My in-laws don't like me because I can't have kids

I feel you Don’t worry be happy Ijs adopt a child most family that adopts gets pregnant after the adoption ounce you adopt the anxious side of you will calm down and then you will conceive I pray that things works out for you your pass does not define your future most of us have done things we regret I’m sure your in laws did also move on my child move on I’m here for you and I’m praying for you :two_hearts::kissing_heart:

You don’t need them if they don’t want you. I think you need professional help to get over the pain of your bad relationship with your own family, maybe your bad behavior as an adult and your loss of your child too. As for having a child, if you can’t then perhaps you were meant for a different role such as a foster parent. My mom and became foster parents when the nest was empty and they had the opportunity to love many more children and adopt 5 of them!! Our holidays fill her house to bursting as there were 6 of us to begin with!! (Now there’s grandkids and great grandchildren too!) And adoption is an option or even invitro fertilization. There’s lots of help out there…talk to your ob/gyn.

It’s you and hubby in this cold world! Go make some friends to go out with have fun! I’m so sorry about your loss🥺 But to be a mom you don’t have to give birth to have a little one adopt. My prayers are with you.

You can’t make people love you the way you want them to. I suspect that it is your life where you did somethings you aren’t proud of and not the fact that you cannot have kids. They probably did not like you at that point. You were still with their son during that time. You have only been upstanding for three years. That really is not long. I would BET that is the point where they started to dislike you and has nothing to do with childlessness.

First off, I’m sorry to hear about all the things you’ve been through :cry: second-you’re married to HIM not his family- I know it’s hard and hurtful when they favor their other daughter in law and treat you like shit… it’s a horrible feeling… but it also shows their character. Everyone has a past, I’m sure they’re not perfect either. Keep living your life with your husband… do not allow his hateful family to come in between your marriage, it doesn’t end well and will destroy you mentally if you live your life caring about them. Cut ties with them if you need to :pray:t2::purple_heart:

Do what I had to do. You have to build a back bone in you. I had to wash everything with both sides of my in laws and my own family. But have you though about adopting? When and if you do. Don’t have your In laws to come over or your family. They won’t be there for you or your family. Get into therapy as well.

I think your expecting from others what they are not capable of doing. Accept things are the way they are and create your own family. Create a group of people you can have a true relationship with. Sounds like you and your and his family are toxic. Detach with love and live your life

I can relate to your problem. I went for seven years also without having a child but I did miscarry one. I was from out of state, and once my husband and I decided to move back to where I came from, it seemed like our life fell into place. I was pregnant even before I knew it…and we had our first child in my home state. Two years later, I was pregnant with twins and we raised our children on a piece of land that my father gave to us. It was wonderful. There is is hope. I recommend you get away from that environment if you can, seek some holistic doctors and get yourself healthy…and if you can move back from where you came…do it.

Your family is your husband, that’s the
only person you should worry about! Forget your family and his family, They will be gone long before you both and it will be the two of you holding onto each other. Don’t go out of your way for the people who don’t show you a speck of love!! Forget them!! Maybe a lap dog that you can nurture, and show you abundance of love to will help you. You need something to pour your love onto! Forget the people who don’t show you love! You don’t need people that mentally hurt you! Life is too short! Forget your mom and mother-in-law, it’s their loss!!

Some people just enjoy beating others down. You’ve just been a good target. Train yourself to hold your head high, be strong and don’t let anyone determine your happiness, that’s up to you. Success, whatever that looks like, is the best revenge. Don’t ever let anyone make you feel “less than” because you are not. Its not the destination, it’s the journey so get going. Wishing you a bright future.

First, I’m so sorry you haven’t been able to have kids. I know your pain is very real.
But from the information you provided, it appears you are only speculating that “no kids” is the reason they don’t visit. That seems unlikely to me, but if it were true, why do you want a relationship with people like that? Your husband needs to have a heart to heart conversation with his family, assuming he wants a real relationship with them. Does he?
That said, family isn’t everything. It’s really just your own expectation that they should be something that they’re not that is hurting you. Make your own family by cultivating real friendships. Stay away from anyone from your past that is still using.

Try taking vitamin E my sister in Law years ago found not have kids I read an article on vitamin E I told her about it she stated taking vitamin ae she had e boys. Good luck

I’ve found that the closest family I’ve had aren’t by blood. But most of all- don’t let someone else determine your happiness. If the in-laws are jerks, thats their choice. If they don’t like you and won’t take the time to try, that’s ok. Don’t give them power over you. Find something in your community that sparks your interest. And as far as pregnancy, it will probably happen when you start having fun doing things that make you feel happy. You might consider relocating also.

Your husband should be defending you with his family. He needs to tell them how they make you feel.
We were a military family for over 20 years. My husband and I were very often in contact with parents and siblings. But…
Home is where you plant your roots and family does not have to be by blood. Choose friends that care for you and want the best.

Never understood why anyone expects you to have kids to please them! Or say you should not have more !

Ok, my two cents: MOVE AWAY! Sounds like their son doesn’t get any respect as well. You two deserve happiness and doesn’t sound as if either of you are very happy interacting with the family.

If they really just wanted a grand baby it wouldn’t matter if it was blood or through adoption. I have 9 blood and 3 that’s not i love and treat all 12 the same. Because in my eye there no half or step you’re family.

I would strongly suggest that you & your husband move back to the state, where you have some real friends, because your in-laws, have make their decisions about you, and it may be more that you can’t have children. Plus, your mental & physical condition will only get worse, if you stay near them. Good luck. :pray:

There’s more to life than having children. Many women can’t or don’t want children. There are those in relationships or single. You need to practice self love. Think about all the fun dates you could be going on or doing things with your partner, no babysitting required. Your inlaws or family members are treating you unfairly but that’s a reflection of them not you. Forget them. You are not even on their selfish minds. Just because people are related to you does not mean they have loyalty. Enjoy your life without those miserable people!

Fuck em. Find new families. Seriously. There are people everywhere who have nobody in their lives and would love to be adoptive parents to somebody. You’ll find them, or they will find you.

Family can be people you choose who support you and love you, just as you are. There is no picture perfect Hallmark card family, they don’t exist and the longer you try to make it happen, the more it will elude you. Friends can be your family, make your own.

You can’t make people like you so don’t try. Just leave them alone and see to yourself and husband. I wasn’t liked by my inlaws either

I think those in-laws hated her from the beginning, child or no child. She said she behaved badly and has been good for three years. It is not the childlessness that is the problem. It is how she behaved in the past. Three years is not a long time to forget bad behavior.

  1. I’d like to pass my sympathy for your loss to both of you.:cry::broken_heart::rose:
  2. There’s a reason for everything even when we can’t see it at the time or ever. I too have had similar circumstances & loss​:cry::broken_heart:
  3. you don’t bring a child into this world to please other people. It’s a serious commitment and lifelong- don’t add to this worlds problems and dysfunctional environment.
  4. anyone who disrespects your feelings / belittles you / doesn’t appreciate your value are not worth your time or efforts . Family doesn’t have be by blood only. Surround yourself by those who support you - truly love you - respect you.
    You & your husband should move as far away from toxic relationships as you can and start fresh .

I believe this is a serious serious serious misunderstanding perhaps you and your in-laws and husband should get counseling because it sounds two major to solve on your own I can’t believe you’re in laws don’t like you only because you can’t have kids ruts got to be some underlying issues on both sides please get counseling you and your husband will never be happy until you resolve issues with other relatives plus they can be a wonderful support to you in tragic times like losing a baby I lost a baby two 32 years ago I still remember his death date even to this day My family and my husband’s family are all there for me we now have a 30-year-old son and three grandchildren My parents and my in-laws are all gone now however sisters and brothers are there for us as we are for them your family is truly missing out maybe you could talk to your husband and get input from himon important part of life if you can’t get along with your in-laws perhaps you could talk to your husband and get some input from him

Such great advice from everyone '! Be sure to share with your husband, and make some decisions. Its good to start moving FORWARD . I lost 4 babies , and then had 4 babies. It does happen. And, I was adopted…best gift possible. Take Jesus’s Hand and start walking. He loves you both. Stay kind…very important.

First of all how does your husband feel about the way they treat you. It’s unfortunate you haven’t had any children yet. Stop trying and just enjoy life. Once you are relaxed maybe you will get pregnant. Happens to alot of people. I would talk with your husband about how you feel about your in-laws. I would also go to counseling for yourself. When you feel strong enough you and your husband should talk to his mother, as long as he will be there for you. If it works out great, if it doesn’t you move on with your life and just say good bye to her. Do what is best for you!!!

We adopted our children! Great experience.

I had the same issue with my old in-laws. It wasnt methough. It was them. They played favorites in the family. It was a narcissist fam I’ll ly structure and my then husband was the scapegoat while his sister was the golden child. They didnt like his wife before me. They favored the grandkids from their daughter but nearly ignored my husband’s childrenand the kids totally noticed. I stopped talking to his mom and sister nearly 2 years before we divorced. He didnt understand why I had a problem with them. I explained to him that they didnt like me and he didnt believe me. I told him my reasons and he was still stumped. He had been treated that way his whole life and had no clue that living mo tg hers and sisters dont behave that way. That’s not the reason ffg or our DC iborce though. Thsts a whole other story. Sorry your in laws duvk. Its them not you. Sorry your mom wasnt there for you either. Find good safe friends to fill in the family gap. The gift of adulthood is we get to choose our family. No more fake family. Hope you find the enriching loving relationships you deserve

Maybe, just, maybe, it has absolutely nothing to do with her not being able to have children. Maybe, just, maybe, it has to do with her character. She stated that she once did bad things but she has stopped going on 3 yrs. now. Maybe her in-laws don’t like her because they feel that she’s not a good person.

Concentrate on you and your husband. If his family doesn’t want anything to do with you, then that’s their problem. Don’t let it ruin your marriage. You don’t have to answer to anyone but yourself.

I would love you and your husband. Terrible people in this world. I don’t see how family can be mean to you. You already has lifetime of pain. Praying for you :pray:

You want to be happy…!!! Here’s a bit of an advice, you ready… LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!!! His family and your family’s like or dislike should NOT matter to you first. Your health and your husband’s love should always come first.

I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. POSTPARTUM MAMAS (Support, Advice and Intimacy) is a great group for more support. You can get through this. :two_hearts:

Im sorry Radical! I would recommend reading “Radical Awakening” by Dr Shefali

There is always adoption

Don’t let them make you feel bad for their behaviaor, God don’t like ugly.

Sit them down and ask them

I can tell u this u can get pregnant but aren’t because of ur mental state . I had a tubal pregnancy. My baby had a heart beat talk about heartbreak when you have to take medication to end ur baby’s life to save ur own. Than using the restroom only for ur baby to come out . No funeral but flushing it down . That destroyed my heart . But I came to exspect it and had 10 kids to add to my 2 . After Drs said I couldn’t God said I could. So find peace in ur heart and a baby will come . Oh my in laws hate me . They are pure evil. So don’t mind urs life will get btr :heart:

Dump the in-laws, you didn’t marry them.

the same thing happened to me, , so i know how you feel, , i already had two of my own, but later adopted. a baby my inlaws couldnt even remember his name, , there are a lot of small kisa you can adopt, and you can love a strangers child just like your own, when i got my little boy , he was not quite 2i . i was a foster parent, ans not a minutes trouble adopting him right away, my son was 13, my daughter 17. and they said if i didnt adopt him, they would, we fell in love on sight, i almost adopted a black baby, it was my foster sons sisters baby. i lived in a small town who had just burnt a black family out, that had just moved there, and i was thin, white, and very blond, they would have probably killed me, there are babies out there, in fact the dcfs has a adoption book, and all kinds of girls wanting to kill thiers, good luck.

Adopt there are many children out there that need homes

My advice, move far away from all of the families, you’ll be glad you did, take it from me, I know.

Count yourself lucky they don’t come around. They are ignorant haters.

Let me give you a bigbig big hug…

Go on your knees and pray

Praying :pray::pray: :eagle::shamrock::cherry_blossom::shamrock::pray::cherry_blossom::eagle::heavy_heart_exclamation: for you and your husband :pray::heart:

Read your Bible and join a church . God will give you peace like you never had and pray.

Forget them and live your life

Please turn to God, his Word for your peace of mind. If you have a Christian friend, ask for help.

Hey dear, I don’t know which part of earth you belong too , but your presence is important in this world. Always remember a woman is not only a baby manufacturing machine . So what if you are not getting pregnant it doesn’t make you less beautiful or less kind hearted…you have a lot of love to share, it just that you don’t know with whom to share. Find your tribe & switch your mentality from abandonment issues to abundance. You are trying to have a baby bt one factor is this too that you are trying to hard…relax & have faith in the process, do everything that uplift your spirit & for PTSD you can start journaling & other tools. If you want me to help you to rise your vibration , DM me I am certified life coach will tell you exactly how to live your life & how to cut ties from negativity.

Find a good church and become a member of the family of God. There are eternal rewards with Jesus and His family.:heart: