My in laws won't stop kissing my baby on the forehead: Am I overreacting?

There are bigger things to worry with. Could be a control issue with you. They love the baby- it could be worse and they could care less. Count your blessing because you are!


kisses wont kill that baby


My kids better not tell me to stop kissing my grand babies. Lady your crazy. Their family! Babies have lived from being kissed for years. People r going way way way overboard with this crap.


Is this seriously a question? Let that baby be showered in love generations have made it through and through before the germaphobe cancel culture came about! Let your family love your child and be thankful the baby has grandparents that do want to shower affection!


I don’t give a shit who thinks you’re overreacting. Your kid, your rules. :woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3::woman_shrugging:t3: POINT BLANK PERIOD. Now I will say
 why do you mind grandparents? Lol I could understand when a fresh newborn but even after all these months gone by? But like I said
 that is your choice and it should be respected!


It doesnt matter if its the forehead or who the people are kissing it. We are in a pandemic! Along with RSV!? she’s the mother! I do not think she deserves to be called a fool! Thats just mean omg

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You will understand that type of love when that baby has his/her own babies. .


Of course! You feel how you feel just because other people let people other than them or their husband doesn’t mean you have to! It’s YOUR baby. There’s definitely other ways to show affection

Yes, you are acting like a damn lunatic


I mean if you still don’t kiss the baby, they shouldn’t kiss the baby. Juat common sense. You are the mom. Does dad have any input? The way they react to it all, as parents, should tell you. It’s basically about respect.

It’s your baby, so your rules!

I think it is ridiculous. Your in-laws just love the baby and want to express it!


Over reacting or not
it’s your baby and people should respect how you feel. I was awful when my first daughter was born. But people respected what I said because she was mine. Her daddy just said what I said goes

We talk about me being a crazy lady then but it’s your feelings. :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Honestly if it’s on the forehead it’s ok. It’s just the forehead. I can see if they kept kissing her on the lips after you asked them to stop, but they are her grandparents! You are being really ridiculous about this.

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No. Thats what mothers do. Don’t listen to negative comments. They should understand when they had their first kid. But yes babies need to get their immune system stronger. You are not overreacting.

Yes you are, your baby isn’t going to lick her for head is she, it’s the hand kissing that is not right
 And they are her family
 Forhead is goodđŸ‘ŒđŸ»


Forehead is better then the mouth
 after they leave just bath her
 they love her and I’m sure they visit baby every so often

Your kids your choice period. If that’s your rule, then that’s your mf rule. Idc if people think you’re over reacting if it doesn’t make you comfortable then I’d keep telling them no and to stop.


Be grateful that your in laws love your baby


Wow that’s weird that it bothers you


It’s your kids GRANDPARENTS.
And it’s not on the lips.
Or their hands .
Get over it.


I think she’s concerned about it medically speaking. You’re not supposed to kiss babies on their faces and hands.


Id kill someone if my child contracted herpes because somebodys dumbass decided to kiss them against my wishes.

I have yelled at people because it is my kid and my rules


RSV and other illnesses do not care who is kissing your kid. Your kid your rules. They may not like them or agree with your rules but they should respect them.


For goodness sake
They are kissing their grandchildren on the forehead
Would you prefer they didn’t love your children like some grandparents do :cry:


Your in laws? So, then the grandparents? Do you let your mom kiss the baby? Sounds like a control issue.


Oh lordy Kylie Bean 


So will this be a every day thing with you that they can’t kiss the baby ever ?? Like never even wen he grows up ? Gramma and grandpa can’t never kiss there grand baby because mom doesn’t like it . I would be concern about your mental illness you mite be surfing from or OCD never ever kiss your baby in the forehead ever mmmm your weird ass F***** grandparents will never ever be able to kiss baby only touch it :woman_facepalming::woman_facepalming: get help your weirdo 


On the forehead 
 I see no issue.


Send them videos of babies with RSV. The fact that you’ve said not to do something and they continue to do it is more of an issue for me. If someone undermines me as a parent I don’t let them see my kids lol


Damn not most people in the comments being American and disagreeing with the kissing rule. Isn’t your country riddled with covid cases atm? :thinking: And y’all don’t realize that her baby could catch covid from people kissing her? Mkay :clown_face:


I personally don’t mind my in laws kissing on my kiddos, I love when they give them loves! But I can see it from your side, there’s covid going around and you never know where peoples lips have been. So if you don’t like it they should respect that, thats your child, you pushed that baby out of you, not them.:tipping_hand_woman: Just my opinion.

On the forehead is fine and they are the grand parents, not strangers, just randomly coming up and doing it.


I would be sad if I couldn’t kiss my grandbabies on the forehead. Maybe have them kiss them on top of their head?


If it was a stranger, that’s a different story. But
grandma and grandpa? Come on now! Its not like they’re kissing her hands and mouth


As a grandma, and an in-law, I feel sorry for your children’s father, his parents, and your baby. But they should respect your wishes.


I definitely don’t think it’s overreacting we’re in a pandemic :mask: and you have to protect your kid and a lot of people don’t like there babies kissed on my daughter is two almost 3 and I ask her for hug and kiss I just don’t think it’s ok for people to just kiss babies and children without permission I teach mine at a young age about permission it’s there bodies

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Yes your being nuts.


It’s call ‘love ‘ and all babies need it !! :heart::heart:


The way I see this is do you allow others? Like anyone from your family? If you allow them but not your in laws, that’s not fair. If you don’t allow anyone then I would keep repeating your request and say it as soon as they kiss her.

Your baby, your rules.

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If they are not vaccinated, then yes
I would have an issue.
If they are
then you are over-reacting and setting the stage for some serious control issues.
Who would NOT want their kids to be kissed by their grandparents?!?


Do you wipe down all the monetary gifts they buy her also? :smirk::smirk:


You ARE NOT overreacting. The people here saying you are have simply never experienced life with a sick child. My newborn caught RSV (a simple cold for adults, detrimental for babies) at 2 months old and ended up in the hospital for a week. However
the aftermath was THE WORST. It’s been a 5 year journey of asthma type meds as every little cold turns into pneumonia
her little body has had so many back to back prescription meds, it’s sad. I’ve had everyone tell me “oh try vitamins
try essential oils
tey this, try that” if only it were that easy
and every year we had at least 2-3 hospital stays and countless emergency room visits. I was an exhausted momma
until thos pandemic hit and I was forced to put her in a bubble. She has been perfectly fine away from people and I have learned to give people a hard no when it comes to my child’s health. Your job as a mom is to protect your child. Don’t feel guilty. Having said that
I’d ask again gently, since it is your inlaws
and maybe provide some literature on some of the risks. Loving grandparents are a blessing
but they should respect your boundaries
especially now with Covid


Now are your parents allowed to kiss your baby on the forehead ?


Overreacting. If you really are bothered keep the baby in a baby carrier the entire time you’re with them or forgo visits altogether. Definitely avoid them if they’re in any way sick or have a cold. At least it’s the forehead. Far too many people want to kiss babies on the mouth aka my mil.


Yeah they obviously need to learn about what can happen to babies that are kissed. Bet you anything one of them has had a cold sore in their lives. Look up the baby who was only kissed on forehead and what happened when she broke out in cold sores all over her face because a family member kissed them and didn’t have a breakout but still passed it on.
Forehead kisses does not make it okay, all the baby has to do is touch where they kissed and stick their fingers in their mouth, NO you’re not overreacting.


 not gonna say anything!

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I couldn’t stand when people would kiss me son without asking . You’re not ridiculous or anything , I would let my parents kiss my son but at the same time not let my sister at some times . Nor are you setting the stage for control issues :slightly_smiling_face:


Better than the cheeks, lips, hands


No you’re not, you’re the parent and you have boundaries when it comes to your child.

Thats extremely disrespectful and i would definitely tell them either they start respecting those boundaries or something will have to give. You and dad should stick to your guns and just let them know.


Babies release a scent that calms you thats why we are drawn to nuzzle their heads with our noses and kiss their foreheads.

They are showing love

At least they arent kissing her face and mouth


I just kept my baby to myself but I regret it now. I was afraid to take him out of the house because he spent a month in the NiCu

Is your family allowed to kiss the baby? Do you wipe off everything your in laws buy your baby? They are simply showing your baby affection. My parents and my in laws kissed my children when they were babies and they are all completely healthy. My rule was not to kiss or hold my children and avoid my house when you are sick.


You aren’t over reacting. We had a baby near my home town die because of this.

Not only that, but you said you aren’t comfortable with it. That’s your baby. They HAVE to respect your rules.

Tell them they can have any time with the baby till they start respecting you as their mother and the rules you make for the babies protection


Nope. Put your foot down momma! I don’t like when people even kiss her hands. She puts her hands in her mouth!!!

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Just put your baby in a bubble.


Over reacting
 I mean I get kissing baby on the lips but the forehead
 Lmfao wtf


Yet do you allow your parents to kiss your baby? Because I bet you do!


Is it because of the pandemic? Or does this bother you regardless? Leaving the pandemic aside - put yourself in their shoes, would you not be heartbroken if you couldn’t kiss one of your grand babies when you saw them?


Anyone from outside my home washes their hands and removes their shoes when they come in. I wouldn’t like anyone kissing my baby if they smoke are sick have the sniffles or are unhygienic. I don’t Ever allow my babies hands to be touched with unwashed hands. Your baby your rules!

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Yes!! Take a chill pill!


Grandma’s kiss babies. Get over it.


I don’t care what anyone says. I had the same rule. There is a global pandemic please do not kiss my infant!

I think you’re overreacting could just be a pet peeve


Inlaws? You mean Grandparents 
 Your luck to have inlaws tbh some of us havent as theyve passed away 
 Be grateful they love their Grandchild!!


Its depends I let mine kiss my baby just not by her mouth 
 Babies need to be introduced to germs

I guess I’m the odd one here but I don’t think you are overreacting! You are the parent not them! We taught our daughter that kisses are only for mom and dad :woman_shrugging:t2:


Maybe on the cheek or the face directly would be bad 
 but I think foreheads or top of heads are ok as long as they Arnt sick ? Just wipe little one down when they leave and they should be fine !


My question is

do your parents kiss your baby and does it bother you? Or is it just your husbands parents kissing your baby that upsets you?


Your baby, your decision. Period.


Lips on a babies skin releases 'feel good hormones" in their bodies. Does this baby get kisses? Babies need to feel love to develop correctly.
Let them love on their grandbaby
 honestly, pick your battles. What they’re doing is nothing but positive
there’s some moms out there that would do anything to have their children have grand parents that give a shit about their kids!

On the other hand, forcing a child to give kisses is not ok. But this is a baby! Let them feel the love
 I feel it’s unfair to take that away from your child. It may bring your baby the best most loving feelings ever!

I know y’all gonna come at me with “her baby, her choices” but what if you’re taking away from your baby developing those love and empathy skills bc you’re trying to control it all?


With the pandemic, I’ve found myself overly cautious as well, but when it comes to family and you know they are healthy I dont feel it’s right to deny that loving interaction. I might be wrong, but it sounds to me like there may be more deeply rooted issues between you and the in-laws other than just the kiss on the forehead.
Although I dont particularly agree with you on being upset about it the forehead kiss, I also thinks it’s wrong that they continue to do it after you have communicated that you don’t like it.


Yes, you’re overreacting. There’s your answer. You’re being incredibly selfish to deny your child love & affection from those that love her. There is a difference between too much & inappropriate, vs them kissing her on the forehead & showing affection.


I was like this with my first 2 kids. Now that I’m a mom of 5 I have let certain things go and choosen to pick my battles. Regardless it’s your baby and it’s your choice. You can always have a private conversation about how you feel with them and hopefully they can respect your decision.

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Children need to grow up with their parents and Grandparents hugging and kissing them.


Let go of controlling things! Let that baby be loved, my lord!


First kid? By kid 2-5 I was like can I mail them to you? :joy::joy::woman_facepalming:t3:


Definitely overreacting now if it was some stranger that’s a whole different story. I wouldn’t deny my kids grandparents from being able to give her kisses. When they are older and if they say no to kisses that’s one thing but if the baby isn’t crying when getting a quick kiss on the forehead I wouldn’t overreact about it .


Man I wish my kids had grandparents that loved them enough to ask how they are once a year. I would say out a stop to it if it was anyone other than the grandparents. Who isn’t just smitten with grandbaby’s. Oh yeah, my mother.


There are plenty of people out there who are sucking the life out of living. Don’t take away a grandparent’s joy of kissing their grand baby. They are a reward for not killing their own child ( you).


You seem like an ungrateful BITCH


That’s what we grandparents do. And especially the older generations. I say you’re definitely over reacting. Let your child be shown love. It is innocent.


I wish my dad was still around to kiss my kids and my in-laws came around a lot more to kiss my kids! :cry:


If it was on the lips I would say please stop but the forehead? Really ?? You don’t want your kids to know love? Mine grew up without grandparents, be grateful yours has them in their lives!


There’s things much worse such as they could hate the kid


You’re not overreacting. If you don’t feel comfortable with them doing that. They shouldn’t be doing it. It is YOUR baby, not anyone else’s. So, you get to decide what happens with your child until they can decide for themselves.

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Over and over it’s been said why it’s not ok for babies to be kissed on their head, and it’s because of sanitary reasons
 maybe you should show them slides of what other babies have ended up due to that
 I understand there wasn’t enough education or research decades back but by now I think most people should get it🙄

They’re family, not some strangers!
No sickness/sniffle or coldsores, no worries!

The forehead is fine, not lips but by 7months old, your baby is going to start putting germs in their own mouth!

It’s important for those other’s close to the baby to bond too.

My two boys have turned out ok, kisses and all.


I would understand if they were kissing your baby on the lips but the forehead? Your baby is not a new born that is unvaccinated so please let the grandparents show their grand daughter some love. Would you be this upset if it were your own mother? Your treating your daughters family like they have a disease so my answer is YES, you’re overreacting.


Health before feelings
 it’s your babies well-being, explain to them why and show them pictures and explain that it’s risky to get adults’ saliva on their head, face and it’s not that you don’t love them
 if my mother knows there’s even the word “risk” involved in my children’s welllbeing she takes full caution, that’s how much she loves them

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A kiss on the forehead is the most comforting kiss you can have in my opinion- if they’re sick or have cold sores or something then stay way away from my baby, but a kiss on the forehead from family is more than acceptable.


You’re the mom. End of story. It doesn’t matter if other people think you are being “crazy” or unreasonable. Your child your rules!


If you’re that worried then just don’t let anyone visit.


If you are worried about Diseases from Grandparents kissing your baby IMO they need Pertussis vaccine for sure & Covid 19 vaccine. There are other recommended vaccines adults need to handle babies!

Yes what’s wrong with them kissing them on the forehead or even the cheek.


One day they won’t be around to kiss her forehead. Relax!


This is the dumbest thing I have seen on fb today :laughing:


It’s your baby. You make the rules. They should listen to you.

Your baby your rules! Don’t let anyone run over what you think is best for baby! This will not be the first time you will have to advocate for your child. Life will definitely show you this, but you must also remember the more people that truly love your child the better your child will be & develop. Your gut tells you no then listen to it. It’s your responsibility to decipher the balance needed. Your the MAMA!

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Lighten up, you’re being absolutely ridiculous. Respect the fact that they love your child too, and they are always going to be a very important part of her life. They aren’t strangers! Soon, your child will be eating all kinds of shit off the floor anyway.:woman_shrugging: