My in laws constantly talk badly about me and my husband does nothing about it: Advice?

I don’t know what to do about my in-laws. My husband’s parents are very mean to me and criticize me for everything. They just told my husband how lazy I am because when they visited, I sat on the couch a lot, but I just gave birth to my second son two weeks prior? And they said they had come to help. They called me horrible names and everything else under the sun. His mother said I need to make a will because if I didn’t, she would fight my parents for the kids because she can’t stand my family. My husband says he can’t control them but says I’m not allowed to even think anything negative of them, let alone say it, and as long as I’m negative, he doesn’t see our marriage working. What should I do? Is my marriage even worth saving? He says I’m letting his parents in our marriage too much, but i don’t know how to stop. They are so mean.

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Fuck all of that. He needs to tell them to shut their fucking mouth.

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Take the high road and ignore it. Who cares what they think. Stay strong and try not to put your husband in the middle. It’s a relationship killer!


This is so sad. And very toxic. Sorry you are dealing with this.

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Honestly it seems like he has pretty solidly picked a side here. If he can’t even defend the mother of his two week old baby, I don’t see the behavior changing at all for the better.

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Give your husband an ultimatum either control his family. If he can’t control then stop then from coming over. If your husband won’t take up for you them tell him to move out.


In laws should not be involved in your marriage. If you husband won’t stand up to his parents for the way they treat you he is no better then them. It will not get any better. Your kids do not need to be around so much negativity.


He’s letting his parents into your marriage to much. If they come over and are disrespectful of you he should put a stop to it. He should tell them they’re not welcome if they speak to you in such a way. Your feelings are 100% valid. If he can’t stand up to his parents for you after joining his life with yours this will only get worse and drive you crazy. Getting away from extremely toxic people are always in your best interest and you should make a will I wouldn’t want my children raised by people who dislike me. Get out and spare yourself pain if you confront him and he’s not or refuses to be a team with you.

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They shouldn’t even be welcome in your home if they disrespect you like that! And your husband should be taking up for you! I would leave him honestly. You should never be made to feel like that in your own home and even worse by your husband too. He should always have your back no matter what. His parents need to back off. Stand your ground. If he doesn’t see anything wrong with it than leave. You deserve better. That’s not how marriage is supposed to be. And your children will learn what they see


I would leave. Hes a pig.


Tell him to grow a pair and defend you x


That means he’s probably the one giving them the information to shit talk.

I wouldn’t put up with it. Tell him if he’s not going to say anything to them, then you will. Take up for yourself! And if it damages your marriage then so what. It’s not healthy. Even though, I have a good relationship with my in-laws, I have been verbally attacked before, not by them but by other people & my husband never said anything, so I did. I have to take up for myself & fight my own battles because I don’t need my husband to fight them for me. Start defending yourself is what you should do. If your husband doesn’t stand behind you then he’s not worth having.


It sounds like your in-laws are very toxic and your husband is just as toxic for siding with them and holding a double standard. He allows them to be horrible to you, but demands that you not even think negatively about them? That’s unacceptable. I would be prepared to leave this “man” and not have that be the example being set for your child. It’s not good to have a child grow up seeing that it’s okay to treat someone so negatively and demand their silence. It’s also not good for a child to grow up seeing the other parent remain voiceless and degraded. In my opinion, you should demand that he change his ways immediately, or move on with your life separate from him.


If that’s how your husband is, I’d divorce him. I’d never be with someone who doesn’t defend me


Hell to the no damn way!

I’ve been married 26 years now. It is not normal to have a spouse that doesn’t protect the other whether it’s emotionally, physically or verbally. I would seek counseling for myself and see why I am allowing my spouse and his family treat me poorly. Once you have that understanding then you will have the groundwork to start counseling as a couple. Best wishes to you and your family.

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Fuck him and his parents. You’re his wife and should be first priority and if someone is mean and/or disrespectful to you he should be the first one to say something especially if its his family. Sounds like he has no respect for you too, won’t tell his parents to back off, but expects you to keep your mouth shut, hell no!! If this is the case then no he or your marriage is not worth it. I’d never allow anyone from my family to disrespect my SO for no reason and I’d be done if he ever allowed it. Forget what he says an stand up for yourself. It’s better then being his and his family’s doormat.

If you can deal with that for the rest of your life stay if not move on now before your baby get used to you guys being together. If he loves you enough he would never allow them to disrespect you especially in your own home. You don’t deserve that kind of treatment from nobody. You set the example for your baby


First of all when it comes to taking kids away from another guardian they have to prove that guardian is an unfit guardian and it is very hard to do that. Second of all good luck my state which is Florida they don’t have grandparent laws or anything like that. Your kids go to whoever is available if something happens to you and you don’t have a written wheel or anyting or they just go to DCF!!! second of all I wouldn’t put up with it I would tell the in-laws to hit the road and if the husband didn’t like it I would tell the husband is in road. my husband has a really bad family and I have put up with so much over the years when hurricane Michael hit and I got kicked out by two different sister-in-laws I’ve had enough. His family can just stay away from me and my kids and I don’t care what my husband thinks about it like I said there’s the door he can leave if he wants to lol besides if your husband can’t stand up for you to his own parents then there’s something sad about that now.

He’s letting his parents into your marriage to much. If they come over and are disrespectful of you he should put a stop to it. He should tell them they’re not welcome if they speak to you in such a way. Your feelings are 100% valid. If he can’t stand up to his parents for you after joining his life with yours this will only get worse and drive you crazy. Getting away from extremely toxic people are always in your best interest and you should make a will I wouldn’t want my children raised by people who dislike me. Get out and spare yourself pain if you confront him and he’s not or refuses to be a team with you.

They shouldn’t even be welcome in your home if they disrespect you like that! And your husband should be taking up for you! I would leave him honestly. You should never be made to feel like that in your own home and even worse by your husband too. He should always have your back no matter what. His parents need to back off. Stand your ground. If he doesn’t see anything wrong with it than leave. You deserve better. That’s not how marriage is supposed to be. And your children will learn what they see


Make a plan to get out while telling him he either puts a stop to their behavior or you will move along.

Get an attorney and find a women’s support network for battered women. This is a dangerous situation

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My boyfriends daddy said he didn’t want back around me Bc we split for 3 months and it was Bc he cheated at that time and now I’m pregnant and so I speak my mind told him don’t wanna come around me you’ll not be around my child!!

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Don’t allow them over


Join Adult children of narcissist parents & in-laws ! I have horribly toxic in laws and it’s helped a lot, unfortunately what helped us is my husband seeing that his mother is toxic . I tried being the “bigger person” and his mother was still horrible. Provoke her in person, get her to be a cunt in front of him and it took my husbands parents yelling at me in front of him about how “happy I am my daughter died because I was planning a celebration of life for my baby”, oh yea, they’ve blamed me for “taking their princess from them” , umm she’s my fuckin daughter but yup that’s a whole other story hahaha but it took that for him to realize, we’ve almost gone no contact, I hate people who say “well their still my mom” and he gets really mad if I talk bad about her but yup unfortunately you just have to both cut your parents off a bit (his more but be Lowkey about it) and not let them.

Run, your husband is an asshole too

Throw the whole husband away


Then dont invited them over your place if they are begin disrespectful towards to you cause your live there too…tell them simply leave !


Stand up for yourself no matter what the cost is. You don’t deserve to be put down and whoever can’t understand or support that then they don’t deserve to be part of your life anyways.


Read these comments honey an take heed. Follow thru.

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Make out the will, speak up and stand up for yourself and if he doesn’t like it, OH WELL

Leave your toxic husband and inlaws.

Just stay away from them,and stand up for your self ,that isnt call for.

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I would hav we asked her to leave

Marriage counseling fast

Stand up for your self. Tell her to leave

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Leave. He will never see your point and it’s not worth it. I was my ex for 12 years and dealt with the same thing! They falsely called cps so many times that eventually they were told charges would pressed if they did it again. He never did or said said anything about it! Worst 12 years of my life! If he doesn’t respect you enough to stand up to them now after you just gave birth he never will and it WILL get worse.


Get a new husband! My husband has always put his mom in her place and now she has no place in our lives.

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Get your ducks in a row, first. Prepare to leave, because they are going to come after your child. Make sure you are ready, and then leave.


My hubby stopped talking to his parents because everytime they came over, they criticized the way I cleaned my house. It was never the way “they would do it” and the “back in my day my house was spotless every day” …I’m sorry but I work full time, and go to school, along with having 3 kids. He has backed me every step of the way. If he didnt I wouldnt be able to stay to with him.


He needs to grow a pair of balls and tell his parents to respect you. They can be negative towards you, but u can’t say anything cause then he doesn’t see the marriage working out WTF is that? Family is important, but the family you create is number 1 and your husband doesn’t have his priorities straight. I’d tell him flat out either they start showing some respect or you can go back to living with your parents. Give him the ultimatum.

First of all you are not wrong. Second of all, I’d sit your husband down and have a really strong heart to heart with him about your feelings and about how his family makes you feel. I would tell him that he either has to defend you to his family or you’re gonna call them and tell
Them how you feel. I would also limit their time in your home. You shouldn’t let them in your home at all until they respect you. To those who tell
You to leave your husband I understand why but too many people give up on their marriages before exhausting everything from heart to heart talks to intensive couples therapy.

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LEAVE he’s a pussy. Can’t even defend his wife and mother of his kids. Fucking pathetic.

Girl you pack them babies up and leave. It’s not going to get any better. When he married you, you became his first priority. Obviously you are not his priority at all. If he can’t stick up for you with his parents then he won’t stick up for you with anyone. Leave and don’t look back.


Speak up for urself throw ur husband out caus that’s a shit man . His family have no business being in ur business I’d cut them off . I used to live in misery and now I’m better off with my wee family . Positive vibes only haha :rofl: get some quotes make shit obvious asf and call them out when they’re being disgusting excuses of human beings

Time to dip out. Get that lawyer

He should be supportive of you, and not tolerate anyone saying anything bad about you. He chose you. He didn’t choose who he was born to, and he should stand up for you. No matter who is belittling you. That’s just what spouses do.


You dont have an in law problem…you have a husband problem


I’d make the WILL and make sure if something ever happens those toxic in-laws don’t get to even pass their shadow over my kids. And all I can say about your hubby is if you can’t communicate and know he has your back, you’re in a sham of a relationship/marriage already.


You know what you need to do, you just don’t want to have to do it.

Hope you realize this so everything else can work out.

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I’m sorry but there is no way in hell I would continue to be with a man that could not even defend me while someone is tearing me down!
Don’t give a damm who it is.
That is unacceptable in a relationship or an
in-law relationship.
I agree with a statement above, get yourself ready! If you’re not working get to working, Make yourself independent of him financially if at all possible.
And I don’t even agree with putting him in the middle! Once he married her, it’s about their marriage not his parents.
A grown man should be able to tell his parents to respect his partner! He is not a child anymore, he needs to grow up!
I’m assuming he talks to you that way or talks to them about you that way as well.

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Too bad you didn’t know this before you married him. You and your children should be his first obligation to protect you from that kind of BS, even if it is his family.
If he or they haven’t changed by now chances are they never will.

Divorce the whole Bunch. You didn’t marry his parents.


If he cant support you and stick up for you within the fortnight of having a whole child exit your body he isnt going to do anything…ever

Go for a legal kind of advice. It’s not healthy for u anymore. Talk to someone who knows it better. Legal advice will do. Ready yourself after. Expect the worst. Talk to your family about it. Talk to God as well. Seek for help esp on emotionally. You’ll get pass through it. Always remember that you’re loved, worthy, blessed & strong. Keep fighting for your self, your mental health & kids momma :kissing_heart: God bless you!

Tell your husband either he stands up for you or you do it yourself and leave.
He obviously doesn’t respect you if he’s letting his parents speak to you that way in your own home


BYE​:wave::wave::wave: He can leave then. He will never see your side. They will never stop. So tell him you don’t wanna save your marriage and get your babies & leave


Why would you want to be with someone who doesn’t defend you? I would say give him an ultimatum handle your parents or we’re done

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I think I’d stand up to them myself and put them in their places.

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Stand your ground.

It’s YOUR house and YOUR family. If you don’t like the way they treat you then tell them to their face. Same with your husband. Do all 3 at once.

I know you probably want to save your marriage. You just had a baby. It’s so easy for all of us to tell you to leave, but some people need to be told when they are being assholes. Don’t allow them to treat you like crap.

Wow your husband sounds like an ass

If he doesnt stand up for you, I’d say the marriage is done anyway. You should be more important than his parents.


Well if they are so rude, they dont need to be over visiting. Tell them you don’t need negativity in your home, and they aren’t welcome unless they stop. And if your husband cant stand up for you, then he is not a man .


He should be defending you and supporting you and not them. They’re toxic and he’s a piece of crap. Leave…

Just reading what this paragraph says, it sounds like your husband is the one who is letting his parents in your marriage too much. If he cannot stand by you in regards to his parents, he is the one with the problem. They are insulting you, and yet, you can’t have any negative feelings about it without him threatening divorce? Definitely make your will, especially with that threat from your MIL looming over your head. And then I think I might would seek counseling either for yourself or for the both of you. Marriage is worth fighting for, but I think some priorities are a little mixed up here.


You’re looking for advice here but you already know what needs to be done. I know it’s hard to accept that your husband is the major problem here and obviously you would rather stick it out than be happy.

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A husband should be sticking up for his wife.His parents disrespect you because you both allow it so they will continue to do it.Remember your children will see and hear all of that and you dont want them to think its ok and treat you like that to.If they say it to your face what are they going to tell your kids behind your back.I would get this tooken care of now instead you may end up with worse.Your kids will treat you like crap and none of them will stop them because they do it to.You dont want that at all.If your husband cant simply tell them to stop then I wouldnt allow them in my home or around my kids.I would also ask myself why they even think its ok to begin with and why they dont like you…You and your kids should be his number 1 a real man wouldnt allow anyone to disrespect his wife like that.I would put your foot down tell your husband its his family so he needs to tell them to stop and that he wont allow any disrespect to you.If he wont even do that I really would look at your marriage and think if he really respects and loves you.A husband isnt going to allow that if he trully loves you.STAND UP AND STOP IT NOW OR YOUR GOING TO JUST LET IT KEEP HAPPENING AND YOUR CHILDREN WILL END UP FALLOWING IT


I’d tell your husband that the moment he said I do that umbilical cord between him and his mama was severed. He either mans up and speaks up for his wife or remain lonely because you will find a man who does and that includes taking your children and moving on.

If u r desi I know how hard it must be but seriously STAND UP for yourself dont be disrespectful but speak for yourself before its too late because eventually ur kids will get dragged into this nonsense n will get criticized by ur in laws!!!

This is so wrong. You have to take all the crap they dish out but your husband isn’t even willing to stand by you and you are jot allowed to say anything? Respect goes both ways… Respect is earned, not given. Your husband needs to address the issue with his family and he needs to understand that doing so is not disrespecting his parents by defending you.

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Tell him to get the f*** on I don’t have to be mistreated because they ignorant as hell I go file for restraining order on both of them

He wont stand up for you but wont let you stand up for yourself? Girl run run run you dont deserve to be walked over by ANYONE


Threw the whole man and his ppl away!!! I don’t think there is anyway to fix it unless U sacrifice yourself and your kids, because the kids get bigger and think that’s the way to treat you and their future mates!!! It wrong period!!! Your so call husband has NO respect for you as his wife!!!


Stay away from them, and tell your husband you dont want to hear anything about them. Cut them from your life and concentrate on your new baby.


I did premarital counseling before I even got married. My pastor explained that , it’s the husband job to defend his wife with his family. And the wife’s job to do the same with hers , so yeah he should never allow anyone to disrespect you , and the same goes for you. Hopefully he realizes this before it’s to late. :pray:


Ephesians 5:29 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” His mother is no longer the priority. you SHOULD be. Have faith and pray about your marriage, seek counceling. But if he isn’t willing, then you need to better yourself for you and your kids and remove yourself from him and his family.


I truly believe you teach people how to treat you. Don’t ignore it. Call them out when it happens. I would leave when they came over. Let your husband visit with them but why be tortured. If your husband doesn’t have your back in this what will he have your back in?


Leave him. He is not worth it at all.

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I wouldn’t be able to keep my mouth shut lbvs … ur husband should respect ur marriage enough to not allow that type of behavior from anyone even his parents


Don’t walk, run. Its normal not to ALWAYS get along with your in laws, but he needs to cut the cord. YOU’RE his main priority family now.

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Fuck that take your kids and leave

You will never be happy. Much to difficult. You must leave and dont let him or his parents bully you.

Honey that man is not for you period because I wish my husband tf would let anybody do me wrong I’m going in his shit and leaving…leave his ass if he can’t stand up for you smh couldn’t be me :100:

Time to get out the son is obviously a puppet controlled be his mother!!!

Leave this mommy’s boy !!! You can do better than this Bull shit!!!

Sweetheart this is not good at all they have crossed the line big time and your Husband is allowing this which means he doesn’t respect you or your feelings, You seriously need to get out of this marriage ASAP His parents have no respect for you at all Get out Get out and you Fight for your children sounds like they are going to try to take your children if you don’t follow there Rules Get Out I cannot say that enough it’s all about control this is Dangerous…

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When he married you. You became his family. He should be a man and stand up for you. My fiance stands up to his family for me and he use to be a big time momma’s boy. And for him not to even let u stand up for yourself is straight ridiculous. If he keeps that up then the best thing to do would be to leave because it can just get worst


Go get a living will with ur parents as gaurdians, and then run far away from that whole family. Husband an all

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If he’s not sticking up for you, then you shouldn’t be promising your life to him.

Honestly i would stand my ground because no one will disrespect me and if he doesn’t have my back i dont care for his opinion. I have delt with this personally and my SO has had to learn that you either have my back or it’s over. I had to be blunt about it sure he was mad at first but you just like I deserve to be respected so stand up for you self and tell him how it’s going to be it worked out for me.

Hes a gutless prick if he wont stand up for you… marriage wont work i had the same.problem…best thing i did for.myself children was leave his arse…he has ZERO reapect or your family…

I would attempt to do what others have suggested. Sit down and try to talk to him. Make sure he knows your not trying to put his family down but in turn they shouldn’t put you down either. My husband would go to war over me. Including with his family if they were to ever talk out of turn about me. Thankfully I don’t have in law issues towards me. I just have a mother in law with a toxic lifestyle choice whom has recently been cut out from our lives which was my husbands choosing after the childhood he had with her. What I do want to stress to you though is to stand up for yourself. I was in a previous relationship where I was made to feel less and small. NO ONE should ever take your voice away. Unfortunately even if divorce is the route that is taken, it sounds like you may have a nasty divorce/custody battle with his parents in his ear. And that breaks my heart for you and your babies. I would definitely seek out legal advice or assistance and let them know what is going on and what you fear will happen if you try to divorce him so you are completely informed on your rights. Good luck momma!

Either he stands up for u for u leave his ass thats total bs

You say fucking bye. Forget them and forget him. My in laws are a bunch of pieces of shit and when talk shit my husband knows he better not say a damn thing to me about what I reply back to them. I don’t put up with that bullshit anymore

Yea he would he kicked to the curb

Take your baby and leave. They are toxic


Excuse my language but FUCK that. It’s your home and they need to learn to respect you and so does your husband. If this can’t happen then they all need to go. Totally disrespectful and I would not tolerate that bullshit for 1 second. Stand up for yourself, your happiness counts too.

I would seek legal advice on what your options are if this verbal, mental and emotional abuse continues. Set urself up a plan and once all that is done speak to ur husband one last time about how him allowing this kind of treatment from his parents. If he still doesnt stand up for u and stop it then u know ur answer n its time to take actions. Make sure u document very attack from them. No wife or husband should allow any kind of mistreatment let alone abuse. I wish you well and keep ur head up and stand ur ground. May god bless you.


Throw the whole family away


Join that’s is I’m in law shaming.
They will always be like this. Set boundaries and grow a back bone now and put them in their place