My infant will only sleep when he is beign held: Advice?

If its not hot in your house then swaddle him tightly

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Is your room dark? Is the pack & play where the baby sleeps warm? Can you pat the baby on his head to comfort? During the day Can you place the baby in a wind up mobile/rocker until they nap?

dont be afraid to have noises…as radio or washing machine tele…noises are good…

I’m a mom of 6, my youngest is also 6 weeks old. It is perfectly normal for a baby this young to want to be held all of the time. All he knows is mom and dad. Thats what comforts him. Swaddling helps them to feel secure, a shirt with your scent can help them feel close to you, put it on the mattress like a sheet. Swings make motion like you are rocking them. You just have to try different things because each baby is different and not everything will work. If you absolutely need to get housework done and don’t want a crying baby, try baby wearing, it can be a life saver. I used to have to cook all my meals and do laundry and dishes with a baby on me. There are a lot of options for the carriers for that that you would want to look into. But its okay to hold the baby! Its okay for the baby to cry for a few minutes if you need a break! You will get past this stage and he will continue to grow and grow fast! Unfortunately there isn’t a sure fire method to get the baby to sleep on his own, just make sure he is clean, changed, fed, comfortably dressed (if you are hot baby is most likely hot, if you are cold baby is cold! Probably more cold than you, i typicallykeep my baby in long sleeves and pants while inside because my house is kept and 65, when I take him out is a short sleeve onesie and we have a portable fan). If all of his needs are met you will get better results. Oh and babies do like to fight sleep, there is nothing worse than trying to put an over tired baby/ toddler to sleep!

I know blankets are a no no but I would put a shirt over my son that I had been wearing and smells like me and it helped.

Are u swaddling? It’s a life savers


Isn’t there something like sound machine like heartbeat or other soothing sounds?

I had to give my youngest son a dirty shirt that I had on the day before time help him sleep

I would put the shirt I was wearing on my babies as a blanket so they could still smell me.

He fusses, you react by holding him. Why wouldn’t he keep doing it? He gets what he wants.

Swaddle swing and a pacifier. It won’t last forever. I know it’s hard. Try looking at it from a different perspective too.

The baby is only 6 weeks still newborn

Before you start to put him down. Wrap him in a papoose. You can use a blanket or Wal-Mart sells them. Just wrap him tight.

Swaddle the baby tightly. It does infact make them feel more secure watch you tube to properly do it.

He knows how to get held :slight_smile: Let him cry but keep an eye on him.


enjoy he is only little for a short time hold him always


This will become a bad habit, set limits , and put him down, let him cry. Withdrawal is hard. Stick with it.

As long as the baby is dry and fed let him cry.a little.


Get a sound machine, one with a heart beat. That should make a world of difference. Good luck.:+1:

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Dumb question, but have you tried swaddling?

I like tje swing the best, my baby got a hernia from crying.

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Put him in his bed. Let him cry. The first day…probably 5 hrs…then 4…3…2…1 and none.

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Have you tried swaddling him my kids loved it makes them feel safe

Hold him for as long as you can cause so soon he will be up and running and you will wish for days like these

Make him cry himself sleep or u will never get any peace.

Put him down and let him cry, he will go to sleep eventually.

Swaddle and use a sound machine!


Swing!! And a womb bear it has heart beat sounds

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Quit holding him, and let him cry

Ya!! Put him down and let him cry, it’ll only take a few days for him to learn

Try putting you’re shirt that you’ve worn for the day in his crib under him😊 you’re scent may comfort him.

Pat his little bottom, that helps them go back to sleep.

It’s completely normal mama… hang in there… it gets better

Also, swaddling and sleep sacks are a god send!

If you aren’t swaddling him, try that!!

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Let him cry it out. If you not you’ll never sleep or get anything done

First learn to spell

Shes right its so hard but so worth it

It’s normal your their world, their safety net, and comfort.

Get an ollie. Worth every penny.

Try swaddling the baby. Look it up

Lay down with your baby, you need sleep too!

This is a common behavior with infants at this stage. The baby is learning to trust that you will come when he needs you, it’s a trust building thing and is about the height of the sleep schedule disruption for you. It will get better over the next few weeks. What my husband and I did, was to get baby fed, cleaned, warm, and ready for bed, rock him until just about to sleep, then put him in his crib or bassinet and then pat his feet or the mattress next to him softly. Rubbing a baby may be more stimulating and can keep them away longer, where patting is a different type of contact. If you find he’s waking often, try taking the nights in shifts. For instance, I took the 9pm-to 2 or 3am shift and was the one who got up with the baby at that time. At 3am, my husband took that turn, until he had to get up at 7 to leave for work. It takes some planning and you still aren’t getting full sleep, but 4-5 hours is better than nothing. Be consistent with bed time, don’t move the bedtime routine or feeding routine too much. Sometimes, baby just needs reassurance too. This is a new relationship you are building. If he wakes up and you’ve gone through the list but he’s still fussy, don’t pick him up, just try the patting thing or even just placing your hand on him gently so he knows you’re there. I would wheel the bassinet up to the side of the bed and if the baby was fine, I would just rest my hand next to him and hum. Around 4-6 months old is when you can start crying it out, but for right now, he’s still getting to know you and getting used to his schedule. During the day, when he naps, you nap. I know it’s tempting to get stuff done then but don’t. Stuff can wait or perhaps one of the grandmothers or the dad can pick up the slack for a bit. Especially if you are breast feeding. You are pretty much whats keeping the baby alive at that point. Cut yourself and tell other people to cut you some slack.

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I don’t think any way is necessarily wrong… one method may work better for one person and a different one for another. With my first (and only), I absolutely could NOT let him cry. It would nearly send me into a panic when I would hear him scream and cry and my husband would tell me to “let him cry it out”. He was a very healthy baby, and I may have been perpetuating his need to be held, but I stand by my decision. It was the right one for us. I was not a very “relaxed” mom. I worried constantly about everything… he co-slept with me for nearly his entire first year. I don’t think I got a good nights sleep that year either :blush:.

Got to put him down an let him cry himself to sleep make sure he has dry diaper , full belly an burped …lay him down he will cry go check make sure he is ok then leave an let him cry it WILL NOT hurt him… if you don’t your gonna pass out exhausted an you don’t want to get to that point. When he sleeps you sleep till you feel rested

We used to swaddle our little boy and it helped…we also had 1 of shirts with him…

stop picking the child up everytime he cries…you are reinforcing his behavior of crying. (ie it works).

My first son had GERD. I had to sleep holding him every night until we figured it out and got him on the right formula.

Try laying him on one of your shirts that you have worn

Seriously, let him cry it out, builds lung power, otherwise your the slave, he’s your master. Get on top of that quick, otherwise you gonna have a 3 yr old demanding what you cook, and slapping your face because he feels like it. (Mom of 4 here, 3 are boys!)


Many, many years ago I was babysitting my niece for her mom, my sister. The baby would not stop fussing or go to sleep & I was getting frustrated. Just grabbing for something to wrap her in, it was winter, I grabbed her moms bathrobe & wrapped the baby in that. She fell asleep almost immediately. She could “smell” or sense her mom on the robe & that settled her down right away. Try wrapping your baby in something with your scent on it, he might think you’re still holding him. Good luck. :heart:

Safe Infant Sleep - Evidence-Based Support Group join this group to help get tips on how to safely get your baby to sleep on his own. Swaddling maybe help but stop swaddling with arms in if he shows signs of rolling over or turns 8 weeks. Whichever comes first.

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Enjoy them while there small.:baby:


Swaddle him and set him down he will be fine. Start training now and get a routine.

My babies were the same, my daughter was colic but a YouTube video of a vacuum cleaner sound saved us. I know it might sound silly but we played that on a speaker at night & she was out like a light on her own. Then as she got older we even played it during nap time. Works like a charm. “Vacuum cleaner sound” in YouTube!


At first my daughter didn’t care for being swaddled the around 4 weeks she started doing the same as your son. I would use the swaddle sacks and it helped her so much. Before using them she would sleep 4-6 hours at night and now she sleeps 6-9 hours at night and she is only 7 weeks old. Before she was born I had purchased the graco duoglide. It’s a sleeper and a glider. We chose this instead of a traditional bassinet. We don’t have a swing just the glider and I will turn it on 1 and just leave it on all night. Her dad sleeps with a fan so during the day I will turn a small fan on my nightstand on (not pointed at her) so she gets that white noise as well. But during the day if swaddling doesn’t work definitely baby wear. I can at least get a couple things done.

Tight swaddle.
We actually had to also swaddle a binky into my daughter’s mouth for her to fall sleep (then we’d take it out).

My son needed the swaddle, but he also felt insecure in his bassinet as wasn’t tucked in safe outside of the swaddle, like… he could tip from side to side if he moved his head enough, and there was nothing against his cheeks like when being held. So I took an infant carseat/stroller liner, like the one in the link, and it snuggled him into his bassinet so that he couldn’t tip or move at all, his cheeks were also cuddled if he turned his head (without covering his nose or mouth) and I could even bounce him in it when he would get fussy without making him feel insecure. He also needed a binky, but he could keep it in his mouth without help, lol. After that, he would go right to sleep after like 2 minutes of bouncing him in his bassinet.

Do you have any background noise?? Maybe that might help, just get him used to sleeping with music on not lullabies but like your favorite playlist and have it turned up maybe he’s sensitive to the noise when you lay him down but with the music he won’t be, I don’t know if that makes sense but when my kids were babies I did everything in the house running the vacuum, washing dishes, turning on a blender and they slept through it.

Swaddle and a rocker throughout the day. Be consistent. Enjoy this age!!! Have fun!

My first one was easy my second had pyloric spasms he was very fussy but he did grow out of it. My 3rd was a completely different story born at 26 wks so we go it to all of that but she is perfect. And my last i did the let him cry it out thing…but it was hard i gave in alot but i knew he was my last it was hard not to hold him and i felt bad every time i let him cry ot out. As a mom you get pressure from everone on whats right but honestly its all what makes you feel comfortable. If you don’t want to let him cry it out then dont i know it’s hard to knowing all you have to do is hold him. Also mention it to his pediatrician he could be colic and they can give you stuff that may help. Good luck. And remember you can do this and it will get easier.

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My niece is like this. But I have found that the boppy pillow mimics us holding her but it has to be warm when I put her in it. So I will put a heating pad on low on it when I know she is getting ready to go to sleep. It’s the only thing that works

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When my kids was little. I had to wrap them in my shirt that I was wearing befor they would lay in their bed and sleep. Sounds crazy but it worked

Try a LIGHT weight magic bag and swaddle

Enjoy it!! He’s only little. He soon won’t want cuddles xx

Check for acid reflux please, before you consider sleep training. Your baby could be in pain laying down.

Welcome to motherhood

Try wearing a onesie of his inside your clothes and then put it on him when he is ready to sleep. It will have your scent on it and it may help him to sleep . They had me do that when my son was in the NICU

Swaddle him in your shirt. It’s your scent that will comfort him.

My youngest was like this. It was exhausting. If she woke during the night, she would want to be held to fall back to sleep. We put a sofa in our bedroom and I can’t tell you how many times I slept sitting up with her in my arms on that sofa! Shw,finally started sleeping through the night at around 2 years old! She is now 6 and at least 2-3 times a week she crawls into our bed in the middle of the night. Hang in there momma.

Currently experiencing this exact same thing. My daughter is 5 weeks. She will sleep about 3-5 hours straight at night alone, but other than that it is extremely difficult to set her down. At first she would take short naps like at least 30 minutes, but in the last week especially, I can’t lay her down for 5 minutes.

as long as your child is not hurt…hungry…or need changed…your child should be able to cry for a bit…it is good for them at times…may be hard for a moment…but will soon be asleep.
I have a five and seven year old…also been in the childcare profession for close to ten years…no need to feel guilty…they soon will have a routine …a schedule where they know its rest time🖤

I experienced this for weeks on my little girl. It just passes with time x

Yes my advice - enjoy every second of it. They grow so fast, you will miss it terribly. He’s only 6 weeks.

You cannot spoil a baby by holding them. If he is resting in your arms, you rest too. This is God’s way of telling you to sit down n rest!!

Take a deep breath. Really look inside yourself and find what YOU really instinctively believe is best. Then do that. No one else really knows what’s right for you and your baby. And every mom, dad, child and home is different. It’s ok mama. As long as whatever you do to take care of that little one is done with love it’ll be ok. And remember a healthy (somewhat rested) mom is the best thing for that little one.


Old mother put a piece of clothing in his crib so he can smell your scent, put under his head like a sheet, then he smell you scent, and thing you’re holding him. That’s old school. P.S. that works when leaving him with grandparents.


That happened to our first baby and one day we put him in his crib and let him cry
And cry until he fell asleep! It took two or three times but then he was fine! Wrap him snug in a blanket so he feels secure or put a pillow at his back!

Go ahead and rock your baby to sleep every night if you want. You can’t spoil an infant. If you hear your baby starting to fuss (day or night) go to him. He needs to know you’re there. Close to age one, it will be MUCH easier for you when it comes time to “cry it out”. Good luck and congratulations!

At only 6 weeks old, I would not be in a rush to let the baby cry it out or anything. That young it could be a variety of reasons the baby doesn’t want to be put down: reflux, gas, colic, not being able to regulate his/her body temperature, etc. I would start by checking with the doctor about the possibility of reflux or colic. Then something that worked well for my grand twins is swaddling warmly (but making sure hip area is loose) before holding and putting to sleep. It helps with transitioning. Also make sure the baby is warm enough because they do get chilly easily at that age. Then something close that either does soft white noise or heartbeat, maybe right under the crib. If the baby still wants to be held, I wouldn’t worry about it until the baby gets a bit older.

My first was the same way. Later I learned she had allergies which made it hard for her to breathe laying flat!! She still has problems breathing at night and she is now 47. So be patient with your little one. So much they can’t tell us

I went through this, have him checked for silent reflux or try changing formula. My son had to have Gerber soothe formula because he is lactose sensitive but not intolerant. My oldest had to be on antacids and my youngest has a milk protein allergy. I have 2 well behaved toddlers and an infant and not one of them did I ever end up having to let cry it out. You cannot spoil a baby that young. You just have to find the underlying reason.

We have a zenn sleepsack. It has a light weight weighted patch on the chest area so they feel like your hand is gently resting on them. My son is 5.5 weeks old and it works amazing.

So disgusted by all the CIO supporters. You like to let your baby know no one is coming for them? Nice abuse that will affect their brain for rest of their lives👌

He’s an infant. This is a normal phase of life. Ride it out.

If you started out as holding him a lot like most mothers do then they learn to expect that from you they don’t k ow any different !!

It’s very normal. Cuddle him while you can momma.

Use a baby carrier and your hands are free to do dishes clothes etc. and you still have baby close.

check with doctor, not trying to scare anyone
could be something medical

Swaddling is helpful

Let him cry for a lil bit wont hurt him helps to let him know he can do things on his own. It helps his lungs as well. Check on him every 5 mins. Let him know your still there and will be always.