Oh I shut it down right away I told everyone only her parents can kiss her otherwise back off, I have an overly friendly neighbor and he was trying to kiss her I yelled at him and now she’s always a good distance away any time we see him now. The kisses and apparently in the Hispanic culture they always have to touch their feet no matter what I’ve yelled at so many strangers for trying to do that so no mama your not over reacting your just protecting your baby just tell them no remember we’re in a pandemic use that as much as possible cause it’s true.
Same … except nine to his hands and cheeks… it drives me insane.
I’d ask them to wash their hands before they touch the baby as well as telling them not to kiss the baby. It sounds like from what I’ve just read on Dr internet (your question got me curious) at 7 months old the immune system can mostly handle things fine, but who wants to take a chance?
Kissing a Baby – Is It Harmful for Your Child?
You’re a ridiculous asshole, get over yourself.
Ummmm yes, you’re over reacting.
You and anyone else crying about family giving kisses —— ON THE FOREHEAD!——-
Are seriously stupid.
No joke!
You’re F***ing arrogant.
Anyone else,
Stop some random idiots from kissing your baby.
But fr… GROW TF UP!!!
You get butt hurt about anyone kissing your damn forehead when you were a baby???
This is a seriously stupid post in the first place.
Going to have a fit about your baby being cared for??? Really!!!
I seriously can’t
Any harder!!!
You and other’s are so mf stupid!!!
Stupid ppl need to come out at once to get tf wiped out of here. OMFG
no you aren’t over reacting! If you tell them not to do it then they shouldn’t do it period!
You are bitching about the grandparents kissing their grandchild on the forehead.
Nice… bye Karen you are not even worth the bother of an argument.
No especially in a pandemic, you’re not supposed to kiss a baby that isn’t yours. I have the same rule and I have since she was a new born. Adults carry many viruses that can kill and infant. You’re not overeacting because let’s put it plain and simple here THIS IS YOUR CHILD. All the people responding negatively wouldn’t appreciate being put in a situation where someone goes against their wishes with their child.
Would you feel same if was your parents not the inlaws
Couldn’t stand even people wearing strong perfumes and holding my baby let alone kissing . Over reacting or not it’s your baby and it’s how you feel I would be feeling the same way
No your not ,if you don’t want them doing it tell them, there is risks to people kissing you’re baby and all these on here taking the piss may want to go Google what the risks are, tell them to back of
So baby wipes have no antibacterial properties…
I’m just gonna pretend I’ve read this wrong so early in a morning I think your 1million % overreacting they are family i wish my sons grandparents were around to shower them in love and effection
Anything can happen. Ppl can carry anything and cause it to spread over the entire body of a baby and cause so many issues… for the people judging, you are on a site that shares so many stories good and bad… we have all seen a baby covered in cold sores due to one kiss…
The Grandparents should be able to snuggle and give kisses. Your being goofy. Must be 1st time mom that is overreacting or trying to show control…
It’s their forehead not their cheek? I don’t see the issue… they’re showing your baby love and affection
Your baby your rules
Tell them point blank. I did it 30 years ago with my kids coz the in-laws were heavy smokers (I smoke to) but I washed and sanitised my hands back then. Omg do they not know what COVID is??? Ffs just say stop it too risky. This is your child’s life. They should know better. My grandkids are all older but I kiss them on the top of their heads on the hair but I scrub my hands all day long.
Do you stop your family from kissing the baby? Yes there’s cv currently but if you’re letting others hold the baby, kissing on the head is no worse. If people are wearing the virus, if it is purely covid related, then as soon as the hols them they are transferring it. Babe wafts and wipe their hands across the clothing, hands go in mouth… different story if they’re heavy drinkers or smokers and you don’t want the heavy fumes on them but if not, yes you’re over reacting. Yes it’s your baby your rules but they are family. If you don’t want them kissing g them then you shouldn’t let them hold them in the first place r and try and reason that with them. They are the child’s grandparents. Germans children are blessings to these as they have the joy and pleasure of watching you grow up all over again
I hope your side of the family is not allowed to kiss your baby too.
If It’s family members a little cuddle and kiss on the forehead is fine and completely natural. My parents kiss my kids all the time. I don’t mean to be rude but just lighten up a little let them enjoy the baby
While I do understand the concern being that there is a pandemic going around right now, I didn’t see any expression of concern that the in-laws were unnecessarily putting themselves at risk to the virus, nor did I see that they were quarantining, so one can only speculate. I’d also like to know, as someone else has asked already, would you feel the same if it was your parents and not your in-laws? I’m not a grandparent yet, but as much as I love my children, my son as much as my daughter, I will love their children equally and would be very hurt if my daughter-in-law did not trust that I always had my grandchildrens’ best interest at heart and would not put him or her at any unnecessary Risk by even visiting if I felt that I could be a risk to my grandchild, let alone kiss my grandchild on the forehead. There’s a lot of unknowns in this situation, so I’m not judging, but I would be very hurt if my son’s wife would not let me show affection to my grandchildren in that way. I’m starting to understand why my mother is closer to my children than my brother’s children even though she loves them all very much and would love to be just as close to his children as mine… I’ve known my mother for 33 years and I know that she would never put my children nor my brother’s Children at Risk. I have witnessed my brother’s wife start petty arguments and use the children as pawns to hurt my mother who is not only an amazing mother, but an amazing grandmother… So maybe I’m biased… but from a Mother who’s ex in-laws show NO desire to even see my children, let alone show them affection, I would be grateful that you have some loving people in your tribe that want to love your child… I feel like you probably wouldn’t even be asking this question if you knew that they were irresponsible people who are not protecting themselves from this virus. You wouldn’t need to ask that question because you would know that you aren’t overreacting, but rather protecting your child. I’m kind of getting the feeling that you would feel this way whether there was a pandemic or not which makes me wonder if there isn’t some deeper seeded issue going on here with the inlaws.
I can’t say you’re overreacting. I was only comfortable with head kisses for a long time. Pre COVID forehead and cheeks now no kiss from anyone outside our home.
Kids need exposure to germs to build their immune systems…they also need love and affection from family
Your baby your rules, just remember this when it your time to be a grandparent and your future daughter/son in law doesn’t want YOU touching the baby
You said no. That means no. They need to respect you.
Better than not showing any love at all.
Be grateful you have famy that love your baby!!
Wow… kids need love from their parents and their Grandparents too… so yeah… I think your in the wrong. I can understand it if relates to strangers or people who aren’t close to you, but not family…
Of course your over reacting.
You want to stop the in laws from kissing your baby, then I hope you are stopping your own parents from kissing your baby. It is natural to kiss your own grand child, lighten up. No where do you say they smoke or drink, so yes you are over reacting. I am glad you are not my daughter in law
Stop going over or letting them come over
Is it just your in laws you have an issue with? I don’t think forehead kisses are horrible. It’s sweet.
I don’t have an issue with them being kissed on the forehead but I would if it was on their lips. Maybe remind them nicely about it?
Wow that’s rude to wipe your baby off.like wiping off your cheek after someone kisses you
Grandparents always kiss their grandbabies …
Kissing fore head is ok . But it’s up to the parents to set rules …tell them no kissing,no buying gifts,clothes or any extras for Their grand child
I would honestly start yelling. If you told them to knock their shit off once before and they dont listen they wouldn’t be allowed to hold the baby remember “Your title doesn’t make you entitled to my child” if they can’t respect your wishes and boundaries you set for your baby NOW they won’t respect them later
Heck no, those are boundaries that everyone should respect! Even if they are family members no means no.
I think youre overreacting. But you are the mother. When you dont want that they have to stop.
Yes you are over reacting.
You are overreacting. I’m assuming it’s your first baby too. Regardless- that’s your baby and everyone needs to respect your wishes.
Ok yes your baby your rules… but these are her grandparents! & it’s on the forehead! I mean if it were the lips then I would see the issue, or if it were people you didn’t know well…
I think you are majorly overreacting!
I kiss my grankids on the check or forehead
Boundaries, hold them firm.
Immediate family only. Grandparents, sisters, or brothers, and siblings are okay
You should be thankful they love their grandchild. You don’t know what you have.
Definitely over reacting.
Overreacting! It’s normal! It’s the GRANDPARENTS!! These days a lot of parents are complaining about little stupid things about the in laws! People forget what an important role the grandparents have in their grand babies lives! AND NO not speaking for the ones that actually have PROBLEMS!
I love the ever living crap out of my mother in law! I got lucky! There is a lot that I don’t like or prefer my mom doing either, but so what! My babies are happy! They are loved by them, long as they are not physically or emotional hurting
Normally would say yeah overreacting but now a days your also being safe.
I mean I think it’s a little different with grandparents but that’s just me, but covid is also a concern for people right now so I totally get why you would be annoyed if you’ve already asked them not to do it.
The fact that you told them to stop and they won’t is disrespectful. You should sit down with them and tell them to stop or else they won’t be able to have any physical contact with your baby.
Do you tell your own mother not to kiss your baby? My mom would smack me. And I wouldn’t dream of it anyway. I think you’re being way extra.
no your not to be honest i will never kiss a baby unless its my own so i completely agree and thats going to be the rule when i have this one.
Starting punching them in the face lmao that might work
We’re in the middle of a pandemic. You have every right to be upset!! You don’t just kiss peoples kids against their wishes. Especially during a pandemic. And anyone who is saying otherwise I fear for their children!! It’s called respect!!!
I’d think my parents were broken if they didn’t give my babies kisses.
Yes your overreacting!!!
It’s the grandparents not strangers…
Yes you’re over reacting! Nothing like grandma kisses
Only reason I’d be concerned is Bc of covid.
Yes. You are slightly overreacting
Let your parents do something trivial with the child and your husband act out like you. Let’s see how you’ll like it
Doesn’t matter if you think you’re overreacting what matter is that their crossing boundaries first with this what’s next
No you’re not overreacting. You don’t know what they have and where their mouth has been. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
At least they not kissing her on the mouth or hands
That’s rude! Wiping the baby down after her grandparents kisses her head… na, id never do that
I think kisses on the forehead are fine…but you’re the parent regardless its your choice…if its just nice kisses a few times id let it go but if they’re mauling your child say something again and be mean.
I never let anyone kiss my babies on the lips in fear of coldsores etc. But personally I think you’re being abit dramatic with kisses on the forehead.
Your baby. Your rules. I hate the “it’s their grandparents so they can do whatever they want”. It’s bullshit. Respect me or don’t come around my baby
If you already said you were uncomfortable with it and they still do it then thats disrespectful. Different parents are okay with different things and you can choose how to raise them. My mil kisses my kids on the mouth and I hate it. I’ve said something but she doesn’t listen. Amongst other things. So yeah I can understand where you are coming from. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are overreacting. Its your child.
YOUR BABY…YOUR RULES! It’s a matter of respect and boundaries
For everybody saying that you should be thankful, or get over yourselves… she is the baby’s mother. So guess who makes the decisions for the child… she does. She’s doing what she knows is best for that baby. Go momma! Put your foot down and do not let them walk all over you! ESP during covid, it’s okay to be even safer & do what you need to do! Mine has severe asthma, we went 6 months without visiting ANY family.
Over reacting. I get it’s your baby. But come on. It’s their grandchild. Trust me it could be a whole lot worse then them simply loving the child in question. Be thankful they do come around and love on your kiddo.
Just tell them that if they keep kissing her, they won’t be able to hold her.
Grandparents always want to show affection to their grandkids. I don’t have a problem with them kissing their forehead or kiss on the cheeks. If it’s the mouth, then it’s a no no. If you had grandkids you would like to hug abd kiss them especially if you don’t see them often.
She is YOUR BABY!! if you don’t want people kissing your baby, than they shouldn’t be kissing on your baby. I would talk to your partner about it and then if that doesn’t work than you will have to do it! He will talk to them… lol please make sure it is on both sides though so they don’t feel as though you are one sided with it.
Your not overreacting. I’m due with our 2nd in a few weeks and will be asking family members not to kiss the baby anywhere.
Yes you’re overreacting! Luckily it’s just her forehead
If I was the grandparent I’d definitely stop coming over.dont expect me to babysit lol
Kisses on the forehead are a sign of love and respect
Yes. You are overreacting. HOWEVER, you’re the Mom. If you tell them your baby can’t touch anything yellow, they should be keeping yellow items away Respect a Mother’s wishes whether you agree with them or not.
Well if your asking for opinions.
I believe your overreacting, pandemic or not, if they ‘come around’ often then germs(covid) isn’t the worry… is it?
Do you let your parents kiss the baby? Thats their grandchild they have rights too. Kind of rude and insulting to be wiping the baby down right after they kiss her. My goodness.
OMG no! Especially during Covidgeddon. Wtf
Nope. I’d tell them to knock it off or they don’t need to see her anymore
Those are the boundaries that you set so they need to respect it or not come around. Plain and simple.
I have a boundary limit with mine have a 7 month old I’ll let them close to the hair line but but super close to eyes but honestly I’d rather that than her hands or feet that she sticks in her mouth try to tell them respectfully then if they continue be uglier also maybe give them some leeway if it’s closer to the top
We stray further and further from family everyday. Smh. I can’t even understand this thought process!!! We are from the south where mawmaw kisses and hugs and gives all the babies her love. I can’t imagine it any other way. However you are the parent. Its your choice. But how cringy. I feel sorry for your inlaws!!!
Overreacting , I could understand you being upset with strangers doing it but her grandparents?
They’re not kissing her on the lips…
Theyre kissing thier beautiful grand baby,
They’re proud of her, they love her.
I kiss my grandchildren all the time,
They kiss me back…
They just adore that lil baby.
Usually this is fine as long as it’s not on the lips but with covid they should respect that you don’t want them kissing baby…
Yes, you are. If they are healthy enough to hold the baby, kissing isn’t going to do anything as long as its not on the lips.
wow especially now with covid , people should not be kissing all over babies no matter if it on the forehead or not , the mother is the one who is in control of what happens and if other dont follow mothers rules then i wouldnt let them around anymore , if they cant listen on this what will they do behind your back in the future , things i think about do you and whats best for your kid ,dont worry about others ,
It’s your child so I don’t see an issue with it. But at least they aren’t kissing her on the mouth.
That’s THEIR grandbaby. Kissing the baby’s forehead is no way shape or form inappropriate you definitely need to lighten up.
What is a wipe going to do with germs. Wipes are not antibacterial.
Definitely overreacting it’s there grandchild
Yes you are way overreacting. Do you let your parents kiss your baby? And it’s on the forehead it’s not like they are making out with the kid…
You clearly just hate them.
No. Your baby your rules
Do you ever leave your child with anyone baby sitter,daycare,ect?how do I know who’s kissing her then?