My in laws won't stop kissing my baby on the forehead: Am I overreacting?

You are not overreacting ! You have the right to say no it’s your baby :heart:

Overreacting? Just a bit, just remember that your in laws aren’t with the baby 24/7, do you do the same when your parents kiss the baby???


Yes, if not for them you will not have that baby

I’m an RN and you are 100% overreacting

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the forehead is fine🤷🏽‍♀️

Is this because of COVID or is this deeper. We met our baby Grandaughter for the first time last week and took COVID tests, showered and made sure that we had clean clothes on in order to have cuddles and I kissed baby on her head. If it’s not because of COVID I feel you have a deeper problem. That kiss is an expression of love between your in-laws and the baby and do you not want the child to feel loved. I understand you not wanting all and sundry kissing baby but not close relatives. Certainly kissing on lips not a good idea as viruses can be passed.

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You are overreacting. Rejoice that your in-laws love your baby, their grandchild. Chew on the big pieces, swallow the little ones.

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How would feel if they did not want to kiss and love her.
Each to there own love.
We all had funny ways on a new born, but covid has taught me so much. X

Definitely not. You are the mother. They are merely relatives. In laws or not. You have every right to say whether they can kiss bubs or not. And to those who think otherwise, it’s the same as those who say “dont feed my kids chicken because we come from a vegetarian family” and so on… people need to respect boundaries set by the parents for their kids…if you wanna kiss the baby, kiss the hands or feet… it’s about respect


Forehand is fine to me … do you do the same thing when it’s your parents?


Ok so first, teaching consent is wonderful at any age. Your child will grow up knowing nobody is entitled to touching their body without explicit permission just because “ThEy’Re FaMilY”. And second, there are quite a few “common” illnesses that can cause lasting health problems (or even death) in babies and toddlers, like the flu or cold sores/herpes virus. She’s being responsible in watching after the health and well-being of her child, and based on the comments we can all tell those of you who don’t ask permission before forcing yourselves all over your grandkids.


Sounds pretty petty to me. But to each their own…

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You are overreacting!!! They love their grandchild. Let that them express that love. A kiss on the forehead is fine.

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Are you acting the same way with your parents or just his, you can’t have double standards in this situation.


As long as you have the same expectations for everyone theres no issue. Everyone is different and You’re baby your rules!

Kids need to experience the love connection with the grandparents. Kissing your baby isn’t going to kill him/her or you guys. The grandparents need that bond and showing their love to your child. Be glad that they are actively in your child’s life and not absent. Just make sure to wash baby’s face etc after they leave. I feel you are definitely over reacting. Sad that you feel that way :confused:


Geez, shame on your in laws for loving your baby and wanting to show love and affection, they sound like horrible people. The forehead seems an appropriate place but I might be crazy. When your baby grows up thinking my grandparents didn’t show me affection but showed my cousins lots of it, make sure you explain your rules.


As a grandmother…I can tell you that they love those babies! You are potentially losing bonding with the grandbabies by overreacting. They are not kissing on the mouth. Let them be there. Let them bond. Let your child enjoy a relationship with them. You want that for them. That’s an important relationship. Family is important… not just mommy and daddy (who are absolutely so important). Family!!!


If she were a newborn…maybe. She is your child, and it is you AND your partner’s decision, but you are obstructing bonding between grandparent & grandchild, and possibly depriving your child of building natural immunity. Having said that-I am/will be forever grateful that you’re not my daughter or daughter-in-law.


What has this world come to when a grandparent can’t kiss their grandkids! Sad not being able to show love.


I would love to get a kiss from my grandma. Please stop being selfish and let your child receive the unconditional love of a grandparent


You already know the opinions were when you asked this question … I think that’s ridiculous to not want the grandparents to kiss their grandchild on the forehead. First it’s not like they are kissing their mouth. Second why do you have a issue with it? Covid concerns? If so that’s understandable and that needs to be respected. It is your child you CAN tell people not too do something and they should respect that if they don’t than yeah that’s not right. But. Yes I think you might be over reacting on that .


I get where you are coming from with what is going on in the world at the moment. I plan to express my wishes in a few weeks when my little one is born. Idk. Everyone is different and if you have voiced your concerns then put a stop to it quickly. Your child, your choice. :woman_shrugging:t3:


If this was my Grandchild - it would be getting kissed on its head , cheek, toes , hand - and raspberry’s blown on its little belly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I can’t wait :blush:


Yes They love their grandchildren unconditional You will never know until you are a grandparent.


If your reacting like this because of covid on some level I can understand because when our little girl was born last year at the beginning of it all we didn’t let anyone touch her. But, saying that I regret not giving them chance to bond when she was new born. Our families missed alot. Its true love that these grandparents have for your baby. Don’t deny any of them that.

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The amount of condescending comments is ridiculous. That’s your baby. You say what goes. They wouldn’t have that grandchild if it were not for you and you reserve the right to designate what is allowed around your child.


You’re not overreacting… especially during covid. It’s your baby. You make the rules


I would be thankful if my in laws love my child and showed affection.My parents always showed love for my son compared to my ex’s parents and it shows! My son 6 doesn’t like them and it’s cuz they never showed the same affection as my parents. I wish it was different but unfortunately it’s not.

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Why would you feel the need to dictate how they can show love to their grandchild? This seems so bizarre to me.


You are not crazy. There are other things besides Covid out there that go around. My baby was kissed as an infant and winded up in the PICU with acute respiratory failure from RSV. He was on breathing tubes and was one step away from being ventilated. My in laws and parents understand the consequences of kissing a baby. I work in healthcare and have seen way too much. My baby my rules and they should respect them.


The bottom line is regardless of whatever the situation is, it’s YOUR baby. Whether you are overreacting about a situation or not your baby, your rules. In this case, they should respect your wishes, however that’s not always the case. Wishing you the best with this :heartpulse: You’ll have bitter comments all day long on this thread. If you’re doing it out of the safety for your children, and not being vindictive then you’re doing right. You are the parent, and it’s your job to protect your baby!


Yeah you are… now if it was them kissing your baby on the mouth, I could agree with you. But grandparents have earned the right to hug and kiss their grand baby. Just sigh inwardly and grin outwardly.


Definitely overreacting!! They aren’t kissing the baby on the mouth. And for the people bringing up covid, if she is comfortable enough to be around her In-laws in person, clearly covid isnt the issue.


I understand if strangers or people not in your family kiss your baby. But I understand your in-laws ARE the family. If I was a grandmother and wasn’t able to kiss my grandchild, I would have been hurt. Put yourself in their shoes.


Yes you are over reacting!!! If you want family in your baby’s life, you need to embrace their affection for your baby!


Nope. Your baby, your rules. It doesn’t matter that it’s not on the mouth. Babies touch their faces and their hands always find their way into their mouths. Especially at 7 months. They need to respect you and your wishes for YOUR baby.


It’s their grandchild, they want to show love. It’s a forehead at least it’s not on the mouth if you’re worried about illness :woman_facepalming:t3: definitely overreacting


I hope you’re only asking this because of COVID reasons. LET them love and show affection to their grandbaby! Humans need to be able to show, feel, and receive love.


I think it’s a bit of an over reaction tbh. I don’t like anyone kissing my daughters on the mouth but family kissing their grandchild on the forehead doesn’t seem like a bad thing just them wanted to show/give affection to them. I find it quite sad that it does bother you but each to their own


Personally, I would not be upset about it. I don’t know if I’d say overreacting, but it’s a personal issue so you do you.
It is your baby, your rules. Talk to your spouse. What is their thoughts on the matter. Because if you express concern to your in-laws, they may bypass you and do it anyway, BUT if your spouse speaks up, it may have more merit.


As someone who has seen firsthand children fighting for their lives in the hospital because of RSV, whooping cough, and other illnesses caught by a family member (pre-Covid)… NO you are not overreacting. It is Your baby and it is Your choice. If they don’t respect your wishes it is up to you how far you want to take it (allowing to see the grandchildren or not). They need to understand boundaries and respect them or deal with the consequences.


They are her grandparents for crying out loud…not some strangers. Poor kid


Even with no covid… I disliked it when people thought they could kiss my child. I don’t care if your family or friend. I don’t think doing something without first asking is okay. And if I say no. Then it is no. My kids absolutely do not have to hug or kiss anyone.


Yes! You are overreacting! Sorry. But, your baby is fine! I kiss my Grandbabies! I kiss my babies. They are all fine.


How old are you??
Do you tell your parents not to do it or just them I think your very much over reacting actually pathetic if I’m honest


You are NOT over reacting. It’s your child. If they can’t respect that, you need go make some boundaries.


If you don’t like and they keep doing it, I wouldn’t have your baby around them until they stop doing it. You’re the mom, it’s YOUR child. No one else should have a say so.


I have 3 kids, got to build immunity some how. Kisses on forehead from grandparents are perfectly fine.


Yes your over reacting! It’s on her forehead, not on her mouth smh! It sounds like you have an issue with your in laws. That’s your child’s grandparent’s, be glad the baby has them in her/his life.


I couldn’t imagine telling my mother that she could not kiss my child on the forehead. When I have a grandchild I can imagine not being able to kiss that sweet baby on the fore head. No kissing on the mouth or the hands Is absolutely acceptable… But if you’re that concerned about a kiss on the fore head I don’t even understand why you would let your in-laws or your parents hold their grandchild


Yes! Germs are good. Your baby needs to develop an immune system!


When it comes to wanting someone to NOT do something around your child, you are not overreacting! We tell moms all the time to do their best and that includes this! They should respect your wishes


You are being ridiculous! Why wouldn’t you want a grandparent to kiss their grandbaby!!!?? I could see if it was on her lips from a germ perspective but it’s on her head so I don’t understand your concern. Absolutely overreacting :roll_eyes:


Don’t kiss other people’s kids, that’s all-especially if they say don’t. Simple.


What is it hurting? Are they vaccinated? If they are they’re safe. If not then why have them around the baby at all? Grandparents have precious little time with their grandkids. Why would tell them they can’t love on their grandchild? I wish my mom was still alive to love on her grandkids. She died 2 years ago at the age of 71 of Alzheimer’s. My kids will never get another gig, kiss, pat on the shoulder, anything from Grandma.


You decide what you want with YOUR kid. Dont feel guilty about setting boundaries.


Yes and no. It’s ur child ur rules so they should listen to u. But other then covid why don’t you like it, that would be my next thing to think about. There is nothing wrong with them kissing forehead with them being grandparents unless ur have a problem like covid or something like that.


A bit yes. You’re a new mom. I would have loved if my family and in laws acknowledged my babies. They barely touched em at all.

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Half the people will say you’re over reacting and the others will say you’re not. Maybe ask yourself why you don’t like the in-laws kissing her?? Is it just them or do you not like your parents and other family and friends kissing her as well? You mentioned you wipe her off afterward. Is that a compromise you can continue living with? If they kiss her what’s the big harm?? They’re happy and you’re cleaning her off so you’re happy. Step back and take a deep breathe. Talk with your partner about it. Ultimately, it is your child and others should respect your rules.

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Yes you are. Let them enjoy your baby, they don’t stay babies long. I have 7 grandchildren and I kissed them alot. They can’t help themselves. You should be counting your blessings instead of complaining. It takes a village. You will need those same people to babysit one day. Pick your battles.

If you think they are so dirty, why are you taking your kid around them?


Oh my!
My husband use to say my oldest now 30 was to spoiled by my parents. My oldest got affection ,material , and lots of advises growing up.
I have 2 other kids ( 19 and 11) that will never have this. My husband now says I wish ur parent Wr alive so these 2 got what the eldest received from grandma and grandpa !:disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:
ONE :two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts:DAY. They will not be thr !
When least expected !


I understand germs and all… but does anyone think about the impact on these babies growing up without normal affection? I think humans as a whole are already lacking so much in empathy, I’m afraid what a society will look like 50 years from now with all of these children not being loved on and learning social skills.

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Now if u said on the mouth I would totally understand but on the forehead… gurlll just chill and be grateful ur child had grandparents to love them!some grandbabies never even got to meet their grandparents due to death(mine)grandparents are the most amazing plp to have in a child’s life!!be grateful please :pray:

It’s your right to protect your child but yes, grandparents love to give kisses. If it wasn’t a pandemic, I’m sure more grandparents would be doing it.

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It is YOUR child. You make whatever rules you feel necessary to keep your child safe. I personally don’t like it 100% but I don’t make a huge deal out of it.


I think as parents when your children are not fully vaccinated or immune compromised, you should be able to set those boundaries and other should respect that. My nephew was born about 3.5 weeks early and had some NICU time. I had to get a whooping cough vaccine and flu shot before I saw him. I didn’t mind because I knew it was his parents’ choice to do what’s best for their child.

Do what you feel is best for your family :heart::pray:t3:

I’m sorry but is it maybe you don’t like them? Just asking… is there some negative feelings there and that’s why you feel this way? The forehead is nothing! Least they love baby​:heart::heart:

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I was kind of on board up until you said 7 months old… I personally think you’re over reacting a bit, however YOU are the parent and they should respect your wishes but I feel like the forehead should definitely be an acceptable place for kisses.

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Your 7MO has done/will do far probably more gross stuffs with germs of whatever kind than those forehead kisses🙂 I know you want the best for your baby as a mama but sometimes paranoia cannot be used as boundaries but rather will destroy the good being done around the baby and you dear.
From a mama who is married to an orphan and hopefully I have extraordinary bro/sis in laws who adore my baby😊

I loved my mom kissing on my babies when they were little and I loved kissing them all over their face till they’d get mad at me :rofl: but forehead isn’t something to worry about, lips on the other hand I never allowed. I’m not one to keep my mouth shut :person_shrugging: but it’s your child and you have every right to raise them how you see fit. Just make sure you won’t be ashamed in yourself when they’re grown up. You have to learn to let others show your child love and bond with your child because if that child only has you, at a young age, you will grow tired of being the only person in the world who takes care of that child and sometimes parents need a self-care day or hour or whatever because let’s face it… Kids are exhausting and you don’t have time to care for yourself if you’re always the only one caring for your child(ren)

I respect my DIL rules for their two babies, not on the mouth , the hands that sort of thing but I couldn’t imagine her ever saying anything about the forehead …when my kids were born (oldest is 42) the grandparents would kiss them wherever …let it be…really your taking so much away from the grandparents that love those babies like they love you :heart:


I don’t think it’s an overreaction at all. With the way things are right now, you have the right to be protective. Children should have the choice to give or receive physical affection. Until they are old enough to make those decisions, it is a parent’s responsibility to set the boundaries. This is your baby & you have every right to say who does & does not touch your child

Yes you are over reacting. It’s a forehead. Unless they are currently sick or maybe have a history of herpes. Let them kiss that baby. They are being respectful by not kissing her on the face.


Yes you are, My son made me get a Covid test before seeing my grandchild but I kiss my granddaughter on her forehead or cheek. My heart would be so broken if my daughter in law didn’t let me kiss my granddaughter. Grandparents are the first in line after parents to a child.

I’m not sure why Facebook keeps bringing posts like this to my feed. I fully believe that mom gets to raise baby how she is comfortable. Unless of course that is harmful to baby. I let my kids decide if they wanted to hug someone… Even family. I wouldn’t let some people sit them on their lap or tickle them. I definitely wasn’t ok with people kissing them. Sure some that I did feel comfortable with had more access to my kids. This one I’m pregnant with now is gonna see very few people outside of our household. Why? Because all the same reasons as before but now we have covid and there are covid deniers around us. I’m not risking my baby’s well being because they feel they’re invincible.

Seriously?? You need to take a chill pill sweetie that is called bonding, showing love and affection…is that not a familiar thing to you or is it just this silly covid…your child needs to grow up with love, affection & family…it’s really good for the baby…:heartpulse:

Are they vaccinated, covid,whooping coughs . It’s wonderful to express love and joy, but you can be passing deadly diseases to an unprotected new born . You should never attempt to kiss a newborn without asking permission.

Whist i always say follow parents rules etc why stop them kissing their grandchild on the forehead. Its not like its near their mouth etc. Baby will be picking up more germs crawling around than a kiss from grandma.

Kiss a baby on the lips, then it’s an actual problem! The forehead kisses seem to be hurting you more than the baby. Relax, they love their grandchild! Where do you prefer they kiss your child? On the hand or feet your child puts in their mouth? Their butt? :laughing: I think a kiss on the head is the most hygienic place. Unless they have a tendency to slobber, it sounds like you just don’t like your inlaws. That’s not your baby’s problem. Let bub receive the affection they deserve from their grandparents.

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Yes you are…but if you’re a new mom I understand. Speak with them about it in a loving way, it’s a blessing to have a village when it comes to raising children.

u r overreacting… Don’t let everyone hate ur child because of u… These loving gestures will make ur child feel special when he is grown up… Let him enjoy the love and effection

This is absolutely bs :roll_eyes: who in there right mind would stop this !! Sorry but i bet your grandparents kissed your forehead and cheeks !!! N i bet ur parents never once complained or tryed to stop it !! How ungrateful :triumph: sorry but atleast your kids have grandparents around to do this and show there love!!!

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Lord have mercy, tell me you’re kidding.

If you’re not, be thankful they adore your baby and chill out. You could have gotten in-laws too busy to care.

And stop wiping her down with a wipe :roll_eyes:


As an adult my dad kisses my forehead and kisses my grown sons on the forehead. I’m sure they like knowing they are loved.

Sounds to me like N in law issue…not an im afraid of disease issue…bcuz if u were afraid of covid they wouldn’t b there to begin w…shame on u…I have 18 grand babies n 2 more on the way…n I will always love n kiss on them…

Not over reacting. We are in a pandemic and they are extremely vulnerable with weak immune systems. You have the right to voice your concerns and wishes and if they choose to not follow that, it needs to be addressed. They can show affection in other ways like hugging. Kisses are certainly not mandatory to show love or affection. It may not be the world they grew up in but times change and parents wishes need to be respected.

Yes. You’re overreacting. What a lucky child, I wish my son have all his grandparents to shower him with kisses and hugs.


Then you’re gonna freak out when she’s 2 and eating food off the floor and drinking out of the dog’s bowl.


You need a chill pill you are over reacting! Would you do the same with your parents?? You have issues for child!

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With covid and my daughter being immune compromised and me asthmatic no :kiss: on anywhere right now but yes it is hard. If this makes u feel uncomfortable u are the mom and they need to respect that.

Well they should not be coming around right now…Covid. But when covid is over,they should be able to kiss their grand baby when ever they wish. It is their flesh and blood too, it is wonderful they love her so much and show her affection.

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I feel like forehead kisses are okay, I refuse to let anyone kiss my baby on the lips or share drinks! Also if you’re forcing my baby to give hugs and kisses when it’s obvious she doesn’t want to, I’m gonna just tell her to high five you and if that’s not respected we’re gonna have a problem.

I wish I still had my grandparents to give me their love but now all I have is memories of them. I miss my grandpa

Your baby, your rules.

Also, if you’re going to ask the internet, state why you don’t like this. It will help people with giving advice.

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Let them kiss her! There is no love like that of a grandparent, if they were kissing her on the mouth you would have something to worry about.

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First baby then? Lol sorry I’m joking… I couldn’t stand the smell of another woman’s perfume on my baby… It’s different now with corona everyone is so on alert, and we should be… if you have expressed that you are uncomfortable then they shouldn’t be doing it full stop. I also know how hard it is not to smother our babies in kisses cos we love love love them so much I imagine it’s the same.

As a Grandma I’m here to say LISTEN TO MOM it is her child Please stop making her feel bad for her choices And Mama you should only have to ask 1 time

Cold sores are deadly to babies. ALWAYS be careful who you let kiss your baby. Even your family! No matter if it’s on the lips or not.