My in laws do not hand our baby back when we ask

I’m sorry momma but sometimes you have to hurt feelings.

Unacceptable behavior. It’s good and well to share your baby with others, but it’s your baby. Set boundaries, speak up, and make sure they respect you. If they do not respect you now, they will not respect you and your boundaries for your children later :heart:


You walk up and grab that baby. There is no nice way about it. That’s your baby, your decisions and boundaries.

Just walk over there and take the child. What are they gonna do, say no? If they do tell them I’m taking my child.


Screw being nice and worrying about hurting their feelings! It’s YOUR BABY!!! NOT THEIRS!!! You’re the mother, you want your baby back, you take your baby back!!!


If they don’t hand her back right away when you ask, your next course of action should be to take her out of their arms without saying another word. And if they try to make a big deal out of it, say “Obviously you’re not getting the point or are ignoring me. I asked for my daughter back and I WILL NOT repeat myself or ask again. If you want a lap-dog, go buy one…this is my CHILD and she needs her Mom.”


If after asking I’d say “well sheesh who would have thought I’d need to ask for my baby after squeezing her out of my vag”


Tell him to get the baby, now. Lol

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Oh okay. They can’t hold the god damn baby anymore. Thats it.

U set boundaries, that is your baby


Hurt their feelings,just take your child,idc if i have your child and you reach for them im gonna give them back,and i have 6 grandbabies and dont get my feelings hurt if their parents reach for them,theres some psychological reason their not giving the child back,or something,they raised their children,thats their grand child not child ,your the parnent not them

Put your hands under the baby’s arms and pull. Dont ask


Are your inlaws islanders?

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I’m going to be rude af and say “GIVE ME MY F*CKING CHILD”

Firm. Give me my baby NOW! Don’t be gentle about it.

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Keep her in a baby carrier

“give me back my child. NOW” if they don’t listen take ur child back and remind them she is your baby. Not thiers. Visits r a privaledge not a right. They don’t hafta c ur baby. (I know I’m blunt and idgaf about anybody’s feelings, too many times I let ppl walk on me in life but no more)

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So let them hold the baby.

Baby is Yours Not theirs.
Your rules are what goes.
If they keep it up, don’t let them hold bub :woman_shrugging:t3:


They probably think the baby is adorable and want to keep holding her…just stand up and walk over to where they are and take her…i doubt they are being mean just love your daughter…

You need to Make it very plain & simple & straight forward to the in laws that they are being disrespectful to u & it better stop & u Forget about hurting feelings or being rude to them :grin: they are a poor example to set for you​:roll_eyes: shame on them to do that to u & hell with them, you do what you want with your children & tell those in laws they need to be respecteful toword u/ husband or else & when u tell them when u text them, call them, that ur on your way to pick up your children to have them ready when u arrive so there’s no Bullshit/Drama for u to put up with.

Grab you baby back and look then straight in the eyes and say " I SAID GIVE ME MY DAUGHTER" OR SON

Nope. Because when family was holding my babies I let them until they were done. What’s the deal?


Nah sis, hurt feelings. They have no problems hurting yourself by ignoring you. Set firm boundaries now. Your kid, your rules.

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For you ladies saying “take your baby… hurt their feelings “ just wait till you’re in the position to be a grandma and see how the shoe feels on that foot! I have limited time with mine bc they live so far away so yes I spend most of my time loving on her when I see her… as long as the child is being loved on does it matter by who and for how long? She’s going home with you :woman_shrugging:


I love them so much I dont want to give them back.!

Set boundaries. Don’t ask. expect. Go over and take your child if necessary. Don’t go over and stand there, waiting for them to indicate they are ready to pass the child to you. Go over and get all up in they arms and lap, with your arms and yourself, as if you expect there to be no resistance. Because there shouldn’t be. I’m sure they are doing this out of love for the babes but family still needs to know their place. If you don’t set them down in their place now it will be a much bigger Problem when the kids are older.


Walk over and take her.Dont ask.Shes your baby.


Say “okay come to mama”


There’s gonna come a day when you need those inlaws and you want them to love your baby and do things with her and give you a break don’t do anything you might regret later


Would you feel the same way if it wasn’t your in laws :woozy_face:


Boundaries need to be established.have u talked to ur spouse about it? If it fell on deaf ears hurt his feelings too.
Ur kids ur choices and don’t let anyone undervalue those!


Don’t let them hold her at all. That’s your baby.


U have the baby all the time can’t gps have a little time to love and enjoy. Don’t hurt their feelings as one lady said u will be here some day


Why you worried about being rude when they are? That’s your child. Take her back.
What does your husband do about it?

Honest opinion, I would be saying “no, I would like MY child back now” and take them out of the in-laws arms as gently but firmly as possible and the set boundaries while the child is in your arms. “If your going to have an attitude and not respect when I want my child with me, then I’m afraid you cannot hold them”


Let them love the child unless you’re leaving let them they’re not there 24 hours a day


As a grandma, take your child back and let them know they aren’t entitled. Being a grandparent, auntie, uncle etc is a privilege period.


Just go ahead and take her, you’re the mother no matter how she feels about it.


You give them the choice to ignore you? No way, I’d just take my child, no asking here.


Stop being stingy with the baby. Let them hold her as long as they want. She’ll be toddler running wild soon and no one will be holding her.


Burn that bridge if you want to but I don’t think it sounds like an issue. You’ll want them to take the baby when she’s older. Also if you need to leave or the baby needs to be fed that’s different just take the baby. It is your child not theirs.

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Tell them to: TOBE NWIGWE | TRY JESUS - YouTube

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It’s your baby, you take her or him back WHENEVER you want!!!


Set boundaries and enforce them. That’s your child not theirs. And they need to acknowledge you as the child’s mom.


“when I ask for my child, please pass him/her back. When you don’t, I feel like you are crossing my boundaries and disrespecting me.”… If that fails “Oi mf, pass my kid back and f off because you just proved you have no respect for me.”
Stop showing respect and decency to people who clearly have none for you. Stand up for yourself and set that example for your child from day one to not tolerate being a doormat. :heart:


I personally would take advantage. On purpose. As soon as they get them, go take a shower, Target run, cook, clean, whatever. Just make sure it’s and uncomfortable amount of time :joy::heavy_heart_exclamation: 5 minutes? Okay. 20 minutes? Sure. Half an hour? That seems acceptable. A whole hour? You betcha! :joy::joy::heavy_heart_exclamation:


Smh idk why this bothers me but it does . My kids family wants nothing to do with my kids and you’re whining because your in laws wont hand your baby back ? Please stop and think before you post something so selfish :roll_eyes:


Nah, let it be. Before you know it and I promise you this, that lil perfect person is going to grow up very much loved and, grown before your eyes. I promise…


How long are they keeping her from you? If it’s a few minutes after you ask I would ignore it. They want to soak up the baby as much as they can. If they’re preventing you from caring for her, letting her cry hungry, wet or even just needing you or if they’re keeping her for an extended period of time then I’d stop letting them hold her.


Ask them to give you the baby for a feeding and have them do something for you.

I don’t have any family left aand honestly me having three kids under five I would love it if I had family and they would literally watch my kid for a few minutes because I’ve never had a break from my kids outside of work and having to pay a babysitter


Use ur grown up voice "baby thank U ". It’s Ur child dnt let anyone do that family or not


It’s your baby. Take her back. I understand completely how this feels and if you don’t stand up for yourself it will only get worse. If you ask and you’re ignored just take her. This happens alot especially when baby is so little. Don’t let them be comfortable disrespecting you.


It seems to me that if that was an issue in a family they must have bigger issues than that!

You can’t please everybody on this post, you’re gonna get negative & positive from this post!
I would try talking to your husband first & see if he can talk to them. If can’t or won’t, then address it yourself!
I, however, would tell you to use that time & take a break mama!


Literally take your baby! Say it loudly as you take her! I asked for my child please let go of her thank you


They probably want to get as much bonding time in as they can. I wouldn’t worry about it unless its stopped you from providing care for the baby. And if they want to hold the baby when its time to change the diaper, hand them the wiped and diaper so they can do it and you take a break. If it’s important you get the baby back then get there attention 1st and look them in the eyes and tell them to hand over the baby.


If baby isn’t crying to be fed or changed why is it a problem for them to soak them up as long as they can. Besides gives you a break


Take ur baby :woman_shrugging: legit just take them no words needed


I need more information on this. I mean, how are they not giving her back? Are you reaching for her and they just want to hold on to her a couple more seconds for an extra squeeze or cuddle? In which case, pick your battles and this isn’t one to spend too much time on. And you said ‘family’, as in all of them. Maybe that’s just something they do?Now if they genuinely disregard you when you are wanting her back to change or feed, etc and they just flat out walk away or tell you no, you can’t have her back, then just don’t let them hold her I guess. Or let them know that you don’t like it. I wouldn’t get all bitchy right off the bat, because it sounds like you haven’t really addressed it or given them a chance to change. But if you go all out with bitch wings on and start yelling at them to give the baby back, be prepared to burn that bridge.

Take the baby back the end


Yepp just grab your baby and say “thanknn you”


Just grab the baby , ur baby ur rules .


What some bull crap to complain about sounds like you are jealous of them holding the baby grow up and quit taking up fb page to post something as stupid as this


Be grateful your child is loved


That doesnt fly with me. I ask for my baby you give me my baby. You don’t. You don’t get to hold or see my baby anymore. This mama don’t play


I feel this on a different level because my Mom and my husband’s Mom both passed away when my now 17 year old was less than 2 years old… I understand wanting your own child back when you ask, but I also wish I had my Mom and mother in law around to love and hold my babies when they were little. I have a almost 6 year old that of course never even got to meet either one of them and then my oldest doesn’t remember either one of them. I’m in no way trying to be rude or disrespectful, just trying to give a different perspective.

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Um the baby is yours you dont ask you just reach over and take her. Thats ridiculous


Fuck just get the ball up tell them to stop doing it . Your kids not there .

Um, they’re the ones being rude. She’s YOUR baby. Be honest and firm. I would NEVER let that fly!

Why can’t they hold the baby tho??


Bless your heart must be your first baby :woman_shrugging:t3:!


That is your baby, they’re not kidnapping them. You take your baby home or they leave, then you have your baby. Babies need love and affection from their family not just their mother.


This would bother me too. They shouldn’t be ignoring you. Its understandable if they want more time but they should just say that.


I was like that with my first 2 weeks postpartum…felt like I maybe had some baby blues. I also got super overwhelmed by nonstop visitors, not sure how old the baby is or possibly you’re experiencing some postpartum depression something to think of. But it sounds like everyone is just trying to love that baby and give you a break but maybe limit visits to short times…definitely normal to be emotional after giving birth. Maybe have your husband grab the baby back :slightly_smiling_face:

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If they don’t give baby back when you say ,then next time they don’t get baby when they want .period

My kiddos have a grandma that tells me “No Im grandma, i got this.” She means well and just wants to love the babies. I just reply with "Im mom. "

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Tell them straight up
What you told us


Just let them.
Their time is limited.
You get the dang baby allllll the time.
If she’s not screaming for milk then let it ride


Just grab her with big smile and say I think she needs me,

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Just don’t give them the baby at all. Problem solved. If they won’t give her back when asked then they can’t hold her at all


I feel for you so hard with this. When my son was a baby his grandparents on his dad’s side did this all the time…but took it even further. When he would try to reach for me or cry for me they would hold him tighter and tell him he was a naughty boy. That pissed me off so bad. It never got better. My partner never stuck up for me and was too afraid to tell his parents otherwise. My son is 12 now and I’ve long since split with his father. My situation did not get better. I hope yours does though because it is so hard. Hugs mama! :heart:


That’s disrespectful. Stop going to visit or family events. When they ask why tell them straight " you don’t respect me!".
Your husband is your protection,it is his responsibility to see that you and your baby are safe in ANY environment.
If he is not doing this …he doesn’t respect you either.
Sit down and discuss this with him. …why does he not respect you?

You Must be FIRM
You Must be RUDE

Be glad they want to hold the baby. My in-laws would have to be convinced to babysit their grands, every once and a while, for us to have a night out.

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Good luck with this…if they ignore you they are not caring how you feel. Just go and pick the baby up from them


Undermined behaviour


Just go get the baby out of their arms. You don’t need to ask. Just take. You don’t need to be polite.


Grab her from them! No one would ever ignore me or not give my child back period


Be rude! You made this baby. You carried baby. You birthed baby. If they’re rude enough to ignore you be rude back.
I’ve let shit slide for 13 years and they just keep disrespecting me more and more and now they started on my kids so don’t let them get comfortable disrespecting you or your family.

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Don’t ask, just take her.


I love it when they come down to visit.

Dont ask, just go take her back. If they say something, let them know your not playing games with your child.

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That is up to your husband to speak about with you there. Do you get along with your in-laws? This is your child. The parents should come after you and the baby. He needs to insist that they respect you also.


Fuck that, I don’t understand this people pleasing shit!! That’s your baby, you better start popping them mfs upside the head when they wanna act like they don’t hear you ask for YOUR CHILD, if they got a problem with it oh well don’t touch my daughter if you can’t respect me

At that point, you do not have to be polite anymore. And don’t let anyone act like you’re ridiculous for doing so. They’re purposely disrespecting you and attempting to undermine you. There is no two ways about it and if they can’t treat you with more respect and give you your own child when you ask, they won’t be seeing that child anymore until they can. (Is how I would handle it)


You catch more bees with honey then vinegar! You politely ask for your child as your TAKING the child. No need to be upset or be approaching in a rude manner.

Wait… You ASK??? Nope. I’d either stop giving them MY baby or just TAKE my baby back. Fuck that.

give it a few yrs… you’ll be trying to hand her back & get a break


Wow!This is the dumbest thing ever!What does it hurt to let them enjoy their grandkids??It’s not like they are hurting anything…Be glad you have somebody in their life.This is nothing but petty as hell.