My in-laws don't like me because I can't have kids

Sometimes people don’t say anything for fear of upsetting you or because they don’t know what to say. Get some counseling for yourself. It will help.

I think counseling is definitely in order. I am glad to hear that your husband is standing by you. You can’t change how other people act. Perhaps getting involved with outside interests would help take you out of yourself to a degree and perhaps you would make some new friends who would be there for you. It’s sad enough that your in-laws weren’t there for your during your loss but even sadder that your own mother wasn’t. There are so many children waiting for someone to love them and care for them through the adoption process. You are not responsible for what your body does or doesn’t do. This is where counseling can also help if you do consider adoption. You need to heal first. You said that you had made mistakes in the past (who hasn’t)? But God forgives so we have to forgive ourselves and make better choices, which you obviously have. Concentrate on the good things that you have with your husband. Wishing you the best.

Ever think to adopt?your husband should tell them to take a flying leap.ignore and work on your mental state without them can you move away

Would it work to become foster parents,there is a great need for fostering ,just wondering

I’m so proud of you for reaching out. Everyone has a past and no one should ever judge you. You are so lucky to have a husband who loves you. You have come a long way and I know the pain of losing the baby will never stop hurting.
You are a good person and worthy of love and compassion. Try to love yourself and don’t look for anything from them. Try to think of things that you enjoy doing and then pursue them. They can not hurt you if you don’t let them. Protect your thoughts and think of yourself as you would your best friend. What would you tell her?
It’s their loss.

I was kicked out of my fathers will because I Could not have kids

Listen… I watched my twin boys die in the nicu. I had 4 miscarriages after. I have 2 rainbows (miscarriages were between and then after). Most of this, is in your head. And I’m not trying to be mean. Cuz I’m stuck in my own head most the time. As a loss mama. One thing i have seen. People don’t know what, or how to act. They think you want space, and time… They aren’t wrong. They hurt or they don’t, but they don’t know what You want. You do want space and time, but you also dont want to be left out. But then you get invited to a baby shower, or a first b day party, and dont go… And you lose it… Tell them. I will not always go, and it doesn’t mean I’m not happy for you. It means I just can’t do it.

So sorry you are going thru this. Stop putting yourself down. You probably have been doing that all of your life and looking for love first from your parents and now from your in-laws. Be understand that they have the problem and not you. Unfortunately, many in society still have biases against women who do not produce kids. Today, some women are even choosing not to have kids which is their right . However, many people place them in an awkward position by asking why they do not have kids. Like all of us are meant to breed like rabbits or we are not considered to be “real women”. This is a bunch of old-time B.S. What is important is the relationship you and your husband has. Has he been supportive? Is he okay with not having kids at this time. Have you sat down with a doctor to weigh all of your options so you can make an informed decision about your future. Many couples use surrogates but they are very expensive . There are also so many children in the world who dream of parents. How do you or your husband feel about adopting a child in America. Only you and your husband can decide on what works for you. He also needs to sit his folks down and set them straight. Share how their behavior is hurting them. They could also feel that if you had a troubled background that you are not suitable for their son. Not their choice and if you have been living a good life and your husband is happy and loves, they need to accept it.

Have you thought of fostering? Lots of children need help

Look into foster care. Sometimes the children come up for adoption and in the meantime you would have children in your home. Adoption is very expensive but adoption from foster care isn’t.

To bad sounds like there missing out! Can you adopt! There’s a lot of kids out there, I have no idea about process or how it’s done! Good luck to you

Check out some fb sperm donation groups. They provide alot of support for ttc and education. You don’t have to use a donor to join them.

Hi there dear, i know you are hurting right now but you need to get yourself right first before you even think of having a baby .ive been in your position.ive had so many miscarriages that i almost gave inlaws also didnt like me.But you have to let go of your past and live for now, make peace with yourself now .what kind of parent would you be in the state you are in .? You have to find peace and learn to love yourself and hubby first and when you get there remember if you have a baby its not for your in laws , its for yourself .So you must be ready to love your baby .and if you cant love yourself ,how will you love your need to build up your confidents and shake off that chip on your shoulder.You didnt marry your in laws so they actually dont have a say in how you feel unless you let them .Stop giving them power over you, they only matter in as far as being your husbands family.And because your husband loves them you must try to love tjem but that doesnt mean giving them power over wheather you are happy or not.And in the state you are in now makes it harder to get pregnant.;believe me ive been through this .my own sister mocked me because i couldnt have children .id been to the best doctors .when i was 32 yrs old i finally got pregnant and i was so excited.i had surendered my life to Jesus and at an alter call the elders prayed for me and my hubby.amonth later i was my daughter is 33 and i have a lovely little grandson who claims that my shoulder only belongs to him.So you see dont give up, God knows the perfect time to give you a child.That child thay nobody else wanted.perhaps it was aborted by someone.perhaps she wasnt ready for a baby .Those babies dont just get thown away.God can do strange and wonderfull things.i remember pleading with God one day to give me that one baby that nobody wants .He gave me a beautifull baby girl with lovely big bay curls and dimples.we have a beautiful relashionship .And i know thats what you are looking for .That unconitional love that only your child can give because you never got it from anyone else.Remember God loved you, He will never give up on you .He gived you unconditional love.He understands .And no matter what your past may be like , He still loves you .He jas wiped the slate clean .you are worthy in his eyes and thats why he died on the cross for you.No matter what the i laws think of you just rememeber God loves you , thats all that matters .
P.S. My inlaws still hate me but you know what i kill them with love, but i dont bother them or expect anything from them .We communicate on media .someday things might change but it doesnt bother me iether wsy bevause the one that mattets in my life is God .Hope this helps you , begin to love you.and the rest will follow.

Look here sweetie you and your husband don’t need there approval first of all and dont you dare let them get to you like this. This about You and your husband they sound very snobby and they are showing just how shitty they are. I’m sorry for your loss and no matter what nothing will ever take the pain of losing your sweet little angel. But I would love for you to work on your self and when you get back to the place of thinking of only you and what you’re husband think of each other you can adopt a baby. There are so many young girls that know that are not ready to be a parent because they are still a kid themselves. And I have two grown son’s and I would NEVER I MEAN NEVER PUT MY opinion and butt in there life. And this goes to show how much they don’t cherish their son and his happiness. He loves you unconditionally you said so forget them. Dont give them the satisfaction of showing them how much they are and have mistreated you and there own son. I love my son’s unconditionally no matter what and my oldest is married and they have a beautiful little girl BUT my other son hasn’t married yet and has no kid’s yet and if he and when he finds his soulmate and what ever they decide to do as far as having kid’s hey I will love them the same as I do my oldest son and my daughter in law. You are in my prayers sweetie and please dont give the satisfaction of letting them know they have affected you like this.:heart::heart::pray::pray::pray:

Having a baby won’t solve your problems. First, you have to get yourself healthy before you could even think about having a baby. Your body’s trying to tell you this. Listen to it. Get yourself healthy. Another thing you could do is try a different mindset… Start inviting your inlaws to do things with you all. Invite them for a dinner out or at your home. Do they like to play cards? Or just to show them you are putting an effort to get to know them. They probably can feel your bad vibe/nervous energy so they may put up a wall themselves. You can change the way you react so change it… be more inviting… Try not to over react… give them a chance to see that you are serious about wanting a relationship with them. Stop saying BUT, AND and I TRIED… Just do it… You’ll be surprise when you change your attitude at how quickly they will change theirs, but you have to do the work. Now, talk to your husband to see what you both should invite them to do with you all first then pick up that phone and YOU invite them. One more thing… maybe they don’t know how to approach you about losing your sweet baby and they don’t want to make things worse for you. If you up to talking about it… ask your MIL if you can talk to her., it was her grandchild so I’m sure she’s hurting to… Reach out to your SIL also… Anyways… Once you got all that mo jo nervous energy out… I wouldn’t be surprise you’ll become pregnant with a beautiful bundle of joy because you will be healthy… I’ll keep you in my prayers!

I am going to say it, if someone likes you for things you have perhaps it is not you that is liked , so you have the key to the defect in your in laws relationships. You are just too good for them. Keep on!

No matter how flat you make a pancake there are still two sides

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move far from your in-laws so you don’t see what happens. keep waiting on God.

Duck em. Don’t need that crap anyway.


Let the inlaws go, and enjoy yourself. We only have one life to live, enjoy yours. Maybe they’ll change, maybe they won’t. Don’t let them ruin the beauty within your marriage.

Have you tried in vitro

I was a foster child as a kid. My foster mum couldn’t have kids. She had two miscarriages and one baby that died of crib death. My natural father wouldn’t give me up for adoption and my birth mother left when I was a toddler. What I learned was that families weren’t necessarily born to each other but chosen. My foster parents were the best mother and father I could have ever wished for and the best grandparents to my son. They were my best buddies till they passed away and they are my best memories now. You can go out there and make your own family. There’s an old saying that you can choose your friends but you can’t choose your family. Well I’m here to tell you it’s not true. My foster parents chose me and you can do the same thing in your life. Somewhere out there is a child deeply in need of a mum like you. Choose your own family and don’t worry about the ones who don’t want you. Your husband loves you. That’s what matters.

You said the first 5 years of your marriage were rough and that you have been on a straight path the last 3 years. First I want to congratulate you on making the right choices and getting your life back on the right track! That in itself is quite an accomplishment and you should be very proud of yourself. Maybe the issue with your family isnt the fact that you havent had kids but is because of your past. You married your husband not his family. Your life does not revolve around them and if they are not a source of happiness for you and are not involved in a good way in your life then just let them go. Learn to let go of anyone that doesnt have a positive affect on your life. Dont let other people define your self worth. Dont let their indifference push you back to where you just recovered from. I have walked away from people who had a negative affect on me and yes it was painful but just learn to concentrate on you and your husband. Do things together and find activities that you both enjoy. Maybe camping or hiking. Work on your relationship with God. Pray daily and remember in the end he is the one that matters. Trust him to help you thru this and to move emotionally into a better place. Dont depend on family for your happiness. Consult with a fertility specialist. Maybe consider invetro fertilization. Find out what your options are. Get yourself in a good mental and physical state. Maybe offer your sister in laws babysitting, and work on your relationship with them. I loved my neice and nephew so much and it filled my heart to watch them grow up. Maybe your family will come around someday when they see you really trying. But either way just concentrate on you and hubby. Thats where your happiness comes from. Work hard and concentrate on that. Work on friendships other than family. Maybe move away with hubby and make a new life with just the 2 of you. You are looking to family for that happiness and now it is time to set them aside and quit letting them steal that from you. They dont have any idea the struggles you have been thru to get to where you are today. Be proud and just work on you! There are great days ahead of you! Best wishes my dear!

Love yourself. You know how far you’ve come. Your husband is your family. If they feel that way …. It says a lot about them as people. You don’t need people like that in your life. They will only cause pain. They have a problem and not much character.
Friends can become family. Love those who love you. God protects us from those that will cause us pain and harm. Show them how Strong you are. Keep close to your husband and build that relationship and bond. One day they will be called out. People are not blind. You’ve got this. Keep moving forward. Build yourself up. You’re on this earth for a reason. Your story will one day help someone else.


Their is a saying, you can pick your friends but not your family. I am sorry for your lose. Your story bought to mind ,mine, I have two children but the mil said I was selfish not trying for a boy. Husband came from a family of girls. Being of a mixed religious marriage she kept bringing priests around to try and convince me. Got so fed up with this and yes right I have another child but you and the pope can raise it. Took years for us to get her to see our point of view. As long as your husband s on your side you can be strong , the outlaws sound like bullies so ignore them. Not every women has to have children. Oldies can be one eyed and because they think they should have grandies tell them in strong words to back off and where were they when you lost your baby, nagging at you only hurts you and your husband. Please don’t let them make your life a misery. You have a voice use it.

That so sad you and your husband love each other’s and done care what they think ask God for help he will help you he love you prayers

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Maybe because you’re so wordy?

Dont waste time on those who dont respond. Find other interests better still find ways to respect and love yourself others will follow.

Don’t beat yourself up. It’s their loss.


Their loss give it to God ,enjoy life

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Its your life, and you need to get rid of that negativity, if the in-laws don’t like you or show interest in you, then they are not worth your time of day and are pitiful people, you should concentrate on things that make you happy and move to an area where people ( your friends ) care about you, a so called “sea change” moving back to where you loved to live would be the best thing for you and forget the in-laws and get on with your life in a happy environment, if your partner can’t accept that then maybe you might need to move on from him too…it’s your life and you have a right to feel happy in it, not this ongoing misery you are experiencing which is not mentally healthy and very damaging to you.:frowning::thinking: ps: I have spent a lot of time in my past in shit places and situations and when you grow older you become wiser and you don’t sacrifice yourself for other people that don’t give two hoots about you.

Nnem, love urself first,be n believe that whatever u r going through God knows about it,pls if u can go for adoption or IVF…:pray::pray::pray:

Your husband loves u what else do u need
He is ur biggest support u thStop worrying about everyone n live ur life .the mor

I’m so sorry for you and your husbands loss❤️
My friend posted this tonight and I feel it is very fitting for you. Don’t let go of your light.

“I wish I could show you
when you are lonely or in darkness
the astonishing light of your own being.”

-Daniel Ladinsky

Check in with God, He is always there and He will give you peace

Hun my name is Jackie. I’m April’s fiance. We understand what you’re going through. I know it’s hard to deal with. Turn to God. He’s the answer. I personally don’t have a FB but I get on April’s. I’ve raised my children from a previous marriage. That has ended. We separated over 6 years ago. And have been divorced for 2 years. She died in January due to covid-19 . April and I can’t have children. She had to have a hysterectomy. But,that’s ok. All I can say is ask the guy with all the answers. God. He’ll never send you down the wrong path. I’m always here through April. You and your husband can contact I guess through FB. Have the best day possible


Sorry to hear that but you have to give sometime maybe they will come around soon or later sending my prays to you

I’m very sorry for your loss. Sounds like your in laws are pos’s.

Learn to like yourself and don’t worry about anyone else!

You cannot wait for them to Love you. With or without your having a child they won’t Love you. So stop wanting them too. Love yourself and your husband, and treat them like they treat you.

Talk to them. It’s the only way they will know your pain. If they are still arse holes you don’t need them

Sorry about your loss :broken_heart:… GOD has other plans for you in life…Go live your life and be happy with your husband…dont worry about if people dont like you or not… GET YOURSELF TOGETHER AND FOCUS ON YOUR HAPPINESS…

That is so sad I wish I was your mil I would hold you tight and tell you it was alright.

Remember not knowing you is their loss not yours.

Y’all’s love is between you both. The hell with the family !!

Get some help. You said mental heath is not good.

Tell them to mind there business…

My daughter had an ectopic pregnancy the 1st time, then made it 3 months and the heartbeat failed 2nd time…she had her hormones tested…they were what was causing the problem!! She now has the most beautiful little girl! As far as the ADULTS treating you badly…that’s a reflection of their own hearts!! Do not let others flaws destroy your marriage!!

You need to go see someone spiritually or mentally because its killing you inside. It sounds like you have a great husband and you don’t want to loose that over his family or yours. You don’t need those kind of people. Make something with your husband and friends, family doesn’t have to be by blood.

Please try not to worry about any 9f that!!! God will bless you abundantly! I had friends that were together for over 15 yrs they were just blessed with a baby 6 moths ago!

There are stupid people everywhere you just happened to have a bunch around you I’d move as far away from them sa possible and forget them make your life with your husband period

Well ignore them your not married to them. How about adoption. Millions of little ones that need a loving home

Someone else here nailed it on the head. I wanted a surrogate family to compensate for failures in your family growing up. But you are an adult now with the gift of a husband who seems to give you what you long for. His parents don’t give him what he desefves, so focus on being the source of love and support both your parents were incapable of. There are too many children out there who don’t have the love they need too. Break the chain. Lift yourself and a needy child out of hopelessness. My brother and I were both adopted. We have each other. But please, get the counseling you and your husband need to be whole and self-loving so you have the power to seek, experience and give the emotional strength to create a loving family. You can do this. For you. For each other. For your own eventual child later or one who already needs you to be the best you ever.

Joining a group of some sort where you can talk and share your feelings, and have people listen would be great. I dont know if your into church but sometimes you can find your own personal family within a congregation. I wish you the best of luck. Dont worry about anyone other then yourself and leave those others alone. If they wanted anything to do with you seems to me its a little to late now. Focus on your mental health, and it may take time for you to have a baby but when you do(and I’m sure you will) honey dont let them just jump into your lives for all the wrong reasons… Baby or no baby they should include you. Hugs

Get in therapy. And go see a fertility specialist.
Good luck…

Your not married to his family

Believe me, you will never change their attitude. Best to cut the toxic people out of your life for your own peace of mind. Concentrate on you and your husband and keep your life as stress free as possible. I am speaking from experience. Stress can keep you from being able to conceive.

Did you marry the in laws or their son? Concentrate on your marriage SBD focus on your love for your husband and his love for you. If you continue minding do much about the in laws you are going to end up making your relationship toxic! Just ignore them and do surrogacy! Science today gives us do many options!

We force ourselves into thinking and believing that motherhood will bring endless happiness. Look around you, get into counseling and then you will realize that many times children do not bring happiness. Take off your blinders, turn your back on your in-laws and realize life is not so bad without children.

Adopt. There lots of kids out there that need love. Save a child save your self.

You’ve only been clean 3 years, and it’s been 3 years since you lost the baby…do you think your addiction may have had something to do with the loss as well as their attitude? I commend you on making your life better, but your past has consequences, which you are reaping now unfortunately it seems.

Stop putting pressure on your in laws to accept you, once you accept yourself, that need to be accepted will go away. You say you’ve been clean for 3 years, but not using and working the 12 step program are two different things. You sound like a “dry drunk, or addict”. Get yourself counseling, stop complaining about your life. Move forward with a clear mind and find your strength within yourself and your higher power! I’m a recovering addict/alcoholic and have been clean sober for 19 years. It takes a lot more than just not using, it takes a lifetime of willingness to continually grow.

You need therapy and then move away from those people create your own family even if it is through adoption.

we all know the sayings! you marrying your husband not his Family!!

You can keep my kids for a while i have a 18 year old a 1 year old also a 3 month old my 3 month old is very spoiled he just loves cuddles let me know when you are ready for them

Tell them if they want kids so badly have them themselves n let them raise them to

So sorry God bless you

id rather have out laws in stead of in laws

tell em to kiss your ass and then you need to move on …

I skim read your post- in-laws
Have invaded your mind- adopt if you want a baby.

I will pray for God to be there for you.

God Bless you and your husband and I ask God to give you a baby a child in Jesus name, Amen,.

Cut your losses. They aren’t going to change.

She might help you

My dear, turn to God, make God ur everything and love ur husband more, God will make a way for you.

Y’all need to move far way

Sorry about your loss

I feel so sad for you,I wish I could give you a big hug,

Your husband needs to grow some balls and tell his parents exactly where to go!

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Stay strong you got this never give up

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Sorry for your loss.

Your In Laws sound like difficult people. If you and your husband are happy together that is what is important.

I am so sorry for your loss. I am also sorry for what you are going through. This family is messed up to be treating you like this. Your husband needs to make a decision…his wife or his family because nobody should live around this kind of hate and he should not be allowing it. I know, I lived through it. Needless to say I am now divorced.

Sister stop. You and your husband love each other? Well just dig that. Believe me. It will be enough. I found out who really loved me for me. Him. Peace and myGod bless you both

Put it in gods hands and he will give you the children that you want and that needs you it may be your own r any other one but he will do it dont lose that faith I will be praying for you and as for your family and his one day they will know how great of a child of god you are sending my prayers for you and your husband

Goofle self love and self care. Heal inner childhood wounds. You can do this. It is a process one day at a time. Forgive them and yourself. Daily. Foegive. :heart:

So sorry for your loss …look if inlaw family and your own family don’t show you love …that’s their loss
Not yours …maybe their were problems in the past and now they do t trust …who knows …but you know who and what you are
And don’t t let let anyone else judge you.
Cut off a d make some friends n have fun…don’t be like .me
I was in my late 50s before I finally cut loose my narsaistic mother…it’s not easy as I just wanted to be loved …but it was the best thing ever…now I don’t give a shot a d doesn’t affect me anymore

I think you need to fill up your life working, activities, be voluntary helping people, find a good church where you maybe can have a kind of family. Find professional help for your mental health and try to move on. Don’t condition your happiness in what you can’t have. Don’t allow you to be the poor little me, but for sure you need help.

Your in-laws need help. There are so many children in the world that need a family and if you are wanting children I would consider that route. Just pray your in-laws will get over themselves and be loving and considerate of you and the way you love their son.

First of all re-think everything and find the positive out of it all ,then after you have done this open your heart to God and Jesus and give it all to them to handle. Work on your own negativity and the Light will shine on you and make you whole. Keep yourself positive and when Satan enters the room speak and think of Jesus and you will overcome anything that is dark and evil.

Quit trying to please people obviously don’t care about you at all now start pleasing yourself and your husband it’s not your responsibility a child for your in-laws give me the same treatment they are giving you yet and I don’t care attitude and change yourself because you’re not gonna change them

Others, not even in laws, don’t define you. You have had some difficulties but your identity is not contingent on theirs. I feel empathy about what you’re going through. However, having children or not being able to have children are difficult choices and I know that they’re not always choices because of biology or other situations. However, you are a wonderful individual by doing what you can. You have the right to have a happy and fulfilling life. If others choose to not be kind to you and treat you well, that’s their problems, not yours.

I had kids and my In-laws never liked me till their dying day they just never liked me at all so don’t worry if they like you or not kids or no kids I ended up divorcing him and I’m so Happy and my in- laws both are already gone .

I had 2 ectopic pregnancies so I know first hand the hell you are going through. Please get help and try to ignore the families the best you can. As long as your husband is by your side who cares about those unfeeling relatives. Please find help for your mental health.

I think there is another under lying issues here besides not having kids. I would sit down with them and your husband. Do it in a kind way and from a place of kindness. Just tell them you feel like they don’t like you and you want to be part of the family and you don’t feel it. Just see what they have to say. Don’t get angry. Let them speak their truth. You might have said or done something small they took the wrong way. Try to and if you can’t you know you tried.

Sounds like there is a lot of love between you and your husband…children are wonderful and a special gift but they don’t make you the people you are. Stop looking for happiness were there is none with the in laws. You will never get it from them. Move away from them if possible you don’t need that kind of negativity around you. And enjoy your life with your husband, he sounds special he is your blessing. Good luck

Please think about yourself from now on and your Husband. Stress can be the reason why it’s not happening. Make sure to bond as well with your friends, always always have friends that you can talk to about silly things. Try something new, crafts, baking, gardening and so on. It would help to relieve the stress. If you want your in-laws in your life make extra effort but before you please anyone else, please your self first. You need you make things all happen.

Knowing and understanding your SELF-WORTH defines who you are not what your in-laws or family feel or think of you. Your SELF-WORTH ie having SELF-RESPECT, SELF-ESTEEM and SELF-CONFIDENCE in who you are as a person and individual. Iam sure it hurt not being able to be a biological mother, but being a mother doesn’t define who you are as a an individual or a woman. NEVER
LET ANYONE DEFINE WHO YOU ARE BY THEIR SMALL MINDS AND NEGATIVITY. Value,love,and be l ieve in yourself. As for as your relationship with your husband TRUST,HONESTY,andOPEN COMMUNICATION is the KEY. He needs to listen and support you because are as one flesh and you shoul reciprocate. Some men are not comfortable with showing emotions they are taught or consider it a sign of weakness. It is just the opposite, it shows compassion and the strength of his character. Being strong doesn’t always means body it emotional and mental. Talk with your husband let him know what you expect and need from him in regard to his support concerning how you are being treated by his family. As for your family you know them best. If you feel like it is a waste of time and energy step back for your emotional ,mental,and physical well-being until a later date if possible. Through CHRIST ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.

This is an all consuming difficult issue. Sounds like it’s tense for everyone and lack of communication. Hubby should have a heart to heart with them. Maybe they’re avoiding you cause it feels tense and they don’t know what to do. Or maybe they’re awful. Won’t know until it’s communicated. Ps try volunteering w kids, or becoming a foster parent. Or be the best Auntie to someone and travel.

Good morning first I would like to say thank God for your life every woman in this world was not put here to produce some do and some don’t your mother-in-law and father-in-law in the family either they going to love you or they not has nothing to do with you not having kids it has something to do with them love you don’t try to make everybody love you because if you love yourself God will show you the Wayne and he put people into your life that can love you don’t distract and don’t live on the love of trying to make some money like you because all of us are not going to be