Oh hell no! That’s wrong on so many levels! Some of my husbands family used to do me the same way, but my husband had my back fully and even went as far as not talking to some for several years because of it. Now not because of me telling him to but because he felt like, if they disrespecting they disrespecting him, because we’re a team! If you can’t express your hurt about it to him, then you know were his allegiance lies and it doesn’t look like it’s with you! I’m so sorry you’re going through this! I hope it works out the best for you and your babies!
Tell your mother in law the will has been made and she is not in it and inform your husband the same that your parent are the ones going to be it because you are not having his raise your kids!plus inform your husband to get off his ass and inform his parent(mom) she needs to shut up not else! She has no right to degrade you at all and if it’s in front of “your family(kids)” get the hell out of your home plus if he doesn’t like it he can go too!!
Oh no no no. Let me tell you it’ll get worse unless he grows balls. Get vocal if you have to.
Don’t worry I had to put up with this crap from my mother inlaw and his family. Mind games and nasty. So I came up with this solution I married you and not your family. He would whimper to his mother who was condescending and nasty. I was straight up with her and I would growl them whenever they were arsehole to me and stick up for myself because he wasn’t going to have my back.
I would wait tell he is at work go file for divorce and custody of kids next couple of days after while he is at work I would pack my kids and leave he won’t stand up to his parents now he never will and it will only get worst I have been threw this. Also a living will giving children to your mother if something happens to you
Doesn’t anyone else think that some of the stories on this group are fake.
Dont ask us girl! Do some soul searching cause me personally I would have told them off lonnnnnnnggggggg time ago
If someone said that to me, parents or not, my husband would flip the hell out. That is absolutely ridiculous and he should NOT let anyone treat you that way!! Hell to the no!
Stay in the marriage just tell him to support you and not put his family first and foremost as you have kids and you are number one not his mother. Put your foot down I have had numerous arguments disagreements with his family and to keep my sanity and not run around after there lazy butts. I keep away from family gatherings because of this crap.
I would defend myself if I knew I wasn’t in the wrong,and especially in my own home.Your husband should care about how the mother of his children is being treated, he eighter is scared of them or he doesn’t love you enough to stand up to them.I would be so outta there.
He needs to stick up for you…period.
I have told my husband how nasty they are when he is not around but solution I keep at a huge distance from me.
You don’t need them around!! Don’t let them get to you. You just had a baby. Your man should stand up for you!
Then they no longer see you or any kids. And he needs to get backbone Bc he’s going to wind up alone and miserable with his miserable parents. Start documenting all of the abuse and back it up in different areas that he doesn’t have access, make sure you have yalls important papers BC/SScard/ tax information so you can file when ready. He’s already told you which side he chose and it’s not you and the kids.
Leave. He will never change. You will only feel worst about yourself for not leaving sooner. I’m sorry you are going through this. Praying it all works out.
I would speak my peace and if he had a problem, I would leave him. You need someone that will stand up for you. And you need in laws that actually respect you! File for custody asap too because it sounds like that family is crazy and will try and steal your children.
No.it should never happen
I would make a will and leave your kids to your mom and dad and make sure he pays children support if you leave hi.
How can I say this respectfully? Well, I cant.
F**k HIM and HIS FAMILY. I would start planning my exit strategy right away. Your husband has made it crystal clear that your feelings don’t mean a damn thing. Who the hell are his parents to talk down to you? His parents could have their sorry ass son back. I would take my kids and move on.
Stand up for yourself, tell your hus and if they act like this again they wont be welcome and you expect him to back you up, invite your parents over at the same time crap like this is not on.
Dammm your husband is a jerk!
Any man that would not stick up for you to his parents isn’t worth having. Just my opinion.
I would tell your husband and In-laws where to shove it and if they don’t respect you bye
Fuck that grown ass man~child!!!
NO will enter my home and ever disrespect me. And if my husband allowed it, his ass would hit the door when they did!!!
What you “allow” will continue! You deserve respect especially in your own home!!
Know your worth
Also IF you want to stay with him, then seek counseling and maybe they can help him see his ways and his parents ways ARE WRONG!!
Thats emotional abuse im sorry “im not allowed to even think of them in a negative way” id be telling him to fuck off see a laywer and get out of that toxic relationship and if the parents are that blunt and your husband does nothing about it then im sorry hes just as bad as they are and it will most probably just get worse. Grow a back bone snd stand up for yourself!!
Have your husband read this comment section. Most, if not all, are spot on. Your in laws shouldn’t be saying those things and he should be standing up for you. He doesn’t respect you.
Your husband should grow a pair and stop letting his parents belittle you. What kind of husband lets people disrespect his wife?
Why would your husband let his parents disrespect you? Seems he has no respect for you himself
If your man won’t stand up for you and threatens to end your marriage if you criticize his family, then you’re better off without him. Next time he says that, then tell him fine. If he doesn’t have your back, then he doesn’t deserve you.
Wow! If your husband won’t stand up for you, then you deserve way better! Don’t let anyone make you feel bad because you just had a baby recently, and need to relax. If they have nothing nice to say then they shouldnt be allowed in your home. But if your husband dont have enough respect to stand up for you! Then girl go get better. Good luck
If he won’t support you or respect you where his parents are concerned then maybe its time to think about the relationship as a whole and make a decision whats best for you and kids, alternative could be his parents ain’t allowed to visit if they keep being the way they are
He needs to tell his parents to back off
Fuck your shitty in-laws. And fuck your useless, spineless husband.
He sounds like a little bitch…
Talk to an attorney about a will and a divorce! Honey you deserve better!
Nope. Stand your ground. Let hormonal mama bear come out and they rue the damn day. Fuck that bitch for not defending you. Leave. Take your babies and let him go back to his mom’s apron. And put in divorce they have no unsupervised contact with kids. No poisoning them against you.
Tell him to step up and back you up to deal with his parents or take the kids and leave. Tell him to man up and grow a pair of balls.
If he can’t stand up for you, I’d leave.
Girl, if I was you I would send him and his parents to hell, he is a jerk, get off your feet I make a report just in case they try to do anything I have a step forward , good luck.
No way! If you cannot get the respect you deserve from your husband then please leave. Know your self worth!
Omg this is exactly what was happening to me…and i told my husband straight up i dont want nothing to do with them i dont need that negativity in my life so they dont come by me anymore and i dont go by them and i dont speak to them…if he dont like it thats his business…
Agree to all above. My mother n law is jealous of me and says I took her son away from her. Shes said alot of bad things about me and acts like her son is her husband. Shes got issues
Fucking leave girl you don’t deserve that and neither do your kids
Divorce thats what you need
I’d be done with the marriage. If I can’t speak my mind then nope. They got the wrong daughter in law. You gonna get an earful. Don’t come to my house degrading me
Kick them out of your house for being dicks, tell your husband either he stands up for you or you leave.
Counciling with hubby, outright tell his parents yourself back off or you can’t see us anymore (if they break this restraing order) and if hubby has a hissy fit take a year off your marriage one of you move out to evaluate if you want to stay together.
why would you put up with a life of dis-respect?
Your husband must have not paid attention to his marriage vows, remind him for richer or poorer & in sickness & health, to love & honor. The Good book says honor that wife, respect thy parents. Seems like he should do this all over again!
From this point only fend for you and kids do not visit them also keep a tape recorder or phone and tape this shit i would post it on Facebook in there lovely stay and put in there how hubby let it go on then at end of visit let them know this is also your house and until they can respect you do not come back tell hubby in front of them if you agree with this behavior go with them
Do not allow kids around them unless change they will have emotional issues
Leave them the h_ell Alone
Clearly he has no grip on reality and is delusional about his parents and their motives. I would talk to him firstly and gage what comes from that conversation otherwise I would strongly recommend you make yourself a plan B.
If he won’t stand up for you in your own house then tell him his parents aren’t welcome when your home. He can visit them when ever he wants at their house but until they can be respectful to you, you don’t want to see them
Your grown as a mother fucker!. No human on this earth can tell you to live by how they allow. In my eyes if you dont respect me a human being you dont get to be a part of my kids. That is some major bull shit. 1. You just had a baby
2. Its your home your kids. 3. Fuck anyone that interupts your happiness.
I was married to a man with a mother like that and guess what…we’re divorced. If he can’t stand up for you that’s a problem.
I would leave men like that never change !!
Excuse me! This did not just happen overnight. You my dear knew what you were getting involved with before hand. You’re husband needs to grow a pair and these people are only doing what You are allowing them. You’re the Mother, the Wife put the SOBs in their place ASAP. You’re husband has a problem than Good bye to him too. You are the one allowing this to happen. You have children now. What do you expect in the future? They will most definitely talk shit about you to you in front of you with your children as witnesses. NEVER allow Anyone to disrespect you PERIOD. That’s all on you since you married an asshole who allows his family to disrespect his wife in his own home.
Had the same crap for 10 years and I had enough and got out, if he doesn’t defend you now he never will, and they just get meaner the more they get away with it.
Send him back to his Mamas old skirt…tell him…youbdon’t need a man who does not now how to be a good husband…file a divorce…file something that would prevent your in-laws from coming near you and your kids.thats verbal and emotional abuse…they are toxic…not good for you and ur babies mental health.
No he is letting them in too much.
You should never allow anyone to disrespect you so badly in your own home.
I am sorry but your hubby is being a coward.
I would never ever allow my parents to disrespect my fiance in such a way i would utterly loose my crap at them.
I would be telling them to treat him with respect or f off.
Your husband should be sticking up for you especially with how disgusting they are treating you.
Sorry but if he wants to be that way i would 100% walk from that.
At the leaset I would be saying that you will not allow them over or around you unless he is there.
Dr. Laura would say “he’s a limp dick”
Stand up for yourself. Call him out too. If they get pissy oh well they didn’t like you to begin with. If he leaves then thank God he leaves now and not 5 years later. My in laws learned real fast that all in all once I speak my mind after taking so much shit my husband will back me up.
Because I’m not gonna snap until it’s went too far anyways.
It took my husband 4 years to finally start seeing what was really happening and start defending me instead of taking it out on me. But it also took me realizing that fighting back was doing absolutely no good and I needed to simply remain quite and let them expose themselves. We’ve now been together almost 12 years, have 3 kids and fortunately haven’t had anything to do with his mother, sister, and father for the last 6. My husband does stand up for me now, he does see what’s really happening, and should he not, we never would’ve made it, because I am telling you, it’s mentally exhausting dealing with narcissistic behavior from ALL your in laws and as a result of not speaking to those 3 any longer, all of them turned on us, but two.
I say get out of that marriage fast! That man will never stand up to his parents and you can not change a leopards spots. Take your children and get the hell put of that miserable black hole. Otherwise that will fall onto your children and thats the last thing you want your children growing up around hearing.!
Toxic family! If he doesn’t see that, he’s part of the problem
Leave. That’s disgusting.
Time to say goodbye to him. He obviously doesn’t value you.
Contact a woman’s center, get a lawyer, read up on divorce & the various custody laws & prepare, prepare, prepare to be a successful, safe, single mom.
Try marital counseling if he will go. If not, or if he continues to refuse to stand up for you or at least show signs of coming around after a few months of sessions, you will have already started a framework to leave him & his toxic parents SAFELY and WITH your children.
Do not show your hand until you have all your ducks in a row, then take swift and sure action. Not sure if your husband would be a huge hazard to you if you left him, but if he tells your in laws he thinks you might leave him, they could get nastier. You want to talk with your lawyer, the police, CPS and the women’s center on the down-low to see what the in-laws could legally or even illegally do (maybe they’re all bluster & just like to be unpleasant, or they could try to poison you). Find out what you can do to pre-empt any action they could take, and when they’d have no leg to stand on. Find out what constitutes abandonment; don’t leave without the kids & know what rights you, the father & his parents have & don’t have.
Be sure you have at least one safe house, all your & your kids’ important papers, maybe a PO Box to get info that you keep at the office or another safe place (maybe under the spare tire in your car trunk unless he uses your car too). Make copies of all important papers & leave them with a trusted friend. A Women’s Center will likely have checklists, classes and referrals available. Use their resources to your advantage.
You poor bugger. If it is that toxic and he isnt going to stand up for you or pull them into line id leave. No one should be expected to live that way
Tell your husband to grow some fucking balls and smarten up or you are leaving if he can stand by listening to someone talk to you like that he really doesn’t deserve you as a partner
Stand for urself…thts wat I have learnt…
Tell him bye bye! Clearly controlled by his family! Can’t let them get you down and abuse you for the rest of your life, if he can’t stick up for you he’s no man.
Had the same thing I struck with it but don’t put up with it leave him if he can’t stick up for you now he never will and over time it eats you up you could stand up to them say what you want too then kick them out if he leaves then you know good lucky
I was in this same situation and i put my foot down amd told him its me and the baby or your parents. They have no right to be criticize you. Works both ways. Of you cant talk ill of them then they cant talk ill of you. Put your foot down. You have rights also.
I’m sorry that you do not have the proper, emotional, support from your husband. If you Google this situation, you will read many suggestions. Wishing you the very best.
He obviously does not care about your feelings or respect you enough to say something or stand up for you, and at the very least let you stand up for yourself. I know it’s extremely hard to hear but it doesn’t sound like he cares about your marriage. Stand up for yourself always. And if he has a problem with that, let him leave. Your kids don’t need that either.
Ewww. My ex in-laws were this way. Nothing u can say will change them, nothing u do will ever be good enough. My advice is limit their time in you and your children’s lives. U do not have to allow that toxic bullshit no matter who they are.
Sounds like his mind is already made up, in marriage you are supposed to be a team and build each other up. That includes standing up for each other especially when negative things are said or done that are unwarranted. He can either get on your side and tel his parents to keep their comments to themselves as well as respect you as his wife… or you stand up for yourself to all of them. Sending strength and love to you momma
Let them know your social distancing and just keep your distance like by never having them come over or making plans to be around them. Oh n dude should have ur back no matter what you are his priority, not his parents. Good luck hunn
That’s terrible but you have to be realistic and I’m sure you know the answer. It sounds like they, including your husband, are in control and you’re either with them or against them. You can sit there and take it or you can move on, it’s going to be hard, it may hurt for a while but you can get through it on your own with your children like so many have. Best of luck to you🍀
Fuck that and fuck those people. Let them know how u feel
LEAVE he’s a pussy. Can’t even defend his wife and mother of his kids. Fucking pathetic.
I’m sorry your going through this. You need to have him put his foot down and set a healthy boundary for your guys marriage and them interfering. At this time you are postpartum, dealing with that and the verbal/emotional abuse from them is not acceptable.
Put your foot down. You are his wife and the mother of his child. Unfortunately those people will always be in your life and your child’s life. Fight tooth and nail, and don’t back down.
This is awful for you, I’m so sorry and sending a hug Make whichever decision you feel is best but please remember…
You deserve respect, love and support .
My mother in law is this way. We cut ties completely becuase she couldn’t respect our marriage.
Don’t allow anyone in your home that shows you this disrespect , including your husband until he can do what a man is meant to , protect his queen. Send him home with mummy if he wants to act like a child. You’ll only EVER be treated the way you allow those to treat you
Dump them and him but make sure you record everything they say
Same thing hus family are the light of the so he thinks yet im the one who lives with him and he ain’t nothing perfect although they think he is
Sounds like they’re all toxic
I would listen to ur mother in law about making a will for your children if something were to happen to you. But that’s it on listening to her. But also get all your ducks in a row if you’re able to start putting money aside and then file for divorce cuz you don’t need this toxic influence around your children. And like how other people have commented record everything save screenshots print them out build a case so you can get full custody of your kids. And make sure you go after child support if possible. Good luck momma .
If he’s never stood up for you, he never will. It’s up to you to stand up, you’d not let anyone speak about your parents!!
I’d leave when in law’s show, make up stories, but get out of the house…
He wants to control how you THINK?? There’s the sign you were looking for, hun. He will always take their side.
Save urself the heartache leave the ungrateful prick ur stronger then you think women these days stay in to many emotionally abusive relationships and i no i was one till i took my 4 children and left your happiness and ur children happiness is more important then anything dont let ur children grow up thinking the way there father and grand parents speak and treat people is ok
Obviously his parents are very controlling and you don’t have to put up with that!!! They have a hold on ur husband too and it’s sad cause he should be defending u!!! Don’t let his parents or ur husband treat u like that. If he doesn’t like it then I think u have some decisions to make. I seriously think ur situation will never change and that is no way to live! Shame on them for being such ugly people! Wish u and ur kids the best! God bless you.
Put your foot down. Next time they’re mean call them out. Of Tell them to leave. Tell them how you feel. If your husband has a problem with you standing up for yourself he can fuck off. Most married men back their wives no matter what!
Get a will. Someone like that sounds crazy. Do it for your kids. You don’t want your kids raised by these assholes.
Dump him. I went through very much of the same and in the end guess who took care of husbands Mom? #32yearsandstillhere
Time to walk away. This will not end well. Take care of you and your children. He doesn’t seem to care about you.
Leave them all. He can step up, be a man and defend you or you can leave him. He isnt worth it if he allows thsi