What state are you in? We went through this also in GA. You can message me if you’d like for advice or how ours went! <3 sending love!
It depends on the state different states have different grandparent rights some don’t have grandparent rights at all most states the requirement for grandparent rights is they have to have a pre-existing relationship with a child and they have to be able to prove that it will very negatively impact a child if that relationship is not kept intact. I would seriously consider getting a free consultation with a family attorney Just to make sure and go over with the laws are in your state in my state just because they see each other once or twice a month isn’t enough for grandparent rights in some states it is
In our state of Indiana grandparents have no rights at all.
There’s a difference between rights and visitation. And yes you can be taken to court for both. Both parents still living, they most like will only be given visitation not custody rights
Save all the notes , letters and record everything. I really don’t think she had a leg to stand on but, however if you have these things and a good explanation why- you’ll be okay.
By law there are GRANDPARENTS RIGHTS. She can take you to court and obtain visitation rights by law. For the kids sake you need to make peace and allow her to see the kids. If there is abuse of the KIDS, not you, you can take her to court and address that…you have to have proof.
Grandparents don’t have rights unless both biological parents are dead so there’s that
Grandparent laws are a newer thing and differ largely by state. Call an attorney. The initial consultation is usually free.
In the uk grandparents have no rights. Pretty sure she can be charged with harassment at least. Id take everything to a lawyer and see what can be done about getting a restraining order against her
She has no rights or a relationship with your kids if it’s been over a year since she’s had contact with your kids
She can’t over ride you and your husband y’all’s rights trump’s hers especially if y’all married
Your mil sounds crazy. She has absolutely no standing in court. Don’t even worry about it. But if she doesn’t stop calling and leaving notes file a report because that’s harassment. Your husband needs to tell her that she’s out of line. And if he’s still holding out for her to get better he needs to tell her that she has to fix herself first then possibly work on a relationship with her son first before he would even think about letting her back in his familys life.
Grandparents can shove it. If parents do t want you around deL with it.
Document everything so that you have proof if she does petition the court
In the state of Tennessee grandparents do not have rights. Get an attorney
No grandparent rights in my state
Grandparents have visitation rights in some states. If they bring you to court the courts have an attorney to represent the kids and what’s in their best interest. Best thing you can do is document everything. Letters/phone calls/threats and positive interactions too. Write everything down. If phone calls are bad download a recorder on your cell. The courts will want proof not opinion. If the kids are old enough they might talk to them to and see how the grandparents treat the children. You can push for temp supervised visits if the courts allow visitation. As far as them getting custody it’s not likely unless you are doing things to put the kids in danger. Again they have to have proof of this not just an opinion that your not a fit mom. If they go to court and tell a judge “well we dont think shes a good mom” the judge will ask for proof if they dont have it they will look stupid in court. Just remember when your interacting with them they to be pleasant if it’s an argument politely say maybe we should talk when things calm down. As much as it sucks you gotta be the bigger person for your kids
Save everything you get from her, if she tries to sue, you have every right to refuse, knowing her history, your children may not be safe with her, make sure you stress that.
Keep track of everything. If you do go to court, and visitation is granted, you can make it supervised where she has to pay and be supervised at a facility
In MN there’s something called grandparents rights so they get 2 weeks out of the year if approved.
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Grandparents have rights. Be prepared to show proof they are unstable
Press charges if she is getting in your mailbox that’s a felony
Check your state laws to see if grandparents even have rights. Trust your husband’s judgment on this one! And if she physically puts things in your mailbox, it’s technically a felony. (While your mailbox is yours, it’s also the government’s and falls under their regulations!) If you and your husband are concerned about her being a threat to your children, file an order of protection for your kids and definitely have some sort of camera system at your home. Worst case scenario, she takes you to court, a camera will prove any inappropriate behaviors! And save all correspondence from her! The more proof in court, the better. Document calls and things you cannot physically see.
I was taken to court by my ex in-laws for grandparents rights and they won so if her dad did not or could not visit on his weekends they got her….oddly I had never denied them visitation though Iowa late 90’s
Yeah there’s no way she can be granted that over yours and your husband’s rights as the parents. She’s cray if she thinks she’s gonna win that
Prove her mental instability. Write down everything. Ask for a mental evaluation due to past experiences by her son. Let them know this is the reason for breaking contact with her. Getting into your mail box is illegal. Press charges if you can or want. God bless.
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Virginia doesn’t have grandparents rights. Document everything!
Keep all letters and forms of communication that you get.
No grandparents rights here in Iowa either.
Man if I was you all of everything would go unanswered and when you go to court have your husband tell the judge that he doesn’t like his mother and he wants nothing to do with her as a matter of fact have him tell them he married you because he didn’t wanted to be loved by someone who is better caring for him and his mother has never been that!
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in most states the grandparents have NO rights. Just google it your your state
Do you even have grandparents rights where you live?
In Missouri Grandparents can only pursue visitation if the child resided with them for 6 months out of the preceding 24 months or the Parents are getting a divorce or one Parent has died AND they have been wrongfully kept from the Grandchildren…
My state doesn’t even have grandparents laws unless they area parent of a child’s deceased parent. Check your state. Typically, a parent gets to choose who will or will not have contact with their children, so I wouldn’t worry.
She sounds like a bona fide psycho. Once again, I’m reminded how lucky I was for awesome in laws.
Contact an attorney to find out what your legal options are.
As parents, you are responsible for protecting your children, which is what it sounds like you are trying to do. Part of protecting them also means being informed legally, so that you don’t get broad-sided by the courts.
My ex-MIL and FIL were fucking NUTS and always threatened to take me to court for visitation with my son (I’m in illinois). The MIL even threatened to actually take custody of my son from me (like literally get full custody of my son).
I told her to go right ahead lmao. I allowed her to see my son with me present and let her visit at reasonable dates. There’s no way she could’ve done anything to me.
Now he’s hasn’t messaged me or asked to see my son in over 2 years. So idk. These situations suck.
If you have proof that she is not healthy for your kids, document it all and provide all documentation that you tried to make an effort to let her be a part of their lives, but it just Wasn’t healthy.
In Illinois the most they can really do is “reasonable and seasonable” and just see the child like once every 3 months.
Most states DONT even grant grandparent rights unless the other parent is in prison for a long time or deceased.
Currently going to court because my mother wants visitation. She can visit in a supervised setting but not in her home. She doesn’t like the boundaries and is requesting a scheduled visitation alone with the children. We have denied her request and we’re now on court date #3. It’s just being drug out and I’m sick and tired of it. She hadn’t contacted the kids in 6 months but has decided to waste everyone’s time in court.
She sounds so entitled to your kids.
I’m not sure which state you are in, but Oregon doesn’t have grandparent rights and if they want visitation they have to prove lack of visitation is causing the kids emotional damage
Yup I lose she got access supervised but still got it
It really depends where you are located
Follow @lifeofdori20 on TikTok. She just went through this same thing & she won!! No visitation for grandparents.
Most cases they have no rights, with you and him om the same page they will pay alot of money trying to prove its un the best interest of the kids ro have contact with them.
I understand stand how you feel I have the in laws from hell as well. Look up your state laws on grandparents rights. If there is no law you don’t have to worry but if there is she has to prove she be a benefit in the kids lives and not someone that will cause them issues. The burden of proof will be on her to prove she is fit to be in there lives
In New York grandparents have legal rights