Yes you are over reacting. I’d be pissed if I was them
During a pandemic I really don’t see this issue being over dramatic. If I had a baby right now I would probably wish the same. I wouldn’t mind hugs or them being held but kissing is putting your mouth directly on the kiddo…so I get it. The name calling is quite gross on this thread. I didn’t want people kissing my child when she was little because she would get sick…a lot.
They’re her grandparents correct?? I kiss my granddaughter all the time, head cheeks and lips , if they’re healthy, get over it
Your baby your rules but personally think you are overreacting. Kissing babies on the forehead seems safe enough compared to what they get onto themselves.
Yes you are. Why wouldn’t you want her grandparents to kiss her whats wrong with you I would cut off all tyes with you you are selfish and want to be control you lived with your grandparents kissing you
No you’re not overreacting I do not allow kisses until they can give kisses themselves. Also to try to protect them from infections that can last them a lifetime. If they can’t respect your rules after asking them to then stop bringing the baby by until they can.
I do believe you are overreacting. I am sure they love the baby and forehead kisses as long as all are healthy is no big deal. Do you have an issue with the inlaws? Do you feel this way with your parents also?
They’re her grandparents let them love on her. A grandparents love is like no other and the bond between child and grandparents is a beautiful thing let them love her. My parents are crazy close to my seven kids and watching their bond grow day by day is beautiful. So many kids don’t have good grandparents don’t push way them over something so silly.
You are being absolutely ridiculous… as long as no one is sick or having any symptoms of any kind then it shouldn’t be a problem. Be happy that family members care enough to your child affection in the first place.
You should be lucky that your baby has grandparents around, so yes, cool your panties
God forbid grandparents kiss their granddaughter. Unless they have a contagious illness then get over yourself.
What the hell is wrong with you…simply pathetic they are her grandparents …
My kids grandparents can kiss them all they want, as long as they aren’t sick.
You’re overreacting.
I think it’s an overreaction, imagine if it were your grandchild. It’s very hard to not kiss a baby.
Yea I wished my kids grandparents on my husbands side would’ve kissed my kids. You are lucky if your kids grandparents love and kiss your child
Nope. The virus is real, and caution is King. We dont know everything about transmission as yet. My daughter is a new mom, and insists that of the few visitors that they welcome, must have Covid vaccines, and whooping cough booster. The baby is 10 mos old, and we have both inoculations. We have not been free to travel yet. I have been in chemo therapy, just completed. Hoping to visit, safely, late summer.
No not overreacting… she’s YOUR baby and what makes you feel comfortable and what boundaries YOU set should be respected. Does not matter who the person is they need to respect that
No you’re not overreacting. You don’t know what they have or where their mouths been. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
I think you are overreacting. I feel it’s their grand baby. Let them love the baby. The head is the safest place. It’s better than the cheeks or lips. Shows they love their grand baby. Be thankful you have family thy show affection.
When my son was little I didn’t let anyone kiss him on his face. To be honest I didn’t want them to kiss on his hands or feet either. I also made them wash their hands before they were allowed to hold him when he was little. I’ve worked in an ER for 16 years and I had seen many a sick child so I was very protective of my own. Even at 9 years old I still only kiss him on the top of his head and never on his face.
Imagine yourself being a grandparent one of these days and not being able to kiss your grandchild simply on the forehead. A grandchild is an extension of their own child. As long as they are not sick there is nothing wrong with them kissing a baby on the forehead.
Yes, you’re overreacting!
I understand your concern, but you do realize that Grandparents are the same people who changed yours or your spouses diaper, who one of you smeared runny noses on, sneezed on them, spit up on them, and probably wiped your tears on their clothes… get over your fear & realize they too don’t want to get sick & that the Grandparents, you parents & the child are very fortunate to have one another & share such a love for the little one. Kids are going to find germs whether you think so or not, let them feel those precious kisses on their heads, for they won’t have them around forever.
This can’t be real. You’re upset because your child’s grandparents show her affection? Really?!? You’re not just overreacting you’re crazy & selfish.
I personally think if it’s your child you have a right to choose who kisses them regardless of the overreacting about it. I think if mom says no then that means no.
Whooping cough is a concern but if that’s not a issue then I don’t see a problem. Unless your uncomfortable for another reason. Follow your instincts.
Get a grip. Grandparents should totally be allowed to kiss their grandchildren. This is what they live for. Unless they are sick, you are way over reacting. I believe if they were sick they would distance themselves in order to protect their grandchild. Oh how I wish my child could get a kiss from his grandparents. I believe you are being selfish.
Yes, you’re over reacting. They should be upset that you are wiping down your baby after they try to give your baby love. Wiping down your baby after they get close to her probably makes them feel bad. At seven months my kids were licking the floors. I use to make myself sick with worry trying to protect them from everything and went crazy trying to disinfect every surface and realized that sometimes we just need to chill
This is something you need to get over! Honestly, I feel like they’re probably restraining themselves a lot for you! They could be kissing the baby on the lips and they don’t. Even that wouldn’t bother me, they’re grandparents.
I mean, it’s your kid. Is their like a particular reason it bothers you? Is it just the kiss part or is it the worry of sickness that bothers you? My kids are older now, and are able to express on their own about body language boundaries and I expect others, myself included, to also be respectful of my childs boundaries with wanted or unwanted touch/affection.
Is this your first? I feel like that may play a huge part. Your body is going through so many hormonal and emotional changes. I was very particular about who was around my first. Not because I cared less about my other children after her but the whole parenting thing was so new. Your baby will have an undeniable bond with the grandparents but they will never replace you. They lobe your child like you do. These days will soon pass. Just look at it as extra people loving your baby. I think you are just “reacting” and that’s okay. Be gentle with yourself and be patient with your emotions.
It’s the mother’s decision. Especially since sickness is going and COVID right now I completely understand your concerne
Yes! Not all children are blessed to have grandparents and if they didn’t show your children affection you’d probably be complaining about that.
Yes I think you are do your parents or your whanau show love or kiss your baby? Grandparents play a very important role in a child’s life don’t be silly
A little bit overreacting. I would ignore it to. I have grandkids. I’m gonna kiss my babies. But I mean she’s your daughter. I guess it depends on the reasoning behind it.
Wow My girls & I have NO GRANDPARENTS? You should feel blessed #OVERREACTING
Your child is lucky to have grandparents & inlaws at that , that want to show their love for their grandchild . If my daughter in law. Told me not to kiss her child on the forehead I would be soooo hurt it would break my heart to think this little baby could not have a small token of affection from its grandmother .On the lips I would never dream of it may be ask her to kiss the top of your baby’s head instead of forehead I’m sure she would oblige you with that request
I understand. But better the fore head not the mouth. I kiss my grand babies always
Your child your rules…be straight up and tell them not to kiss her…they need to respect it…
I never allowed anyone to kiss my babies hands OR face and if they couldn’t respect my rules or research why it is unsafe to kiss babies then they could not be around my baby
The amount of mom shame in some of these comments is absolutely disgusting.
You aren’t weird. You are doing what a mommy does best and protecting your babe. When my little was tiny, I didn’t let ANYONE kiss her ANYWHERE. It wasn’t until she hit around a year or so that I became slightly less lenient, things like forehead kisses or back of hand kisses. Your baby, do what you feel is best. Screw whatever hate you may get for it. Your baby’s safety is the most important, not other people and their feelings.
Overreacting??? Umm more like being ridiculous!!! If you had said the lips I’d understand but the forehead???
Overreacting with inlaws I get not wanting random people or even friends to kiss the baby. But in-laws? Grandparents should be able to kiss their grand baby
They are expressing love for their grandchild.
I am a in law who is constantly kissing the babies. I am glad my daughter in law don’t mind. As long as they haven’t been exposed to covid or are sick dont stress so much.
Hands and lips are the things to avoid, but a forehead kiss is completely harmless.
So long as they aren’t nasty, smoker, sickly people then they’re fine to give some affection. ‘Germs’ from other people will also build baby’s immunity. (So long as not the extreme ones, obviously)
Try to calm down.
Maybe a tiny bit.
Kisses on the Hands and mouth? Maybe not. Not at a young age and with covid still being so mysterious .
However, on the forehead? I’d they don’t appear to have any illnesses they should get to enjoy their grand baby too. Your husband survived their parenting and most times grand parenting comes with the same safety. I’m sure they aren’t doing so to upset you. They just love her probably near as much as you do!
Enjoy having grandparents around, let them enjoy the grand baby a little. You never know when time can be cut short, trust me. I wish my son could get one more hug and kiss from
His papaw
Oh my. I don’t really have any advice. But as a nana of 3 beautiful, very squishy, snugly grand babies, i can’t imagine being told not to “steal all the kisses”. Unless of course I’m sick or they’re sick. Otherwise, it’s “gimme those cheeks”. I feel like a part of this is being left out? Is it fear of sickness? Did something happen in the past? Ex: i went through a situation with a male family member when younger, so bet your bottom dollar he gets NO alone time with my children and no kisses. Idk. Just a thought.
Just my opinion but when the in-laws stop showing affection are you gonna be offended? Better forehead than lips or face!
Sorry! If it’s family they get hugs and kisses! Before I leave my granddaughters run and give hugs and kisses! Sometimes on top the head and others on the cheek! Usually they give me one on my cheek! The back is f the neck is the best! Lol! But it is your baby but when they are grown you will see how much it didn’t really matter! You are blessed your children have grandparents mine didn’t!
My grandmother just passed away and I wish she was still around the love my kids, hugs, kisses and sneaking chocolate. To me this is overreacting.
If it was a friend or distant relatives or anyone else I’d get it but the grandparents. Seriously. Be lucky they are there to love your child and actually show them they love them. Some children are not so lucky. Your child is blessed to have their grandparents in their life. Seriously a bit ridiculous overreacting for sure in my opinion
It sounds like you have unresolved issues with your in laws because in no way shape or form should it bother you that they show love for your child. If they were sick I get it but this to me sounds like you have some resentment or hatred towards them and are using your child to manifest it.
Hsv is dangerous for babies along with other things. I would set firm boundaries
Can your parents kiss her??
Yes. I kissed my grandsons forehead when he was an hour old. I’ve been doing it every day for 6 yrs. Hes healthy, grandparent germs didnt kill him or even make him sick. If my daughter or her SO would tell me to stop I’d be crushed. Did you grandparents kiss you?
I completely understand. Me and my fiance are the 2 that are allow to kiss my 6month old. Not my other kids, not in laws, not my family, not close friends. End of story. I am thankful everybody has been so caring and respectful. If it wasn’t for covid it would be a completely different story.
Yeah we would have a problem if you were my DIL!
Forehead is better than lips.
Oh my God you are a sicko, I am glad that you are not my daughter in law.
Is it just your in laws you set those rules with ?
If they should not kiss your child then the rules should be the same with Your parents also
No people do have germs I didn’t let nobody do that when my two were babies babies immune systems are building at that age so people should respect what you ask
Yes & no - but at least they’re not kissing the baby on the mouth.
I guess in my family we show love by kissing everyone. Forehead, cheeks. We r all huggers also. Get the extended family together its like one big hug fest
You are absolutely correct noone should show affection to your child!
Are they carrying a deadly disease?
Baby’s thrive on love and affection.
Grandparents and grandchildren should never be denied the bond between each other and kisses are a big part of that bond. I respect my daughters and sons in law…but there is absolutely no way I would ever let them deny me loving on my babies. Sorry. Not sorry
Are you this way towards your own parents too or just your partners parents?
I recommend nobody kissing my baby ,period . End of the day we parents have to suffer the actions of others , if our babies have to get sick , a rash , rsv etc
If they were kissing your baby on the lips - I could see your irritation. But, people show affection by kissing so I don’t see the issue with a kiss on the forehead.
Omg! I swear parents now days. How do expect these kids to grow up? In a plastic bubble? Immunities are built and don’t happen in a sterile environment. I realize there is a pandemic, but these are GRANDPARENTS, not strangers on the street. Everyone has lost their damn minds
Not gonna be judgy… I’m guessing you’re a 1st time mom and worried and it is normal especially with covid.
I don’t really have any advice. But if you’ve explained how you feel and why you feel that way then it is a bit disrespectful. Maybe a compromise or alternative can be reached? Maybe blow kisses or air kisses would be better until the baby is 12 months? Is there a particular reason (smokers, germs, covid worries, prone to cold sores)?
Yes its your babies grandparents geez it’s not on the mouth
No your not especially times like this. I don’t even kiss my kids on their face I kiss by there ears or there head
Ew no kissing ever, anywhere!!!
Hsv1 kills & some people carry it & don’t even know they have it. My child is almost 2 and nobody kisses him, if they tried I’d slap them!
Wow thats uh… that’s sad. It’s just showing affection.
Yes over reacting your lucky you have grand parents to love your baby
Yeah you’re overreacting.
Let her be loved…!! I’m sure the baby loves it !!
There’s actually benefits to kissing your baby on the forehead. If I were you I’d just be happy that they loved and adored my baby so much they felt the need to kiss it but did so on her forehead instead of lips. I absolutely think you are over reacting and also in my opinion you are trying to stop others that want to love on your baby from showing it just that; LOVE. Would you rather them despise your child and want nothing to do with it? Be glad that you have in laws/family around to dote on your child. Some of us don’t have that luxury.
Yes I would say this is a little extreme. If they were kissing her on the lips or something then maybe it would be an issue. But they love your baby. They aren’t hurting her.
Why does that bother you?? Yes you’re overreacting big time germophobe, sounds ridiculous!
Ummm, yeah. You’re very overreacting.
Are they nasty dirty people? If not then Yes you are totally overreacting! Be glad it’s not on her lips!
Ffs I’m too tired to fully answer this but I sure as shit can guarantee that I would be thrilled if my kid’s grandparents who live in another province could kiss their grandbabies on the forehead. They haven’t seen them in 18 months…
You are not overeacting. It can be deadly.
I’d rather the forehead than the mouth just saying. And why not let them love on them. That’s what grandparents do.
I didn’t let anyone kiss my sons on their face or hands until they were at least 6 months old besides myself. It’s called boundaries. Put them down and they need to learn to respect them.
Forehead is safe but that being said its your baby and your choice
Sorry for you but I understand your thing, I hated my in-laws for the same but lived with it’s better than the lips, for me it was anyone kissing my baby on the face any where at all just not on the face I feel for you it’s a battle that will only look bad whilst saying do not.
No you’re not overreacting. She’s your baby and if it makes you uncomfortable then they shouldn’t do it. People, even in laws need to learn to respect mothers.
There will come a day where your kid will eat dirt and boogers.
Everyone saying you’re over reacting but I dont let anyone kiss my baby. Its the parents choice and what youre comfortable with
Yes, you’re overreacting. Get a damn grip on yourself. Babies thrive on kisses and affection.
I miss my grandma’s kisses and cuddles. She gave the biggest, longest, loudest ones
Oh wow. I still kiss my adult kids on the face and sometimes lips my 8 old as well, and the 2 yr old grandbaby!
I miss my grandparents dearly and the affections they showed me as a child .
As adults we are very seldom given unconditional love, I feel any hugs or kisses I can get from my kids and grandbabies are blessings … no one is on the earth for long. I want my babies (mine and the grands) to be able to remember my hugs and kisses
It’s your baby and if you don’t like it they need to respect that. You’re not over reacting for being upset that someone isn’t respecting your wishes with your child
I’m gonna make this very simple answer.
No. It’s your baby first of all, second germs, third why can’t people respect people’s boundaries? Jeez let the lady have her rules for her kid.