My in laws constantly talk badly about me and my husband does nothing about it: Advice?

Honestly, if he’s not willing to back you up and support you in front of his parents it’s not going to work. He sounds like a child who can’t stand up to his parents. You have to ask yourself if it’s worth living with the disrespect everyday. I wouldn’t. I would find a man who has a backbone. That’s just my two cents tho.

Run like hell & don’t look back!

Take your babies and run. Any husband who allows the verbal abuse of his wife and does nothing…is not worth your time.

I dealt with something very similar except we moved across the country pretty much to be near them and I’m not very close with my family. I have two kids from a previous relationship and my hubby and I had a child together. I dealt with severe depression and anxiety during my pregnancy and after. I was to ashamed to even tell anyone I needed help. His family made it so much worse. Eventually I started medicine and started thinking clearly and told him that this is a deal breaker for me. He is very much like your husband when it comes to family but I also have to live a life I want to be in. You have to set boundaries and if he can’t accept them then it’s not worth it. You get one life. Once I told my hubby how I felt he finally after 4 years supported me. Would you really want to stay with someone who doesn’t think you deserve respect? i told him after 4 years

Wowzers. I can’t believe that your actually standing for this s**t. All I can say is NO your marriage is not worth saving and if this carries on ur children will be the same as them and abuse you as they learn from others.

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You need to decide on what you want to do. Know what your limits are, what you will tolerate and what you will not. Know your worth. Once you are strong with yourself then you will already know what you want or need to do. Asking advice or taking advice from someone will not help you. Other people’s opinions are just that, opinions. This is your life. You need to make the decision on your own.

Oh HELL NO!! Your kids, your house, your rules ( if hubby doesn’t like it he can move home with mommy ) you tell them “point blank and period, you want to see your grandkids, then get your shit together, no more bad mouthing me and my family. You have no idea what goes on in OUR house, you have no right to open your damn mouth.” If hubby chooses to NOT step up and defend you the he NEEDS to step out… right out the door. Been there, done that, still get done comments, but I do NOT take it and put whoever it is in their place. Hubby will learn the hard way… STAND YOUR GROUND MAMA… your doing a great job and nobody has the right to knock you down. Do not allow that shit around your kids, it will effect them as much as you, they will feel the stress and tension and it’s not healthy. YOU GOT THIS !!


Put them all in the bin :v:t3:

He’s allowing their toxic behavior. As your husband, he should put his foot down. Especially as they came to YOUR house and disrespected you under your own roof. You need to throw the whole man away. You are worth more than that bullshit. Please don’t stay in a toxic marriage where he allows his family to walk all over you.

Get away from him. They are toxic and raised one hella toxic man. Im gonna tell u this, it doesn’t matter of i am right or dead wrong… my ole man has my back no matter what!! No questions asked! Thank the lord I have amazing in laws. He doesn’t respect you enough to protect u from their cruel words, then u shouldn’t put anymore time into that relationship

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Sounds like he needs to be an ex husband, especially if he’s allowing his family to treat you that way especially after giving birth. My hubby wouldn’t dare let anyone talk bad about me, he said he’d have no problem disowning them. Take your kids and run

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Do you want your kids to hear these comments and believe them as they grow up? Set a limit and a line.

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There is no respect not even his parents have respect if he can’t ask his parents to stop disrespecting you then get out of this relationship

He does not show any respect for you yet you have to respect his parents? Your marriage is NOT worth it. Get out fast & if money is an issue then stash as much as you can…I always say stash cash then run as soon as you can.

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Talk to him that’s bs my mom distracted my eye after being told multiple times that it was not ok to do so i rarely soak with her anymore… The family you were raised with is important however the family you created is most important

I dealt with this for almost 21 years. He always chose his mom over me, every single time. His parents even made the decision on how many kids we would have (I didn’t find this out for many, many years). If you stay it will continue to get worse.

If you’re married, he took a vow and he’s not holding up his part (cherish) if he’s not protecting you. I’ll stand up for my husband and he’ll do the same for me

Get the hell out …it will just get worse as time goes by …he needs to be a man and stand up to his parents. Which obviously is not going to happen

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Let him live with his mommy. Leave him.


Open your eyes girl you’re not happy. Divorce the problem let him go to mom

Girl leave NOW before it gets worse. When YOU ARE COMPLETELTY INNOCENT YOUR HUSBAND SHOULD DEFEND YOU! If I were you I’d give him an ultimatum. Either he tells his parents to respect you, in your home, or you leave his pathetic ass!

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:no_good_woman:t2: why would you want those type of ppl around your children or yourself? Your husband doesn’t sound like much of man…he should stand up to them and not allow you to be disrespected… get out now if he isn’t willing to have your back through everything! I hope you get the strength to stand up for yourself. You are the mother and if they can’t respect you than they have no right coming to your house let alone see the children.


I’d leave. He is already threatening to leave you if you think or speak negatively about them. He has already chosen them over you.


Kick his ass back to his mum, he needs to grow up


You are with the wrong family. It’s not you. It’s them. Family is family when children are involved. And they don’t criticise they help.

To me it seems like he’s letting them into your marriage by not standing up for you and setting boundaries. I would figure out what you want and then have a serious talk with him about the in laws and if you dont make head way then say I need some space from this issue and go to your mums or friends for a while. Also def make a will because you need to protect yourself from that B.


Tell his parents off, don’t hold anything back, and if he doesn’t like it, tell him he can leave with them.


Hell no. 100% leave that situation! You deserve better than that.

Dump his butt! If that’s the way he is thinking, it is only going to get worse. Show him how it feels to be treated like crap​:face_with_raised_eyebrow: plus, sounds like he is looking for a way out, with that crazy “he can’t control them”. Send him packing back to his “momma”:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Tell the no good ass hole either tell his parents not to speak to you like that or he can take a hike to mommy’s for ever. Leave the no good ass hole before things get even worse.

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He is allowing his parents to interfere in your marriage and upset you. He sounds like a mammas boy. If he refuses counseling, time to move on.


Girl you already know what to do if you have to ask this question. Just leave.

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He is totally disrespecting you. He should have a talk with them. Your kids do not need to hear people talk bad about you, they will think they can get away with it too. Honey you have some major decisions to make.

Kick his ass to the curb. First tell his parents and him to kiss your ass. See ya.


Kick him and his family to the curb know one should ever be treated like that your man should stand for you and stand up to his parents or anyone that treats you like crap if not he is not a man and you deserve better

Sounds like he needs to man up n tell his parents to stop being ugly to you or they are not welcome at your house! have a voice and it should b heard…to stand up for yourself!..I’m sorry you are going thru this​:heart::pray:

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The attitudes these people have will influence that beautiful baby you just had. He needs to grow up knowing this is unacceptable.

LEAVE. No family should treat the wife
or husband badly Take your kids with you.


Dear, this is only the beginning of the hell they will make your life. With his attitude, he will always side with them. Find an attorney, move when he isn’t home, stay with your family. In that order. The attorney first so he can’t claim abandonment or hiding his child. It’s time to go. It’s very common for his true colors to show after a baby. He thinks he has you trapped. Prove him wrong.

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Try to live far away from his parents…

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If you need advice, you deserve every bit of it. :thinking:

When his parents come over leave. Go to a friends house or your parents house. Nobody has the right to be horrible to you and if he won’t stick up for you maybe it’s time to get marriage counseling. Also record the things they say to you for the benefit of the counselor hearing what they say.


Fuck him and his parents! He should get his head out of his ass and stick up for you!! If you see it necessary to tell them off, DO IT!!


Throw the whole family away in laws, husband and all. Kids can stay and pets too if you have them…but damn on a side note I would honestly run.

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Girl leave his wussy ass and get child support. He’s disrespectful to for even allowing this bullcrap


If he doesn’t stick up for you, then stick up for yourself.


Get out and don’t look back

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My in laws are similar and my husband is similar. You shouldn’t be disrespected like that. Kick him to the curb, only gonna get worse. I’ve been through it for 10 years and I’ve had enough.

Fuck him! Kick him out, file for divorce, and take YOUR kids and RUN!


Jennifer Murray Jessica Murray

Write a will, contact an attorney, file for divorce, and move out as quickly as you can


Nobody can tell you what to think or feel! If someone hurts your feelings, someone else has no right to say you can’t feel that way! While I understand that “they’re his parents” “they’re his family” what needs to be recognized now is that you and the children are his family now. His responsibility lies way beyond financial measures- he needs to protect you. If he’s not man enough to sit his parents down and say “Look, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t speak to -wife- in this manner. We find it hurtful and disrespectful.” then I would consider taking it to a counselor or separating for a time until he’s willing to empathize with the situation. Also, consider writing your in laws a letter explaining how you feel if you don’t feel comfortable discussing it in person. Please, do not let anyone belittle you and more importantly- do not subject yourself or your children to that type of behavior. :heartpulse:


Tell him he needs to put them in there place or tell him you will leav

Bin him off!
Both myself and my partner get on with our MILs but they know if they said anything out of order they’d be on the receiving end of a telling off from their child
If he can’t tell his Mummy to stop treating his wife like that then you married a boy not a man

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I see Divorce in the horizon

My god I feel sorry for you but I wouldn’t put up with that shit I would be pissing him and the in-laws them out of my life

If he can’t put them in their place, you have to.
No one ever said you had to put up with their crap, tell them they have start treating you like a human being & not a punching bag or they cant see their grandkids for a bit. It might seem harsh but it will definitely get the point across

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Stand up to them. You are grown women in your own home. Stand up to your husband. They treat you that way cause you allow it and your husband allows it as well.
Your husband should be ashamed of his parents. You are the mother to his children. This is really sad.


First of all, mam your husband should NOT be allowing this … second you can tell them this is my house you can respect me or leave


Sounds like he is a dick. If he loves you he wouldnt let them talk to you like that. How long before they start bad mouthing you to your kids? Id cut contact with them, of hubby wants to see them he can, alone. If he doesnt like it hes not worth the fight xx


I woukd stand up for yourself and tell them to act respectfully or don’t come near you, I’d also tell your ‘husband’ to grow a pair or get stepping, YOU are better than this, YOU are worth more than this, YOU do not need to stand for this bullshit.


He should support YOU. Not his parents. I’d be bailing.

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Find yourself a very good solicitor and divorce him!! And while you’re at it, make sure you make a will putting the care of your children with YOUR parents


Leave. If he wants to be married to his parents, he can go live with them. Otherwise he needs to be your other half, not theirs. They are toxic and don’t need to be around you or your children if they are going to treat you that way.

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Speak your truth…don’t allow them into your house. If he doesn’t support you in this then he is supporting them hurting you. If he supports anyone that hurts you …then it is he that hurts you and this is where your boundary comes into play. If you leave…leave with love and forgiveness.

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I’d kiss that marriage goodbye in a heartbeat

They all sound like manipulative narcissists… your husband included. I’m so sorry. Now that kids are involved though it’s going to be harder to get away, but in the end a happier life for you all. Let them wallow in their own hatred.


Stop them at the door tell them its not a good day and shut and lock the door. They really need some tough love!!!

Tell him to go back to his mummy you should be his first priority

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Send your husband back to his MOMMY.

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If it was me As the kids mom I would take the kids away from them toxic people and not talk to them can’t stand me don’t come near my kids :woman_shrugging:

Tell his family that if they have nothing nice to say then they are not allowed in your home

Be the queen that you are.

Marry someone and they usually come with a family. Kind of like a nosy pepper, there jalepein yo business. Sounds like you need to make a will since they put it out there. I would cover my ass in every direction in that situation. You can only bend so far before you break. Hang tight

Good luck. Remember those are the people who created your husband. No one changes who doesn’t want to change. Your only hope is to sit down with him and remain emotionless while you speak your feelings. His reactions to this conversation will tell you whether or not you have a chance. Otherwise run.

I’d tell mummy dearest to f**k off!!! The looks on their faces would be priceless!!! Stand up for yourself girl!! Don’t be treated that way!! Xxx

You’re wright Tara Reeves :two_hearts:

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I don’t understand things like this? I’m sure that it’s been like this from the beginning, unless something has happened for them to treat you like this?
1st. If it’s been like this for the beginning, why the fuck get married in the first place? Yes, too late for that comment but it’s for anyone reading this for the future. If a man is a dick and doesn’t stand up for you, don’t think it will change. Get out of the relationship now before you are in this womans situation.
2nd. We only have your side of the story. Maybe you are a lazy person who doesn’t do jack shit? Maybe the parents are just wanting the best for their son and grandchildren? We honesty don’t know. Unless we believe her, not even knowing her.
3rd. Grow a set and fucking stand up for yourself. Nobody is allowed to speak or treat me in that manner. I don’t need my husband to stand up for me. I stand up for myself.

Tell them to fuck right off and if ur husband doesnt stand up for u tell him the same. U do NOT deserve to be treated like shit from the people who are supposed to love u as for them trying to get u to make a will because they dont like ur parents who cares. They don’t have to like them. They DO NOT get to bully u like that. Dont give in to them that is extremely toxic.

So I had a similar situation. My mother in law is TOXIC, in my case my husband knows it. For 3 years i tried to be the good daughter in law but this year I had enough. She came into my home when I was still have asleep, screaming woke my kids up talking about that her son owed her money for all the times she bought our children toys. I let her talk and kindly asked her to leave. I got on the phone with my husband and my sister in law and told them to let her know she is not welcome in my home with that toxic attitude. It has been a great 6 months without her in our lives. My husband cut her off too.

If he can’t stand up to them or “allow” you to stand up for your self then BYE. That’s bs y’all need marriage counseling.

Tell them to fuck off & if hubby doesn’t like it, tell him to fuck off too

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Sounds like your husband is a little bitch and I’d kick his ass to the curb, collect alimony and child support and tell them all to go fuck themselves. Boom :boom:
Done :white_check_mark:


Go to couples counseling. You should seek professional help before making any big decisions. Good luck!

I’d seek counseling for yourself. You have a choice to deal with someone Like that. I believe two sides to every story. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

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So make a will and when they come to visit take the children and go out until they leave if that don’t work leave the children with your husband and you go out until they leave your home is your home and they better respect it and you so tell him just don’t show up call first or you won’t get in


your his wife and he should support you if not hike it (if my son treated my dil like that i would not be pleased)

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also i’m with richard

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Yr born in the family u have no choice! By God’s grace yr giving a family of yrs n sounds like a piece shit man like his parents fuk him get rid of punkass all the dumbfuks get gd woman n us real men single daddio raising 3 daughter’s 8 yrs by myself get screwed!! Get rid of douche n gd day:)

NOPE!!! Gloves off. Time to bring the ass kicking. Your in MY house. This is mine. You have no say. You don’t like it there’s the door. As for your marriage if he really has to say that to you then he doesn’t have your best interest in his heart. He should be standing up for you and showing a united front. He is failing you. I would not deal with that especially after just having a baby. And the threat of making a will and taking the kids. NOPE! THAT DOESN’T FLY. To me that is a threat if you happen to divorce your husband. They will take them at any cost. I would put things in place now for when something does happen. They are toxic and they won’t stop. And your hubs? He needs to grow a pair.

I don’t want to upset you. I’ve been in your shoes and I fight for what’s mine. I wish you all the luck in the world. We are all here for you. A safe place to vent. Take care mama.:heart:

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Cut them off an if he has issues with it drop his clothes at mommys

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Get rid of the husband and in-laws. It will only get worse. My mother-in -law was horrible! Just stop coming around and made sure I only seen her like once a year and that was to much. My life was so much better and my husband and I got along great when I refuse to go around her. He went by himself

Fuck that. Leave and never look back.

Stay away from toxic people whoever they may be!

Stop allowing them in your home… he wants to see them, great, take the kids for a drive and be back by dinner. You dont need that drama around you. You deserve better. The kids will see them for who they are soon and then it will just be your husband wanting that hate around him… Cut them off from your happiness.

Your husband sounds like a disrespectful controlling asshole. How did you even stay married to him this long? Stay with him for a few months…bank your money, then divorce his ass. How is this even a question?