My in laws constantly talk badly about me and my husband does nothing about it: Advice?

Screw him for not standing up for you. Sounds like you need to make a change for yourself and your kids.

Sister do not let your in-laws ruin you and if your husband stand by your side and stand up to his parents then he’s a pussy. If you’re in laws are not doing the 3s feeding you, fucking you, or financing you then whatever happens in your household is none of their fucking business. Maybe after you are back on your feet from having the beautiful baby then you need to keep your husband to the curb and tell him to go live with his parents because you can’t raise three children

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Send him back to his momma!


I’d leave. He’s your husband and if he can’t defend you because he’s scared of mommy than he belongs with her. I would also most definitely let her know to back off and defend myself and my family if he’s too much of a coward to do so. Good luck.

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Him & his parents sound very controlling! Pick up your babies and go home to your parents until you get yourself together! It won’t get better. Make no m oh re babies with this man.

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Leave him . He is a coward . File for divorce and full custody of your child


I don’t know how you even married the guy. If he let them speak to you like that before marriage the warning signs where already there. I hate to say but he’s never going to change. The only thing I can think of is to sit down with them and him, without the kids around and Tell them how you feel. Say you can’t be treated like this anymore and if something dosen’t change then divorce is the only option. Hopefully if you tell them how bad it makes you feel and that it will break up the family if it dosen’t stop then they might start treating you better. Its a horrible situation to be in. I’m sorry

Tell them off end of story and if ur husband doesn’t have the ballz to fight for the women who helped give life. Then screw him

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I love it when the in laws try to control .They are selfish for one and jealous two and what do you have to lose because in a marriage it suppose to be husband and wife not moma and daddy that should have stopped the day yall married .His parents need to let go that’s your Home not theirs .You as the woman of the house don’t let them control what’s yours and if your husband don’t like it tell him to kiss your ass and file for divorce just my opinion

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from the sounds of it your marriage isnt gonna work no matter what you do :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging: put you in laws In their place and fill you husband in on a saying
“the family you come from is important,yes.but the family you make is more important” and tell him to suck it as well


If he’s not willing to stick up for his wife. That marriage is not worth saving.

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When they visit sit in the rocking chair with a shotgun across your lap , maybe you will get some respect

Your husband seems to let his family have too much control over him. That won’t change. And yes definitely get a will made.

Tell them all to kick rocks… my MIL was a huge c u next Tuesday.

If you don’t stand up for yourself, nobody else will. He should man up and do it himself for his wife but if he doesn’t you don’t have to take it either. Be strong momma.


F that. He can’t let his mummy’s tits go. Do something. Go off

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Let him go back to his mom’s and show him what you are really made of

Kick everyone out first of all! You just had a baby and if they aren’t showing up to show support in any shape or form they don’t need to be there. Please try to not stress. Right now ONLY you and baby matter… people seem to forget the pain we endure during labor and after delivery… be strong momma. And honestly in my opinion try not to have so many visitors with the covid situation still out there.
I send you get well wishes.
Being a mom is not walk in the park especially having a newborn.
I’m currently 39 weeks pregnant to my second child.
Sending love and hugs from one mother to another :heart::heavy_heart_exclamation:

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Why does she think you plan on dying?

Be prepared because if he leaves he will be guided by his parents. Think of every possible outcome and be prepared to file for full custody. There are clear warning sign.

he should be on your side. Stand up for yourself

Toxic and negativity=motive to tell them to kick rocks

That’s really sad -once your children are married they have to make their own lives own memories without interference- parents can support and love them without being in their faces-these parents like many others want to dictate their values-leave them be man

If your husband is okay with his parents treating you like shit and threatens yours marriage if you stand up for yourself then I personal don’t think the marriage is worth fighting for cause your always going lose the battle over his parents it seems like. Save your self now and leave.


Maybe he’s just used to how they act and treat people and his survival depends on just ignoring their harsh words. I would ask him if he would be comfortable talking about it in marriage council. Either way your marriage goes, your going to have to find a way to gap this for your child’s lifelong happiness.

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He would be my ex husband :woman_shrugging:t3:


All I needed to read was the first line. DO NOT ALLOW THAT. my husband and I have gone through that and we both have his family blocked and currently do not speak to them because they are nothing but disrespectful. Do not reach the point where you two argue. Stand your ground with or without him.


He’s a dickhead and clearly the apple didn’t fall too far from that family tree. Who is he to tell you what to think??? I wouldn’t have a thing to do with people like that. Block them don’t even acknowledge their existence!


Sounds like he should be your ex husband.


100% better off with out the lot of them.


The day my husband doesn’t defend me to his family is the day I’m done.


Fuck his family. My mother in law was like this and she told my husband either her or me. He chose me and the kids of course and we have blocked her and even called the police for harassment on her. Toxic is toxic. If he doesn’t defend you then kick him to the curb and find someone else. It isn’t worth the misery.


I’m not sure how long you’ve been married and how many kids you guys have. But I think this definitely would have been a red flag before I got married and had kids with somebody. However I would at this point tell my husband that if he cannot stand up for me I will and if that’s a problem for him then he can feel free to leave


I went through it for 15 years. Being told that I was a horrible mother, wife, and person from his family. On top of the problems me and him had already, and just life in general, It put me into such a dark place mentally. I finally had enough and left. It broke my heart, and for 2 years I fought with the decision, because I took my vows seriously. In the end, I realized that he would always choose his family over me, and that he would always allow them to disrespect me. My peace of mind, and my happy kids are what makes me know that i did the right thing.

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I will defend myself and not care what he thought!! You have to give respect to get respect. It works both ways. He want a divorce then a divorce it is.

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I had issues like that with my ex and then they realized if they wanna see their grandkids that shit had to end but it did not work out between me and him. The bad blood that gets built by harsh words makes it hard to forget and to ever let them in. My advice is that you do whats mentally healthy for you and this is not it. A man that wont even stand by you is not worth standing by. If he loved you then he would fight for you not against you. You’re the mother of his kids and he still doesn’t respect that.


Your husband has no right to control his parents , just like he has no right to control YOU. stand up for yourself and if he sees that as a reason to end the marriage, so be it.


They came to your home and disrespected you. If your husband is going to allow this then he is just as guilty as them. You gave him the opportunity to handle it but now it’s up to you. You have every right and obligation to defend yourself against that type of abusive behavior.
Tell him that if they can’t act right they are not welcome in your home. End of discussion and if he has a problem with that… He isn’t welcome either.


Big red flag when a man allows others to verbally abuse his wife

I’d say the apple doesn’t fall far on this one. If he doesn’t see an issue with others verbally abusing you then I can easily see him starting the same at some point

Fucking run girl, run


Girl if that man won’t defend you to ANYONE, no matter who they are, then he’s not worth staying with. I have never let anyone talk horribly about my husband including my TWIN sister. So you should get a MAN (or any partner) that can and WILL stand up for you. I don’t let anyone be mean to anyone in front of me! Hell I’ll defend a stranger if I see someone being treated like that. If you’re husband isn’t then kick his ass to the curb.


I put up with that for 16 years dont!!! Do not stay for the kids sake. Sounds like my ex

When they come over take the kids and leave i wouldnt put up with it, also personally I would look into a divorce.he is letting them destroy your marriage not you.

Divorce that pussy because that’s exactly what he is and should go back to his mommy dearest. Men like that are pathetic

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I would sit him down and explain to him ONE time and one time only. If he continues to allow his parents to treat you that way then the marriage is over. There is NO way in hell I would stay with a man who allows that.

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Marriage counseling. Maybe hearing from a counselor how toxic that is will make him see it.

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They wouldn’t be aloud at my house. Don’t let anyone treat you like crap, stand up for yourself and set boundaries. If your husband respected you he would respect your boundaries.

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That’s just toxic. Stand up for yourself!! If he gets pissed off at you for doing so then that’s your cue to leave. Take your kids and go.

Girl run now it is not going to get better and he is playing their behavior because he won’t stop them but expect you to show respect to them.

Dont let her in your home. Your husband needs to put you and his children before his parents. And if he doesnt have your back, is he even worth keeping as a husband?

my husband cussed his mom out a few times over things she was saying to or about me. and hes a mamas boy so that speaks volumes.
she even had the audacity to tell him to get a DNA test when I was pregnant and he told her “nah im good” (my daughter was since born and looks just like him and his mom)
the wife and family he made comes before the mom and family he came from. period.

If hubby can’t control HIS parents in HIS house then you need to tell allllll those emeffers to gtfo❗


I wouldnt stand for that that’s so out of order! Say something honestly if he won’t you!

If he doesn’t stand up for you, stand up for yourself. I’d tell him, I’m not going to allow it anymore.

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They would all be ex’s. Toxic is toxic … Family is family when they act like family .

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Leave him and his shit parants

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Hahahaha byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee husband. I would never put up with that. Heck no. Stand up for yourself

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If you’d husband can’t stand with you, then he is against you. Nothing is going to change.


Tell your husband to stop being a pansy and tell them off

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It’s not gonna get better. If he’s not willing to protect you say bye

It doesn’t get better

I wouldn’t allow them around me or my children until they could respect me. They dang sure wouldn’t be allowed in my house acting like that. My husband would be told to defend me or be gone too. He doesn’t have to fight with them but he can tell them to respect you or don’t come around until they can. I would tell your husband file the divorce papers if he isn’t willing to tell his family to stop. If he doesn’t see the issue, then he’s part of the problem.


Let me share with you…don’t internalize it…it’s not you…my dads family did that to my mom…she stayed above the lies they tried to create…she wanted us as her kids to have a relationship with them so she didn’t let it bother her for so many years even though I’m sure it hurt…the same person that always had something to say about my mom was asking for her on her death bed. I appreciate my mom for doing that…I wouldn’t have the relationships with family like I do. The reason my dad did nothing wasn’t because he didn’t respect my mom…he was just used to the behavior not thinking of the damage it’s doing. Make it known to your husband so he’s aware you are feeling disrespected by it. The best thing you can do to stop the games they play is to not play them yourself. It’s ok for you to sit on the couch after having a baby…they should be ashamed! Keep ya chin up!


Don’t allow them in your home, it’s disgusting. And if he.doesnt like it, he can move back in with them. You shouldn’t have to put up with this, and he sounds like a pathetic mummy’s boy.


Divorce his funky ass

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That is definitely not a man good luck unless you put your foot down it will never change they do it because he allows it !!!


The ONLY way anything will change is if you get rid of him!!

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LEAVE he’s a pussy. Can’t even defend his wife and mother of his kids. Fucking pathetic.


I think you need to see if this is something you can live with long term It’s not going to change so you need to ask yourself if this is something your willing to put up with and for you to be having this argument constantly with your husband for the rest of your married life or not

You should tell him that our relationship takes two and he should stand up for you because he’s marrying you not his parents if he doesn’t stand up for you or care about you and he shouldn’t be with you anyway tell tell him that you do not have to stand for the way that they treat you and he won’t stand up for you then you eventually will have to stand up for yourself I think it’s fucked up if he sees nothing wrong with that know your worth know you deserve better than that

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Where’s you’re husbands back bone when it comes to his OWN family he made.

He’s a fool and so are his evil parents…run girl runn

Id tell him to go shove them up his ass, and leave him and his parents. People like that don’t change!

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His sorry ass needs to go

That marriage was dead long ago. Trash him and burn the parents

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Divorce him because he is being disrespectful to you just like his family.

  1. His mom would of got throat punched when she asked me about a will. 2. He’s a pussy for not having a backbone and standing up to them. 3. File for divorce now.

Leave Seriously!! He’s Just A COWARD!! Been There !! The COWARD and His Family Aren’t Gonna Change!!! I Promise you That !!!


That’s absolutely not ok. They should not be welcomed in your home if they can’t respect you. This is your husband’s fight and if he’s not going to fight for you than that’s a huge problem. Only you know if this marriage is worth saving.

Don’t let the door kick him in the ass!!! He should stick up for you!

I’d be long gone honey

Stop allowing them to come around. Speak up for yourself. They start saying mean things demand that they leave . Let them know that they will not be seeing your family until they learn to treat you correctly . Your children do not need to be around such ignorant people


Toxic all around. If you’re feeling anything but loved an appreciated, it’s time to make a move for yourself and flee the toxicity.


As long as you slow them to treat u that way they will he needs to stand up for u and if he won’t then u need to know ur worth and do it yourself. And I would make that will

Flip the script, have your parents do the same. Sometimes ppl gotta walk threw their own shit to actually see it.


He needs to step up and be a man.


Tell all of them off n move out! Ur husband is a POS!


Same thing happened to me. Eventually I had a mental breakdown and he handled it but up to that point… I thought he never would. You love him and stuff or else it wouldn’t be bothering you so much. I argued with his parents a lot. Mostly his mom. She wanted custody just to be a bitch. Never happened though. Never will. Tell him to handle it or you will. Don’t take shit from anybody.


If the parents can treat you like that whats stopping them from treating your children the same as well. Ultimatums shouldnt ever be a part of a marriage especially one with children involved stand your ground and tell your husband the awful treatment needs to stop. Domestic violence isnt just physical abuse its emotional and mental abuse to. He was obviously raised in a bias home growing up. Make a change or it wont stop.


Run run run, it never gets better.


Tell them to f*ck off. They can NOT disrespect you in your home. Make them leave. And if the husband is okay with them acting like that he can go too. Or you grab the kids and leave. Straight up put your foot down. No one gets to treat you badly just because that’s what they do. Nope. Demand your respect. And he can decide you and your family or his parents.


I’m not trying to be snarky but honey its your house tell them to GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR HOME IF THEY CANT SHOW AN OZ OF RESPECT. And if your husband stands up for them…hes just as guilty by proxy. Has no respect for you. Your children will witness it. And treat you the same. It will not get better


Beat their ass and then his ass.

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If your husband is backing the play of his parents…tell him to live with them instead. You deserve better and so do your children.


Being a single mom ain’t that bad I’m just sayin, it is what you make it. Whatever path you take, do it for you and those babies, no one else.


Fight for your kids and leave

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The family you make is more important then the family you come from. You are his wife and those are his kids. He should defined you against anyone. His parents might be his parents but you are his wife. You are the priority and the kids. No one should be able to disrespect you in front of him ever. Idc who they are.


Divorce him!!! The biggest mistake I ever made was putting up with the lack of respect and my ex not defending me! DIVORCE HIM NOW, DO NOT WAIT AROUND!

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Let that man go back to his parents. You deserve better girl, toxicity has no place in a marriage from any party

They are his parents and if he has any respect for you he would stand up to them for you that is his responsibility.

They’re all toxic. Run

Get out while you can!!!

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