Like you said… dumb and petty.
This suggestion is a little wild but… you could just grow up and continue living your life?
Ive been in the same situation but i never let it get to me
She obsessed with you lol take it as a compliment she may think your copying her
I have always wanted my kids to have cousins so close in age like I did, unfortunately they didn’t. Honestly this sounds so petty. Gray and pink are very trendy…….
Start buying ugly things. Then return them after she’s bought them too
You not only sound petty but extremely immature and self-absorbed.
Pregnancy hormones… thats all
That’s super annoying… but take it as a compliment… she likes your taste.
Or stop sharing everything you do so she can’t copy
So many women who are being rude with their answers… like okay, she’s reading into it a little far but y’all can stop with the eye rolling emojis and name calling, damn.
Its a compliment but if you truly want it to stop. Sit her down and tell her that you would like her to find out what she likes/her style. Maybe she doesn’t have any and follows your lead.
When someone started doing that to me I pretended to start liking really dumb and ugly stuff just to see how far they would go. It was funny tbh
Young one - you should be flattered. She wants to be like you. Trust me young one this to shall pass. You said you have another baby already - she might figure if you do it - (and you being a great Momma already) she does the same - everything will be good. Relax kiddo - your feelers might be in overdrive.
Dude. Eff them don’t gotta waste your energy, all these women telling you to get over yourself, have it happen to them and they’d be singing the same tune as you.
I wish I had a suggestion for you but my sister and her husband are the same way. I’m happy they are least live in a different state though. It helps to control the flow of information.
Don’t tell her where you shop
She just is inspired by you and like your taste in things. You should be grateful that you have inspired someone
Definitely dumb and petty
She must really like you and think your ideas are cool.
I’m going to tell you something I tell my 4 year old
Just because you like the color pink doesn’t mean you own it Get over it. Pink and Grey is like basic girl nursery colors. They were mine too!
The highest form of flattery so they say…move on.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery.
Just stop showing her everything you buy if it’s really that big of a deal
Imitation is the highest form of flattery
Take it as a compliment and move on. Clearly she admires you.
It can be annoying but take it as a compliment.
Consider it a compliment! Imitation is the highest form of flattery!
Can you ask outright in a lighthearted way “why do you keep buying everything I buy”?
Imitation is the highest form of flattery. enough.
Lord have mercy. Here’s what you do: make more money than she could ever make and buy only things she can’t afford. That’ll show her!!
If it bothers you dont tell her where you get your stuff…personally i wouldnt care
Imitation is the finest form of flattery
Imitation is the best form of flattery.
It’s them pregnancy hormones girl! Once that baby comes you will be too tired to care! Stop showing her what you’re buying. You’re obviously showing it to her or she wouldn’t even see these things you got for your unborn child. Just keep things to yourself.
She probably thinks you’re better friends than you think you are. You’re kinda terrible for this.
My parents had friends like this when I was growing up, my parents bought a house in a new neighborhood and so did the friends, my mom rescued an English Springer Spaniel, so did they, my mom was looking at a hunter green BMW 5-Series and they bought it. It really is so annoying!! My mom just quit telling them her moves and eventually they found someone else to copy, it’s not out of malicious intent, that’s just who they are!
Edit to add: let her buy everything for the matching nursery and change your theme once it’s too late for her too!
Girl stfu and get over yourself sure it’s annoying but it’s not that big of a deal. As you said, you don’t own “themes” and you don’t own “styles” so seriously stfu. If you don’t like it, then don’t go around, it’s really that simple
Imitation is the highest form of flattery i would ask why she continues to buy the same stuff as you etc
My older sister would do things like this to get under my skin…… we were pregnant at the same time. We both thought we were having girls. So I knew she would copy or steal the name. I decided that I was naming her after my grandmother, Sylvie Marie. Mom asked me one day what I was going to name her. I told her Brittany Nicole. Well……. My sisters baby was born 3 months before mine…… She named her Brittany Nicole! Turns out I had a boy! My sister would throw that in my face……. I waiting until her tubal ligation ( cut and tied) to tell her that really want the name I had chose…….
Moral of the story. Don’t tell her everything and don’t show her anything!
It’s doesn’t matter at all.
Relish it, you are so, blessed to have each other and your babies will grow up together! Love her!
So what be thankful for a friend who wants to be like you… I swear be people tripping over the pettiest stuff
Surely you can spend your time concerned with more pressing situations than copying. If that is all you have that takes up so much of your time, be thankful.
Are you buying it? Then shut yo mouth. Think of it as, you have good taste and help her find other things that are cute. God, life is too short to be this petty and ridiculous.
Girl it’s the hormones. She probably over there in her mind like “omg that’s so adorable! and what if THE GIRLS HAVE MATCHING!” Like… just try to breathe. I know how it is when you’re hormonal with a baby girl. It’s rough. But there’s no ill intent there.
Some people are just fkn weird… I know other people will say “oh well, get over it” , but it is actually really annoying … Try not to hang out with her so much anymore… Bc guess what is coming next?? She is gonna start comparing her kid to yours and vise versa any chance she gets…that when shit gets real…
I’m the odd one out. That would irritate the hell out of me. It’d be nice that she wants to be like me
but I’m trying to be my own person and live my own life. If I wanted a copy cat my mom would have gave me a twin
(obviously that last bit is a joke)
Very immature. It literally doesn’t matter.
I don’t know maybe it’s my old age talking but WHO CARES??
I bet there’s hundreds of baby rooms that look exactly like yours and have the same sheets and crib
Okay so…. My brother’s girlfriend bought their daughter a bunch of elephant stuff when she was pregnant and after she was born. That was their theme for their daughter.
I found out I was pregnant before their daughter was born and I hid my pregnancy for 2 more months to keep from “stealing” their spotlight. (I was 15 weeks pregnant before we announced it to everyone in the family)
My mother in law wanted a theme for my baby shower and I also picked elephants. I was accused of stealing their idea and yadda yadda. What they didn’t know is that I have a large collection of elephants that started on the day I was born. My mother’s friend bought a bouquet of flowers that had a tiny elephant inside and had it delivered to the hospital. She said she knew I’d always be a fighter and strong like an elephant. After that, the same friend and other family members began to add to my elephant collection until they stopped when I got a little older and decided I liked pigs more.
I never had a theme for my first baby shower. I’ve never been a theme person but my mother in law insisted I have a theme. after seeing their elephants it reminded me of my childhood and that’s why I decided on it. It took forever for them to speak to me and I even offered to give them my large collection of elephants from the US, Mexico and China.
What I’m trying to say is, there may be a reason why she likes the same things y’all like. Or maybe even take it as a compliment on your style and help her out or come up with something new.
Maybe she kinda looks up to you! Damn, I wish someone wanted to be like my weird ass sometimes.
Here’s what you do…put on a ski mask, go in her house with a fake gun, tie her up and tell her if she ever buys anything similar to anyone she knows for her baby it’s curtains!!!
Take it as a compliment. She likes your taste.
Well maybe you have hood taste in things.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I agree that it’s annoying but at the same time I realize that it’s not hurtful Maybe just compliment her on some of her tastes and let her know she’s cool too. Maybe she has low self esteem and really looks up to you. I wouldn’t ruin it.
It would annoy the shit out of me too, sorry I’ll be the one to say it, originality is far and in-between nowadays.
Take it as a compliment and move on
Take it as a compliment in good taste. Some people cant pull things together.
More important things to worry about
I think it would be cool.
Maybe next time you do something you think she will copy, tell her your second favorite choice, or say you should have done x instead of y. Maybe she will pick x to flatter or impress you.
Or maybe help her come up with her “own idea”.
I get it! We had friends like this. When we were dating my husband bought me a pair of teva sandals she bought the same pair. I could go on…
Don’t tell her what you’re naming the baby
That’d get on my nerves. Buying a few similar things ok cool but having a baby is a very special time and the thought you put into the nursery etc and have told her about to copy is f ed up. I was going to name my son Anthony my friend was a few months farther along than me but she never told anyone until after I did, she knew I was considering Anthony but she delivered before me so I picked a different name. Lol at one point she took my sons sonogram pic and posted it as hers when I said something she said it must have been an accident… It was a 4d profile of my son with his middle finger up
Self centered much!!! I’d honestly take it as a compliment and move on!! Geez
How dare she have a baby.
I have people who do this to me. I just take it as a compliment and keep moving.
I used to have a family member who did this…when I was younger I’d tell them something lame “I REALLY wanted” for Christmas or my birthday just so they’d ask for that stuff too and keep my real wishes private.
Take as a compliment ND move on there’s much more to worry about lol
Jesus tap dancing Christ, what are you? 6?
She’s giving you the best compliment by copying your style. Not everyone is good at decorating and styling. Maybe you could ask her if she needs your help in picking out things for her first baby since you are going on your second baby, you have more experience and she must admire you. Be the sil/friend she thinks you are.
My uncle used to do the same thing to my dad. Very strange, like it was some kind of weird competition to see who was better off or something. My dad didn’t care though. He knew the material stuff wasn’t important.
It’s because you have better ideas. That’s all!!
Just be proud, your a leader!
Believe me I know it sucks, I had a woman do that to me the same way,it got to the point were people at work started noticing, telling me to start bullshitting her, I would tell her I’m going to buy this or do that!
To see how long she would get it or done it!Actually got kind of scary
I feel like you should eat something. I also get petty and unreasonable when I’m hungry
Take it as a compliment, maybe she admires you. Also I’m sure she didn’t just get pregnant just because you are haha
This is so lame. This bothered you so much you wrote this out and Actually sent this is.
Hey some people don’t have a sense of taste and style I know it’s annoying because you wanna have the special room but who cares on purpose do something ugly as hell sit back and be entertained
Girl you need to step back for a minute and realize what’s really important. You’re right. You’re being SO petty. Not trying to be mean but a gray and pink floral nursery are pretty unoriginal. Tons of people did these things before you did and y’all won’t be the last to do them. Also how do you know that they haven’t been trying to get pregnant and it just happened to happen at that time? My son has cousins who are all close in age and they have so much fun together. Is it really worth sacrificing a friendship for this? I would just take it as a compliment that she sees the things that you have and she likes them enough to want them for herself. She obviously thinks you have good taste
Imitation is the best form of flattery. Isn’t that the saying? I know it can be annoying but she obviously looks up to you otherwise she wouldn’t be doing it. Try taking it as a compliment.
Plus, I highly doubt she got pregnant just because you were pregnant. That’s just silly.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I would just take it as her liking your style but perhaps struggling to have the originality to come up with her own style. Is it annoying? Yes, but just remember that you’re the one who thought up the nurseries design first
Ew, I feel sorry for her thinking your a good friend. Immitation is the highest form of flattery. Do you know what that saying means?
Maybe you should get over yourself and try to learn about things that matter In life so you can be a good role model for your kids, and have real, and solid friendships.
Get over yourself…dammm:neutral_face:
You apparently have good taste. That’s a good thing that she’s copying you. Even though it would rub me wrong too.
I take it as a compliment
I’m convinced this page isn’t real. It’s satire. It’s gotta be.
Don’t be petty…she obviously likes your choices
Maybe try looking at it a different way. How lucky you are to have someone look up to you and want to be like you. Sounds like you are a good roll model. I’m sure it’s frustrating but it’s really nice that you are admired.
Gift her all the flower stuff and switch it to ladybugs or go purple lol idk. It bothers you and you alone so you’re the only one who can change it. Also maybe she looks up to you as a parent
that’s a compliment I think. Don’t worry so much about material things and worry about bringing up some awesome ass kids!!!
Don’t be petty unless she’s really not pregnant and she’s pretending to be and plans to kidnap you baby, other then that don’t stress it feel lifted as she enjoys your style, and she looking up too
Tell her the exact opposite of what you really doing…and when she copies you then you will have your own style and she will have a completely different style than you…
I am glad I’m not the only one this stuff bothers
I also get really bothered when people do what I do.
It is petty but at the end of the day we’re HUMAN. And humans have feelings even if others see it as petty, even if it is petty.
I would be annoyed honestly.
And I would redo the nursery and not tell anyone lol then you know it won’t be a copy. Keep the grey and pink just add other things instead of flowers. Idk. I understand how it bugs you and if their childish enough to do it then they’re gonna be childish enough to not listen or see what they’re doing.
People are allowed to like the same thing and shit happens lmfao get over yourself
Omg I knew the second I started reading this, this poor girl was going to get ripped to shreds in the comments by all these fake ass Karen’s who love to act like they’re perfect and humble and holier than thou. This would annoy the shit out of me too and any woman on here who claims it wouldn’t is full of shit lol. Women are petty as hell and you know that if this happened to any one of them they would be bitching & moaning about it to their best friend or hubby or whoever they vent to the most. Nothing annoys me more than when people throw stones from their perfect glass houses.
Try to take it as a compliment. It’s not worth putting a wedge between you. Especially since you get along.
Even if you are being petty, you’re feelings are valid. But not all reactions to feelings are valid.
Plus I get it. My mom started copying everything about me (before I cut off contact for A LOT of reasons) and it pissed me off. Like I had a whole therapy session about it from copying my spiritual beliefs/practices without actually knowing the meaning behind it, things I bought for my bedroom, for myself etc. If I got it she did too.
Since she is pregnant as well, I’d guess even just joking about it. I’d either change if you can, or try and find a way to get over it
Imitation is the biggest form of flattery
If it’s THAT bad, that’s not flattery.
That’s friggin creepy.
Maybe but her something that doesn’t match you? And stop showing her what you’re doing. If she asks, 1 if 2 options…
Lie or l he & say “Haven’t really decided”
Just let her, and carry on with your own happy life . She needs to let it go lol