My in laws do not hand our baby back when we ask

As a mother you just simply take your baby back. There’s no need to have to ask over and over to be ignored. My first I was taking her back if she made the littlest sound. Same with my second because they’re 10 years apart. Until my second was 7 months and I got pregnant with my 3rd. Anyone I trusted with my child could hold her as long as they wanted. It gave my tired, pregnant again butt a break. When the 3rd was born it was great having more than one person over to hold the babies so I could get a break. as a friend/family member I always ask to hold the baby, then I will ask if mama wants the baby back or if I can feed/change them for her so she can get a break. Everyone is different. Maybe a simple conversation between you and the in laws is needed. Maybe they think you need a break but you feel you don’t. Maybe they don’t feel they see the baby as much as they hoped they could. Things like that. Communicating is key. You need to talk to hubby too and explain to him so he can explain to his family. It’s important that he’s included too in defending you and your feelings.

Simple. They are no longer allowed to hold the baby.


If they don’t get to see the baby, this is understandable. If there are underlying issues between the in laws I understand this too. We love 5 hours from my parents so they don’t get too much time with my kids, so when they visit I let them have the kids. Just think of past issues or think of a way to come to a resolution where it benefits both parties to keep the peace

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Y’all are crazy. Most grandma’s and grandpa’s are just excited to see their grandbaby


I would take her out of their arms. Your child.

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I think that there must be more going on but with that being said is the baby crying when they wont let them Come to you? Just remember that your baby is not a pawn so don’t use them as one…are your in-laws approachable?

Wear the baby in a bjorn and don’t take it out when they are around. Simple. Fuck them for not respecting your desires.

you may have to go to court and as for restricted visitation or ask for a court appointed counselor that the only way, they can visit your child is with a court person present all the time and limit the time.

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GIVE ME MY CHILD. Also they wouldn’t be hold said child if they couldn’t respect me as a parent and give baby back when asked.


If my baby is upset I will take him back but if he is happy then all good. It’s when people try to settle him when clearly they can’t and if they don’t give him back when I ask I say quite gruffly “give my baby/son to me, you don’t know what your doing, he doesn’t like that”. Then when I have him back I say “you need to listen to me, I’m his mum, now fuck off”. SMH

Lots to take into consideration here. Yes your baby but do they see it often? Are you just grabbing her to hold her? You get her all the time. Is she unsafe? Like let them take her for a bit. I have 5 kids and after the first I was like please take em. I’m assuming it’s your first. Otherwise if it’s really a big deal just grab her. I mean I always got mine handed back when they cried. If she’s content leave it.


Unpopular opinion:

Leave themAlone. Let them love on that baby unless there is a reason not to. You have it all the time. Be thankful they love it. Also if you start doing that now in a while when the new ness for you wears off and you pushed them away who you gonna have baby sit? A stranger because you didn’t let them bind with your baby. And how long do they hold it? How often do they visit? I get you want the baby but let the grandparents bond also. Especially if they don’t visit that often


Take your damn baby.

The amount of people thinking she owes anyone anything when it comes to her kid is hilarious. If she isnt comfortable. She is the boss when it comes to her kid. Not your family. Idc whos mom, dad, aunt, or dog kicked the bucket or whatever excuse people have.


Just tell them politely “please give me my baby back” and explain that you don’t appreciate being ignored she is your daughter and you are her mother and you would like to be respected.


Stop going to theirs then simple it’s not difficult really is it :joy:

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Casually bring up a instance where a “friend” was doing this when they visited-explain how much it bothered you and the reasons why. Maybe it will bring awareness to their own behavior. It’s passive aggressive but it’s gentle

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Scream stranger danger, grab the baby and run! Or you can do what I did and put the baby in a shoulder pack holder thing and go to the room and cry because your so overwhelmed with everyone holding the baby. Choice is yours. Good luck momma


Unless they spend a lot of time with the child, I don’t know why you would need to “take the child back” while the grandparents are spending time with her. While I realize the child is yours, if the baby isn’t visibly upset or needing to eat or be changed, why do you feel the need to take the child from someone loving on her? Honest question, I never once asked my mother for my daughter or son back if she was holding them, unless we were leaving or he or she was crying for me specifically.


I’m the in law and flew out of town to see the baby …did all the covid vaccines ect waited till baby was 6 months old all of that…when I got there her parents were there in charge of my little grandson I had never held…well apparently they already decided I didn’t know how to hold the baby change the baby feed the baby…for 4 days I was told I didn’t know what I was doing !!! EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY 3 CHILDREN AND 5 GRAND CHILDREN…So I’m on the other side of this…how about meeting half way


Snatch that baby back.

Once my mil wouldn’t give me back my crying toddler who was trying to get away from her. I had to be really firm and demanded she let him go. She did and made some snotty remark about spoiling him. My situation was different than yours but nonetheless just repeat what you’re telling them and be firm or just swoop in without warning or explanation and just start taking your child out of their arms. They’ll get the hint.


What is the reason you want the baby back? Just because? Baby screaming? Baby Hungry? Wondering what the situation is when they wont give baby back.


don’t ask you’re the momma walk over and pick up :woman_shrugging:. done


R u being petty and just taking baby? I mean grandparents should be able to hold n visit baby. However if u want ur baby say OK LET ME TAKE MY BABY NOW. Simple


Give me back my kid! Lol

Omg this is so petty. They aren’t kidnapping them. Let it be. You will regret it later. Grands have a special bond with their children’s children. Be glad they have grandparents. Mine passed away at an early age. My kids are lucky, they are on their 30s now and just lost their great grandma. The only grandparents they have are ony husband’s side. They are very close, and so are their kids. My grandkids are close se to us too. But, I am not going to keep them . My oldest grand ran away, and eventually came to me. Granted, I had to move it n with my daughter, so she had to come with me. They mended their relationship, and are close. My grand is also in school now to get her certificate so she can care for me, in upcoming surgeries, ie hip and back. My daughter’s and I sat down, and they insisted


No way to avoid hurt feelings. Do it anyway.

When babies are new…we don’t want anyone holding them… that is our problem…not the families. Are you being ridiculous about it? Like to the point in a few months you will be on here talking about how distant your in laws have become and how they don’t like you and your husband won’t fix it…or are they legit being jerks?


Sternly state you want YOUR child. And then when they want to hold baby again, DO NOT LET THEM. And explain they dont have to like it but when you reach for or ask for your child, it needs to be done ASAP. You are the parent. They are not. End of story. If they cant have that bit of respect they dont need access to the child.


Literally say nothing and lift your baby right out of their arms. Its your child you carried her for 9 months do as YOU please. But be assertive


If your wanting baby back just bc or bc you are uncomfortable(not baby fussing or crying) please talk to your dr these can be signs of pp anxiety/depression.


Petty AF.
Be grateful they wanna spend time with baby, or maybe just put your big girl panties on and just grab YOUR baby… :woman_shrugging:t2:


Just stop visiting these people " baby is your baby not theirs & git no right to treat you like that "

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They would lose the privilege of holding my child if they do not give them back when I ask. Plain and simple.


Don’t ask just take her out of their arms stops an argument and if they ask why your doing then explain to them how u have felt the times that u did ask for her back.

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Don’t worry about coming across as rude.Be open and truthful

Look it dosnt matter what your reason is for wanting your baby back what matters is the disrespect of them ignoring you when you politely ask! When it comes to your child what you say go’s and it dosnt matter how anyone else feels about it as long as you are not harming your child! Everyone in my family and everyone in my husband’s family know and have knows since before my child was even a thought I have no problems being the bad guy and hurting feelings so I never was put in that position but I recommend you stop worrying about others feelings when it comes to your child stop being polite and just tell them if they want to continue to be able to come see the baby when you say I want my child back it means right then not in 2 minutes and it’s not up for discussion and if they don’t comply they will no longer be allowed to score see the baby! Alot of ppl need to stop worrying about how it’s gonna make others feel when it comes to rules for being apart of their child’s life!


You’re gonna have a rough time as your babe grows if this tiny bit of confrontation has you so bothered. Pull up your mom jeans and take her back!


It’s your kid, set the boundaries “hey when I ask for my child back I would like if you handed him back, if you can’t be trusted to act on this simple request you will lose the privilege of holding baby”


Mama enjoy your baby being loved on!


I agree and have to ask, why are you wanting her back?
Granted, just go take her but why?
Are you anxious about something? Are you trying to pull a powerplay? You get her ALL the time and grandparents don’t. Trust me when I tell you, one day you’ll be touched out and “Mommy” will drive you nuts. Don’t burn that bridge you’ll need soon.


Okay I’m just gonna tell you no matter what anyone says, WHATEVER reason you want YOUR baby back is a good reason to have baby back. Take the baby! No one gets to ignore me when they are holding my child :woman_shrugging:t3:


F all these people telling YOU it’s not a big deal about YOUR child … girl if you want your child back tell them to hand her back or they don’t need to hold her period… hell let someone and I mean any soul I don’t care if Jesus himself descended and ignored me asking for my child … you better bet they’d never hold my child again. YOU ARE THE MOM.


Just grab your baby! Keyword YOUR baby :ok_hand:t3:


Set the boundary by simply taking your baby back. It is YOUR baby after all. You got this :slightly_smiling_face:

Who cares if you’re rude. You’re the mom, they had their time to be the mom/dad. Tell them once and get your child back. Cut visits out. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Don’t ask. Just take her.


I want my child…I take my child. Personally don’t care whos feelings I hurt. My baby…my rules


Just sit back and be patient with them 'til she is about 12 or so. Hand her to them and don’t look back They will be paid back!

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They don’t see here that often let them enjoy her and you enjoy the relaxation. Unless you need to feed or change her say I know you love holding her I need to change her and feed her and when she is done I will bring her right back.


I’m so sorry . I am a grandma and appreciate you sharing this . I keep the baby and don’t know quite how to handle when the mom picks her up . She likes to visit as do ! ( we are so close ) . I have told her if she wants the baby instantly to PLEASE tell me ! And just take her ! I try to be very considerate but your post
Has reminded me I may need to offer the baby to her instantly more often . I can’t imagine not giving the baby back to the parents when asked . Please try to be kind but FIRM . After all , the parents know best !


I would be happy for my in laws holding my baby! Lol. That is just me tho.

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If it bothers you, you just have to speak up, simple as. I know you are trying to keep hurt feelings down, so if you need to be persistent and say, “time to eat” or “I’m going to check your diaper!” Then do that. Alternatively, you could just talk to them and let them know how it makes you feel, they likely think they are giving you a much deserved break, it’s so easy to get touched out with little babies and kids💚 I’m sure they aren’t doing it to hurt you, just talk to them, communication can ease a lot of potentially hurtful situations on both sides. No one can read your mind, mama, you have to be your own best advocate, because you are the only one who truly knows your thoughts and feelings.

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i find it strange why so many people are assuming OP is being petty when she never gives a reason as to why she asked for baby back.


Lucky you !!! They love your baby. So many people are not that lucky. You need to GROW - UP.


Yes. Pick he up and say mama time woth a smile. And dont take no for an answer. Id limit access as well. Its your child. If they ignore you say excuse me id like my baby now please. Itdoesnt have to get uncomfortable if they respect you. Stand your ground


Personally you gotta just take the child from them and tell them you want your child. No asking. The child is yours! Maybe that will wake up their ears. Sometimes you gotta be a little rude especially when they are being rude by ignoring you.

Get up and take ur baby… dont bother asking anymore… she is ur daughter… if they disrespect u… u take ur child… end of

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Clearly some of these people don’t know that feeling of angst just watching your baby be held by someone else across the room. You don’t need a reason, its your baby. But I’ve been there and there is no good way to say it. Just straight out, I’m gonna take her back now, I need her lol


This has happened to me.
I had to talk to my, now ex husband about it and he didn’t see the big deal.

I honestly believe that there is no easy way to say this. You just have to come at them with love.
You cannot do anything about how they react to it.

Why do you need the baby back then?

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Hi so yeah I haven’t read all comments but I’d be grateful at even the thought of someone wanting to spend time with my children… I mean I’m a single mother of 3 (2 boys 1 girl) I am constantly drained not to mention depression and stress annoyed and an extreme about of anxiety over having mine all the time! (Yeah ladies go ahead and bash my comment ) mine are 3 almost 4 years old , 7 years old and 10 almost 11 years old…. My daughter the 3 year old about to be 4 I have family who constantly want to get her and keep her nights included … needless to say I allow it and I allow it a lot… my boys have no one not even their fathers my daughter also doesn’t have her father either… if you have refusal for the help then honestly 90% chance that help will not be their willingly when you potentially will beg for their help !


I’d just be be blunt ok it’s my turn again and take her IDGAF what anybody says or thinks it’s my baby period…

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Lol, okay. I’ll say it… I wish I had family that wanted to see my kids and loved them so much to not want to give them back.


Literally just get your baby from them. Walk up and pick your kid up. You don’t have to say or explain anything. If you come off rude oh well! It’s rude they ignore you when you ask for your own baby. :woman_shrugging:t3:

Start not letting them hold the baby. They’ll catch the hint & ask why. Tell them it was disrespectful previously and you’re not going to deal with it anymore


Baby wear and or stop visiting if they can’t respect you. That’s gross.

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As babies other ppl need/want to establish a bond with them too. Are you hogging your child and being too overprotective?? As moms( especially first time Moms) we need our kids more than they need us sometimes. Breath Momma. Let her spend time with other ppl and chillax knowing she is loved and taken care of with you not too far away.


Just be like, “hey, I’m gonna take baby back for a little bit, it’s________ time. But when we’re done, you can possibly come hold baby again.” Then just take baby and go. If they ignore you, just say, " I don’t know if you didnt here me, but I said I’m taking baby back now" and I’d just grab her.


Girl I am going to be real with you. Tread carefully. Same thing happened with my first born. Long story short, they now have her and I’m SOL because I didn’t trust my gut in the beginning :disappointed:

Just take the baby don’t ask

Iv never had family members do it but iv had friends hold my baby’s and when they cry they just hold them while crying instead of handing them back and when this happens I just walk over and grab them without saying anything

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If you really mean business, Put baby in a sling. Or strapped to you so that Houdini would need to release it


But if I asked for my baby and they heard me and ignored me that would be an issue….I love the baby wearing idea!!


You don’t need a reason to get your baby back you just get your baby pick her up you don’t need to ask them to give you your baby pick her up you’re the mom


Give me my child. :woman_shrugging:t3: I don’t care. Grab your baby. It’s your child.


My first I felt like this, my second I would drop her in someone’s lap and run​:joy: don’t get me wrong, I love my kids to death but being a sahm for 4 years was absolutely exhausting :joy:


Stop telling this girl to get over it bc you guys have shitty family. lmao. my kids family doesn’t want much too do with them and guess what? if they had my son and I told them too give him too me and they said no or ignored me id simply lose my mind. They aren’t the parents she is. a lot of you have some toxic shit going on in your heads.

I’m a grandma who loves holding my grandchildren, but if one of my daughters in law wants their child back before I’ve had my fill of “breathing them in”; I DO NOT ignore or pretend I didn’t hear her!
If the baby is not fussy or otherwise in obvious need, I politely ask if I can have another minute or two.
If she says No, it’s no.
And it’s not my place to quiz her on it or ask why. Maybe her boobs a very full and starting to hurt and she doesn’t want to pump, maybe her nose is sharper than mine and she thinks she smells a poop, maybe she’s just tired and wants to take the baby and lie down. No matter. It’s her baby and as a mom, I want to take care of both of them, not cause her more stress by worrying about “offending” me.

Be rude, she’s your child. If you are actively trying to take your child back and someone is blatantly refusing, you get assertive and if they want to call you rude or inconsiderate, or whatever, so be it. Bonds and relationships are important, yes, but your child is your child. You are her mother. End of discussion.

It depends on the child’s age if the child is a infant yes get the child back when you want to hold or play , if the child is older then hold at your arms if the child reaches for you pick them up if not let them hold the child , ( only if it’s in good intentions)

I’d be taking my baby from them and if they tried to resist I’d loudly say something like “excuse me give me my child right now”.


Your in laws love your baby so much that they want a bit more time holding her !
I don’t see a real issue here !


Every time my ex Mom in law shows up she takes my kids and I’m like bye! :v:


I wouldn’t be worried about being rude. They should be worried about how they’re being rude.

I had this happen at first then they would want to take the baby for a couple hours which led to them avoiding me when I went to pick the baby up and they weren’t home. They refused to answer my calls and it took three days to get the baby back home with no explanation. Next time it happened the in laws came to spend the night. I woke up for a 2 am feeding and everyone was gone. Again no explanation.


Girl that is YOUR baby. And if someone’s keeping YOUR baby from YOU and on purpose they aren’t being nice and being VERY disrespectful you be rude too, give me my baby back, they get smart you get smart, this is MY child and I’ve nicely asked for her back you ignored me so now I’m being rude, I don’t have to be nice when it comes to MY DAUGHTER

They’re the ones being rude. Play it off like you think they’re trying to be funny and take the baby.

Is this your first child? By child number 2, you’re usually looking for someone to throw the child at and run. :joy:

In all seriousness though, if they’re not hurting her, I would let it go. They most likely have limited time with her, and want to hold her and love her as much as possible. Unless it’s time to change/potty or eat, or if you’re leaving their house, she’s throwing a fit etc, let them love her as much as they can/want.

I understand she’s your child and yes, you shouldn’t need a reason to take her back, but I would let them hold her as much as possible.

In the event that it is time to potty/change her, eat or leave and they ignore you, then I would just speak up. Wake up and take her from them.


Would be the first and last time they see that baby


My mother always said “you need to share your children with others if you want them to have good relationships.” Don’t be disappointed if later on they seem to favor other members of the favmily


Uh. You hurt their feelings. That’s your baby and boundaries need to be set.


It would have been met with violence after I asked more than once… and let me tell you it would NEVER happen again. Nope.

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I would have called the cops had they walked out with my child!

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You remove baby from their arms. You are the Mother. Don’t let them hold baby to begin with if they are going to act like A-holes period


You just take your baby how they feel doesn’t matter its your baby


Definitely just stick to saying hey I’d like my baby back now please. If they ignore you walk up to them and say it again. If you still get ignored especially if the baby is crying and has been a few mins just take baby back. That’s your child and you know what they need. Otherwise, maybe help them take care of the baby. Maybe they want to help but aren’t sure what she may need and that’s a great opportunity to not only get her back but you can also let them help with feeding, a change, maybe even nap time. If this is your first, it’s okay to feel this way. It’s valid. Just be firm when you say you want her back that’s all. It does get a little easier after every child. I’m the mom that is weird and will keep my child as long as possible until Dad takes them or grandparents bc they see me getting frustrated at not being able to figure out what our baby needs sometimes. Sometimes they also know some tricks. But just be assertive with it. :purple_heart:

What do you think they are doing to you when they ignore you and pretend they didn’t hear you? I’m sure on some level that hurts as well. They need to respect you as their grandchild’s mother. So be honest with them, tell them what you observe and see, and then see what they say. OR me personally I would just be like “excuse me I need you to give me my child back like I asked in the first place” Who care if you hurt their feelings or sound rude, them ignoring you and what not is rude! But I mean then again not sure what kind of relationship you have with them. My ex in-laws I was just always very honest and blunt and didn’t give a crap lol.