don’t see the big deal. That is such a common theme for baby girls. If you’re that bothered by it, then say something
I would just not even pay attention to it. It’s not anything crazy and maybe she looks to you for guidance. 700 other people probably have the same diaper bag in the same area that you live in
Imitation is flattery
You should be flattered. They love you and your style. It’s not uncommon for someone to see something and want the same thing especially if it’s nice.
Be happy she looks up to you and the things your doing and you never know what she has gone through to get pregnant don’t be selfish and just be happy!
Are you in high school or what? Take it as a compliment, maybe she isn’t creative, trying to find herself etc. Maybe give her pointers? Turn it into a positive!!
Keep everything a secret until they come up with their own ideas. Start copying them lol
Imitation is the greatest form of flattery…
Buy a bunch of ugly shit, show her and gush about how much you LOOOOOVEEE it, after she buys said ugly shit, return it.
I wouldn’t tell her things your gonna be doing anymore if your that upset about it
But also maybe she bought the same crib and stuff cause your already a mom so you know what has worked for you in the past so maybe she just thinks you kinda know what’s best
She obviously admires your taste and doesn’t have confidence in her own.
Take it as a compliment!
Move in silence you can still be friends without sharing every move or thought. For your own peace of mind SHHHHHH STOP SHARING
Change your daughter’s room for her birthday? Throw her off the game? But don’t tell her or post photos? Get a new bag? She looks up to you… but maybe to much. Does she know it?
Oh I would say you have great taste and decorating skills. I say a compliment to you!
I got a lot of the same stuff as my sister because I knew it was quality. Plus sometimes you see things all put together and just really like it. Imitation is flattery, don’t let it bother you so much
It’s not hurting anyone. You should ask yourself why it bothers you so much. You know who you are, and you are the only you. No one else can be you. Often people mirror those they admire. She also could have some kind of personality or identity issue even she doesn’t know about. It could be anything really. Don’t take it personal. She can’t take you from you.
Sounds like pregnancy hormones…I’m sure you both just have similar tastes.
Basically so? What are you kids? Who cares. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Do what you want and ignore them. Stop being childish.
Be flattered that she loves your decorating ideas
I think you should be flattered that she’s trying to emulate you. Surely she thinks you’re a good role model.
I feel this is a compliment and would appreciate that someone else liked what I also had it could be worse she could always tell you your stuff is ugly so pick your poison
It’s ok to not like people you don’t have to justify it to us lol
Idk! I’d be feeling some type of way too!
Maybe she looks up to you and strives to be like you. Just like younger siblings. Annoying yes but take it as a compliment and when u choose to redecorate don’t tell anyone
She admires your taste. Enjoy and say thank you.
my friend did this to me so I turned the tables on her and and started doing to her what she was doing to me it soon wore very thin:rofl:
I mean my sister in law and I got pregnant within a few months of eachother and I’m got pregnant within a few months of my other sister in law. None of the pregnancies were copying the other. It just happens. And gray and pink are popular colors. And maybe she liked the diaper bag you got. I’m getting one similar to my sister in law because it’s a backpack and more convenient then my shoulder strap one. I guess it’s a personal issue for you. I was happy when my sister in laws got pregnant and I definitely ask what baby items they recommend because it helps.
Annoying, you aren’t in a easy position for sure!
So I don’t think that she got pregnant because you’re pregnant but I do understand the nursery maybe she wanted the same as yours but that’s because she likes what you have so maybe talk to her and tell her she could have asked before or you know just tell her you feel like she’s copying everything you’re doing and see if maybe she wants to go with a different theme or why she felt the need to do that and she may not even of meant to copy you she just likes your same style also I do agree with another comment maybe for your daughter’s first birthday or 2nd birthday totally rearranged her nursery and make it something else for example my son’s thing with Safari but now that he’s almost the one I want to do Elmo because that’s what he likes but I can’t afford that so maybe just try to make the room a little bit more Kiddush rather than baby is so that way it’s not exactly the same and offered to give her the things that you use since they’re almost the same I think she’d like that a lot just tell her you see that she wants almost the exact same thing as you basically copy so you’ll just give her her stuff you know she just looks up to you it might not be that she just wants to make you feel bad
Keep your choices secret
I agree with moving in silence. Tell nobody anything until you’ve achieved what you want.
AND… Mention things you want or are (possibly) getting that cost an astronomical amount of money for their budgets and or the ugliest things you could think of.
Let them buy first
Stop sharing your ideas.
It sounds likes she looks up to you, maybe she sees how good of a mom you are and wants to do what you do so she can be too, some people don’t realize you can’t do the same as others and have the same outcome. I totally got the same exact diaper bag as my friend, we were pregnant just 6 months apart and she has a one year old too, it wasn’t to copy her, I got it because I seen how convenient the bag was.
Laura Chapman. this some petty stuff right here!
Don’t tell her everything. Duh
First world problems. Sounds like she admires you and your style.
I actually understand this. My exes family used to always steal any good ideas I had for home decor or functionality. All the way down to how I stored my dish soap and spices. At first I was flattered, but after awhile it got aggravating. Especially when someone else would tell them what good ideas they were and they would claim it as their own.
Felt that my Cousin baby mama literally copies a lot of shit I do and everything its very annoying… And its like they have to One up which I don’t give a shit but literally copies they say I act as well and the way I dress its nay be petty but like damn bitch. Go find your self quit tryna be like me… I felt this post on so many levels
Maybe suggest a different theme for her nursery and help her bring it together! So her baby will have its own unique nursery. You maybe the neatest, most talented person she has ever known and likes your style. Maybe help her find her own style
I don’t think she got pregnant because you did. My sister and I were pregnant at the same time. We didn’t spend time together thru but a day or two for family events. But, I told her the names I chose and when she had her baby she used them. All I could do was chose another. It happens. All we can do is change it to something else and not say anything. I learned my lesson. Anyway, it could be confusing as far as the bags are concerned during family events. I would get a different bag during that time anyway. But change it all to another theme. Surely there more than one you like. Don’t take it to heart and let it get to you. She respects you. Your her sister as far as she’s concerned. God bless y’all both a healthy child.
Take it as a compliment, they wanna be like y’all.
Take it as a compliment, it might be annoying but y’all could share a lot of similar interest and she probably commemorates you for your bravery on a lot of things and probably feels there’s great comfort in y’all’s relationship.
Make a false theme next time you do something , and don’t share the real one with anyone till it’s done
Does the store offer a variety of styles? I remember going to Target and there being blue and grey, pink and grey, bright animal theme, and like one other. Very limited selection for sheets and decor.
Does the bag look unique in itself? Or is it a good blank slate to customize, such as you did? She might like the idea of making it her own. Did she actually say that she wanted the same patches?
It seems like you have a need to compare everything with her… but I’d have to know more details to be sure though
I’m big on being different. Yeah I know I’m not the only person in the world to do what I do but I do things to be different. And I get extremely irritated when someone continuously does the same thing. But that’s why you move in silence and play games with peoples Heads tell people you’re doing one thing then do another
Ask yourself this if either of them were gone tomorrow would this really be something that mattered…for real.everyone needs to lighten up myself included but im learning to let stuff ride cause peace is better
Nothing you can really do about it. People emulate others all the time. Movie stars, models, artists ect.
Please tell me this is a joke?! Jealous and entitled much:thinking: I don’t think they are so envious of you that they got pregnant just to copy you. You must be sickeningly self absorbed or flat out crazy to believe that. You don’t own themes/pregnancy/styles/colors. Get over yourself!
As a Mom I’m too tired to care there’s more important things to worry about in life. Take it as a compliment and move on.
Um. How old are you?
I’m taken back by all these grown ass women telling her to throw shade or be funny about it - we’re grown , y’all close & if it’s an issue talk about it only way you get results and get it solved… I’m sorry but if my “friend” told me to buy stuff out my budget and all that childish petty shit then she ain’t really ya “friend”.
my exact words “I liked your style, and to you I’m copying but damn you’re fake”
Who’s really the fucked up friend
You’re being petty in my opinion.
Been in this situation & different ones with family with the whole copying thing. It definitely sucks cause people think your crazy or jealous or whatever but it’s not even that it’s just annoying asf and gets super old super quick. Honestly just do y’all and say fuck em🤷🏻♀️ that’s the best advice I can give cause if y’all press the issue more you’ll be the bad guys and they’ll be victim so it’s pointless, I’m sure some see what’s going on so your not alone in this but everyone thinks of these Situations differently so it’s best to just ignore them and focus on doing yalls thing! And don’t make stuff so public just do stuff in private so they have less tendency to copy yall.
I can understand when it becomes to much. I once had a girl try to mimic my relationship so much so that she took a story I told while pregnant (before I miscarried) and used it as her own a few months later when she got pregnant. But they say that imitation is the biggest form of flattery just try to look at yourself and think that someone out there admires you so much so that they want to do things just like you. Try and take it as a compliment.
Just straight out ask her why she is copying you if it bothers you that much. You’re not going to get an answer or fix it unless you confront it head on. Time to grow up and be an adult!
Take it as a compliment! She thinks you have great taste!!
Imitation is the highest form of flattery! She must love you and want to be like you!
I wouldn’t even mind.
You think she got pregnant just because you did? That just seems crazy to me. I wish it were that easy. Your child will have someone in the family who is close to the same age and they can grow up together. I’d take that as a blessing.
Eh, I’m with you. Super annoying! You’re not being petty. But you will have to deal with it. Vent to a close girlfriend about it and move on. It’s not worth the fight
Take it as a compliment and move on!
How old are you? And I’m being serious! Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, besides you don’t own the market on cribs, sheets etc. you think those items where made just for you only like they only made 1
You know what’s really awesome? Your kids will get to have their cousins close in age! That is priceless…and believe me those babies won’t care that they had matching cribs…but they will care that they have family close in age. Growing up together is going to awesome!
Now, with that outlook in mind, I bet you can forgive your sister in law for following in your footsteps. Wow. You are truly blessed!
I would personally be flattered <3 she looks up to you
Make a game of it if it’s seriously that annoying.
I heard a story once when a MIL was buying things that the wife was saving up for, and mocking her for it. She spoke of saving up for the most god awful tacky thing, that was crazy expensive. So when her MIL bought it, gushing about it, she was like oh, that’s cool, I don’t really like that stuff, it was just a joke I was gonna play on my hubby. But if that floats your boat. Go for it.
Put them in their place and never had an issue again over it.
Why wouldn’t you want your child to have a cousin close in age? Your weird Lol
Wow of all the thing’s to worry about lol…take it as a compliment & carry on. Or switch your theme up if it bothers you that bad. You’re good friend’s but you literally sound disgusted with her. Smh
It is a compliment to you but I understand where you’re coming from. I myself like to be different than anyone else so it would annoy me if someone was copying me…maybe you could help her find her own taste
Yeah they only got pregnant cause you did like get over yourself
You’re pregnant and over thinking this IMO. Honestly, why does it even matter?
Buy an ugly short hair wig and send her a picture of yourself and say you cut your hair lol see if she cuts her hair too
As someone who deals with this personally, there is not much to do if you can’t/ won’t cut them out. I don’t tell said person things I’m doing or buying and hide stuff I don’t want her to copy when she comes for visits. Sad but it’s the only thing that works. Also watch what you post on social media as person will copy from Thier too
as long as yall dont share the same baby daddy then babbyyyy let it go lol. let it be a compliment… she admires your idea… its okay… later on she will adapt to her own possibly. if it bothers u so much do some minor unique changes… and just keep it low key … idk.
She likes your style take it as a compliment and go shopping together. Don’t be the petty one
I understand your frustrations, when my daughter was in high school she had a friend who copied everything she did. Her clothes, her shoes etc and it made her crazy. I tried to explain to her that it was ( psychologically) a form of flattery… I hope you could get past this or you’ll be frustrated and you don’t need the stress.
For the people saying she should be flattered… no… it’s annoying! It’s happen to be by sooo many different people. OP- I hear you. I know it sucks but there’s not much you can do to stop it other than keeping things quiet so she doesn’t know what you’re doing to copy it.
No that’s definitely wierd I mean maybe she likes your style and she doesn’t know that but sometimes people do the most out of jealousy my mil copies everything I buy .
Maybe looking at it like a compliment will help you cope with her actions. So.e people just don’t have a clue as to a personality and often copy others.
Nothing you can do about it
she looks up to you. I know it can be frustrating but it’s literally a sibling relationship lol
Be glad someone wasn’t to copy you. There’s so much more to be concerned with. Energy transfers. Give your baby a chance to not be petty.
Maybe she likes your style maybe oh yeah I really like and did t think about it maybe she is also having a girl and those are popular colors right now maybe you should get over yourself
Maybe she just admires your style and wants something similar. It’s not that serious.
Me and my sister in law(husband sister) buy same clothes but same plants. She prefers to go shopping with me
It’s a compliment. She obviously thinks highly of you and respects you. It’s great that cousins will be close in age. My daughter and her cousin are 6 weeks apart they are like sisters
I agree. This is super annoying and anyone that says “you should be flattered” is just trying to be a dick. Women on this page are awful. Any of these women would be annoyed and they’re full of shit if they wanna pretend they wouldn’t be annoyed with someone copying their every move.
If it makes you feel any better. My in laws are the same way. They are naming their daughter Alicen James and my sons name is Matthew James who will be a year older than her.
Be flattered your wasting you otherwise usefull energy on someone else’s personal choices🤷♀️ take it as a compliment
Consider it a compliment.
Omg get over yourself
Stop trying to make yourself feel important … you got pregnant and then she got pregnant 10 weeks later like she could just make that happen. Shes seen what you have and she likes it big deal
“I’m pregnant and she got pregnant 10 weeks after me”
Like do you even hear yourself?
That’s a compliment. She probably just admires you. Don’t think so far into it
She prob likes the same things you do. Since y’all are friends she prob thinks it’s ok. I wouldn’t care of someone did that yo me. I’d help them pick it out.
She likes you’re style maybe you have good taste ! And she wants to be you ! Who cares let her copy you