This is why inlaws are normally outlaws. Who gives a crap you don’t root her or pay her bills keep your nose in your own 4 walls.
Petty and fake smh
Imitation is the highest form of flattery ! So embrace this !
Jim: You guys need to go on Dr. Phil. This sounds like something he could sort out in a two part episode.
What grade are you in?
It’s said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…
Sounds like she looks up to you and your opinions
Wow. You don’t deserve for her to think highly of you. Petty asf! Get over yourself!
Wow … you should be proud! How old are you? You are acting like a child.
Change all your stuff if it bothers you that bad
KeriAnne Mack Owen
Maybe needs a little confidence builder
Take it as a compliment
All the people on here are jerks. This sounds so f*cking annoying tbh. I would be irritated with it too! I would say something along the lines of “I really like having my own unique style. I am happy that you find the same style pretty, but we should find your child some different stuff than what mine has, there could be things out there you’ll like more. If you’d like I’d be happy to show you some names of some shops and online shops so you can find things in that genre, but still have a theme you truly love!”
You should compliment her good taste. Your life would be so much happier if you wouldn’t let little things like this simple go.
She will look back and realize that she was being annoying and feel bad. She looks up to you and thinks you have awesome taste and is very insecure of her own style. I can say it because I have done that in the past and it was pure insecurity.
She obviously loves you and looks up to you, everything you do is great and she’s mirroring you imitation is the highest form of flattery, definitely embrace it
Imitation is the best flattery.
You’re right you don’t have a trademark on your style and theme. There are more important things and not worth hurting your relationship over it.
Why not just tell her that it took you time to come up with a theme and if you appreciate it if she changed hers.
For everyone saying your immature obviously has never had someone do this to them. I work with someone who copies EVERYTHING i do. The way i talk, makeup, shoes, everything. Its Sooooo annoying
She just likes your style. What’s wrong with that?
Think to yourself “how does this affect my life” it doesn’t really so does it matter
Sounds like you’re a leader and inspire people, maybe you should be proud of yourself, rather than assume she’s copying you… Thats pretty dumb and petty
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
You should feel honored someone likes your style so much that they’d want to copy you. Try and find the positives out of a weird situation!
People copy celebrities/ social media influencers all the time and most people don’t find that annoying. I take it as a sign of flattery and that she looks up to you and if it really bothers you that much, then have you sat her down and talked to her about it? Just be careful to how you word things because you could hurt her feelings and put a damper on your all’s relationship.
I had this problem with a friend. I complained and I was like why why why does she have to copy anyways was telling my nan one day and she said well maybe she looks up to you and likes your style. You should be flattered. Maybe keep things mor private if it’s to much for you
She likes your taste just go with it
Okay so if you really want your own style and things give her all things current style/ copied style, choose a new one tell and show no one for ages. Then when she’s got hers all done come out with it
Your trend sitter, take it as a compliment.
Sounds like she idolizes you. Some people don’t have the ability to theme out a room. I would take it as a compliment or if it really bothered me. I’d change up the style a bit. But it is flattering. Look most people follow clothing,hair trends who starts that? This is an opportunity for you to be proud of yourself and take it as a compliment.
Aint anything u can do lmao i laugh bc i dealt with the exact same thing with my sister in law, down to her having to dye her hair to match mine
Sorry, this sounds a little off to me. She may be trending toward a stalker habit. I would put some distance between her and my family.
Take it as a compliment, however annoying it is
You’re right, Dumb and Petty!
Grey and pink is very popular and trendy. I mean, I just walked into Macy’s baby section the other day , and low and behold - grey and pink floral motif all over .
Perhaps she feels the same as you do - about you .
Grow up, You’re a mother now
Well… Lets put it like this. In one way or another everyone copies someone idea of taste. Maybe she sees you as a catalog. Lol
They obviously admire your taste and sense of style, I’d be happy about it🤣
You inspire her💕 you are her idol
There is nothing wrong
Just take it as you have a likable style and move on!
You said it has never bothered you till now so old habits will be hard to break. Speak up now or she will never stop
Wow my in-laws family are the opposite if we know that one of us has a purse that’s a certain brand we won’t even touch that brand we hate it when ppl do that
She’s obvs obsessed with you & wants to be just like you… you need to tell her that you feel like she’s copying you and go from there…
Try and take as a compliment hun …
Dress ugly ugly one day make her look dumb
How about suggesting to her that you would love to help her find her own styles, things that would suit her. You could be a Interior Decorator or Personal Shopper in the making!! Helping others with their styles!
Ask her if you can help her and make hers different. Don’t look at it as a bad thing. Take it as she thinks you have great taste. Especially if she is a friend and family. I had someone name their child after mine. I thought that was awesome. Life’s to short to be upset about nothing
That’s easy start telling her what you going to do … what style colour etc and that you’ve ordered it differentfrom what you really are gong to get . wait for her to get it then get something totally different… what you were originally intending on getting that will stuff her right up
i think its a compliment
First of all, the fact that you’re mad about your inlaw having a baby is pathetic. And who the hell cares if she has a similar nursery?? Grow up.
Try recommending things that you think will fit her specifically and commenting on how important it is to be an individual! It worked for me!
I went through a weird phase where this girl would join the sports I joined, even quit volleyball once I did, started wearing clothes like me and even cut and dyed her hair the way I did!
I was so angry all the time until my mom told me, for some reason, she may not feel confident enough to be herself but she looks up to you. It is kind of your responsibility to help her find herself.
Maybe try to help her. Go shopping with her and see her preferences. Send her links or pics of things that you think she’d like or will compliment her. Tell her when something reminds you of her or show it to her. Some people latch on to those they admire. She is most likely insecure or has had issues with someone telling her things she chooses or likes are wrong. My situation worked out and we ended up even becoming friends. She eventually started venting to me how her father always told her how stupid she was or asked her what made her think the way she did. It made a lot of sense after that. Good luck.
Copying is the biggest form of flattery.
Yes, you should be flattered and take it as a compliment…
Other than the diaper bag with patches on it everything else is pretty normal. People if similar ages get pregnant close to one another, grey and pink is a pretty basic theme for the nursery. Maybe she thought your diaper bag was super cool and liked it, knew that what she needed would fit. Maybe your SIL is becoming your BEC and you should take a break from them. The stress isn’t good for baby and she should have someone around her that cares for her.
Give your head a wobble girl take it as a compliment
Is this for real? Really? Like so what? Sorry it’s just baffled me
Stop complaining there’s more serious stuff going on in the world. If that’s all your worried about your lucky
My guess is this gals taste is the same as many, many. Buying all this stuff that her sister in law also is buying. If your taste was less mass marketed it would be more difficult to copy. Millions have the same crap from Target. Homegoods e.t.c. Both rooms are probably dull.
I wouldn’t say anything to her or her husband. She obviously likes and adores you and your style. She wants you kids to be close. She’s not doing any harm is she? If it bothers you that much than stop being friends with her. She likes what you like.theres no reason you should feel any sort of negative feelings about that. If you’re annoyed that she’s copying you thats on you not her. Thats a you problem not hers. You can’t tell anyone especially an adult that you don’t want them to do, buy, wear, decorate something because you feel they are copied. She can do what she wants. Just because someone gets pregnant the sa.e time as you do, or engaged the same way, or wears the same style or has the same baby name or room deco doesn’t mean they are copying you. Ppl will do what they want and they have the right to.
Choose to be flattered instead of annoyed! You’re going to end up being resentful otherwise. There are way worse issue to be dealing with than this
Takeout as a compliment!!! No need to be petty.
I feel like you’re being extra
I get it that shit does get old I’d be annoyed to
I promise there’s bigger fish to fry in life. Take it as a compliment that you have good taste and move on.
Maybe she loves the same things as you. Maybe she hasn’t a clue about what she wants or needs. Who knows…just accept the compliment
Tell her how impressed you are that she is designing her nursery exactly like yours! “I’m so happy you love my style” maybe she’ll get the hint!!
Personally I think you have the right to be upset, your entitled to your feelings x do something drastic e.g like say your going to change the curtains colors and paint to make it more neutral and see if she tries to copy it again
Imitation is the best form of flattery. She probably dosent even realize she’s doing it and just likes the way you do things. Encourage her to find her own groove, help her with her choices and guide her down a different path.
She copies you because she doesnt know how… you can offer other choices and ask if she needs help… not everyone is able to decorate… some need all the help they can get
I completely understand as I also have a family member that does similar. I typically just remain quietly annoyed and let it go but it’s not easy.
Maybe you could offer to help her decorate if this comes up again and offer unique for her suggestions that she would love.
My momma always told me mockery is the sincerest form of flattery!!! Maybe she admires your taste!!
I’d probably find other things to be annoyed about - be flattered that someone else likes your style. As for her getting pregnant 10 weeks after you, do you honestly believe someone would make such a huge life decision just to copy you? Relax and enjoy your family - if this person is family and a close friend just be there to support them. Some people lack their own sense of style and ability to decorate - if you want her to choose differently maybe you could help her with some alternative options - give her some ideas on different styling options - say wow have you seen this colour combination etc and see how it goes - she must look up to you in a sense so try to be less offended.
Just let it go , your gnna have your baby and little family to worry about, be flattered she likes your style
On baby #3 here I’m always copying my girlfriends or neighbors or family with things I like that they do or that I think are smart:joy: I wouldn’t necessarily call it copying but exchanging ideas with other mamas. My neighbors and I always joke around that we are both keeping up with the Jones’s cuz we do one thing and then the next day they are doing it too or vise versa. Maybe you are thinking of things she hasn’t thought of yet. And as far as the timing she got pregnant… you cant decide when you get pregnant, it’s in the Lord’s hands. I mean you can plan and try to get pregnant at a certain time but when it happens isnt up to us. I agree with what another mama said, may be pregnancy hormones adding to the irritation. But if you guys are family and friends, try to let it go. Especially when it comes to baby items cuz alot of them you are gonna have the same things (the newest greatest carseats, the same brand diapers and wipes, etc.) We want the best for our babies and sometimes taking hints from other mamas is the most helpful try not to let it get to ya
I have learn to rise above it but i had the same but with a friend with my name for my little girls she also copied the nick name maiya moo as moo didt come into it till she was one she took convulsions fights so on way to hospital in ambulance she had a wee cover had moo moo cows on it and the lady said awe thst dose rhyme maiya moo she looked at her mee name in cover in a bad time she made it just a tad better but friend sister got pregnant 6 months after she was born and called here little one maiya moo when was so close and personal to me and my daughter was our wee thing ass I seen on fb was maiya moo this and that but rise above it as not worth ur time getting upset over she mite like every one els just liked way ur doing things to prepare I had to as was end up gonna loose a friend over a name instead of accepting it is what it is and can’t change the fact she has same name as my little one xx
Ummmm I’m really hoping this is just your hormones talking for you………
Maybe this mama loves and adores everything about you and the way you and your family live your day to day life. Maybe she’s just insecure and just feels lost in this overwhelming world and she finds a certain happiness in how you approach your life and hopes that maybe she can find hers, maybe you should try to be a real friend to her and like you said, but be so petty.
Take it as a compliment, she obviously admires you and your style
I completely understand how that could be aggravating. Especially if its a constant. Yeah copying is flattery but to an extent. It gets to a point where its almost an intrusion on yourself as an individual. If its as bad as you say it is it could be a sign of borderline personality disorder on her part. And it may be a compulsion especially if you are also good friends. Unfortunately after a while it is very off putting. And there’s not much you can do on your end to stop it. I know most won’t see it that way and say to take it as a compliment but there comes a point where its draining. I hope it works out in the end.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery… is this her first baby? If it is, she may not know what to do or have any ideas of her own, which is why she is doing variations of similar things.
Ummm…its kinda a petty thing to complain about, I mean, if she names her baby the same as yours, yeah that would be serious but a crib and some paint?? Her 1st baby? Maybe since your such good friends you should take it as her thinking you bought good stuff and wants to do the same?
I mean, does she cut her hair like you, maybe drive the same make and color of car, bought the house next door??
Imitation is the highest compliment.
Let it go.
Maybe she doesnt know who she is yet, but she likes who you are.
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery! Take it as a compliment and don’t let it drive you crazy
It may be that she feels you know what you doing while she feels unsure of herself. She trusts and values your opinion. Hence the copying. It actually tells how high she puts your opinions… instead of saying she copies you she’s showing you in her opinion you know what you doing…
I understand it’s frustrating because you want your things to be unique just for your baby. It could be flattery but having a copycat is aggravating. You could ask but then there might be a problem.
Wonder what she would do if you decided to change up what you had planned…lol
Umm it sounds like she looks up to you. No plans a 10 day apart pregnancy btw. In my honest opinion be grateful you have a loving sister in law, and some one share the journey with. Take it as a compliment and move on!
You’re obviously an innovator, not an imitator. Yes it is very annoying to be constantly copied, but………try to see it as a big compliment that they follow your ideas and trends, they’re not competing with you, just following……….
If you are really good friends talk to her about it. She may not be very creative as you are. Help her find her own style or make different suggestions as to what she could do.
I get where you’re coming from, I’ve got someone also who copies everything I do. It isn’t flattering at all, it’s annoying as hell, like she always has to try to one up me amd my girls. I don’t have any advice as I am dealing with the same crap as you. Jusr try to take a deep breath and focus on your kids amd ignor her to the best you can.
Is it her first kid? If so maybe she values your judgment on baby items. I mean it could be worse but I understand the frustration. Just don’t let it get to you. Good luck
Just ignore and don’t let it bother you. I used to get very frustrated when people blatantly copied me. Now I just ignore and accept that obviously they like my taste and style so just take it as a compliment.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery! Consider it a compliment and let it go!
I’d take it as a compliment! My and my roommates used to copy each other and then argue about who copied who first! If it’s cute it’s cute!! Lol maybe she has trouble draining and finding her own style and just loves yours so much so models after it! It if you want to say something without “actually saying something” start buying y’all’s kids matching outfits and say well they match with everything else so I’d thought I’d get them matching clothes…… I personally would love that.
Instead of it bothering you, take it as a compliment. You must have good taste if they want to copy everything. That’s what I did with my neighbours and once it stopped bothering me….I stopped noticing
I feel you on this just say my ex sister in-law herd the names I wanted to name my sons and she named her two boys the two names I mentioned that I’ll be naming my
I had a friend just like this. Didn’t really bother me at all, took it as a huge compliment, I obviously had great taste. Also everything that people have its because it’s been copied from someone else.
She likes you and loves your taste in decor. If you would just chill out you would probably have a great relationship with her.
Imitation is the highest form of flattery… Maybe they just look up to y’all
So both babies are girls?
Send her some cute nursery pics on Pinterest and be like omg isn’t this adorable!? Or what an amazing nursery!! Maybe she’ll want to switch?? Idk
It shows she likes and looks up to you.
Instead maybe offer different insight.
Like I did this but why do you think about this one or another?
Ask her what she likes and help her find it.