it is absolutely understandable to not want people to kiss your baby. especially during a pandemic! rsv as well. you’re not overreacting.
tell them your boundaries, and if they don’t respect that then just leave then and there.
it is absolutely understandable to not want people to kiss your baby. especially during a pandemic! rsv as well. you’re not overreacting.
tell them your boundaries, and if they don’t respect that then just leave then and there.
Absolutely ridiculous. Yes you are way overreacting. They aren’t strangers in the grocery store.
Do grandparents just watch them from the corner? I can’t wait to love on my grand babies, and I hope I don’t get a daughter in law that says I can’t.
If you get your baby vaxed and theyre clean people idfk why youd not let them love on a 7 month old. Sounds like its a you thing. I wish my husbands dad wouldve been alive for my kids to have kisses from.
You are overreacting.
So many babies with out any one who loves them. Maybe really think and pray about it. Could you be manifesting past trauma? Whatever you choose just to do is your choice because you are mom at least love the fact that your baby is obviously loved
It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks, if you set a boundary and it’s being ignored be prepared for this behavior to continue as your child grows up. They will continue to disregard your boundaries.
Do you allow your own parents to kiss your baby?
yes. get over it. allow the child to receive love. that’s what it is.
I kiss my grand baby all
Over , my daughter doesn’t mind , I smooch his neck and blow raspberries , eat his toes and pinch his gorgeous fat rolls , he giggles and smiles and enjoys the simple love and honest touch of someone who would kill or die to
Protect him
I have never felt a love like it and literally cannot stop smooching his gorgeous little self
Lucy Sheppard
No you are not overreacting! You have no idea what they are carrying as in viruses! My children’s grandparents have cold sores I’ve seen babies covered in cold sores so I’m a freak about kissing!! It’s your child and you are the one suppose to be protecting them. Also respect is a huge thing they should be respecting your wishes
Maybe ask they kiss the top of The head instead. I get having a young baby during all this this last year. But don’t stop them from loving your child.
Definitely overreacting!
I wish my in laws loved my children. Instead they disowned us and their own son from absolutely nothing. They don’t know our nearly 3 year old at all. But they do see their son’s (my husband) twins because they’ve replaced him with his ex wife…
With covid going around I definitely don’t think you are. Set boundaries and if they can’t agree with your terms they shouldn’t be allowed around your baby.
I kiss my granddaughter many times and will continue to do so. It’s ok. Let them kiss her(unless they are unwell). She will know how much she’s loved
So my fear is the possibility of cold sores (herpes virus) our Primary suggested that it’s much safer for people to kiss the part of her head where there is hair growing. So I would sit them down with some pictures of kids with HSV outbreaks, (just google it, you’ll find plenty) and ask if they can please start kissing your baby on top of his/her head only. It worked with all of our family. Good luck!
Yes you’re over reacting. I have three boys that get NO attention from there grand parents while the grand daughters get all the attention. It is heart wrenching so be very thankful they love on your child and don’t wipe her head off she’s going to get a red spot! Lol
Daaang … im glad my daughter and daughter in laws let me love and kiss their little faces off as much as I want all 11 of them… I’d do you a big favor and just stay away and let you keep your babies all to yourself…
Just stop…allow them to show as much affection as they care too. Life is short. And they love you child. Let them.
I wish my kids had grandparents to love them and be there for them I know it’s scary especially if this is your first maybe talk to someone professional about your concerns
Overreacting!! Would you rather they shake the baby hands like WTF? It’s all love, let that baby be loved
No, she’s your baby and adults can carry herpes
When i see babies wherever i go i kiss them on the cheeks i don’t know what’s the problem. They seemed to like it, it’s a cute thing
Can I ask WHY you don’t want kisses?
Don’t want them to touch her then don’t see them. Problem solved!!
Okay so I know that I am going to get flack for this… but post like this and some of the responses by what can only be described as silly little girl chirps are exactly what is wrong with us as a society.
Ditzy FTM’s (let’s be honest with each other - its always the first timers) who have read a couple of new age BS psycho babble social media posts, and take the scenario to the absolute edge of reasonable.
Me me me mama’s who are like look at me look what I did, this is mine, my possession my rules, my say, me… my, me my, me my.
Yes hun you pushed a baby out, but that doesn’t always come with rationale and common sense.
So I feel like some of today’s mama’s are all about themselves rather than the babies.
Like… I said you can’t kiss the baby on the forehead. That’s my rules and my baby and my boundary.
I feel like it’s more about being heard because look what I did.
I feel like we have crossed the line to utterly ridiculous and bizarre behavior which is far more damaging and detrimental to the wellbeing of our children.
Why in earth would you be so rude and condescending to that babies grandparents?
Is your husband/partner not angry that you are basically insulting his parents?
I will bet, safely, that he is not okay with it, and conversations of sadness go on behind your back?
But most of all, why would you not allow your child to be loved on by its family? Are you that insecure, that you are afraid baby is going to like it, that it’s going to be forming bonds?
Sorry, but this is what I perceive as happening with this.
And mostly there are two sets of rules, one for mama’s parents and one for the “in laws”.
I feel like 7 months old is enough for baby expression and facial features to tell you whether they love it or not. And another safe bet it babby screws up its face when neurotic new age mama wipes it down behind gammas kisses.
Get over yourselves. Have a real conversation with your family about healthy boundaries. Not about nonsense like this.
Having said all that, I agree with no kisses on the lips for new babies, and smokers, hep patients, antivaxxers, and the like, for a long while.
Proceed with the lambasting…
It’s your baby. You get too decide what’s good for your baby not your in laws. At the same time they aren’t being malicious they just love their grandchild. With everything that’s going on with covid19 I really don’t blame you for feeling this way.
Definitely overreacting. They are her Grandparents. You should be Thankful that they show her how much they Love her.
No. They aren’t respecting your wishes.
People think their titles in someone else’s kids’ lives entitle them to certain things and that’s just not the case.
Absolutely overreacting to the point of crazy
You say people like someone off the street. These people are family, grandparents, you are over reacting. I worked with kids and many don’t have anyone that shows them any affection at all. Be happy they love your child to the moon
On the forehead??? Oh! The horror.
Here’s a real Fan Question:
My in-laws French kiss my kids. They’re in middle school. Should I be concerned???
I don’t think it’s over reacting, They are doing something you have asked them not to do, And I find that disrespectful.
But what is at the heart of it, Why can’t they kiss their granddaughter? What are you worried about? Perhaps if they knew why they’d better understand and know you aren’t just trying to be mean ?
RSV is still very much a concern and people need to respect boundaries
It’s love . They are in love w your baby! Their granddaughter! Consider yourself and your daughter lucky:grinning:
You’re asking others. So I can only be honest. It’s a yes from me.
If they were ill or you were social distancing then it’s understandable. But they are close family so the question that I believe needs to be asked is why you don’t like it?
I am always loving and kissing my granddaughter, beautiful sign of love and affection and I am always as I’m sure your family are that if I am unwell or any other health issue is going on of course there would be no kissing to her or any other family member
Yes. Babies need tons of affection, and grandparents adore their grandchildren. You’re depriving all of them that love.
Wiping the baby’s forehead off everytime is just plain rude. They aren’t hobos, they’re the freaking grandparents.
Do you like your in-laws? That might be more of the reason. Not judging.
Sounds to me like you dont care much for your in laws. Lighten up, take a deep breath, and exhale to loosen those anal muscles.
One day you will realize that grandparents love is vital to our kids. Regardless of our own personal feelings possibly towards them. If they are sick … That’s one thing. But… I never kept my family from expressing love. My kids are now 21 19 and 16…and survived kisses on forehead. Im 45 and my 81 yr old grandpa STILL kisses me on my forehead. So i view it different cause i love that bond
Be glad your kid has grandparents. When she’s old enough to teach consent, do that and go from there. This is your neurotic thing, not hers.
Forehead for me is the safest place. They are the grandparents come on now.
Honestly yes, IMO you are overreacting because they are her grandPARENTS. They love her too. If they’d been sick or something, reasonable. But otherwise, no.
Do you feel the same when your own parents kiss her???
You are. Lol. It’s understandable but I’d rather them kiss my babies on their foreheads than on their lips, you know.
Kissing the forehead is better or safer than kissing the baby’s lips or cheeks. That’s how they show affection. You show yours differently. Just saying.
Tell them to STOP ! RSVP , Covid , Flu , herpes… You have EVERY RIGHT to tell.them to STOP. PERIOD
Glad you aren’t my daughter in law. I love all babies! But those closest to me get kissed and I am not going to apologize for loving MY grandchildren ever. That is crazy! It takes a village and you need to relax a little and allow your child to be loved.
I’ve just honestly learned life is too short to be concerned about things like this. They’ll be missed some day.
Speak up you are In control.
Good grief. Wiping her down with a wipe?!? What has become of us…
She’s their grandchild they want to love on her, calm down a little… relax!
I had to come with terms that my baby wasn’t just my baby… it was the family’s baby I know how frustrating it can be to not have boundaries respected. However, I don’t think you can expect grandparents not to kiss their grand baby. Maybe protect against germs in a different way, like always washing their hands, not coming over when they’re sick, etc.
On the forehead? Yes.
I am all for Mums Rules First!
But kissing on the forehead?
You are Completely over reacting.
I’d love to know if it was your family would you lose your shit like this… probably not.
Just wrap her in cotton wool already. Fml.
If you’ve asked them not to and they still do I think you have a reason to be annoyed or upset. They should respect your wishes as the parent, regardless of what it is. Everyone parents differently.
Be thankful your children have grandparents that love them so much and are a part of their lives. Your daughter is very lucky. Children need love and affection. My grandparents are everything to me. I can’t image them not being allowed to show me affection when I was a child. Now that I’m grown, I live 8+ hours from my parents and grandparents and I have 3 little girls. They only get to see their grandparents maybe 2-3 times a year (if that). I would give anything to see them everyday so they could shower my babies in hugs and kisses. Count your blessings and relax. Let them love your child!
Yes, you are absolutely overreacting.
Definitely overreacting
the forehead is definitely a pretty safe place to kiss. the likelihood that she would transfer saliva from her forehead to her mouth before it dried is very low and at 7 months she is already building up a much stronger immune system. i do think you’re taking it a bit too hard especially since they’ve been respectful enough to refrain from kissing her mouth/cheek/etc. try to lighten up a bit and remember that even though her health is very important, it’s also important to choose your battles rather than turn every bit of quality time into an argument.
Put yourself in your in-laws shoes and remember they are your husbands parents. How are your wishes making each of them feel? That is easier said than done, I know, but really try to see it from their perspective. Their forehead kisses won’t hurt a thing. One day we will be in the same situation and wanting our own forehead sugar. Best of luck to you!
Dawn Marie I love this so much! I have grown children and my grandparents were my world because my parents didn’t want to “parent.” So it was vital to my very being! I couldn’t imagine my life without them growing up …
I could understand if they were kissing the baby’s mouth area, but the forehead???
And she’s 7 months…not a newborn.
Umm my in-laws kiss my son on the lips? Lol I’m thankful he is so loved? Nothing wrong n they aren’t dirty? Lol are you a germaphob
My first grand baby is 4 months old and I kiss her on the forehead, top of the head My daughter in law probably doesn’t like it. But, it’s just so hard not to kiss her. I adore her so much. My kids aren’t fortunate enough to have grandparents who care. My in-laws are both deceased and my parents don’t care about them. So have a heart and let them give kisses on the forehead.
Yes, you are overreacting. You really wipe your 7 month old down after grandma and grandpa kiss her? Really?
Here’s a little advice if you don’t know this already, children get healthy immune systems when they are exposed to germs. Let them play on the floor, play in the dirt, run around outside barefoot, etc. They lick windows, doorknobs, and put everything in their mouths. Lighten up & breathe
Do your parents kiss her? I kiss my granddaughter on the cheeks and forehead.
Overreacting. Your baby will benefit more from the unconditional love from many than harmed by a kiss on the forehead.
I was like that with my in laws aswell. But my son had just had a lengthy 4 month NICU stay, I wouldn’t even allow anyone to touch his pacifier or make bottles. Everything had to be sanitized and in my opinion they weren’t the cleanest ppl. My parents aren’t kissers and never kissed my son like that. Soo If I seen anything happen like that I would usually try to just walk away and calm down or vent to my husband and he would ask them not to. with covid I definitely understand I would for sure be upset and not allow that. Every parent is different but ppl have to understand kissing a baby that isn’t yours should not happen.
1000% overreacting UNLESS they’re not up-to-date on their vaccines.
Yes they are family it’s the forehead not the lips and some children never get that chance to have a family that close to get all those kisses and time together
me either sherry rich awkward
I get that it’s your baby but that’s your family. You shouldn’t care. So I say yes you are overreacting just a bit. They’re just trying to love on their grand baby❤️
I’ll probably get some back lash for saying this. But I would think about covid. How months ago we couldn’t go into nursing homes to protect the elderly? How we have to wear masks? There is a vaccine, yes, I know, but it’s still recommended to wear a mask, as you can still catch the virus. It’s still contagious, right?
If you have let it be known, of your wishes, they should be respected. Especially in this two year Covid Virus Pandemic, we’ve been in!
Right now, I’d say is the right time to take extra precautions.
I don’t enjoy the thought of anyone touching my babies, let alone a kiss on the forehead. Like we don’t know if you are sick or not, where or what you’ve been around. No, thanks.
I am that mom. Sorry.
Thank goodness my daughters have never minded me smothering my grandchildren with kisses and I am so grateful my grandchildren kiss me!
No. Your child, your decision. It’s also a good start with teaching consent. Just because you’re family with someone doesn’t entitle them to your body or child’s body. It sets healthy boundaries. Now, if it’s JUST your in laws you’re stopping, that’s a dick move.
Absolutely over reacting.
Don’t sweat the small stuff. I have three children and they are almost grown. My goodness keeping them safe and looking out for them through high school and college…that is small in the big picture. I use to tell my kids when one of them is talking to me let the other one finish before interrupting. Thank goodness I pay attention, one night my son said he wanted to ride with a friend (this would have been an exception)…I knew the road was curvy and heard the rain so I said “no” and to drive his own car. Thank goodness I did! 10 minutes later his friends car was totaled and upside down. Point is unless your worried about Covid I lived by pick your battles! I also always had the hang out house but I never let my kids sleep over anywhere (expect family) and bought them a car at 16 BUT the deal was no riding with other teenagers! I’m really not disregarding your feelings but your family probably loves your baby.
It would be understandable if she were a newborn. 7 months is plenty enough time to build more of an immune system. Try taking the situation & looking at it from the outside in reality. We get 1 life to live here & the best things that define what lifes about is the unconditional love of our family, friends, & all who we care about. When your daughter has a child one day & if your lucky enough to be able to witness it, I’m positive you will want to do nothing but love on that baby because it’s your grandchild. What would you think if your daughter didn’t recognize the special place & feelings you have for her child but put her focus towards getting upset for wanting to kiss on your grandbaby? You can’t say you would really be able to take it as if that is understandable because until your in that situation yourself, only then will you see what lifes really about if you can’t see it already.
You are gonna make your kid susceptible to everything out there if you keep wiping him down. Kids need to build immunity to stuff. They do this by getting dirty or being exposed to simple things
The forehead is fine but never ever on or close to the mouth. If someone gets cold sores this can be a big problem. It is your baby though if you don’t want them kissed say so.
Until covid is over i would over react too. They could have something and not realize it
OCD getting out of hand
I’ve just been outside kissing the horse on the forehead
Overeacting a lot…showing love is never unhealthy… It will only help your child to be a loving person in future… What the child gets is what she/he will give back.
Kids need to build an immunity. Wiping them down after everything, you’re doing more harm to them than what was “on” them to begin with. They’ll end up being allergic to everything, sick over everything, etc.
I get the whole kissing thing when it’s not someone close to the child, and certainly not on the lips. But over reacting by wiping the baby down afterwards.
If you dont approve then they shouldn’t be doing it. Your baby your rules
Also to all you that say she is over reacting shame on you. Until you have a child in the NICU on life support because some one who kissed your baby have no room to talk. There is so much more then just covid. I had to watch my 6month old nephew fight for his life for over 2 weeks because of something called RSV. He was in acoma and on total life support. His oxygen dropped to almost zero and was considered dead
Sounds like you should of reconsidered having a kid if you didn’t want people to show affection for them!
I’d get it if she was a newborn. We had that same rule with our newborns. But at 7 months? That’s a little excessive.
Kids eat dirt and put all sorts of wild things in their mouths that you can’t always prevent. A forehead kiss is the least of your worries. Relax and pick your battles.
So your kid can’t get kissed by her grandparents? Yikes.
With the coronavirus going around, no one comes close to my baby. Not to mention kissing. Your baby, your choice. Keeping her safe is all your trying to do. No judgement
I was told by my son that I could not kiss my new grandson. As a new grandmother, it broke my heart. Babies need love, cuddles and kisses. Living in fear is no way to live. I’m sending him love from afar and looking forward to the day I can smother him with kisses.
Definitely over reacting
Yes you’re overreacting. Seven weeks I could see it but seven months? Let them love on that child while they are still here and be glad they love your baby so much. Relax. They are building a bond that is so important for baby and them.
I let mine but your not overreacting it’s your child your rules especially cause it’s a pandemic
I didn’t let no one give her kisses for a long while
Quit using covid as an excuse if the child is going to get covid it’ll be from being held by them not from forehead kisses that we ALL received as babies