My in laws won't stop kissing my baby on the forehead: Am I overreacting?

Yes. You clearly have OCD and you need to talk to someone about that. Sounds like Everyone loves you baby and you should let them express themselves.

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We are still in a global pandemic… yes you have every right to be pissed off!


Wow! Rude, I love my grand babies, I don’t kiss them on anything but forehead out of health and respect. But sheesh I’d be offended highly if my kid and his gf acted like you are. I didn’t kiss them on forehead even until a month old but damn you need to chillax lady.
They love your baby. Let them express it.


You need to relax. At 7months old they are getting germs from everything rolling everywhere you don’t want them. Kisses on the forehead are fine. The lips, I’d be concerned but really just relax. Your baby will be fine! :heartpulse:


110% over reacting. I cant imagine telling my kids grandparents they can’t kiss them on the forehead. I can see no lips, but the forehead? Are they allowed to hug? That’s more of a physical closeness than a kiss on the forehead


Stop letting them see her until they respect what you say about your child. They’ll get the picture that you’re serious

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Sounds like PPD/PPA!!! Take deep breaths and talk to your ob and pediatrician


I think you may be overreacting, somewhat about the kissing of the forehead. but if you’ve told them not to do it and they still do it, Now that’s why I’d be upset. You’re setting boundaries and they are not following them. Your child your rules

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My kids grandparents on her dads side always try to kiss her on the lips. I cant stand it

I’m surprised at these answers. I am the outlier, I do not think you’re overreacting. Babies are vulnerable both with their immune system, and that they can’t talk to tell you anything, be it that they’re not feeling well or even if they’re uncomfortable.
You are your child’s advocate and protector and have absolute right to express your desire for these behaviors not to happen. There are plenty of ways to express affection besides kisses.
When my daughter was born , no one was allowed to kiss her and not a one held her until they sanitized their hands. And even with those precautions she still caught a virus that put her in the hospital a few days.
Your parents should be listening to you . If they’re disregarding you in front of you I can imagine they’d be worse when you’re not around. My mother and I had an understanding and due to that I trust her 1000% at all times with my daughter whether I’m there or not.


Please don’t deny a family member the chance to give your child affection as long as they aren’t obviously ill and it’s not inappropriate contact. I get that it’s YOUR kid but I think you need to pick your battles and this might not be the one.


It’s your child, go with your gut and do what you think is safest for your child. Please don’t let the Facebook doctors on here diagnose you with any disorder.

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1000% over reacting. I loved my grandmother to death… I couldn’t wait for her kisses. We as human beings have lost our senses. This touch me not world has to stop. We are breeding generations of depressed and unloved children. STOP IT NOW. I do not say live in dirt but a little dirt never killed anyone.


If their lips seems fine sure kiss away but if u see like cold sore or something crazy then noooooo. But ur child u call the shots and if u don’t like then u have all right to tell them not to. I personally don’t see a prob with it…

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People are over the top these days. I mean we survived growing up with love and affection from all of our family members and there were virus and diseases then too​:rofl::rofl::woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming:


Better than kissing their hand. I give my grand baby belly kisses…

I’ve had some random lady try kiss my baby on the cheek. I was like WOOOOAH

I don’t care WHAT it is, if the parent of a child says no to something you DO NOT DO IT! They had their turn kissing their own kids and now it’s their turn to be RESPECTFUL grandparents.


It’s proven that kids that get affection grow up to be better adjusted humans. Kids without contact become withdrawn and emotionally closed off. Not only that but kids need germs to build healthy immune systems.


Hell yes you’re overreacting! damn girl Seriously . I kiss my children and my grandchildren on the lips, live with the forehead. Get over yourself. Children need love and affection


Definitely over reacting. Those are her grandparents… she is part of them. Be grateful that they’re in her life and care for her.


I would be so hurt if I was told I couldn’t kiss my grandchildren’s foreheads. I love the smell of them.


The main problem isn’t how your reacting to it. You have set boundaries and they are refusing to follow. It’s better to put your foot down now before it becomes a revolving issue. If it were me I would simply take the baby back and remind them what your boundaries are.


Yes you are. They are grandparents, and it’s natural for someone to smooch on a baby. Especially grandparents… it’s how they show affection.


You’re overeating. It’s grandparents. they’re also not kissing her on her mouth or hands that she’ll subsequently put in her mouth and ingest their ‘germs’. If they’re not sick it’s a bit much what you’re doing. I understand your right to protect your child, but there’s bigger issues in this world than your in-laws loving your child.
Also, a wipe doesn’t do crap. You’re just spreading whatever you think is there. If anything a bath and change of clothes would be required. I feel like you haven’t really thought your concern through.


Do your parents kiss the cold on the forehead? Don’t get me wrong, when my grandbabies are very young, neither of my daughters want the to be kissed in the face area, but the forehead/ head aren’t a big deal. Unless they are sick, or coughing on the baby or something. It is your child, but it’s their child’s child also. What does your spouse say? I’m guessing from the wording of the post he isn’t worried? Just wondering why it’s such a big deal

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It’s called RSV ppl why tf would you ever want to risk that with you infant.
Noooooo you are not over reacting at all!!!

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:neutral_face: Definitely overreacting.


Grandparents are some of the most entitled people ever. If i say dont kiss my fucking baby, dont do it. Yall are wack for agreeing with people pushing their boundaries with someone elses child.


I say to each their own with what you’re comfortable with.
If it’s coming from a place of paranoia of germs, I would say maybe meet with a therapist or someone to talk about it and make sure it’s not an unhealthy obsession or something.
But, your kid - your decisions. If the parents say no to something, that’s law to me whether I agree or think it’s nuts or whatever. Nobody gets to tell ME what I’m allowed to be comfortable with etc, so I don’t believe anyone else has the right to argue with you on what affection you prohibit with your child until the child can speak their preferences for themselves.

I still don’t let anyone kiss my 2 yr old mostly now bc we are teaching her it’s her body and she doesn’t have to give anyone hugs or kisses she doesn’t want to. But when she was little I had to remind my aunt a few times and I felt super bad but I was stern and she got the message. It’s called boundaries and if people can’t respect your wishes they don’t deserve to see baby.


Ummm that’s what Grandparents do. I also understand with Covid and such it’s a little scary but again, that is what grandparents do so yes - you are over-reacting.


I say if YOU, THE MOM, say no, then dammit, the answer is NO! Your child, your call. PERIOD!
This other crap about you over reacting is just disrespectful to me. She’s not going to grow up a serial killer or feeling unloved because you chose to keep her safe during this pandemic or even if your just a regular ole germaphobe. Be like Bobby Brown, girl. ITS YOUR PREROGATIVE! No one else has to sit up with a sick baby or worse except you so you do what you think is best and screw what other people think. Seriously, take a stand mama!


Uh yes you are! Consider it like a blessing or there way of greeting the baby with love and respect. Better than kissing on the mouth!

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Nope. No one that wasn’t me and my husband were allowed to kiss my babies.

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Cold sores can kill small babies and be passed even without an active outbreak. Rsv can kill too you aren’t overreacting. I told my sister so many times do not kiss my baby on the lips! She still kept doing it until I got ugly.


Oh he’s that’s overreacting big time

How does your husband feel? And do your parents kiss her? Life is to short to bicker over that. They love her be grateful some kids don’t have grandparents that love them or any at all!!

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Its a forehead kiss. It could Definitely be worse. U should just remember that they love the baby.

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Without the Grandparents you wouldn’t have your baby. Kissing, hugging and spoiling is what Grandparents do. Be happy they show love to your baby. Its selfish to deny your baby love from its Grandparents.


You sound annoying wiping it off with a wipe. How many times have they kissed your partner ? If they had cold sores, your man would have them and so would you. People make it so hard to be around them and then go cry when nobody wants to see you. I’m sure your child will appreciate the kisses later on


I say you are 100% over reacting…HOWEVER, you are the mother and they should respect your wishes

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Forehead is fine, cheeks and lips are a no no. But it’s your baby so they need to listen. I do agree with what someone said before me, be glad your baby has grandparents my sons grandparents are in Mexico and Guatemala and will prob never see my kids.

Who cares if it’s the grandparents! If they are carrying a cold, or let’s just say have a history of cold sores, that could destroy that baby. My daughter got a cold at 23 days old from her grandparents not listening and kissing her anyways. She spent over a week in the children’s hospital. Shaking from fevers, getting poked for an iv twice a day because her veins were too little and kept blowing. Eventually ran out of options for veins and they used one in her head. Constants blood draws, and watching her be too sick to eat was torture.

Plus the fact that youve asked them to stop and they continue to disrespect you is ridiculous.

From someone who’s grandmother was more mother than grandmother and who’s mum has walked away not only from her daughter but grandkids…YES, you are over reacting!!! I wish every day that my grandmother was still here and that my mum gave a shit enough to be around…think yourself lucky that your child has grandparents that not only love them but want to show and acknowledge this love, a kiss on the forehead is a sign of love and at least it’s safer than kissing on the mouth.


Yeah overreacting for sure unless they’ve been sick recently.


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So your upset because your In laws show love affection toward your baby? So sad smh


It’s your child. It makes you uncomfortable. You’re not overreacting. This comment section is disgusting


It’s your call but let me tell you kids can’t get to much love. My 4 kids never had grandparents that ever cared if they saw them or not. 4 sets of grandparents that my kids didn’t know. Yes it’s your decision but I know if I was told I couldn’t kiss my 9 grandkids I probably wouldn’t be spending much time with them. I have very special bonds with each of them. Ages from 21 down to 3 months.


Girl that must be your first baby. :rofl: Let that grandmother be proud of her grand baby.


Your child’s grandparents can’t show them love and affection? You literally wipe off their kiss ? You sound like an over reacting helicopter mom :woman_shrugging:


I think so. I only wish my daughter had a grandmother that wanted to see her or answer my daughters calls and texts.

It’s the damn forehead :roll_eyes: Yes, ur overreacting and being totally over bearing… Be happy ur child has love and affection from their grandparents, not every child is so lucky to have that…I have 1 that wouldn’t know her other grandparents if they tripped over her… And when they did see her (once in a blue moon b4 the Covid outbreak) her grandmother never even held her let alone anything else :woman_facepalming:


Ya’ll are really acting like we’re not in the middle of a pandemic.


fuck these people saying your over reacting. my daughter got RSV at eight months old from this shit right here!!! my daughter had to sit with an oxygen mask on her face twice a day to help her breathe and open her lungs. if they dont live in the household with your baby then they dont need to be doing that. period. especially if you said no. YOUR THE MOTHER NO ONE SURPASSES YOUR WORD!!!


Maybe if she were newborn, but 7 months?? Here’s a question…do YOUR parents kiss the baby?


I guess it depends on why you have an issue with it. If it’s due to cold sore possibility or some other virus, then no, you’re not over reacting. If it’s just because you thinks it’s icky, then yes, you are.

That said, they should respect your wishes, as it’s your child but back to depending on why you have issue with it, YOU may need help.

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I feel bad for the grandparents. They just want to love on their grandbaby. Lips is totally different than cheek or forehead.


its not over reacting, Adults spread diseases , herpes etc . Nobody should kiss a new born

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Yes over reacting it’s the forehead not lips and their grandparents. But it’s your child your rules


Yes. Sorry. What I wouldn’t give to get another hug and kiss from mine. Or for my husbands deceased stepmom to meet Liam and Hannah. Life is short.

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Yes you are over reacting, lips would be different. Actually all our immune systems are built by exposure from those around us. Too much anti bacterial in the world today.Covid cleanliness will be hard on us all.


Look I get it. With everything going on in today’s world. Last thing I would want is my baby catching fuxking covid or getting any virus. You know what’s best for your baby :heart: I support your parenting choices.

Wouldnt wipe ya babys forehead with wipes its actually bad for their skin

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Just think they could be kissing her on the mouth. :kiss::kiss::kiss:
Sometimes you just have to pick your battles. :woman_shrugging:


Yes you’re overreacting :woman_shrugging:


What’s the problem here, the in laws love your kid
Why do you have to make a huge issue out of someone showing affection
Is your mother allowed to kiss your child on the head? Do you wipe you child down everytine you kiss her head? If so
You’re being hypocritical


Definitely over reacting

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My son is almost a year and still don’t let people kiss him. I don’t care if people think I’m overreacting or not :tipping_hand_woman: it’s mine and my husband’s baby and neither of us want people kissing him.


Idk I don’t want people kissing my baby either, who cares, it’s my my baby. They will respect my parenting choices or Wish they did when we don’t come around

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You are not over reacting at all. We are in the middle of a pandemic. I would refuse to see them until they can control themselves.

Really it’s on the forehead and at least they aren’t kissing her on the lips like a lot of them do. It’s their grandchild! This baby wouldn’t even be here if the grandparents for this child decided to not have kids! So count your blessings and pick your battles!


Let grandparents be grandparents she’ll be one one day


If your baby was like a month old I would agree with you. But at 7 months it should be fine.


Your baby! Your rules


You aren’t over reacting at all. It is your baby and they should follow your rules about the baby. Now I hope that goes for both sets of grandparents though.


They aren’t random people they’re the grandparents. Do your parents kiss you child?


Where do you live. I’m in Ontario & we’re in a pandemic. So definitely I agree :blush:.


They are her family! Aren’t they allowed to show they love her? Wow! Smh


Those 2 people created the pecker that created said baby. I’m SURE their lips are fine.


I mean it’s your kid. If you dont like it, it’s gatta be for a reason… plus the whole covid crap. I get it. I think this is different with every parent.

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Not overreacting!! Your baby, your rules!!

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How is the parent over reacting? Honestly. It is HER child, which means HER rules and boundaries. If she is uncomfortable and has expressed this many times, the other people need to have respect for HER.
People can express love in other ways.
Telling someone they are over reacting when they are uncomfortable seems very rude and disrespectful.
I did not allow anyone other than myself and my spouse to kiss our child up til he was 1 yrs old. My in laws are American Mexican and very hands on, yet they understood and respected my wishes.

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good grief…really? It is their grandchild…


I mean if it was on the mouth :lips:, no I wouldn’t be overreacting , but her forehead ?! To each it’s own but I would HATE when my bd would kiss my son cause he be doing some sinful shit with his mouth .

It’s overreacting and it won’t hurt a 7 month old’s head to get a kiss. And if this mom is so concerned about germs stay home and don’t take the baby around anybody else. But you do you as is your right to be controlling.


I bet your in laws like you…


People think you’re overreacting until your baby gets RSV!!!

Are they alcohol wipes?

Some worry about kissing them on the lips, kissing them on the forehead is way better!


I would rather have them kiss the forehead than on the lips.


Overreacting. As a grandmother, my grandchildren feel like they are my children just as one of their parents was my child.


Really they are kissing her on the forehead your overreacting



They can suck it.

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Far out Lan. I can’t imagine not showering your baby in love!

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Yes. Yes you are. I assume the MIL is the baby’s grandma?


You will get over it by your second child. You will not only let them kiss her on the forehead but let them take her for a while. Children need to be exposed and there immune system stimulated


Yes you are overreacting! Your poor in-laws.


Yes, absolutely!!! You are really overreacting!!!