Has anyone been taken to court for their parents/in-laws demanding visitation with your children? My MIL is verbally abusive, toxic, and narcissistic and honestly I think she is bipolar or some sort of personality disorder… we have been no contact with her for over a year and now she is emailing and leaving letters in our mailbox demanding if we don’t let her see my children she will petition the court for visitation. Logically if you look at the situation and the law she has no rights to my kids but I am worried that if it goes to court somehow she will be granted something. I would love any advice please. Please know my husband did not do this without giving her ample chances to change her behavior before deciding we couldn’t have her in our life any longer.
Help a mama out and respond anonymously on our forum. My In-laws are taking me to court to see my kids
Most states grandparents don’t have rights, I would look up the guidelines for your state. Besides, unless you guys are unfit, I really don’t think the court is going to grant somebody visitation against parents wishes. Good luck, I’m sorry this is happening.
Grandparents have no rights in our state
Not sure which state you live in, but grandparents don’t have rights in VA.
Grandparents have no rights if parents don’t agree
Most states that only applies if the parent is deceased.
Get a restraining order for the harassment.
Some states grandparents have rights. But if they are toxic and you can proof it then most likely they won’t get rights.
Since you said in-laws I’m assuming you’re married. So typically courts do not grant grandparents rights or visitation unless a parent has: died, deployed or is incarcerated. So if/when she does take you to court they most likely won’t be awarded anything and ask you settle through mediation. Meaning meet with someone to come to some terms if any terms like: supervised visitations a certain time a month or year etc… I would find an attorney that has a free consultation and get their opinion.
In my state, KY, grandparents can petition the court for visitation.
Just check your state laws and you’ll know where you’re at.
Yeh I don’t blame the in-laws. They deserve to see their grandchildren.
Look up your law and youll know. My state DOES have grandparents rights BUT it only depends on how the grandparent was involved in the childs life. If it was normal its usually once a month. If they cared for the child its more. If they never made effort they never got any rights.
Even if you live in a state where grandparents do have rights, they have to have a current relationship with them. If you’ve been nc for over a year I wouldn’t stress. But I would still find out the rights in your state. Collect everything she sends you and take it to your attorney for harassment. My ex in laws tried to try that with my daughter. They haven’t seen her in over 16 years.
They have zero rights so good luck to them
So one comment that I have, please don’t use someone being bipolar so negatively. It is very offensive to those of us that are bipolar, but do the work to still be functioning decent human beings. Bipolar does not mean all the negative things you said and shouldn’t be used so casually……
That would be up to her son for her to see the kids wouldn’t it.
In my state, grandparents have no right to the child at all. Find out the laws in yours and go from there. I am sure you husbands testimony would weigh heavily if it came to that.
Keep documentation. Get a restraining order. Letters from people who know her and will testify to her abusive character. And get an attorney as soon as possible. A stern letter from an attorney can stop some people from escalating a situation.
I’m in tn. There are absolutely no grandparents rights here.
Please print all of that stuff. She’s a loose cannon.
I know some states do grant grandparents right
Sounds like she is harassing you. I’d start documentation of the harassment as well as documentation in writing of you asking her to not contact you.
My sister in law was taken to court by her sons paternal grandmother, she won every other weekend with him plus certain holidays
Get a restraining order against her for your kids and yourself so she is not allowed around. She is basically stalking your kids and you and harassing all of you. Save every text and record calls to show a sheriff. Ask a sheriff to deliver a cease and desist to her and ask for a report number for that
What state are they in?
Each state is different. Check with a lawyer. Jeep everything she sends you. Touching your mailbox is a federal offense.
And here I am practically begging for ours to see our kids
The next time she shows up call the cops to come file a report that she’s harassing your kids and you
Depending on your state my mother tried to pull this crap on my husband and I. She has to prove that they had a constant relationship and that your child’s mental health is a stake if unable to see Grandparents. Since she hasn’t had any contact in a year I don’t see the courts doing anything really it seems to me she is just trying to get some kind of control. Message me if I can be anymore help I dealt with this a bunch from my own mother.
I would keep all evidence and maybe put an order on her so that way things can be placed on your behalf
Let them take you to court. If she’s nuts-o she’ll probably make her own bed. I agree that you should look up the guidelines in your state but if this is really this straight forward and you guys are fit parents then I would just let her waste her money.
supervised visits with an agency who provides that such as YMCA programs.
Depends on where you’re from. There is grandparents rights.
Ohio: either a parent has to have died, child was born to unmarried woman or when married parents terminated their marriage or separate.
Get a restraining order. Say she’s unstable mentally. Give examples of letters, texts and try to record all calls.
Unless u live in a state that has “grandparents rights” they won’t get far. Plus all the emails and things of her harassing u.
My mom tried the same thing. In Oregon, then again when we moved to Nevada. She ended up getting harassment charges. 3 years no contact and counting!
most states if they have grandparent rights its under 1 or 3 conditions.
- child has loved with them last 6 months
- parents are divorced
- 1 of parents are deseased.
…it doesn sound like any of these
id maybe tlk to a lawyer
Most states don’t have grandparent rights and if they do and you can prove that it is not in the best interest of the child then the courts should side with you
My son was never married to the mother of his two daughters…they broke up and he started seeing another girl then got locked up…the mother of my grandaughter stopped letting me get them or even see them…I took her to court …and I got the girls every other weekend and I could take them out of state without her permission…This is in Indiana…I showed prove that I had always been involved in their lifes…and she admitted it to the judge
They can take you to court for not letting them see their grandkids?
Grandparent rights are usually given in the event that a parent dies. If both parents have decided that there is to be no contact with a grandparent for any reason there isn’t much she can do. I would consult with a lawyer just in case though.
evidence. everything in writing. get a restraining order
Depending on your state some places don’t have grandparent rights so they can try all they want
There are grandparent rights in some states
She does have rights unfortunately.
Get a restraining order for harassment she has no rights. My brothers ex wouldn’t finish the divorce because she never wanted my mom to have rights. And it worked
Gather all your evidence. Every letter, voicemail, text.
Nothing she can do. In most states the grandparents have no rights
There are no grandparents right good luck to her
Leave it. It’s a treat till she acts on it but, in most states grandparents have no legal rights. Gather all the evidence text, calls/voicemails, etc.
Most states Don’t aknowledge grandparent rights.
Before going to court. Id let them see them, supervised of course for an hour or so on a specific day… The courts may determine she has rights and give them 1 weekend a month… Try to work it out first… once it goes to court, its extremely hard to get it overturned
There is such thing as Grandparents rights, but if there are complaints filed against them it will count in your favor. You could always only allow supervised visitation where one or both of you are present at all times to defuse the situation. But they’re your kids and you have to do what’s best in your opinion.
I started proceedings and I know I would have won visitation but I got very ill and had to let go. Too many people abandon family and it’s heartbreaking. Unless you fear she’ll harm your children I think it’s good for the kids to spend time with their old people. Even then perhaps consider brief, supervised time together. Maybe even just birthdays and Christmas. I miss my grandkids 24/7.
Look and see what your laws are in your state.
Keep all the evidence of her being that way. Show them she isn’t to be trusted around children. If your are scared she will do it be prepared
In Colorado if both parents are still together and are estranged with the grandparents they have no rights. However if one parent is not involved they have rights unless provided with documentation showing why they are unable to see them that is disruptive to the child
Seek professional help and think of the kids they do need to know there family just make sure its in a positive way and by doing that through professional avenues then so be it.
I think for the Facebook judges to say we would need the WHOLE story.
There’s 2 sides to every story and then there’s the truth.
If she is as toxic as you claim go to court… they’ll see it.
Depends on what state you’re in. I know that certain cases in some states grandparents don’t have rights and others do. Consult with a lawyer in your state, consults are free.
If their own son has chosen to go no contact with them, then I doubt that any judge would grant them visitation.
Look up grandparents law in your state
Let her make threats whilst you continue to maintain no contact. Court is gonna be expensive. Document her behaviors.
The burden of proof is ALL on her that the kids are hurt by cutting off the relationship with her. This is for states that do have grandparents rights
Let her make threats. Document everything. Keep every letter, text, records of phone calls along with her behavior.
There really is no such thing. Especially with you & your husband being married
Years ago my own grandparents petitioned for grandparent rights and won. They had to prove they were previously very involved in the childrens lives. My grandparents had proof that they had previously had the kids for holidays and extended periods of time without mom present. They also had proof that the falling out between my grandparents and mom had nothing to do with the kids. My grandparents did extensive research and documented EVERYTHING.
This was a lot of years ago and laws have changed. As previously suggested, I would look up your state’s laws to see if this is even something you need to worry about. If it is, I would start with gathering any proof of toxic/unsafe behavior you have.
Best of luck to you
If you and childrens father are together they literally have no leg to stand on. Usually grandparents right are given when a parent has passed away. In Texas and Louisiana I know for sure have no grandparents rights. She would be wasting her money. Just make sure to keep all records, threats, camera footage of stalking….just in case.
Grandparents don’t have legal rights they will dismiss it
Honestly keep all evidence and talk to the police about harassment
Are there grandparent rights in your state?
If by visiting their grandma you would be putting them in danger definitely fight but if not kids need their grandparents also. Do whats right for the kids not what fits you.
What state are you in? In Texas I know they claim grandparents don’t have rights but it’s bs. They do. My ex mother in law took me to court and won only because she had been apart of my kids lives since day 1. Even though I had all the proof in the world about how toxic she is and everyone who lived in that house is… plus the domestic violence that occurred in that house. But since your kids haven’t seen her for a year it should work in your favor. Also find as much evidence as you can about how toxic they are. KEEP EVERYTHING!!! Messages, letters, notes, etc!!! Especially if she is threatening anything!
Do grandparents have rights in your state
Umm if she is leaving anything in your mailbox without being properly mailed, perdy sure that’s a felony.
I think it’s crazy the amount of people saying that she should allow them in laws to see them. Just because they are “family” doesn’t mean shit. Toxic is toxic and I’ll be damned if I, as a mother, allow someone I am not comfortable with in my childrens life… too many people deal with “toxic” just bc they are family. That’s a hard pass from me. But anywho… look up grandparents rights in your state. Make sure you have everything documented with her behavior and repeat attempts to have a relationship. Also it prob wouldn’t hurt to seek counsel or contact a non profit law group for advise
I wouldn’t worry about it at all honestly.
The grandparent rights only apply if the parent(s) are insufficient. You ultimately get to choose who is around YOUR child. Definitely bring evidence if needed though.
Get a restraining order against her.
She will be publicly humiliated, let her do it!
Depends on if your state allows grandparents rights. My state did not recognize my parents request to see my children, the court dismissed their case.
File a restraining order against her
Depends on your State in mine grandparents rights do not take presidents over parents rights
Call legal aide in your state if you cannot Afford an attorney they will advise you of your rights as a parent
I am a grandmother when I want to see my grand babies I simply ask. Sounds like she is harassing you which is illegal. Also if she is leaving threats in your mailbox without mailing them it is a federal offense to mess with someone’s mailbox report it to the post master general. In retro spect it is beneficial for children to know their grandparents provided it is safe for them to do so. Pray about it and ask God what is in the best interest of your children but absolutely do not let anyone threaten you or your children without seeking assistance from law-enforcement or an attorney prayers for you and your family
Check your state laws, grandparents rights aren’t a thing everywhere.
There is no such thing. She would be wasting her money and both of your times trying to take you to court. In Indiana you can’t take a parent to court as the grandparents unless the mother and father are unfit to care or take care of the kids. Grandparents use that to threaten you so you will let them see the kiddos but it won’t stand at all…. Been there went through it with being threatened…… obviously they never even tried to take me to court……
My ex husband mum took his sister, court said was upto the parents to decide. If you and husband are in agreement they’ll stand no chance. Is no grandparents rights, well not in UK.
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Make sure to save and document any and all communication for evidence
Grandparents right are usually only if the their child has passed away and the remaining parent refuses the grandparents to see grandchild. But since both parents are living they are most likely SOL. Also a lot of states don’t have grandparents rights. Good luck.
Your MIL should consider your husband’s testimony on her own lack of parenting abilities. If she is unmedicated and acting irrationally, please document and get a restraint order. Things left in your box sounds like you have cease and desist order through USPS.
My NM started this crazy talk and she promptly was moved across the state by her third? fourth? Husband.
Her behavior has never stabilized, there just isn’t enough lithium to cure or manage a personality disorder and deeply cut character flaw.
Please seek legal counsel for your state
Why is everyone saying there’s no such thing? Please get educated. It is a thing…MOST states have grandparent rights and allow grandparents to sue for visitation! Some states require the parents be divorced or 1 parent have died or the children lived with the grandparents. Some states only require a prior relationship.
Please do not allow visits, please do get a lawyer or consult with one at the very least before allowing contact. Do keep records of crazy stuff they have done!
Seek out support from others who have been there!
That’s a felony press charges
Grandparents have no rights in most states.
Bring evidence file a restraining order
I would put a restraining order against her
In Florida… grandparent’s don’t have rights
Bring it all to court. What State you live in?
Why would you keep your children away from a love of a grandmother… that is so important to a child…. YOU have the issue Not the children….
She’s trying to scare/threaten you… the threats are empty. Don’t let it bother you. Ignore her! If she’s a narcissist; she doesn’t care about your kids, it bothers her that she’s not getting her way. If you give in- she’s going to keep demanding more and more of you. There’s no rationalizing with a narcissist. Stay no contact. Send her a certified letter demanding that she cease contact. Make a formal complaint of the harassment every single time she tries to contact you. Document everything. Get a restraining order.
You need detailed proof of any dangerous, toxic behavior and proof that there’s been no contact for over 6 months! That will help judge